
00383 Entering

The mansion outside the palace was too glamorous to look at. Of course, all the surrounding villas were spectacular, and I wanted that light because Verzola was so big and so magnificent. At least azin must have been magnificent compared to the house where he lived in Selebrad.

“We live alone. Why are we so big? ”

The black snow scent standing next to Azin whispers. Ajin empathizes strongly with her words. I have never admired the luxurious life of the capital city. Honestly, if you have a backyard to train, it doesn't matter where people live. Rather, I like it better because it's uniform.

“Well, it can't hurt to grow up. ”

Azin clears his cheeks low, looking at the puffy black snow scent. “You think it's all good to be big?” The smell of Raw Snow shed an eye toward the pain. Azin thought about it for a moment.

“Isn't that what you write? ”

“So you're good with it? ”

“Does that mean I'm big or small? ”

Azin tilts his head and asks. At that question, the smell of Raw Snow blinked and saw pain. “All of a sudden...” The face of Raw Snow rises red with a blush that says you don't understand.

“This, this...”

The smell of raw snow, which was about to groan and say Moore, shook my lips as I was shaking. Seeing that, Ajin smiled deeply.

“Which way? ”

Ajin asks in a gentle voice. The smell of Raw Snow stared at the pain while sharpening its teeth.

“Will you say small? ”

“That's a little hurtful. ”

Azin smiles bloody. In response, the black snow scent tightened my lips. She hesitates for a moment and barely speaks.

“.. not small. ”

“So, is it big? ”

“You have to have a comparison! ”

The smell of Raw Snow was loud. As the passers-by swoop over here, she lets down her fist, trembling. I've got to go. Azin clears his throat low.

“Then, let's go in. ”

The gate was already open. “Son of a bitch.” The black snow scent following you makes you nostalgic. What are you waiting for? Ajin laughs low and walks through the front door. A large garden is visible. Although not as great as Verzola's garden, the one in this mansion was also quite magnificent. Several times more than the Lord of Celebrity's mansion.

“I'm here to see my master. ”

In front of the gates of a large mansion, overlooking the garden. The man brushes his head neatly and bows his head to Ajin. There is a woman in Maid's clothing standing beside him.

“My name is Isaac, and I'm the butler of this house. ”

“I'm Sarina, the maid of this mansion. ”

The scent of Raw Snow stares back at Sarina, the maid. Sarina bows her head toward the black snow scent with a slightly embarrassed face.

“W-Would I be baptized? ”

“No, it was beautiful. ”

The black snow murmurs. Sarina is certainly a beauty. Long flowing blond hair and blue eyes. White skin.

“Does the Maid Manager mean there are more Maids in the mansion? ”

Raw Snow asks. “Of course...” Sarina replies, her brow creases and crosses her arms.

“Don't those maids look pretty, too? ”

“.. I don't think it's ugly. ”

“Do you do it during the night? ”

“.. Yes? ”

Sarina sounds surprised. She looks at Isaac, who is standing beside her, unsure of what to do. Isaac was also embarrassed by the sudden question of black snow scent. Sarina nods, hesitating.

“.. if you wish.”

“You hear that?"

I stared at the burning smell of raw snow. Azin scratches his cheek and looks at the smell of raw snow.

“I don't want to. ”

“The man is a beast who thinks he's a crotch. ”

“Then you can make sure I don't think of anything else with my crotch. ”

Azin smiled and was told. The words made me blush with black snow. As she shuts her lips, Isaac clears his throat a little.

“First, let's get you inside. ”

Isaac looks at Sarina. She immediately opens the closed door. Slowly, the door opens and you see a marble floor with a red rug. The first thing I saw was a big hall. Next to the red carpet in the hall, the decade-long maids stand in polite posture.

“I'm here to see my master. ”

At the same time, a voice burst out. Azin looks inside the mansion and takes a small admiration. The interior of the mansion was beautiful enough for the exterior of the interior. A hall decorated with diverse works of art, and a magnificent chandelier on the ceiling. You can throw a party anytime you want.

“These are the chefs who oversee the dishes in the mansion. We've had a lot of good food, so you'll probably be satisfied. ”

“I'm Bred, the head chef of the gun. ”

Since then, there has been a boring introduction. The kitchen, the gardener, the janitor, the name of each maid. Azin felt his head twitching with the incoming information. The black snow scent yawned next to me.

“And, I'm sorry to barge in unannounced... but I have some invitations for you. ”

He said that and the spirit of Azin came to light.


“Yes, this time you are the new owner of the mansion and the escort knight of the fourth prince Hermione von Gracia, celebrating him and inviting him to a social gathering. ”

At that, he laughed low. Hermione has already told me about this. But you're acting faster than I thought. Maybe it's because he made such a big debut by knocking out the moon.

“To whom did you come? ”

“The invitations have been sent by the Count of Portia and Earl Adams, Earl of the Yurids and Earl of the Galpagos. ”

Four. They're all higher nobles than the Earl himself. Azin thinks about what Isaac said for a moment.

“Which of them has the most authority? ”

Isaac immediately replies, as if he knew how to ask.

“The most prestigious is the Marquis of Portia. He is the First Field Commander of the Gracian Imperial Army, and he is a lieutenant general. He's a man of great influence in the military. ”

“Does that impact even apply to social circles? ”

Earl Galpagos is the one who has a great influence in the social world. ”

“Why? ”

“Earl Galpagos is the center of the social world. His church, Pride, serves as the motto for prestigious, wise, honorable and valued nobles, and has members of most of the nobles of Gracia. But...


“.. please don't take this as an insult to me. Earl Galpagos is a racist. He was the one who shouted at the party that white skin is proof of pureblood gracia, and then he formed a water mask. Most of the nobles in the heart of the Pride are also those who favor the opinion of Earl of the Galpagos, and... this may sound very rude. ”

“Go on. I don't care. ”

Azin's jaw rises.

“Earl Galpagos invited you to his party, obviously to give you a public humiliation. Earl Galpagos is a nobleman in favor of the First Prince. So...”

“Reply to the invitation of Earl Galpagos. ”

Ajin smiles comfortably.

“Thank you so much for inviting me. If you tell me the exact date and location, I will definitely go. And politely apologize to the other nobles for refusal. Oh, one more thing. What is the relationship between Earl Galpagos and the Duke of Portia? ”

“I know things aren't going so well. The Count of Portia has reprimanded Earl Galpagos several times in public for his mild remarks and many of the trends he has seen. The late Porsche was unable to be invited to the presided church of Pride, led by Earl Galpagos. ”

Perfect. Argin grins.

“Got it. Party... I better get dressed. ”

“.. are you sure you want to accept the invitation of Earl Galpagos? ”

Isaac tilts his head and asks.

“Why do you refuse? I've just arrived in Gracia, so I don't know any nobles here. But with authority... what? Anyway, how thankful the owner of such a great society has sent me an invitation. I'll go myself and thank Earl Galpagos. ”

“But he's racist...”

“Values are different for everyone. ”

Azin raises his hand and puts it on his chest.

“Even though he is a racist, if I treat him with respect, how can he be sorry for me? I've never met Earl Galpagos in person, but he's prestigious... and... yes, honorable. I don't think anyone who knows that kind of value will ever compromise. ”

I wish you'd come out like that.

“Rather, I'm thrilled to tell Earl Galpagos about the beauty of true beauty and the human beauty of a man without white skin. Prepare a costume.It's the most glamorous thing you can do to avoid embarrassing the owners you invited. ”

“.. if you wish it so, yes, I understand. I'll get you a gorgeous outfit. And the date of the party is already set. ”



Azin laughs loudly.

“Tomorrow? Good. We need to get ready quickly. Oh, and I'm not hungry. Can you make us something to eat right away? ”

Isaac bows his head as he looks at Azin, smiling in circles. “Yes, I understand.” As he replied, he felt a little sorry for his master, who knew nothing.

‘You'll be greatly humiliated. ’

It is not unprecedented. Earl Galpagos was a great merchant of the Jinn Dynasty, and had a tradition of inviting Goldwa to a party and publicly humiliating him for his title as a palace aristocrat in Gracia. Of course, the embarrassment is not blatant. He eloquently drove Goldwa away, and when Goldwa, who was not familiar with the work of Gracia, could not answer well, led to the reactions of the nobles of the Pride and disgraced Goldwa.

And so will Ajin. Isaac sighs and orders the chef, Bread, to cook.

“Madam, come with me. ”

I don't call him Master because I have a look at him. “At the party?” Raw snow takes a surprised look and asks. I've been to Celebrity a few times at a party. It was just a little dinner for knights at the Lord's Palace.

“I'm not very good at gracias. ”

“Who knows? ”

Azin's jaw rises.

“It doesn't matter if you don't know. ”

Racist and socialist. Despite being outmaneuvered by the Viceroy of Portia, being a socialite is sometimes more powerful than having titles and powers. In fact, the emperor of Portia was pushed out of the church after making a bitter noise to the Earl of the Galapagos.

That's a good one. Earl of Portia, who exerts influence on power and military forces, and Earl Galpagos, who opposes him. Besides, Earl Galpagos is backing Prince 1. Earl Galpagos sent an invitation to Azin as well. 1 The breath of the prince must have worked.

‘I don't know if I can catch two at the same time. ’

At least one can be caught and killed.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Too late!

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