
00264 Navigation

“.. said the magic was practiced. ”

Where they returned was the room used by Lockwood, the herbalist's medicine. Azin looks down at Persian, placing the bull 's-eye on his shoulder. Persian was tired. She sits with her back against the wall.

“I don't know about that. ”

Persian presses down on the crown of his eye. A dark darkness rages in her eyes. Azin looks at Persic with a worried face. It was the first time I had seen Persian so weak. The Persian he saw was always relaxed and playful.

“My memories are made. Why I'm learning this magic, why I became a vampire. What else was there before I became a vampire... Nothing is certain. ”

According to her memory, she was a nobleman's ceremony before she became a vampire. During a walk in the garden at night, she was bitten by a vampire, possessed by madness, and devoured all of her parents, maids and servants. Then she mixed in with another group of vampires. Magic is learned from being a vampire, born on the island of the beginning.

Persian stops thinking. It's a memory made up anyway.

“Even if the blood magic I learned was practiced, I don't know why the blood magic was practiced. Obviously, this magic is very powerful... but it comes at a great price. I must draw blood after using this magic. If you don't... well, you die. It worked for a price.”

Persian smiles, groaning. I've drunk dozens of Wizard's Blood, but that's not enough. Conversely, her magic was powerful enough to wipe out a few dozen wizards. Their blood was a natural price, and greedy blood magic demands a greater price.

“... because of me. ”

“Yes, because of Ajin. I couldn't leave him because he looked dangerous. ”

“I don't care if I die. ”

“But if he were dead, he'd be in a lot of trouble. The Black Wizards would have hidden their bodies, and they would have heard the story of Azin. Right?"

Ajin didn't answer. Persian was right. Although it is a body that does not matter if he dies, if he had not destroyed the Black Wizard, he would have become embarrassed in many ways.

“.. I was a fool. ”

“Ajin doesn't know wizards. ”

Persian smiles. A pale smile.

“It's the first time, isn't it? No one knows everything from the beginning. As I said before, Ajin is not God. You can't do everything the way you planned. ”

Ajin smiles bitterly. I thought it would be too much. I don't think that's enough. Well, the opponent is an arc mage. If only Acme were alone, there were dozens of Black Wizards there. If you were able to go in there and exterminate them yourself, there is no reason to struggle to get evil bites and gather forces.

“You have to be an idiot to know. ”

You hear voices behind you. There is a whiff of Raw Snow. She stares at the pain with a pudgy face. Azin smiles in relief. “Yes, that's why I got hit.” That's what he said, and the smell of Raw Snow lets out a sigh.

“How many times have I told you wizards have to be careful? ”

She mumbles as she approaches Persic. “You didn't have to do that.” Farsi laughs at the smell of raw snow.

“If I hadn't done this, he would have been in trouble. Racunda doesn't want that. ”

“... an idiot. ”

The black snow scent sits next to Persian, grumbling in a low voice. She slits her wrists with her fingernails, and Persian holds her black-and-white wrists without saying anything. She stretches her tongue out and licks the blood flowing from her wrists.

“Racunda's blood is thick and I like it. ”

“Speak when you're done. This is offensive. ”

The scent of Raw Snow mutters, avoiding your gaze. During her silence, Persian continues to lick the blood of the Raw Snow, and Azin looks at both of them with strange eyes and clears his mind. Well, it could be. He approaches Bullseye, who is still unconscious.

Let's interrogate him first. Azin slaps Bullseye on the cheek a few times and wakes him up. A sober Bullseye is a confused face, and Azin grabs his chin without a word. The bull 's-eye's front teeth were pulled out with a shout. Then I dug out his eyeballs with my hands, and I broke each joint starting with the tips of my fingers. I didn't ask questions. All you need to do is break his spirit. The magical resistance of an arc mage or wizard will not be easily taken down by the meshworm.

Azin looks down at the fluttering bull 's-eye. He twists like a bug with a rattling sound. The placenta of his magical power was plundered by Persian blood, and now all that remains is his weakened flesh. I can't eat this. Ajin felt sorry for himself. Archmage would have had a lot of magic.


Seeing the bull 's-eye barely vomiting his words, Ajin laughed heavily. I never thought I'd be able to interrogate such a wizard. Azin raises his hand and slaps him on the cheek. A piece of broken tooth falls to the floor. On the spot, he slapped Bullseye on the cheek a few more times, then Azin forced him to lie down on the ground and occupied the bloodstream.

The freckle begins. The child cries out in terrible pain, the rattling of bones and the gnawing of blood vessels by a small insect. However, as his blood settles, he only opens his mouth and does not make a sound. Lick, lick. Meanwhile, Persian continued to lick the blood of the Raw Snow, and the Raw Snow overlooked the back of Azin, who was torturing Bull 's-eye.


Ajin robs his hands. The sweat of Bullseye and the stench of filth tangled with the stench of disgusting odor. Bullseye lays his cheeks on top of the vomit and wheezes out a thin breath. Azin puts his hand on his head.

A torrential hailstorm unfolds. The spirit of the tormented bullseye cannot resist the torrential hailstorm. His eyes are dazed, and he peers into his memories.

Azin's hand falls down. Bullseye drools and lays his head on the floor helplessly. Ajin frowns, his hands furrowing.

“What do you think?”

Persian asks. Azin thinks for a moment and answers.

“It's the worst.”

The Bullseye knew a great deal about the status of Acme magazine. Although the Dark Star operates as a clan, the Black Wizard above the Archmage has been in constant contact with Harvest. Without that minimal link, no command will be sent. However, they did not know the exact location of Harvest. The contact was always a crystal ball, and I never met him in person.

The dungeon masters are involved. ’

That's why I flatter myself for being the worst. The dungeon masters were the pinnacles of the Gracian Black Wizards. They are monsters whose names and locations are well known, but cannot be subdued by the Gracias. They are the spiritual guardians of all the Black Wizards and are the kings of the desert. A few times in the past, an army in Gracia attacked the desert to subdue them, but never returned alive.

"The Dungeon Master and the Queen of the Black Forest... Harvest is the best." ’

Ajin kicks his tongue small. First of all, we must be satisfied that the Dark Star has stopped the Dark Star from rooting on the line. It was unpleasant satisfaction. Ajin wakes up.

“I should leave the noble gate alone for now. ”

It was a rational judgment.Nobility is a pretty big word. The Noble Gate will not be the enemy of Azin, but it will not be possible to enter the Noble Gate alone and exterminate them. In order to do that, I needed to be prepared. We have to at least draw more power than the blood supply. Moreover, there is no reason.


“We have to get to the soft skylight. I want to talk to the astronomer about this. ”

Azin nods. In saying this, I looked at the pain with a clumsy face. “That's enough.” Persian licks his lips and lays his black-and-white wrists. The black snow scent was a horse, rubbing his finger against the wound on his wrist.

“Will he listen to you? ”

“Let them listen. ”

Ajin smiled and said. “Do you intend to fight the salt?” Raw snow leans over my head and asks. Asin shakes his head at the question.

“Salt is doing me a favor. Whether it's true or false. I'll have to judge this time.”

“What if it's a lie?”

“If it's a lie, shouldn't we defeat the Killing Plane?" ”

The blood family history is strong. Together with the factions' power, the solar system is not that burdensome. “Of course, that's the worst case.” Ajin smiles in relief. The absolute advantage of blood texts over other clans that are NPC-dominant is that most of the pupils are players. In other words, the disciples of the blood have no death. Even at war, the loss of power is minimal.

“If it's true.”

Raw Snow once again asked. Asin smiled at the question.

“There are many blind spots in the sect. ”

Azin muttered.

“But there is no such thing in Safa. ”

The difference in unity. The past, the existence of martyrdom, has united the sect. It was a huge enemy that could not be defeated without unity. It made them feel weak after a hundred years, but if the enemy appeared immediately, the sectarian Muslims would unite like a hundred years ago and strengthen their power.

“I'm proposing the Sappa Alliance to Salt. all the safaris joining the coalition. If that happens, Safa will unite, and she will gain the strength to fight head-on against the infinite. ”

“The Sapa Coalition.”

The scent of Raw Snow mutters, touching the chin. In the past, when she was a pastor of the Church. At that time, the Safaris did not unite. It's because I didn't feel the need to be united. The martyrdom was not hostile to the Safa, and the Safa naturally became a friend of the Bridge. But it's the story of the world she was in.

“Will you have the power to stand up to the Church? ”

“There are things like that. ”

Ajin grins. I laid the cornerstone by eating blood. Now it's time to make a column to raise the roof. The Safa Union will be the first of its pillars. The bridge of the Namhae is silent right now, but they will soon, someday invade Moslem. Then it's too late to prepare.

“An alliance with the Muslims would be fine if there was a bridge. For now, a common enemy. You should be able to keep the Safa from losing power. ”

“And then? ”

Raw Snow asked. Asin bursts into laughter.

“Alliances on the battlefield are sustained by common enemies, right? ”

If a common enemy disappears.

“I don't intend to stay on the road much longer. ”

We should not give them time.

“As soon as possible, we need to get to Gracia. ”

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