
00320 War

“Is something wrong? ”

The acid is burning beside me. Asin sits dumbfounded and looks back at you. I was looking at the pain with the face that the poison was a little worried. Azin blinks and looks at the poison acid. He shakes his head slowly.

“No, it's nothing. ”

“You look a little tired.”

At that, he smiled bitterly. I can feel the Avatar's face. Because the mind, not the body, is just as tired. Ajin shakes his dull head slowly. I hardly slept, and I worked hard while I was awake. Azin trembles, thinking about what happened last night. To be honest, I didn't want to play games I felt like I just wanted to lie down and sleep for a long time. Last night was a nightmare for him, just as Azin risked his life to take it seriously. Pleasant nightmares. To be honest, I felt good enough to ascend to heaven, but even after that, heaven became hell. I don't remember what I was doing at the end. The only thing I'm sure of is that they were satisfied.

Then, when I tried to get some sleep, it was already morning. I was about to wash up, eat, and then I was about to lie down and sleep. The capsule went into sleep mode was continuously noisy, leaving me with no choice but to connect. But I had to hold on. Azin bites the tip of his tongue and looks up.

Everyone was there. Blood blindness, and blindness. There were no twins or triplets, but there were all those who would speak for them as doctors. I saw the Muslim anglicised metabolism sitting on the seat and the blood-angled salts. The angled ambassador turned the rosary filled his wrist and recited the blasphemy in a low voice, with his forearms crossed and his eyes closed.

“We're all here. ”

I opened my mouth. In response, the salt eyes opened and he stopped rolling the rosary. Blood blindness and the heads of the Muslim hawks were all gathering to stare at them. I was confused as to why everyone here was summoned. Blindness, bloodline. The entire fleet of advanced moors is already prepared. All they wanted was to march and win. The stage was already prepared for him.

What's left is,

“A whole army of martyrs gathered in the Great Plains of Baekya. ”

I'm just blowing the March Trumpet.

“As you all know, we're already prepared. And the only reason I couldn't move was because I didn't know where Bridge was. ”

That's the only reason. That's why so many people were crouching at the top of the line. To be precise, they were afraid of the power of the Church. The bridge today is stronger than the bridge a hundred years ago. They were trained more strongly than a hundred years ago and more strongly than a hundred years ago to mourn defeat. On that subject, they scattered and occupied each area, insulting the main mountains of the prestigious gate tribe.

“But not now. Those hordes of evil arrogantly await us where they fell a hundred years ago. Not just us, everyone knows. Everyone's looking forward to it. Bridge went down the same way a hundred years ago. ”

He empowered me. Everyone agreed and nodded their heads. No one refused. Swordswallow Swordsman John nodded his head, raising an arrow, and nodding his head in harmony with each other's words, even against him who was strongly commanding a charge. It's been too long. And the Moorish are already ready. There is no reason to hesitate.

“But I can't leave the Elder. ”

The salt speaks. Everyone nods and tunes in. It is because there are things. Not all of us can make it to the Plain of Baekya just because everyone is ready. Then, if the bridge spreads even a bucket, it will lose the position of the elder and, at worst, the bridge can advance to the imperial palace.

“Fortunately, the sect decided to leave a few doorways around the Sword of the Twin Moons, the text of the Sword Zone. What about the bloodthirsty ones? ”

He glanced at the salt and asked. The salt rubs its chin and opens its mouth.

“Anybody want to volunteer? ”

The salt gaze sweeps across all the bloodthirsty. No one raised their hand. It will be blinded by the achievements that can be accumulated in the war against the martyrdom. After a little silence, someone raises their hand.

“We'll stay. ”

The door to the slaughterhouse was a no-brainer. But he's not enough. Someone raises their hand again.

“We'll stay. ”

The door to the White Death Gate in Zhuha was a true bloodsucking stone. Two of the great clans representing Safa volunteered. The salt nods slowly.

“I think we need the support of small and medium-sized people and readers. ”

“That should be enough, then. I've confirmed that Thousand Horses are already in the White Yard Plain. I think the power of the bridge is actually there, and there's probably no bucket, but just in case. ”

“When is the march? ”

Azin opens his mouth. At that point, everyone's gaze turned to Ajin. He straightens his posture and looks them straight in the eye. I didn't act arrogant. There's no need to provoke them. After all, through a rumored image, Ajin remained largely oblivious to the rudeness of the past.

“There will be time to reach the White Night Plain, but everything, including supplies, is already ready. As long as the command system is clear, moving forward should not be a problem. ”

“We need to talk about that chain of command. ”

He nodded slowly.

“Though it is now united in one way... and I think it's a bit silly and excessive, the tides and safaris are actually water and oil. It can't be mixed. So I want to care about blindness for blindness for blindness for bloodlines... How about bloodlines for blindness? ”

“No problem. ”

Salt replies. Azin nods slowly. If we integrate the command system for no reason, there will always be more complaints inside. It would be better to each take his or her own hand without forgetting a common goal.

“In the Muslim blind side, the remaining tribal side and the sixth generation. And we have 30,000 troops, including small-scale sectors and supportive readers. We're going to take out 5,000 of those troops and put them back on the line. ”

I opened my mouth. The horse immediately opened its mouth.

“The bloodthirsty are prepared for Saman's troops, including the Arctic Ice Bow, the Teen Gate, and the Small Gate and the Supported Romans. Among them, slaughter doors, white papers, and other volunteers will be left with 5,000 troops. ”

“And there are roughly five thousand unrelated readers. The entire army of Mahishmati gathered on the White Night Plain is about 5,000. By simple calculations, this side has 75,000 troops. Fifteen times the size of martial arts. ”

I laughed low. He wiggles his head as he touches his beard.

“Even a small defeat can be a great insult. ”

“You can't lose, can you? ”

Sword Sword Zone vomited a harsh voice.

“I'm too prepared. I should have gone all over the country and decapitated those ugly things a long time ago. It was possible. Even if you're not afraid to defend yourself, Private Jegal. ”

“It was the Lord Almighty who ordered us to prepare. ”

I answered with a frozen face. In response, Sword Sword Sword John shrugged his shoulders after briefly stroking his eyebrows. “Is that so? I see.” That's how the Sword of the Twin Moons died. Just looking at that, I could clearly see that my goal had gone deeper in the blindness in the last few months.

‘That's not a bad thing. ’

Due to the idiocy of Sword Sword Zone, there was a commotion within the blindness. I'd like to do more if I feel like it.

“Either way, we'll stay on the fence at this location. The throne will go directly to the White Yard Plain to take care of the scum of the bridge. Let's do it right. ”

Sword Sword Sword Zone said while smoking manure. Apparently, he left the gateway here and went with the others to the White Yard Plain. He says there are no unarmed men of his own clan, but he's not going to be the only one running around without an army. It wasn't bad for the bloodthirsty. The Twin Moons Sword Zone, the second highest position after the oath, is in the battlefield. Given the atmosphere, he must have collided with the celebrity ambassador. I wish you'd do more stupid things. Azin swallows a smile.

“.. the advance troops will be a week behind. ”

The ambassador opened his mouth. He glances at the salt, and the salt nods. It was evident that the two oaths agreed. A week later, the Moors march to the White Night Plains for bridge and all-out war.

“In Muslim blindness, I will gather my opinions about the command system individually, and then I will make it known to the bloodline. ”

“The Bloodshed, too. I will make arrangements within three days. ”

Salt replies. The ambassador nods and breaks the meeting. Azin rises up. Devello makes eye contact.

“Are you coming? ”

Devello approaches and asks. Azin nods slowly. In response, Devello grins and turns away. Watching her back as it drifts away, the screech approaches and chokes.

“Did you hear?”


“It is said that the Triplicate is guarding the independence of the murals. Seems to have been irritated by the news that the Viceroy has become a disciple of the Twins.”

In the grin of sorrow, Agin smiled deeply. Devello received three days' work without fail. That was a pretty tense fact.

‘Devello's shaman is not the same as the Third Day. ’

Three feasts are the masters of fists, swords, and spears, respectively. But Devello, and the Sword. As long as Orloth is called the Sword, they dig only a well. Is the Sword of Sword better than the Sword of Sword in three seasons? Could Devello, the swordsman, have made great progress with his spear and his technique? I didn't think he was sick. On the other hand, how is pain? The bastards fit perfectly with the bastards of Raw Snow.

“.. aren't you worried? ”

Saxon tilted his head when he saw Azin laughing. “Should we be worried?” Azin smiles deeply and asks Song, The question shook my head slowly.

“Though strangers call them sword and sword, I cannot think of her as superior to the Viceroy. ”

“That's true. ”

Azin smiled and replied. He left the conference room with the tranquilizer and poison acid. The barbarians and the brains were the only ones on the line, so they did the math.

That's wrong. There are more and more unaccounted for in the line of fire. Players like Azin and Poison, Devello. They were also gathering in large numbers, but many more remained on the move. They can't ignore a huge quest called the War against Bridges. If news of all-out war and advance troops is known, they will surely head for the White Yard Plain.

‘It's a naval tactic.’

How many people play games in the line of fire? Probably, not necessarily. There will be more of them than there are of the elders. Azin smiles in relief.

No matter how monstrous a thousand horses may be, they will tire if hundreds of thousands of people come at them. I think he might be scared.

“... I guess it's true that you're overprepared. ”


The slingshot tilts its head. Azin shakes his head slowly as he reports his grief. “No, it's nothing.” He said so and went down the hall.

A week.

A week.

Azin's eyes narrowed.

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