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“Wizards are hard to deal with. ”

The scent of black snow wafts. She looks at Azin, looking over at Versailles' dead body. Azin is deep in thought, touching his chin. Raw snow shrugs.

“That's not one person either. Sixty. There's Archmage, there's the disciples of the noble gate. Suicide.”

“I know. ”

Azin replied in a low voice. He doesn't overestimate his power. If he had all the strength he could, he would be in the elite of the Moorish teenagers, but that doesn't mean that his power alone can destroy the noble gate and exterminate sixty black wizards. If so, how much? Azin frowns. when you've written down all the numbers you can use. Instead of breaking in and confronting the noble gate, we attack the Black Wizard with intent.

... Is it possible? The dice have already been thrown. He killed Lockwood. He killed Bertel. As long as the Black Wizards are not fools, there is no denying that Berthel is dead and that Lockwood is dead. Those who feel threatened will hide more secretly. Then we shouldn't.

‘You can't stall. ’

If you give them some time, they won't be able to handle the rest. What if the Black Wizards finished their research and started producing the Strong or Different Undead? Haveth's power grows too great if their research is sent back to the dark stars in Gracia. Now that you've found your tail, you'll have to cut it off. We're gonna have to overdo it. Ajin sighs.

“Will you help me? ”

“No, I'm not helping. ”

The scent of Raw Snow shook my head. That was the expected answer. Ajin smiles bitterly. “Even for a cute apprentice.” In that question, the smell of Raw Snow lets out a deep sigh. She scratches her head and says in a small voice.

“.. don't embarrass me. ”

That's what Raw Snow said with all her heart. Azin shrugs. “I'm joking, I'm joking.” In response, the black snow scent looked at the pain with a depressed face.

There are no restrictions on Hidden Pieces interfering with players' problems. Hidden pieces are out of control. However, Hiddenpiece does not actively intervene in players' problems. It's also because of their pride, and it's a game where players are represented and battled.

What if Hiddenpiece starts to intervene? If they start to intervene directly in this world, they are much stronger than the players. It turns out that even though Raw Snow has appeared at the Sunny Mosque a few times, winning the Dance does not change the game of Sunny Mosquito significantly. In the first place, she has been silent since the victory of the Dance-off and has never been seen in the Rising Rainforest. It was the same for seamless. The Black Madman is also aware that Hiddenpiece should not actively intervene in this world.

In that case.

“... and Persian? ”

Ajin stares at Persic. Persian is not Hidden Piece. She is NPC in this world, and NPC doesn't matter what she does. Vasrodel is also at Ribera's side right now, so he's giving us a lot of support. Persian smiles widely, looking at Azin.

“Do you need my help? ”

“If you would.”

In Azin's words, Persian glanced at the scent of raw snow. Raw snow was a gloomy face. Wouldn't she want to help her apprentice? But I can't help it. Even if pride means giving up, if she helps Azin proactively, the other Hiddenpieces will also take action. Persian steps to the side of the Raw Snow and pierces her side with his fingers.

“Ugh?! ”

A sudden onslaught of Raw Snow stirs and groans. Persian grumbles, staring at the face of Raw Snow. “What are you throwing up on?” That's what she said. She patted the shoulder of the Raw Snow.

“Don't make that face. Racunda doesn't have to. ”

At Persian's words, the black snow scent hesitates and bows its head. When Azin saw the appearance of such raw snow, he felt a bad feeling. I remembered the face of Raw Snow when I saw the Demibeast singing acrobatics. I didn't want to create this atmosphere. Ajin scratches his back head.

“... Master. ”

Azin summoned the black snow scent. When the grass was bowing its head with its dead face, the smell of raw snow lifted its gaze and looked at the pain. Azin glanced at the face of Raw Snow and said,

“I love you."

“... what? ”

The face of the Raw Snow became dazed. Azin glances at her face and shrugs, avoiding her gaze. I thought about it later. This is the first time I've ever said this to you in person. I didn't want to get wet. Azin turns away.

“I'll be right there. ”

“Now, wait a minute. What did you just say?”

“I didn't say anything. ”

Azin muttered. In response, Persian pinches his arm as he approaches Azin. Asin lowers Persik in agonizing pain, and her lips pucker.

“Jealous, very much. ”

“.. and I love you, Persian. ”

“That's very offensive. The second thing is, it's like a cheater. ”

“I don't know. For what it's become. ”

Ajin grumbles and replies.


Thanks to a sneak peek at Bertel's memory, finding a path wasn't hard. The passageway through the Black Wizards was the back door to the noble gate. Two guards. Through the back door, it leads to the backyard of the main gate of the noble gate, and inside the walls are regularly guarded.

Most of the work was solved by Persian activists. She was an arc mage, a powerful vampire. Persian takes Azin's hand and moves in shadow and darkness. Azin kills as much as he can and immerses himself in the surrounding landscape.

[From now on, it's hard.]

Persian speaks. They come to the entrance of the underground concert hall, and they look down the steps lit by a torch.

[There's a trap. I can turn it off... but if I turn it off, they'll know.]

[It doesn't matter.]

Azin replies. At that point, Persec stares at Azin's face. Azin rolls up his sleeves. Heave-ho. The old armor wraps around his arm.

[Can you stop them from escaping into space?]

[Possibly, but... then I won't be able to support him. Building a space station is not a simple task.]

[I don't care if I die. I'll do what I can.]

He shrugs as he swallows a sigh. [It doesn't matter if you die, don't overdo it. Racunda will be sad.] The muttering makes him smile bitterly.

“Thank you. ”

At that, Persian smiles deeply. “Only in words?” She asks, and stares at him. Azin hesitates and grabs Persian's wrist. I kissed the back of my raised hand lightly. Persian chuckles.

“I feel like a lady. ”

She closes her eyes, saying so. Red magic gathers around her. It's about to do some real magic. “The trap is off.” He closes his eyes and speaks.

“I opened a space station. If you try to move without knowing it, your body will be crushed to death. if you're a wizard lower than I am. You said the Black Wizard responsible for this place was Archmage. I don't know how good he is... but at least he stopped them from getting away. ”

“Hide yourself. It may be dangerous. ”

Azin stretches his feet to the stairs, saying so. The cold air has soaked my body. In light of the raid, Azin raises his self-defense. The red force covers his body. Slaughter. Every Black Wizard here will die. I had to. Azin takes a low breath.

“I'll be going.”


Percik looks at Ajin's back and says, Her body melts into the darkness. As soon as he is escorted, he lowers his body. The original objective was a surprise. But until it comes in here, By decommissioning the trap, they've learned they've already been ambushed. The wizard should not be given time. The mysteries they unfold are slower in expression than the superpowers, but they are more powerful than the superpowers if given enough time. Pa! Azin's body turned to red lightning. He flies down a long flight of stairs, pulling out his scepter and grasping it.

It was late at night, but the Black Wizards were obsessed with research. They had already been offered a quality corpse and released some cursing theories about putting it in their heads against it. A chimera of corpses and corpses wobbles and a shackled zombie scratches the floor. Everything is an experimental product.

Recently, what they were focusing on was a compulsion. Ganesh is a unique undead that exists in the Jinn. It is the basis of the Undead to raise a corpse, but unlike the undead that exist in Gracia. An elaborately woven pattern of behavior, or an absolute command, engraved in powerful imprints, and moving accordingly. That's what the Black Wizards understood.

“The body of a Muslim is an excellent material. ”

Bullseye rolls his grey eyes. He licks his lips, looking down at the stiff corpse. The corpse in front of him belonged to a first-class disciple of the noble family. In the noble gate, the disciple who had been told to leave the gateway by the book of scripture is a dead body and is on the table.

“Stronger and more flexible than the knights' bodies, with a mystical power in them. Internal air, internal air. Unlike Mana, it's similar.”

The undead's physique was optimal for the undead because of its existence in the air. Internal armor does not scatter internal armor even after death. Several experiments have already been conducted and the results confirmed. A ghoul made from an unmanned corpse was strong enough to overwhelm other ghouls.

“I can report good results to the Master. ”

Bullseye mutters with a delightful face. Not only that, he was very satisfied with his experiments. The Wizard's quest is endless. It was good to be firm in the Dark Star, but it felt like a blessing to him to be able to experiment with such great materials.

And so were all the other black wizards. Sixty Black Wizards. Apart from the archetype Bullseye, ten wizards are Wizard class and forty wizards are Export class. The remaining nine are the ranks of users who perform the quick-testing. With this size, I could create a small academic group.

“Hmm? ”

Bull 's-eye's expression was stiff. The Black Wizard, who was dismantling the corpse around him, looks at the bull 's-eye in surprise.

“Boo, Bull 's-eye. Traps...”

“I know. ”

Bullseye narrows his eyes and looks at the entrance to the underground training ground.

“Something's coming. ”

He grabs the staff that's leaning against the table.

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