
Earl Galpagos.

A fancy wagon and a fancy outfit. Azin looks at his reflection in the mirror with a satisfactory face. The black snow scent next to him swooped down and grabbed the hem of the dress.

“.. aren't you a little glamorous? ”

I asked, stammering with the smell of raw snow. I said it's overpaid. It's worse than less. The two reflected in the mirror were just like that. The black snow scent was raised high with a gorgeous brooch, with rich frills and gorgeous symbols engraved on the dark red dress. I wore a necklace with a large jewel around my neck and a few bracelets on my wrist. I felt uncomfortable moving my head because my earrings were too big.

“That's what I'm dressed for. ”

Ajin was the same. He felt strangely frustrated by the suit wrapped around his neck, as he watched as he handed his head over to Pomade. I felt like I wasn't myself. You put a ring on your finger, and even hold a jeweled staff. To be honest, it doesn't look like a knight at all if you only look at the outside world.

You look like a thunderbolt thunderbolt. That's all I wanted, and I was satisfied. Clothes prepared by denying the costume Isaac had brought a few times and robbing his personal funds. I don't think I'll ever wear it again, but if I'm going to do it again, I'd better make sure.

“... My Lord. ”

Isaac opens his mouth, looking embarrassed behind his back. Azin smiles and looks back. Isaac and Sarina hesitate. Isaac barely speaks.

“.. you'll have to leave soon. ”

I hung up for a moment. Isaac felt miserable. I refused all the clothes I had picked out, and all the clothes I had picked out were those. That overly glamorous and embarrassing outfit has never been in the fashion of Gracia, nor will it ever be in the fashion of Gracia.

“.. are you sure you want to wear it? ”

Isaac cautiously asks, keeping his voice from trembling. I wanted to shoot him openly because I felt like it. That dress is the worst. Wearing that and going to Pride's party will bring ten more humiliations. I didn't say it myself, but I was in a hurry several times.

“Isn't it wonderful? ”

And Ajin's answer is the same. Azin grins, his hand lifting his cloak around his shoulder.

“I like it. With a uniform like this, I should be able to pay my respects to Earl Galpagos who invited me. If I don't wear decent clothes for no reason, I'll be embarrassed to become Earl Galpagos who invited me. ”

Is that for real? Are the aesthetics of the advanced people different from those of Gracia? Sarina gasps.

“.. the wagon will arrive soon. ”

Eventually, Isaac had to give up. I don't have the confidence to convince them that I like them. The water has already spilled since I replied to the Earl of Galpagos' invitation.

“How far is it from here to the palace of Earl Galpagos? ”

“The wagon will be here in 10 minutes. ”

The streets of Brugia are surrounded by high-ranking Imperial nobles. Earl Galpagos, the social grandson and owner of the Pride, also lives in the region. Where you live, it was also a direct proof of the order of the nobles in the capital of Gracia.

The closer you get to Imperial Verzola, the more noble you become. Even if you are a semi-noble without a real title, the Crown Prince's Escort Knight is the best. Even if Hermione, the fourth prince, gains the throne, he may become a true nobleman.

In fact, the only Grand Duke of Gracia, called the Swordsman, Hemonia Bigenhart, was the patron saint who had been with him when the current emperor of Gracia was the emperor.

‘But authority and title are different things. ’

If the Crown Prince is so miserable, it's even more meaningless. The wagon begins to run. Azin looks out the window and smiles bloody. Even if the Crown Prince's escort knight is the best, he will eventually become a nobleman without rank. In simple terms, Azin is well below Earl Galpagos. Even a Escort Knight can't be used as a backdrop because Hermione is so humble.

After all, the enemy is everywhere. Azin thought as he watched the mansion approaching. That's the house of Earl Galpagos. Although the mansion that Azin received was large and spectacular, it was nothing compared to the mansion owned by Earl Galpagos.

Of course it is. Ajin's mansion is owned by the Imperial Court and is a prize for escort knights. However, Earl Galpagos' mansion is different. He was a wealthy nobleman from the beginning, and in his generation he became the center of the church, like a king of the noble social world, with many supporters and followers.

The wagon stops. Ajin looks out at the garden. I couldn't think of anything other than gorgeous and beautiful, such modifiers. Compared to the Verzola Imperial Garden, it's only small, but it doesn't have much color. There were all kinds of flowers that I had never seen or heard of, and delicate sculptures all over the mansion. A girl who smells of flowers, a fairy running in a fountain. It was all a sculpture.

“What a douche.”

Ajin simply shrunk the emotion that came to mind. The wagon's door is open. “Ma'am, let's go.” Azin rises up and says to Raw Snow.

“.. again, I don't know any Gracias, or anything like that? ”

“You don't have to know. ”

Azin reaches out for the black snow scent.

“If someone talks, whoo-hoo and smile. ”

“... what? ”

“Or oh-ho. ”

What the fuck is he talking about?

“The question is, yes, no, yes, yes, yes. Laugh. It doesn't matter if it's Ufufuhu. ”

“Are you asking me to be a clown? ”

“Don't you want to do that? ”

Azin's jaw went up.

“Then do as you normally would. Master, no. Like your wife always does to me. Don't mind the formalities or anything. ”

Azin's hand approaches.

“I like that, too.

Hands and hands intertwined. Azin glances at the open door.

“Let's go.”

I got out of the wagon. The housekeeper who left the wagon was surprised to see the azine and raw snow scents. The scent of Raw Snow caught Azin's hand tightly and looked down for no reason. As usual, to Ajin. You like that? You mean I like it? Is that what you mean? My heart fluttered. Now, that's a long way to go, but if you hear it, you're gonna have to jump. The ears of the Raw Snow rose red.

“You know... The fourth prince, King Hermione von Gracia's escort knight...”

“It's Ajin. He has no last name. ”

Azin smiled and replied. In response, the servant opened his eyes and looked back at the smell of raw snow and aching. A gorgeous outfit that makes everyone feel ashamed. Working in the palace of Earl Galpagos, I pride myself on seeing all kinds of dresses, but I couldn't remember such splendid dresses.

“Why do you look like that? ”

Azin tilts his head and asks. “I'm sorry.” The servant barely recovered, mumbling and answering. He hurriedly turns around and says,

“I... will... guide you. ”

Poor thing. The servant sighs and reaches for his feet. It's because I thought about what's going to happen behind the scenes.

“.. the party has already started. ”

The servant opened his mouth.

“I think I got it right in time. ”

“Ajin's invitation timed out a little later than the party time. This... is the consideration of my master, Earl Galpagos. ”

Oh, I see. Azin was hard to understand.

“So... Azin has just entered the capital city and has a mansion, so you don't know any nobles in the capital." I know this is the first time I've been invited to a party and come to a church. ”

“That's right."

“So, my master, Earl Galpagos... was worried that if he came before the start of the party, he wouldn't be noticed by the other nobles and would be alone. The party is already ripe. Now that you're all drunk, it shouldn't be difficult to get along with other nobles. ”

Obviously attention will be focused on those who intervene in the middle. That's how you catch a ship in the first place. Obviously, if you get noticed breaking into this place, it's suicide. I prefer you.

I stood at the door of the mansion. Even though the door was closed, I could feel a lot of popularity inside. The sound of music flowing, the sound of laughter, the smell of alcohol and food. Azin glanced at the scent of Raw Snow.

“Are you nervous? ”

“Why are you so nervous? ”

I grumbled and groaned. I didn't want to embarrass him, so I was polite, but when I told her that he didn't care, she also relaxed. The black snow scent opened my heart, smiling gracefully.

“Reminds me of the boat party. ”

The black snow murmurs. Azin grins. And then I didn't even get to enjoy the party. Azin opens his mouth.

“It won't be much different today. ”

Azin grabs the door hook.

“.. because I'm going to do the next party right. Today, please.”

“... doesn't really matter. ”

Raw Snow's scent avoided my gaze. You turn the door hook.

“I like the usual. ”

The door opens. The song grows. The reflexes are getting thicker. A lot of gaze is headed this way. For a moment, the music stopped. The servant who was standing in the back came in a little later than Ajin.

"The knight escorting His Majesty King Hermione von Gracia! ”

Usually they call for a position, but they don't call for a position with Ajin. But that sentence was the only thing here that represented the value of Azin.

“Lord Azin and his wife have arrived! ”

A resounding voice. The reaction doesn't come out immediately. They all saw the robes of Ajin and Raw Snow and forgot what to say. Blinking eyes, squirming lips. Of course, it does not shrink. I wouldn't even be wearing this if I was embarrassed myself. Ajin opens his heart.

“Foot. ”

And laughter. Someone laughs. And laughter spreads. Indeed, it was the nobles of Pride, the church of the nobles of Gracia, who were prestigious and honorable. They don't burst out a big, ugly smile. Kill as many sounds as you can, cover your lips, turn your eyes to the side.

You smile like that. It's not a blatant smile. Sound killed as much as I could. However, there were too many nobles gathered in the hall. Low tingling sound. The sound of laughter mixed in with it. I knew it. The servant takes a step back and closes the door.


And a big smile. It wasn't a laugh that killed the sound, and it wasn't a laugh. Azin raises his head. At the center of the hall, you see a man clapping and laughing.

“I don't think I've been paying any attention. If you knew this was gonna happen, I'd tell you when to start the party. ”

He was handsome. Bright blond and blue eyes. White skin. To be honest, he was the most Gracian that he'd ever seen. And the noblest of them all. Sleek outfits, not overdressed. A walk that looks lightweight and deceptive. He grabs two glasses of champagne from a nearby tray.

“Nice to meet you. ”

The man stands in front of Ajin and smiles brightly. Two glasses of champagne came to Azin.

“My name is Galpagos Lobekia, the owner of this mansion. ”

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I'm hungry...

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