
00392 Al County

“.. war. ”

The swordsman mutters. He raises his hand and rubs his bald head. I felt the blood vessels surging. Maybe he was a little excited by the Emperor's laugh. You did this to Murray. He clears his throat low and asks again.

“War means...”


The emperor replies. He slowly makes his way down the stairs. He continues speaking as he raises his hands.

“Conquest of violence. I intend to conquer the Kingdom of Gallios. They'll never wake up again. As I enter my territory, I want to make sure I can't think of any contradictions, complaints or resistance. ”

It's been decades since the Conquest War. How many years? The emperor smiled and asked. No one answered. Gratia is a great empire. Of course, it was not from the beginning. Numerous blood has been spilled to restore this vast territory to the name of Gracia. There have been several wars.

When all the countries on the continent disappeared and gathered together in the name of Gracia, war was lost on the continent. The only remaining countries are Nornia and Galios, whose islands lie outside the continent.


The swordsman mutters, hundreds of years have passed since Gracia unified the continents. During that time, Gracie did not go to war. We must only respond to provocation from Galios or the Nornians.

I didn't have to go to war. Gratia was a loser on the western continent, with several times as much territory as Galios combined with Nornia. There is no need to wage war.

In fact, it was a little burdensome. Galios is under the protection of the Sea Dragon Serikrapa. Nornia used to own the only duck cone mine in the world, and is working with the blind Dwarves to weaponize all kinds of equipment and weapons that were made by Dwarves. Even though Gratia is an empire and has a large army at her disposal, she has had to take great harm to conquer Galios and Nornia.

“Especially Gallios. ”

The swordsman said.

“The Galios continent is protected by the Serikrapa. To invade Gallios, of course you must cross the sea... Defeating Sea Dragons in the sea can be very difficult. There will be great damage. ”

The swordsman said in a careful voice. Crossing oceans exposes you to all kinds of crises. Weather, waves, sea monsters. If the opponent is the Kingdom of Gallios, the problem will be greater. Even at war with the sea, not against the Kingdom of Gallios.

Sea Dragon Serikrapa is an advanced dragon, the guardian dragon of the Gallios Kingdom. He does not invade a foreign country with the Kingdom of Gallios himself, but if he is invaded by the Kingdom of Gallios, he does so himself. The sea is his domain. A trained knight does not die from falling on a running horse, but a story is different in the sea. If the ship capsizes, it dies. Wandering around the ocean, dying, drowning, being eaten by monsters and sharks, or somehow dying.

“You're getting scared, Biggenhardt. Did you cut a brave man's hair off as well? ”

The emperor is dead. The swordsman's body trembles. “I mean, didn't I say I was cut off?" ”The swordsman shouts in an unfair voice. The emperor laughed low.

“Okay, okay. You're absolutely right. The invasion of the Kingdom of Gallios requires heavy casualties. We'll have to kill Sericra before we set foot in their territory. ”

Kill the dragon. The emperor's eyes glance at the swordmaster.

“You're used to it, aren't you? ”

The swordsman sighs deeply. Ten years ago, he defeated the ancient Black Dragon Beljac. But it was not done by him alone. There was a lot of help to kill that demon. The Pentagon wizard and a large number of soldiers have been sacrificed. They call him the Dragon Slayer, but he was just lucky. All I did was stack mountains with corpses and stand on top of them and put a knife in the dragon's throat.

“.. there will be greater sacrifices at sea. ”

“Of course. But it's the right time. ”

The emperor replies. He looks back at everyone in El Cast.

“There are five stars in the Pentagon, a magical army and a million soldiers. There's a swordsman with the title of the Dragon Slayer. It's only been a few hundred years since the Gracia Empire had this much power. ”

The power of Gracia is at its peak. In the history of Gracia, it was rare for such power to come together at the same time. Fully united, one empire, one king. It was a dream that all emperors had ever wanted, but none had ever fulfilled.

“I agree with you all of a sudden. ”

The Marquis of Portia has opened his mouth. He was a commander in command of 100,000 soldiers and a commander in charge of defense in the capital. It was the Marquis of Portia who naturally played the voice of ten Field Commanders.

“The troops we run are all infantry. Then the Navy will have to take command. ”

The erl of Portia looks to the other side. Earl Belegor, commander of the 1st Fleet of the Gracia Navy.

“I agree with the words of the Viceroy of Portia. ”

The Marquis of Belegor bows slightly. The Gracias Navy consists of 300,000. Their fleet is 800 ships, and a maximum of 1000 can be chartered per ship.

“But war isn't just for soldiers. ”

Supplies, including food. The more people that move, the more things that need to be loaded onto the ship. If the goal is Galios' conquest, the number of soldiers and supplies to be loaded will be greater.

“With 800 warships, we can carry all of our navies, but with knights and infantry, armor, food and more, we can't use the whole fleet. ”

We can't use the whole fleet in the first place. I don't know if it's a war where you don't look backwards, but if you don't leave a fleet available, you'll be left behind in the wind.

“What about spatial distortion magic? ”

“Sea Dragon Serikrapa is an ancient dragon. If you enchant the weight adjustment into a ship with spatial distortion, if Sericrapa uses a broad dispel, it's all blood. ”

Muren replies. The emperor folds his arms, scratching his chin.

“How far is it to the Kingdom of Gallios? ”

“A month, if the weather helps and the waterway is good. But since there are so many variables...”

“If you catch Sericrapa, the variables are mostly reduced. ”

The emperor mutters. Touching his chin, the emperor's mind lingers for a moment.

“I'll use 400. ”

The emperor opened his mouth.

“I'll go myself. Dealing with Sericrapa in the sea is quite dangerous, but with the power from this side, Sericrapa can catch enough. ”

Nothing ever happens when Sericra decimates you. There are six wizards close to the master mage and a dragonslayer, the swordsman. And then there's the emperor who made a deal with the Spirit King.

And Ajin.

“The question is, how fast do you kill him? How much damage has he done? 400 to 150 navies, 200 infantry and knights. And load the remaining 50 ships. ”

The emperor quickly said.

“Attack on the Kingdom of Gallios will not be any trouble if only you defeat Sericrapa. All Imperial Knights are mobilized and the proximal knights remain in the Imperial Palace. ”

“If the king leaves himself...”

“How can my body move if my head doesn't move? The Imperial Palace has a Rabed Chancellor. Nothing's gonna be a problem. ”

The emperor, who owns the empire, directly enters the battlefield. But there was no one to oppose. The emperor of Gracia symbolizes the power of the empire itself. Vengeance with the Spirit King and the grace of the Creator. As long as he is emperor, he will never die.

“Isn't that a little sudden? ”

Everyone left El Cast, but not just the swordsman. He looks at the Emperor and opens his mouth. For complete unity, the Kingdom of Gallios and the Kingdom of Nornia must one day be conquered. But to declare war on you in such an instant and unprepared manner. It's against common sense.

“It's kind of a test. ”

The emperor said with his hands on his chin.

“The princes are having a big fight. The youngsters are arguing over who's the strongest, so pathetic it's not worth seeing. There's no one better. ”

The emperor's eyes frown. It's said to be his child, but I don't like anyone. No one is overwhelmed. They just rub against each other at similar levels.

“... so the war? ”

“There's that, there's that. ”

He was going to test the princes' qualities in this war. The emperor of Gracia is the center and the head of the empire. Sitting at the top of my voice does not make me feel majestic. Vengeance with the Spirit King, the grace of the Creator. The emperor of Gracia, who takes it directly into his body, must be the strongest force that exists in the empire.

“War is cool. ”

The mouth of the emperor rises.

“All kinds of things happen in war. If you look at the commander, you see the battlefield and you see the victory or defeat. Give 1000 to each prince. One knight is a Guardian. 1,000 are common infantry. I wonder how well it's going. ”

“.. may be dangerous. ”

As the Emperor said, all kinds of things happen in war. Imperials who have not actively deterred each other in the imperial palace, but are different in war. Blind arrows may fly through the prince's head.

“None of my business. ”

The emperor laughs low. “All of a sudden?” The emperor stopped laughing.

“Lately, I've been looking for a good knife. ”

The Emperor's jaw twitches.

“A very good knife. I didn't swing it myself, but it's sharp enough to cut through anything I touch. When I got a sword that good... I got a little greedy. ”

Said he was a loser in the jungle. The last time I met him, I peered for some power. He made it to the Spirit King himself, but he survived.

“What if it's a good knife? ”

The swordsman asks. The emperor shrugs.

“4 The Prince's Escort Knights. I'm from the Sundanese Moorish... I'm strong. Might be stronger than you. ”

The swordsman's expression was a little stiff. “Are you serious?” The swordsman's question made the emperor nod with a smile.

“I'm sure. I can't be sure if I'm gonna fight him myself. I think I'm the strongest of those who use their body inside Gracia... Would you like to test it? ”

“No, I'll stop. ”

The swordsman pulls his chin and replies. He believed in the eyes of the Emperor. If the emperor is strong, he is really strong. Even if the swordsman is the Dragon Slayer, he is proud of his sword.

“That's why I like you. ”

The emperor laughed loudly.

“Isn't this the right time? There are six Grand Wizards close to Master Meiji. The Magic Legion, the Knights, the infantry. And me, you and Hermione's escort knights. This should be enough to take out Galios. ”

“What about Sericrapa? ”

“I'll divide the wizard in half. Half on defense, half on attack. You will command the Knights. Have each of the infantry commanders take over. ”

“What about you?”

“I'll do whatever I want. You want me to lead you? ”

The emperor smiled and asked. The swordsman immediately shook his head.

“How dare you. Whatever you want. ”

“Good to be honest! I'll play with Seracrapa. Isn't that great? ”

The command of the Magic Legion, and six wizards paid for by Master Mei. There's the Emperor.

The swordsman nods.

“I understand.”

Even if the opponent is a dinosaur, he must die.

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I'm a full-grown worm.

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