
00241 Bloodstream

Rumors spread in the bloodstream that a month later, there would be an immediate proclamation of a new pattern in the wall bloodstream. It does not qualify. Those who hope for a friend of the blood and those who want to have a friendly relationship with the blood. Anyone can come to bless the pure change of times. While the rumors spread, Azin cleared the interior.

The charter, the courtship, could no longer intervene in the work of the doorway. It was impossible to intervene. There were no more words of joy left in the bloodshed. The blood glucose where the honeymoon dwells was banned from the family gate, and there were only two ways to find it. The Senate has clearly drawn lines and repressed their right to speak. If an old man who has no place to spend his life other than guarding the house tries to political affairs, his goal is to hurt. It's better to shut him up even if you hate him.

Of course, it is almost impossible to pretend with the Senate in this way if it is common. The elders in the Senate are either subordinate or subordinate disciples of the subordinate family. The unmanned are their priests and disciples who are self-sufficient and unmanned. Taking the Senate and Chuck and driving them out means that even the uninhabited will be defeated.

It is common everywhere.

Azin intended to bring as many players into the bloodstream as possible. Player has nothing to do with Senate. They don't care what the old people in the back room do to shit on the walls. Balance with it. If there is a distance between the Senate and the disciples associated with them by pretending to be the Senate, and their minds are energized, then the balance is matched by recruiting players.

“I meet the doorway. ”

Blood Master, Silver Sword Delivery. The Blood Dragon Sugar, where Ajin lived, became the office of the Municipality. Seeing the carriage of the head bowing politely, Ajin did not stand up and greeted him. It was a natural posture.

“Have a seat.”

On his knees, he approached Azin's front with his knees. It was a polite posture. Ajin liked the sadness. He thought he could read the flow and was good at noticing. Even so, he was a man of great skill and skill, so he could be trusted. Moreover, he had deep loyalty in his heart to Ajin. I saluted him on the spell plains of the war against the Passover.

“How is the recent progress of the Unsullied? ”

Ajin pushed the cup of tea in front of the tray and followed the tea himself. As I received the car with both hands, I lifted my head. He was a little excited.

“Surprisingly, the wall was easily breached. ”

“Looks that way. It's only been a few days, and the Hematologist's prayers have gotten very deep. ”

Azin grins. Song lowered his head and drank tea. Azin shakes his teacup and asks again.

“How are the Bloodmen? The disciples who entered before the war with the Patriarch's Gate are not confronting the former disciples, are they? ”

“Everyone is cooperating. They're all very talented. Like twins who are all born with the same qualities... they're very fast at mastering masonry. ”

Because it's a player.

“There is no friction with the existing disciples. We respect each other. He's too busy getting his hands dirty to have any friction in the first place. ”

I grinned. “Even the former disciples are progressing quickly. They must have been inspired by the new recruits.” In his words, he nods his head. Literary points invested in public officials and pupils were clearly working. The disciples' performance-free achievements have accelerated, and their qualities have become deeper than ever. Just because the power of the shameless is strong, NPCs seem to have gained enlightenment as a group.

“It's not the same as summoning the Great Spirit of Blood today. ”

In his arms, Ajin extracted the secret of Hematology and Hematophysiology. The eyes of the sad shudder. Azin smiles slightly as he watches the trance swallowing the gulp. In front of the tragedy, Ajin lays two secrets.

“Open it up.”

He reached out his trembling hand and revealed the secret of the Blood Sword. The eyes of the Song opened wide.

“This, this...”

“Hematology and Hematology. Do you know what that is?”

“I know, I know. But I heard that the M.E. and the M.E. were definitely practiced.”

A hidden mascot that must be invested in Gateway Points in order to be exposed. It seemed to be remembered as' practical ’for NPCs. Azin thought about how to surround me, but he shrugged his shoulders as he put gold on my face.

“Some of it remains. I tried to restore it as soon as I could. ”

After saying it like this, no one can find out the truth. If so, it would be better to refrain from wearing a veil of respect on your own face. Indeed, I was amazed at the face of the tragedy.

“Did you restore the Hematology and Hematology yourself? ”

“Hematology, haematography, haematogenesis... for starters. ”

“Well..! ”

The tragedy was now astonished and astonished. This is too much. However, there was no other way to say it than to say it, because we have all the shameless blood relatives. Azin reaffirmed his appetite and listened to the throat he had placed under his throne.

“And this. ”

You open your throat. The fresh scent spills through your nose. I opened my mouth. “Tongue, Heroic Corps!” I shouted in a low voice. Azin nods his head and says it's not a big deal.

“The Bloodmaster slammed into a wall and tried to help with this... but crossing the wall won't help." ”

“Oh, no! ”

Song hurriedly lowered his head. Azin smiles in relief. “I'm joking. I've had a hard time. Take it easy on yourself.” Ajin pushes the wooden chest towards the shipment. The Heroes are the members of the inner circle that preach to the blood. When he first learned of its existence, he was determined to use it to enhance his history, but the Hero Brotherhood could not melt the power contained in it without using the internal cardiac laws of the blood.

‘I can't sell it out. ’

Ajin had his appetite. I also thought about learning the internal cardiac laws of blood, but it was impossible to learn the internal cardiac laws of blood while I was already learning how to drink. It can't be distributed outside the bloodstream, so it can only be used for making colorful items like this. The shipment that received the ascending choreography to the interior was about to burst into tears due to the emotional intensity. Ajin never enjoyed seeing a bearded man cry.

“In a month's time, many guests will visit to celebrate the throne becoming a doorbell. ”

As he became a phrase, Azin changed the title he called himself. It was a little awkward because it wasn't sticking to its mouth yet, but you can't use a shark on the opposing team even after it became a doodle. Azin reaches out and closes his throat.

“More people will come here than I thought, since I haven't qualified. Maybe something unthinkable will come along and measure the strength of the bloodline. Rather, I hope. That's why I didn't limit my qualifications. ”

Ajin smiles thinly.

“The point is to make sure they know the power of the Bloodstream. A month.Long is short. Short is short. How much do you expect the Bloody Great Master to tell them about this emergency and internal affairs...? ”

The slingshot leans back as if its head were on the ground. Azin relished his appetite by looking at the closed door. I should have given you more time. No, then it's too late. I had to make the rumors as big as possible before I could spread the faction. Since the war against the Passenger Gate has put up a new star called Hematoma, if you tell me about it, I'll be interested in this side.

‘You said you were a gentleman. ’

Azin's eyes narrowed. While improvising, I also told Moorish to look at the reaction of the eclipse that Heavenly Mother had given me. I wanted to go to Namhae myself to check on the trends of those pirates, but I don't think there's any need for tigers to go into their mouths with a bad hoe. It is said to be a body that does not die, but it is a waste of time to get there.

Then we'll have to move this way to see the reaction. The Bible says that it is one of the four laws of martyrdom, so Seolwolhwa would have a high status within the church, and she was very interested in Ajin. A month. That should be enough to spread the word to Namhae. Azin grins and twitches his chin.

I hope you'll come to congratulate me.


“For the first time ever, the doorway..." ”

The man scratches his chin and mutters. A dark underground, magical light was emitting a bright light. The magic coating did not smell, but without magic, this subterranean pupil would not have been able to breathe into the rotting corpse.

“If I had known this, I would have built a proper steeple. Then I'll have something to be afraid of. ”

She rubs her hand against her face and mutters. I stopped the stench, but I couldn't help the sticky air. No matter the ventilation, there was a limit to the ventilation in this enclosed basement. Although ventilated, the stench of the corpse dissolves into the air shortly after. He kicks his tongue and tugs at his feet. A black robe wrapped around you draws you to the ground.

“Ah, ah. Let's see, like, number 12? ”

Haveth scratches his curly head and mutters, tilting his head. “11th.” Orsay, sitting with his knees bent, raises his head. Haveth grips her head in her grief.

“Yes. Experiment 11. Experiment 11. I'll write it down next time. I'm getting confused.”

She mutters and walks along the rope. He raises his arms. The sleeves roll up, revealing a skinny arm. Haveth looks down at the girl lying on the statue with her expressionless face. The girl with her arms and legs tied together looks up at Harvest with tears in her eyes.

“Was this girl's name Emily? Amy, remember? ”

She glances at Orsay. Orsay shakes his head as he rises up and approaches Harvest. She clenches her tongue.

“I'm confused, so let's say Test Subject 11. Yeah. Subject 11... is the 11th experiment to create a whole new undead that's not what it looks like... ”

The tongue twists. She spits. He raises the staff that was leaning next to the statue. What the Queen of the Black Forest gave me as a token of affection amplifies the power of dark magic. Jabesh wiggles his staff slowly.

“The undead, who usually keep their minds straight, are typical Rich, a little bit directional, but there are vampires, too. These experiments are different from them, and they're meant to make the undead completely obedient to its master's orders. They've tried to kill him and do something with resurrection magic, but it's all fucked up. This time...”

She mutters and continues. The staff has divided the space. The darkness splits apart and the subspace opens. As she gestures, a knight in shining armor creaks out of her. It was the ultimate undead, the Destiny.

“I'm going to try to combine Chimera's techniques. ”

The reason I was talking like this was because all of these experiments were being recorded. Of course, it is not open to anyone. It is also Harvest who films. Just as the surgeon was filming the surgery, she was reviewing the lab footage she had taken and re-examining what was wrong with her every time.

There was no ethical guilt at all.

“A corpse that is not a vampire becomes a ghoul. Ghouls can't think for themselves because their brains are rotting, but because they have a ferocious appetite for such themes... they have the characteristics of a son of a bitch who bites things. Humans bitten by ghouls are contagious and become ghouls. ”

The Desknight who walks in front of her kneels before him. Desknight raises the black box. She opens the box with her bare face. There was a beating heart on a half-rotten subject.

“Chimera is a hybrid. Wide range. You can call it Chimera even if you cut off a healthy person's arm and put an Elven arm on it. Chimera is a mixture of different species. I'm going to transplant the heart of Ghoul to Subject 11. Normally, Ghoul-borne beings are the first to undergo a ghoul-borne degenerative process.”

She raises a finger. My fingernails grew long from dry, twisted fingernails.

“Magically protects the brain. If you transplant the heart of a Ghoul... then only the flesh belongs to Ghoul. This is the purpose of the experiment. The Dark Star's beloved Selbraham gave his opinion. I thank him again for being here. ”

Selbrahm. He was a dungeon master who reigned like a nightmare in the Haira Desert of Gracia, though he was giving it away.

“Well, anesthesia...”

Haveth tilts his head as he presses his fingernails down toward the shivering girl.

“Need it?”

You ask nicely. The girl opens her mouth and grunts, but she doesn't hear a voice. It's because I prevented the voices from being heard by magic. Haveth shrugs, looking at her mouth and her tied arms and legs.

“Doesn't matter.”

Jabesh's fingernails crack the girl's chest.

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