
00322 War

“... a lot. ”

The salty face mutters. The muttering gives him a slow nod. The bloodthirsty army has 35,000 men. It is roughly 75,000 troops, including Muslim blind and unmanned. However, the number of people in the White Yard Plains seemed to be so ridiculous that many of them were blind and bloodthirsty. Even when I look at this place, I see people and that place, and people... The salt shook their heads wearing their tongues.

“Were there so many unaccounted for? ”

“They are not blind, they are not doorsmen. They just know how to wield their swords and their senses. They're all here. ”

Ajin replied, appropriately surrounded. He said that, and then he put his tongue back on. “It doesn't help anyway.” The cerebellum next to the salt's murmur opens its mouth.

“But that's great. ”

He said so and looked back at the players gathered. “There are countless. I've lived in Moorish all my life, but I never thought there would be so many.” At the words of the cerebellum, the salt nods slowly.

“He's right, too. You said yourself, the age of the speaker is over. But it doesn't look like it. The top is rotten, but the bottom is not rotten. ”

The salt mutters, and he decides whether or not to smile. No, no, no. It doesn't really matter what kind of dense forest they are, and they didn't come here because of the burning morality or anything like that. Just to enjoy the quest, and also for appropriate rewards. That's all.


The salt lifts its head. The rising sun was in the middle of the sky. Azin turns away. “Later then.” Ajin said. He nodded his head.

“Don't die. ”

The salt speaks in a quiet voice. Azin looks back and smiles bitterly. “As did the Lord.” Azin turns back and walks forward. Where he was headed was where the Bloody Unsullied were. The Salt Gate is the Killer Gate, and the Azin Gate is the Blood Gate. Other Bloody Blind crests also command their doorways. It was the same for Muslims. Even though they are tied together in one group, even bloodlines are blind in the end. The oath there cannot have all command.

“Are you scared?”

You hear a voice. Looking over there, you see a great deal of seriousness. Azin smiles bitterly, looking at them. “They fought and lost a long time ago.” Against what Ajin said, he laughed and approached Ajin.

“Why are you so scared? You're gonna be dealing with a mob anyway. ”

He turned his head as he said so. The sound of his organs ringing, each of his faces relaxing. The thousand people who saw it looked farther away. You can see the Bridge Garrison beyond the full corpse. Thousands of horses have not yet been seen.

“I don't know how great he is. ”

Thousands smiled. He glanced at the truth. The seriousness was as cold as ever. However, he could feel a sense of haze. A thousand things, really. I felt more energetic than usual.

“.. when the war is over, will you die? ”

“I don't know. Let's head back to that cave on the cliff. What do you want me to do? ”

I looked at the pain and asked. He did not immediately answer, but looked at the face of a thousand. “Well, fuck you. Say,” It's killing me. Ajin sighs and replies.

“.. I still have a lot to learn. ”

“If you provide me with good food and liquor and sex and occasional women, I will spare you. ”

He laughed loudly, saying that. He laughed bitterly as he watched a thousand laughs. “Not a bad condition.” I'm serious about what you said.

“You don't need a woman. ”

“Don't bullshit me, you idiot. I need to melt some Sari from the cave. ”

He grunts. As soon as he finishes speaking, you hear a loud shout. I heard it coming from a blind camp. “Here we go.” Azin picks his breath, saying so.

“We deal with martial artists. When you two... show your true colors. Please make your move then. ”

“I'll take it easy on the tides. ”

Thousands of them said so and passed Azin. Thump, the cruel knock on his shoulder. “Be careful,” he says in a solemn voice. He nodded, smiling bitterly. “Be careful, you two.” After saying that, Azin heads for the Bloodshed. The faction was to be led by poison acid, and the only place Ajin could lead was the vein of the blood. The 150 Blood Dragon Clans, which were limited to the 100 sent from Gratia, were sent to the rear with warp magic. So the bloodline that Azin now commands is the bloodline, the bloodline, the bloodline. It was about 800.

“Avoid all-out war. ”

Azin says, "I feel sorry for you." “Then?” The sad words hurt.

“Bloodshed does not confront the armed forces of the Bridge. We look at the situation and we run the battle in a way that supports the other factions when they are in crisis. That is, conserve power. ”

Azin's words were low, but no one could not hear him because everyone was listening. “Again, conserve power.” Everyone nods at that. There are now few unmanned people in the bloodline. In the faction, the majority of the players are players, but the main faction has a much higher proportion of NPCs. Especially since all the blood-dragon bands made up of players are completely missing.

In other words, the number of people who die in this battle cannot be replenished. Players receive a death penalty of 4 hours after death, but death by NPC ends there. Immediately after the war with the Bridge, we must prevent the loss of power due to the destruction of the waves.

“What about the sperm forest? ”

“You're asking a strange question. ”

Asin smiles in relief as she asks. Ajin shakes his head slowly.

“If you can help, you should help. If I can help. ”

At that, I smiled. There was nothing to ask. Then I heard a scream again. The thumping of feet, the hissing of weapons. It was the sound of a raised battlefield. Ajin straightens out the hawk. He was not in a state of mind, not to mention exhausted. I felt a sense of moderation and tension. That way, about eight thousand. If you even count your own players, that number is already in the hundreds of thousands. And that's only 5,000.

Five thousand.

“A lot.”

Thousands of horses saw far away. Tons of people are staring this way. Thousand horses slowly walked forward with their backpacks. There were many, but he was not a nervous face. However, not everyone did it because Heavenly Horse did it. The face of the caterpillar that followed Thousand Horses was stiff and the material swallowed. Without swimming, he chewed his lips well and he did not smile. The same was true of the other ten masters.

“Are you afraid? ”

Thousand asked. Everyone who was silent looked back this way. The Empress smiled low, looking at their gaze. “Well, there's plenty of them to be afraid of. So many. Enough to multiply us.” Thousand horses muttered and unwrapped.

“A hundred years. ”

Thousands of horses languish. He leads the way. He waves his hand as he walks. The wooden fence surrounding the encampment was smashed into Thousand Horses' hands. The tent was torn by the storm.

“What has the Bridge done for a hundred years? How did the fugitive Bridge return?” Everyone has drawn their weapons. They took poison instead of tension. I sharpened my teeth without being afraid. Thousands of horses smile. There must be a lot of them. There are more than this way. Several times, no, dozens. But it's all right. It was a battle that came to mind anyway. If you were afraid of it, you wouldn't even come off the island.

If you were afraid.

“Show me.”

Thousand horses reach out. A dark force is entangled in his hands. Slowly, the horse breathed. It was neither fear nor tension that made my heart beat. He was just having fun. Her lips twisted. The black force that is entangled on the arm has become a giant sphere. He gently pushed his hand forward. The sphere in his hand extends forward, circular.

No, it's just a greeting. Thousand horses clenched their fists. His smile grew thick. His clenched fist punched a sphere that was moving slowly. - Kuang! A sphere struck by a fist shot forward at lightning speed.


Someone watching it makes a blank noise. Someone screams, "Run away." It was all too late. The sphere was too fast, and the faster it got, the bigger it got. Kuaang! A massive explosion, like several dozen bombs, rocks the battlefield. Agin staggers at the shaking of the ground, immediately gazing at the direction of the thousand horses' attack with a frightening face. How many dead? I couldn't imagine. There are no bodies left. They disappeared from this world as if they had evaporated from the moment the sphere touched them.


After the first wave came in, the reaction returned. Everyone shouted. A shaman leader draws his sword. He stares at the heavenly horse, his bloodline staring this way from afar. “Show me the power of Wudang!” He shouts and plunges himself into the ground. Followed by the pagan disciples who had lost Taegeuk's examination. Starting with them, Muslim blindness began to advance around the Old Pilgrim and Sixth generation families. The Shaolin dancers march slowly forward, screaming blasphemy, and the spearers flash their eyes as they stretch their long, thin swords like an awl. A long-haired leader of the Jongnam tribe led Jongnam to open beggars. The Apima girls leave behind a shriveled spectacle. The waves run, and the potters and the volcanoes lower themselves.

“The losers.”

Thousands of horses languish. He moves forward. A new chariot swordsman who lost his master followed the thousand horses. The new charioteer holds the poison instead of losing his head. They gritted their teeth and found the archdiocese's enemies. Devello, who moves with the swordsman, is caught in their eyes. “Go.” Thousands struggle to count their minds. They lowered their heads and immediately ran to the master's courtesy.

Thousands marched towards the former chamber, the power of the Muslim blind. The darker the steps he takes around his body, the slower it spreads like night mist, and soon it becomes darker and darker like night. The shaman was reached by the shamans. A shaman leader shouted at the Heavenly Horseman. Thousands of men, shaman leaders. We didn't ask each other who they were. A shaman leader knew a thousand miles.

Thousands didn't want to know who the old man was swinging the sword at him. Phew! A sword wielded by a shaman leader slammed into a thousand horses of self-defense. His sword was also surrounded by strength, but his blade could not pierce a thousand horses of self-defense. I heard the gaze of Thousand Horses. He looked at himself and saw a shaman leader who was picking his teeth.


The shaman leader shouted, facing the grave gaze. Thousands didn't answer. The shaman leader gritted his teeth and continued to wield his sword. The Taegeung Hye Sword, a shaman's feast, was unfolded to polarity. Watching the assault from everywhere, the thousand horses slowly shake their heads.


With the sound of kicking his tongue, his hands reached out, and the body of a shaman leader burst.

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Wow, it's a battle scene!

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