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We anticipated an ambush to clear the trap. Even after the closed door was smashed and the dust rose, the bull 's-eye was not embarrassed. It was the same with the Black Wizards who were preparing. They had already started casting and were preparing. A grim, downward voice shakes as the staff moves. A dark darkness sweeps through the land and spreads it wide. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Papa Paak! Before the chain wraps around you, the scepter shoots through the cloudy dust. You're not prepared for an attack. The Black Shield surrounds the Black Wizards. The cracked seal bounces up, then reverses direction and drops down.


In the sight of that, Bullseye hardened his face. It is free to change its direction with the will of Azin. Azin leans over and pierces the dust, spreading the chains of sin with his hands. I don't have time to share my answers. The target is slaughter, and one spit is enough. We should not give the Wizard time. Even though they came right down, the fact that magic is ready is that they don't need that long to do magic. Azin did not hesitate to open the Great Mountains. Kuang! The red devil, sitting on his body, sweeps his arms around him.

“What are you doing? ”

Bullseye frowned as he watched the rushing azine. Strong. Bullseye instinctively feels it, and raises the staff high. Ten Wizards have gathered around him. Bull 's-eye began to sing, and the wizards were each waving their staff along. A powerful magical force began to gather around Bullseye.

‘That's him. ’

The shot master returns to the body of Azin. Azin felt a powerful magical force gathering around Bullseye. A dark mist wraps around the bull 's-eye. It's not the first time you've fought a wizard, but it's the first time you've fought many, many excellent wizards. Nervous? No, it's a good opportunity. This experience is rare.

[Exposed to curse magic. MP Resists Dark Magic.]

[40% Resistance obtained.]

[You are cursed. Magic Resistance will decrease to 30%. Reduces HP by 20%. I'm getting heavier.]

[Resistance refuses dark magic. Resistance to the ‘Blindness’ curse was successful.]

[Resistance refuses dark magic. Magic Resistance ‘Stun’ succeeded.]



The system beeps quickly. I first learned that mental strength gained by mastering superpowers resists magic. I felt my body getting heavier. I felt a drop in stamina and a rumbling sensation. This is what it feels like to be cursed. Azin clenches his teeth and raises his fist.

Phew! A black flame shoots across Agin's face. Azin reaches out, thickening his self-defense. The energy drain and suction method grabbed Mana and swallowed it. Pierce the Sagraden Flame with your body. It was good enough with little damage. Resistance reduces damage and energy drains and suction cloaks swallow magic.

‘Superpowers are magical counters. ’

A whiff of Raw Snow told me that a skilled artisan is easy to deal with, and a superpower is easy to deal with. The question is, "Are you ready or not?" A ready wizard is a disaster. I don't want to give you time to prepare. Ajin stretches his feet wide.

Kuang! Before his feet fall off, huge pressure crushes him. “Yawn!” A loud rumbling stomach shakes the air within. Azin looked up and looked ahead. Bull 's-eye reaches for the staff. The glory is over.

“What are you doing? ”

Bullseye asks, but does not stop the magic. The skills of the arc mage are not to be trifled with. A black chain that rises from the earth pins on his body. Quadruck! The chains around your body reveal your teeth and try to bite off his body. Azin twisted his lips, adding strength to his self-defense.


Quadruck! The chain is broken. The azine was forced to rise against the pressure pressing down. As the internal air sank like a tide, it gathered at the tip of Azin's hand. Azin twists his lips and pulls out the strength. It has never been the same from strong operation until now. The long drawn strength sags from Azin's hand like a whip, and Azin wields a whip of strength with his arm. Kwam! The mighty whip sweeps over the Black Wizards, wrapping their heads around the ground. The seal breaks and the underground studio begins to collapse.

“This maniac is digging my grave! ”

Bullseye vomited old age. “Not really.” The pressure drops. Azin gives strength to his knees. Bullseye raised his hand with a firm expression. The Black Wizards who understood the gesture released the prisoners.


The loose zombies rush towards Azin. This is your first time fighting the undead. Azin clenches his fist. Wizards are vulnerable to all-out war. They are not those who fight in front of a place that fights from behind. Maybe he's trying to buy some time to get to the Undead. I don't give time. If you notice the heretics and the disciples of the Noble Gate come here, you'll be bothered.

The zombies made from the body of a first-class disciple were flying and strong. Azin bends his torso as he looks at the rushing zombies. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Papa Paak! Dozens of screams shoot from the center of Azin, just as Cremore exploded. The rushing zombies can't get close enough to Azin and are slaughtered. But zombies die in the first place. Zombies with shattered limbs creep up to Azin, ignoring the spilling guts, and their mouths snap open.

That wasn't the end of it. Massive magic doesn't take long to kill a single person. A black blade surges through the area, and hundreds of magical missiles spill out like bombs.

‘This is annoying. ’

There's too many of them. Azin twists his body. Although self-defense is protecting the body, the expansion of the rainforest continues to consume the air. There's too many of them. Ajin rethinks. An energy drain can block magic, but not ten with one hand. The air began to fall rapidly. I need to reduce my numbers... Azin stretches his legs. I opened a thousand rainforests, but it was erased by Bullseye's magic and could not suppress the Black Wizards.

Kwaang! A zombie has exploded from Azin's feet. “Hehe!” Azin groans and pulls back. There are no wounds, but the flesh and blood spills out as the zombie erupts. During that time, Bullseye completed the magic again. The ten Wizards' collective throne speeds up the completion of the magic. Bullseye raises his hand. The black darkness shifts with his hands. Kuaang! The pitching hand, the black hand, strikes him on the body. Ajin is pushed back, feeling like his intestines are shaking.

“Ugh...! ”

Arc Age. You said it wasn't a false name. Not only that, but Bullseye continued to practice magic. A wobbling staff opens the subspace. Three Desknights walk out of the door with a thumping sound. ‘You're branching out.’ Ajin sharpened his teeth. It was a little hard to come in alone.

It's too late.

I have to go further, further away. Azin moves again. The curse builds up and weighs him down, and the undead and the summoned chariot attack from the Desert Knights. Black wizards who never stop behind them. It's too early to feel troubled here. I still have a lot of mountains to climb. Azin clenches his fist.

Everything he knew was pouring out. The world slowed down. A spill of attack. You dodged the blade and fired the missile. The ground flares and shows teeth, trying to bite off his feet. Azin swings his horse and smashes his jaw. I dug a screaming golem into the Great Abyss. Desknight's sword is fast. Azin twists his body to avoid the shooting, and sticks his fist in his armor. My breastplate grows pale and Deathknight wiggles. Azin shouts.

“I'd like to capture that thing alive. ”

He said as if it was a waste of Bullseye. I've never seen anyone so good in Gracie or Jinjin. What if we turn that body into Desknite? Despite thinking about it, Bullseye did not stop the magic. The black hand rises up again in his hands.

“Giant hand? ”

You hear a hissing voice. Bullseye looks back in anger. Persian smiles, his back against the wall. “... who are you?” Bullseye felt the powerful magic of Persia, and his expression hardened.

“I've never seen a black wizard of your caliber in this world. As a black wizard, I want to tell you a deep story about magic.”

Persian glances at Azin. “I can't watch because my heart aches.” Persian bites his thumb while struggling.

“What can I do? It's a girl's fault. ”

Persian grunts and drops the blood flowing from his thumb onto the ground. “This is...” The bullseye flinches. He quickly raises his hand. A Giant hand aiming for Azin swings at Persic.

Kuang! A red barrier wrapped around Persian lands on the Giant Hand. Persian does not stop. She glances at her extended fingers, and the blood that was dripping now spills out like a waterfall.

“Blood Mage!”

Bullseye shouts in surprise. Blood Mages. Those who use their blood as maggots are the most secretive and powerful creatures of dark magic known as dark magic. But blood magic must have been practiced a long time ago. How does that come about now, on the line? Between Bullseye and the Black Wizard, Azin raises his head and looks at Persic.

“... Persian? ”

“I'm here to help. ”

It's more important that you're dangerous than blocking the road. Persian smiles with a paler face than usual. The blood spilled endlessly. The blood on the floor spreads around, and the Black Wizards, including Bull 's-eye, make every effort to intercept Persian forces. Why? I didn't understand what they were doing, but Azin grips and moves his teeth. A sluggish body crushes the undead and rushes toward the Black Wizards.


The moment Azin's wielding hand drew screams from the Black Wizards, Persian magic was completed. Blood splattered all over the floor rushes to the sky. No, I filled the room more than I jumped. “Tsk?!” Suddenly, the blood at the tip of his head chokes.

The Black Mages struggle in the sea of blood. Azin opened his eyes and looked at the scene. The Black Wizards' bodies are rapidly drying up. The fallen corpse turns into a dry squid, and the undead's corpse melts away. The Black Wizards have stopped struggling. Like when, the blood that filled the room disappeared.

“Phew. ”

Persian takes a low sigh and sits on the floor. She flinches, her pale face propped up with her hands. Azin, who stood staggering, stares dazed at the Persian figure.

“.. don't overdo it. ”

Persian mutters in a powerless voice. Her eyes are eroded by the black shadow. She shakes her head and stands on the wall.

“It doesn't matter if I die, but if Ajin dies, I'm embarrassed that I yelled at Racunda. ”

“That was...”

“It's blood magic.”

Persian leans his head back against the wall.

“The magic I've learned. It's powerful, but... I can't use it often. Magic always comes at a price. Summon Magic requires an offering for summoning, and Natural Magic requires its own glory and magical power. So is blood magic. ”

“The price...? ”

“Yes. Blood magic demands the life force of the caster. The only reason I was able to do this kind of blood magic was because I'm a vampire. But even if I were a vampire, if I just kept on doing the same amount of blood magic, it would dry up. ”

I risked my own life. Persian smiles bitterly.

“Are you sure? Many wizards are different from many knights, many unmanned. Magic gets stronger. Magic gets stronger. Magic gets faster. ”

“.. too soon. ”

Ajin acknowledged his bold voice. I was too unprepared The user didn't know about the target. The summons and the undead have caught up more than you thought, and lasting curse spells overlap, slowing you down. What if I had known? Ajin kicks his tongue small. No, it's probably too late to know.

“It was an arc mage.”

Persian said in a bold voice. She puts her hand on the itchy head. “I've set up a perimeter around the entrance... but it's going to break soon. You have to pull yourself out.” She looks at the bull 's-eye, saying. Bullseye barely breathes.

“.. space travel. Is that possible?"

“I have that capacity. ”

Persian says so, reaching for Azin.

“Give me a boost.”


“Give me a compliment. ”

“.. thank you for your help. ”

Azin grins bitterly and holds Persian hands.

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What's the big deal if the dealer charges without tankers and hillers?

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