
Earl Galpagos.

Azin looks at Earl Galpagos with a smile. He looked more like a Gracian than any Gracian he'd ever seen in Gracias, looking at him with a bright smile. But it is full of twisted laughter and thoughts.

‘You look like a monkey. ’

That's what Galpagos thought. Of course, Ajin did not resemble a monkey. In other words, it was a handsome axis, but it was no different from a monkey in Galpagos' view. Yellow skin is reminiscent of dilute dung and differs from Gracia from skeleton.

It's disgusting just to be honest with you.

“Are you Lord Azin's wife? ”

I don't feel like it. Galpagos glanced at the Raw Snow and asked. “Oh, yeah. Yes," he replied, smiling brightly.

“What a beautiful wife! It's a great fit. ”

Two monkeys stuck together. Galpagos thought, looking at the scent of Raw Snow. The scent of Raw Snow slightly lowers its gaze, looking down at the face of the Galpagos. Do I have to say hello? With your head down?

“I didn't realize the party had already started. ”

“It was a courtesy to you. But Lord Azin, I don't think it's worth my attention. ”

Especially that outfit you can't stand. What do you mean, that dress. Clown's Clothes? I thought they were cool in their own way.But if you really wore them like that, you'd only be sad to laugh.

‘You don't seem ashamed. ’

Earl Galpagos thought as he kicked his tongue. Well, it doesn't matter. Rather perfect. You don't have to stand this way because you look funny. I'd be ashamed of myself and blush.

‘It's different than usual. ’

It is in a different position than the person of Jinshan who was previously called to the party. The Galpagos were well aware of it. Although it is said to be small, Azin is the guardian knight of Hermione, the fourth prince. It gets complicated if you insult them directly.

Moreover, his own skills are not to be ignored. I heard you defeated 2nd Squad Captain Jin Jin. Unilateral and overwhelming victory. The opposing Pokémon insults the opposing Pokémon as long as they are knights. They may return to the duel. I don't want to argue with an ignorant monkey like that. I'm not confident.

So we'll do it another way. Elaborate thrusting. It is no different than it has been so far. Isn't it just the right look? Galpagos picked up a new glass of champagne and presented it to Azin.

“As Lord Azin has come to my party, I will do my best to escort you both. Do you know of any nobles, Lord Azin? ”


“I see! But don't worry. The friendship of nobles and nobles is perfectly natural, and the church is a stage that demonstrates the friendship and shows off its personality and values. Especially the nobles who attend my party.All of them are nobles of the prestigious Church Pride. ”

You have a soft smile on the mouth of the Galpagos.

“This is a great fortune for Lord Azin. Being a member of the Pride and being able to make friends with the nobles here. Here, let's have some fun. ”

A glass of champagne was struck. Galpagos laughs as he looks at the azine emptying the champagne. It's already been said. I took an empty cup and handed it over to Maid. Galpagos immediately took the azin and black snow scent and went to another nobleman.

“This is Earl Pol Creed. He is the owner of the famous capital city merchant, Espheda.”

“That one.”

Azin stops speaking to the Galpagos. Galpagos stops and looks back at Azin. Azin laughs, ignoring Earl Folcreed standing beside the Galpagos.

“Can I eat it? ”

Azin asks, "What he points to is fancy food set on the table." At that, Galpagos opened his lips without saying a word for a moment.

“.. of course. The food and drinks are at your disposal. All that was prepared for the nobles gathered here...”

“Let's go, ma'am. ”

Azin stopped speaking to the Galpagos and told the Black Snow. “Oh, yeah.” The awkward smell of raw snow gives me a nod. Galpagos opened his lips, gazing at the distant back of Azin.

“... that ignorant...”

A small murmur comes out of the mouth of the Galpagos. Can I eat it? That's pathetic! They neither listen to each other's introductions, nor introduce themselves. Earl Paul Creed is a wealthy man who recognizes all the nobles of Gracia, and being introduced to him directly means that he may take a great chance.

Of course, I didn't want to introduce you with kindness and opportunity. Earl Paul Creed also frowned and looked at Azin's back.

“... the monkey looks hungry. ”

Earl Galpagos mutters as he grits his teeth. Earl Polcred clears his throat low.


Earl Paul Creed said: Earl Galpagos chewed his lips as he listened to it. Either way, Ajin came to the table and put the food on the plate as he wished.

“Are you okay?”

I looked at the smell of raw snow and asked. “What's that?” Ajin, who put food in his mouth, asked.

“Weren't you being introduced? ”

“Oh, I was. You said Earl Paul Creed. He doesn't like me very much anyway. There's nothing good to know. ”

The nobles of the Pride say that everyone is on the side of Earl Galpagos and empathizes with him, a racist schizophrenic. No matter how much you suck a butthole, you can't gain their power unless you're a civilized person.

“Lord Azin. ”

Earl Galpagos approaches as he concentrates on his meal. Azin looks at Earl Galpagos, throwing the food down his throat.

“Ah, Earl Galpagos. Great food.”

“.. is that so? Well, that's a relief.”

Don't talk while you're eating. Galpagos' fingertips twitch. Isn't that noble manners, but human manners? Is it because of monkeys that they don't even know human etiquette?

“Lord Azin, on your cheek...”

“Oh, right. Thank you."

Azin wipes his cheeks with his sleeve. Seeing him, his lips fluttered and trembled. He pulls a handkerchief out of his chest and gives it to Ajin.

“.. with this. ”

“It's okay. I cleaned it all up. ”

Azin smiled and replied. You wiped it with your sleeve! The Galpagos swallowed a horse through his throat and put the handkerchief back in his chest. He calmed himself down and said again.

“.. and introduce yourself again. ”

“Ah, I was being introduced to other nobles. I'm sorry. You must be starving. ”

“.. that's fine. There's nothing I can do. ”

Earl Galpagos replied, taking Azin to another nobleman.

“Ernie Pars, the archangel of the Marquis of Paris. Her father, Marquis Pars...”

“Nice to meet you. Oh, by the way. Where is the bathroom, by the way? ”

Earl Galpagos' glances twitch. It was repeated. Every time Earl Galpagos introduced a carefully selected nobleman, Azin interrupted Earl Galpagos by saying something else. I was originally going to have a subtle conversation with him.

‘This conversation won't take place..! ’

Walk away, stop talking, ask useless questions. Other nobles who were insulted by such attitudes turned their faces red and retreated. Galpagos' hands tremble.

What kind of situation are you in and do you even know where you are? This is his mansion and his party. Everyone does. The nobles invited to Earl Galpagos' party are nervous about the title, making their move as he intended.

But a monkey is blurring the water.

“Don't you realize you're a nobleman? ”

It was Earl Kundra who spoke. He used to be famous for being a hothead and a lover, but he was about to get drunk and feel just right.

“... what do you mean? ”

Azin smiles and looks at Earl Kundra. Earl Kundra's eyebrows twitched in his eyes. While I was in a good mood, I felt disgusted by talking to a dirty, industrious person. Not only that, he's saying useless things, but now he's still moaning about food. It's natural to feel insulted.

“Isn't that right? No matter how noble you give it to me, if you are a Knight escorting King Hermione, you should be aware of that. ”

“I don't know what you're talking about. ”

Azin tilts his head and asks. Earl Kundra's eyes frown.

“I think I'm explaining it to make sense. I mean, a little more self-awareness. The inference you see here is the inference of King Hermione.”

“May I take that as an insult to King Hermione? ”

Azin smiled and asked. Earl Kundra's words are blocked for a moment.

“What the hell are you talking about?"

“The Earl just said that. My inference is the inference of King Hermione. Fortunately, the erl knows exactly where I am.”

Azin tilts his head.

“I don't know what kind of inference I've made. For you, Earl, to put the charge of Hermione in your mouth and point out my inference. If my inference is the inference of King Hermione, then pointing out him is not pointing out the charge of Hermione. ”

“It's a ridiculous ulcer. How dare I insult King Hermione...”

“Unfortunately, I don't feel like an ulcer. Well, maybe I was mistaken. But as the Earl said, I am fully aware of my position. So let's make a reasonable compromise and find a solution. ”

Ajin puts his hand inside his chest. Seeing that, the Earl of Galpagos's face stiffened.

“Wait, Ajin...”

Earl Galpagos was not even dry. Azin takes out his white gloves and throws them to Earl Kundra.

“I challenge you to a duel. ”

Ajin smiled and said. Earl Kundra looks at the gloves falling from his feet with a stiff face.

“... duel? ”

“Yes, a duel. I heard that the nobles of Gracia duel when insulted. Oh, of course, Earl Kundra, you don't have to fight yourself. ”

Azin looks at Earl Kundra's body and says,

“I don't think I can do it properly with that piggy fat body. ”

“Wh...! ”

Earl Kundra's face is gloomy. Earl Galpagos hurries forward.

“Stop, stop. What are you two doing? It's a fun party. ”

Earl Galpagos smiles as hard as he can.

“Lord Azin, that's enough. I can assure you that Earl Kundra had no intention of saying that. It was a trivial misunderstanding. So...”

“Why do you decide whether the misconception is trivial or not? ”

Azin asked.

“This is my job. Earl Galpagos, I appreciate your generosity, but, frankly, I'm offended. I find it unpleasant that you interfere and intervene. ”

Earl Galpagos' cheeks stiffened at the words of Azin.

“So, what are you going to do? Earl Kundra. Well, if you say you don't want to fight, I'll hand it over from here. ”

Azin glances at Earl Kundra and asks. Earl Kundra's shoulders tremble. It is right to refuse the duel. The opponent is a skilled fighter who defeated the Near Miss and is an escort knight for Prince Hermione. None of Earl Kundra's knights are that good.

“I accept the duel. ”

However, Earl Kundra lifts up his gloves. It is known to all the nobles gathered here anyway. Earl Kundra's knights cannot defeat Azin.

If it is a predetermined defeat, so be it. It is better to be an honorable loser than to run away and use the guise of a coward. Earl Kundra judged it that way.

“I understand.”

Azin laughs as if he knew it would be.

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