
00321 War

Recently, Thousand Horses have a small habit.

“He's dying. ”

He mutters in a bold voice. At the feet of his chair, a man with a pierced chest was dying of bleeding bloody bubbles, and eventually died. He looked at it and touched his chin. He pierced the man's chest with his bare hands and cut out his own heart. And the man who had his heart ripped out slowly squeezed and burst, looking at the desperate face. I've done it dozens of times. At first, I thought I might live, but no one survived. If your heart is torn out, you will die. It's natural.

“Of course it is. ”

The faithful bowed their heads and said. At that, Thousand Horses shook their heads, smiling bloody. “I know the drill. Still bothers me.” Thousand horses mumbled and rose to their feet. His dwelling place was at the center of the White Yard Plain, where the martyrdom encampment was located. There is no fancy dragon used on the island of Namhae and no plush bed. But the Emperor didn't care about him. I was not offended. I left the bridge, moved to Gracia, sailed back out to sea... and I never forgot my miserable escape. This kind of work is neither uncomfortable nor unpleasant.

“Are there still ants? ”

Thousands ask. The stubborn face fills the question, nodding its head. The thousand horses smile low and head towards the entrance of the tent. “Put it away." Thousand words command. In response, the faithful lowered themselves and stood up with the corpse. Thousands of horses walk forward with their backpacks, and the fallen tabernacle is lifted up and opened without him even giving the order.

The night lit by a red torch was covered in orange. Thousand horses carried their bags and looked far away. There were so many people there that it was hard to calculate. Where the hell were those guys? I'm not blind. I'm not bloodthirsty. They were just Muslims. Maybe they belong to something, but Thousand Horses don't know about it. They also did not inform the Emperor.

That's why the Emperor called them ants.

“There's still plenty. ”

The horse mutters. The filling nods its head with a stiff face. They appear suddenly. There is no warning. They do nothing while the bride turns the moat upside down and smashes the door slam and burns it down. They didn't show up when Mahjo first arrived at the White Night Plain and set up camp here, and even waited for the blind and the bloodthirsty.

And all of a sudden, they show up. There were no commanders, no symbolic flags. Weapons were blameless, race and gender. And it was ignorant and reckless. Every day, when the sun rises. It wasn't even a specific time, but after all, I attacked at sunrise. Even a mercenary doesn't have a brilliant strategy. A simple, ignorant assault, one that believes in countless numbers. They were weak. There were some strong ones, but that was the strength of them. Not as strong as anyone else here at the church.

So they always lost. The bridge was almost undamaged. Instead, they always lost when they came in, and a lot of people died and went back.

And the next day, they attack again.

“Is it really an ant? ”

Thousand horses mutter. The faithful, who were handing the corpse to the lookout, glances at it. He shakes his head slowly as if he didn't understand.

“I've killed hundreds, thousands already. Maybe more. But their numbers don't diminish. So dead, so defeated, yet so demoralized. Even animals know fear. When a dog is beaten, he looks at the club and bows his head and tail. But they're not. You're a person, you keep coming. To the death.”

A thousand horses laughed low.

“We don't know who they are. He took prisoners several times, interrogated and tortured them. I, too, am weak. Pull out your nails and snap your fingers. He cuts off skin, cuts off arms, breaks bones, and perforates the radius bone. No one was screaming. And I kept my mouth shut. After all, he's dead. Amazing, isn't he? It's weak without balls... But how can it be? Why not succumb to pain without fear when you are weak to yourself? I don't understand. ”

“... maybe they're not the third generation that we don't know about -- they're blind, they're bloodthirsty. ”

“Then that power must be the Lord of the Moors. No, he is the master of the world, not the Moorish. He works for so many people. None of them said who their master was. He didn't even say where he belonged. There is no such loyalty to the throne. No one had that much number. ”

“.. of the martyrs, if you tell them to die, there will be no hesitation in death. If you were a prisoner, you wouldn't say anything. ”

“That's why I say it. ”

Thousand horses laughed low.

“To gain such absolute loyalty, the throne itself became absolute. The throne is for you a god and a god of religion. It took me a hundred years to become one. That way, 5,000 faithful martyrs were kept below. But... look at them. ”

Thousand Horses raised their heads. He looked at the orange sky mixed with the light of the torch. I couldn't see the moon well. Thousands smiled bitterly.

“If that is the Moorish, then Moorish must refuse the throne. ”

“My Lady...! ”

“The script.”

Thousand Horses stopped speaking of loyalty. He slowly looks back at his loyalty and smiles brightly.

“If you don't have it, you are comfortable breaking it. ”

The Emperor chuckles. Seeing that smile, the filling swallowed the saliva. Although the smile that Heavenly Horse made did not seem like anything else than what He had built, he knew that Chungfu was a man who must keep what Heavenly Horse had said. If they're the Moorish, and they're against the Thousand Horses. The Emperor will destroy them without hesitation.

“A fresh start wouldn't be so bad at all. ”

Thousands headed back to the tent.

“There should be no flaw in making it clean again. ”

Thousands of horses entered the tent saying so. The fillet watched the tent descend and swallowed the saliva. “Burn the corpse.” The fillet glances around with a stiff face. An unmanned man hugs the corpse and nods.

“Burn it loud and loud. So they can see it all. ”


Post title: I saw the face of Mahjong! Certifications

Post Content:

Honestly, I almost died from a heart attack;;;; I ran out of internal combat, but I didn't make it, and then the cartoonists came and got me;

I sat there on my knees for a long time, and I went to this big tent at night, and it was a thousand places.

I've been trying to answer you with a hoax, but I've been keeping my mouth shut because I'd rather just die and fill my respite.

I've been keeping my mouth shut, so I'm just gonna rip out my heart right now and turn off the pain sensor. Honestly, I don't feel anything. I just died.

That's a four-hour death penalty. I've already died five times on this war quest. I've seen your face five times.


Pseudogenic rheumatism: The baby's head is white. Is there dye content on the first?

Remittance King Internet Banking: Nimwit dye should be searched for npc separately. It would be convenient to just dye it with items, but the system is so annoying.

I see the axe marks: But it's better than pulling them out...

Weekly Best Repository: But aren't the Bridge Quest difficulties too gross? Every time you fight something, everyone dies.

Pepper Butterfly: They're going to come soon, and they're going to come soon, and they're going to be okay. But has this quest reward been revealed?

Knowledge Solar Body: I'm not open yet. It looks like it's just going private and then it's going public. It's probably the biggest event since the off-season, so the reward will be great.

I'm an unofficial secretary: it's easy to turn off the pain sensors at all this time of the war... and keep the bad guys in safe mode;

Wilderness: This is empathy. This event should not auto-appear, so if you keep fighting in the plains, it's better if you turn on Safe Mode because it looks like mud. Last time I stepped on a corpse, I almost puked my head off coming out of a bug.

Azin glances back at the monitor. The Muslim and bloodthirsty have yet to arrive, but the players were already fighting the martyrs in the White Yard Plains. I don't know if we should call it a fight. Even the top rankers are martial artists who simply play with them. Although the levels of players gathered in the White Night Plains vary, it is obvious that the lower ranks outrank the higher rankings. Can't fight.

‘But I can make you a little tired. ’

Players were shooting at the bridge, setting the time every day. They don't seem to suffer much damage on the bridge side, but every day they are exhausted from the battle. Thousands will be exhausted. He's a person after all.

Let's make the players our shields. Ultimately, what they want is a reward for the event. If you win the war, your reward will be refunded based on your contribution. No, you want to participate in this big event when you're playing the game, aside from the reward. Now, the martial arts war was not only the Silk Road, but also the largest event in First, which attracted the attention of users of Gracia and Siolence. Users of Gracia and Siolence protest as to why they do not hold such events in their factions.

‘First of all, there's no damage here. ’

There is no problem with the command system. They let them move what they want. Blood blindness does what blood blindness does, and blindness does what blindness does. Players have no sympathy. Already the top rankers were of the main clan, and they were of the Muslim and bloodline. After all, all that was left for them was drifters who did not enter the doorway. They crawled out to eat the crumbs. Their role is to shield the meat. It's a consumable that makes you tired of martial arts.

‘But we can't just ignore it. ’

Seeing that there are people, we should consider the existence of variables. The first thing we need to secure is the eclipse, which is one of the thousand commandments. She must be secured to control the North Sea Ice Bow. I'd rather kill her and tell him that the eclipse is already dead. Then the beer of the Archers of the North Sea Glacier Palace will be cut. Only the Archers of the North Sea Glacier will be able to master a powerful ice ball. Then the North Sea Ice Bow falls naturally.

Should I abandon the North Sea Ice Bow? No, you don't have to. It is good to maintain a friendly relationship with the North Sea Ice Bow through the eclipse. The power of the North Sea Ice Palace is coveted.

‘And you're welcome. ’

You cannot catch a thousand horses as players. Can the Heavenly Horse kill them all? I was a little skeptical about him, but I was sure of one thing.

If Thousand Horses try to escape, no one will be able to chase Thousand Horses.

‘We have to catch a thousand horses. ’

If you catch a thousand horses, the group called Mahjo will be destroyed. However, we should keep in mind that if the Heavenly Horse escapes alive, the second and third bridges may appear at any time. And Ajin was not able to bear a thousand horses by himself.

Thousands flee, wandering alone, trying to kill each and every one of them. Who can avoid it?

“... today. ”

Ajin pulls his chair back and raises himself up. He looks at the clock on the wall.

It was time.

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