
00240 Bloodstream

His eyes opened when he woke up shaking. Stubborn head, tight body. Azin blinks and turns his head to the side. You can see Persian's smiling face.

“Good morning? ”

Persian smiles and asks. The question made him dazed, blinking and nodding his head. To be honest, I didn't sleep well. The watch was almost noon, but it was too late to sleep, and I felt exhausted because my previous behavior was too intense. Azin rises up with his hands on his forehead. The smiling Persian was wearing the short dress he had always worn.

“Aren't you hungry? ”

Persian bites his chin with his bare hands. Turns out, I didn't have dinner last night. Thanks to this, I felt an empty stomach that was hurting me. Azin nods. Persian smiles widely and rises to his feet.

“I made dinner. Come out and eat.”

“.. Yes? ”

“I did.”

How? Azin is held by Persian hands and rises to his feet. The body was covered in red lip marks. Yesterday, she was a virgin, and after the first time, she was eager to run and kill her body. Thanks to this, he had to keep pace with her movements without rest.

It was a pleasant night, to be honest, but I just wanted to die later.

“.. what did you do? ”

Azin looked at the ramen on the table and asked. Persian, who placed his chopsticks with a delightful face, smiled at Vashti. “It's not that hard. I've seen it a few times. What can't I do?” That's why I didn't want to say anything. I remember the first time I went out with Percy. I can hardly imagine Persian boiling ramen as I recall her skillfully watching TV while touching the remote control.

“I wanted to do something better. ”

Persik, sitting in front of Ajin, laughs. “.. is enough for now.” Ajin said with his chopsticks. He hesitates and looks at Persian.

“Don't you eat Persian? ”

“I'll eat it. This is food I've never eaten. ”

Persian said, taking his chopsticks. Persian used chopsticks skillfully. She raises her body, filling a plate with cotton, and hands it to Azin, smiling. Taking it, I felt a bit eaten.

It's been a long time since someone made me breakfast.

“What's wrong with your face? ”

Persian asked, “... What?” Azin replied as if he didn't mind. The flavor of ramen, it was just ramen. Neither particularly tasty nor tasty. It definitely tasted like that.

I did not feel like eating.

“.. I think I need to access the game. ”

Even though he said he would do it, Persian did the dishes himself. Asin, sitting in his seat, looks behind Persian, singing a nostril and doing the dishes. “I know.” Persian twists his head.

“And it doesn't matter. You can talk to him in the other world. ”

“.. I'm sorry. ”

“What's there to be sorry about? I didn't ask you to go out because I'm sick. ”

Persian smiles widely. A happy smile. Asin, standing up, approaches Persec and grabs her by the waist. “It's getting in the way.” Persian leans over his chest, curling his head.

“Be good to Racunda. ”

Turning the cleaned pot upside down, Persian is exhausted. Azin's shoulders twitch. Percy leaning his head against Azin's chest said in a small voice.

“It's because I'm stubborn. So I'm always sorry about Racunda. I got greedy about it, and it happened again. Racunda will be very upset. ”


“I'm fine. ”

Persian stops talking to Azin. She grins and turns around. After several strokes of wet hands, she grabs Ajin's waist. “I'm happy now.” You hear a tingling sound. A cold hand that was wet touched my waist. Azin closes his eyes.

Happiness always felt so far away.

Azin bows his head. Persian raises his head. My lips touched lightly.


The disciples of the bloodline first enter the bureaucracy, learning the bureaucracy of the Huawei family. The shamanism of the Huawei family is the basis of all shamanism in the family and is associated with later superior shamanism. Blood, blood, blood. And lastly blood. These were the bastards that Blood Moon had so far.

However, by investing the anarchist points into the shaman, the hidden shaman was revealed. The absence of the hematologic family was superior in all respects to the absence of the hematologic family. Azin decided to teach it to only the top 50 disciples of his family today. Rising officials must be trained by qualified personnel.

‘The power went up considerably. ’

600 points you invested in your students. Thanks to this, the disciples' unskilled skills have increased and their potential has increased. They have risen at the speed of skilled artisans, so over time, their power will be much stronger than it is today. Points invested in reputation are not particularly visible at this stage. All you can see now is the increase in the amount of tax you raise. It is said that the number of unmanned people is increasing, but no one has visited the bloodstream in just one day.

‘I hope the Intermediate Merchant Guild will have a friendly relationship. This is...

Does it mean that trading with the Intermediate Merchant Guild will be easier if you understand? The more money you have, the better. It is also necessary to raise funds, so finding a suitable merchant merchant merchant merchant may not be a bad deal.

Hallucinogenic rain pores.

A German bureaucrat from the Bloodstone. Better to learn? Azin ponders: The mesmerizing rain pores are near-fatalistic and judicial. A shameless man who has deviated from the path of defeat by deceiving and distracting his opponent. It has the exact opposite of the fighting laws of Azin or the shameless practices he has learned so far.

However, Azin decided to learn about the transient rain pores. It was also the reason that the higher the accomplishment of the shameless, the more so it was due to its effect on the title of the punctuation.


Skill Attack Power +50%

HP and internal air gain +20%

HP and Internal Air Recovery Speed +50%

Comply with common NPCs in areas with major factions and factions.

(Depending on the power of the Gateway, the strength of submission varies.)

Bloodmaster acquisition speed increased by 70%.

If you are a Bloodmaster, your acquisition speed will increase by 70%. That was not the end.

Thousand magazines

50% reduction in airborne consumption

Maximize your Avatar's Senses

Reduce Damage by 30%

Attack Power +50% for Heavenly Necromancer

Zero Gone Fulfillment Speed +30%

Empty-free achievement rate increased by 30%. Together, you will be able to master the art of skilllessness twice as fast. There is no reason not to familiarize yourself with the first unmanned humanoid hailstorm. Ajin pulled the annihilation rainbow blueprints out of his inventory.

[I've mastered the Hallucinogenic Rain Mask.]

I tried it right away Expanding the Thousand Marriage Rights, I captured the mystery of the Werewolf, and my fist became blurry and disappeared. The illusion of the illusion in your fist. In addition, there is a mixture of strange sorcerers who persecute the mind of the opponent, deprive the body of its freedom, and so forth.

“Fair enough.”

It was not compared to the astronaut, but there was nothing bad about it. For the time being, you will need to focus on getting used to the mildew.


I hear voices outside the door. Azin turns his head as he clenches his fist. I saw the servant kneeling down. “You're all here.” That said, Azin grins.

The first thing Azin did when he entered the world of First was find the smell of Raw Snow. The black snow scent that entered the world of shadows did not say anything. It was just a question of whether he liked it with a slightly nauseous face. He leaned his head down and soothed me.

Azin summoned the elders of the blood.

While dragging the long packing, Ajin left the office. I walked down the hallway with the maid's guidance. The servant opened the door that was closed. Inside, there were 10 elders, 130 of the elders, the oldest of the elders. They were all in the same era as the honeymoon.

The strong masons were lost in time, leaving only their old names behind.

“The young man's head is stiff. ”

The old man, who was pinned by the dark mushrooms, drags his beard down. Ajin looks at the old man with a expressionless face. A sword-eared master who lived three generations ago. Jiji frowned as Azin looked at him.

“Don't you know the language of adults? ”

“Don't you know any manners about punctuation? ”

Asin bites back. Her beard trembles and shakes. The elders are uncomfortable. Ajin passes them with a grumpy face and sits on the bench. He looks at the elders, his hands twitching his chin.

“Thank you for bringing the slavers here. ”

I put my tongue up.

“The doorway to the former house was exhausted, so he hoped to retire, and the throne became a new doorway. I thought I'd let you know. ”

Someone clears her throat. It means that I don't like Ajin's insolent attitude. He didn't care. It was the right thing to do. The elders hoped that Azin would become a new sentence instead of a sick spirit, but they would definitely try to rank it once it became a sentence. Of course. Ajin has not mastered the art of bloodline. There is no authenticity as a doorbell. He belongs to the bloodline, but is close to the outsider of the bloodline. Now that he had become the doorbell, it was obvious that he would have been sequenced as the Chief Elder and placed clearly below.

So I'll hold it in advance.

“I'm going to spread the word to the safaris, too. I'm thinking of improvising in a month. That way, I'll know for sure. Who is the owner of the bloodline? ”

“Have you summoned these old men to brag about it? ”

“Mr. Ji Kyung. If you don't want to die, you'd better raise your voice. The throne is the door to the blood, and you are the disciple of the blood. Just because you're old doesn't mean you're on top of the blood. ”

Ajin grins. His shoulders fluttered and trembled. “Th-this white...” The prurigo points to pain, and he kicks his tongue small.

“You're an old man who doesn't understand horses. Seung-kyung, I don't intend to disrespect the elders of our time, but I think that we should give Heaven's spirit more than respect to the old man who's been beaten up and down. Will you die?”

She kept her mouth shut. In his silence, he smiles and glances at the elders.

“This is also what I say to all of you. Times have changed.The Gateway used to be the main gateway. If you have a problem with that, tell me right now. If you have a valid complaint and someone is leading the bloodline on behalf of the throne, hmm. Consider handing over the position of the tattoo. ”

No one opened their mouth.

“Of course you are. There will be no one who would be reasonable in the place of the scripture other than the throne. Brothers, be sure to know. The script respects its elders. But that respect will only be seen when the elders respect this successor. If you're the masters behind this, if you're the elders of this clan, if you're arrogant and do things that don't fit the theme...”

Needed a little choreography Azin opened a thousand rainforests. The Red Devil rises. Kuang! With the appearance of the devil, a great sense of intimidation spread. The elders shrug their shoulders.

“There's no need for the script to be polite. ”

Ajin laughed and drank tea.

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