
00239 Bloodstream

So, what do you want me to do?

I wanted to smoke. Everything is like that, but the first time is the hardest. Ajin had never done anything like this with Persian. The problem was that it was not the first time, but that Persian was an inexperienced virgin.

I've never hugged a virgin. What to do first. Is that a kiss, too? Azin hesitates and looks at Persian. Percy, lying on his back with his hands on his chest, blinks and looks at the pain. As it turns out, the last woman I hugged was only black snowflake, and most of the sex with her was always attractive. That's why the situation is awkward. This is Experiencer. This is Experiencer. What you need to lead is azine.

“.. can I do whatever I want? ”

Azin scratches his head, glancing at Persic and asking. Persian cheeks are red. It was always her who actively skinned, but she was ashamed of how it turned out. The pale skin seemed to attract deep redness. Persian closes his eyes and nods. You'd better be joking, as usual. I was nervous when I got serious on her side. In Persian's acceptance, he rises to his feet.

I was going to kiss you. Azin looks down at Persian's closed eyes. Persian pounces on his lips, whether he feels a close breath. Seeing him, Azin smiled unknowingly. “Aren't you a little nervous?” In the words of Azin, Persian opened his closed eyes slightly. “W-what?” Persian asked, opening his lips. Ajin didn't answer.

Your lips narrow. Persian's shoulders twitch. It wasn't the first time I kissed her. But the tension and feeling was worse than the first kiss. The hot tongue got entangled. The stiff tongue twitched awkwardly. Azin narrows his eyes and looks at Persian's face. The shivering eyes look pathetic. Azin shifts his stance and turns to his side. He reached out and grabbed Persian's chest.

A generous chest was caught in my hand. I grabbed my breasts and naturally compared them to the smell of raw snow. Persian breasts were as soft as marshmallows if they were as elastic as rubber. With his chest in his hand, Persian shudders. The reaction was quite interesting.

If I think about it, I've always been attracted to Persians.

“.. you said I could do whatever I wanted? ”

Azin opened his lips and asked. Persian nods, hesitating. Ajin grins. The awkward tension relaxes. The urge to be repressed by the smell of Raw Snow was released. Azin puts Persian breasts in her ears. “Take off your clothes.” That said, Persian swallows a gulp. The clothes that surrounded her disappeared into a black shadow. Azin smiles unknowingly at Persian whites.

“Are your underwear not shadows? ”

“Well, that's...”

With his eyes slightly opened, Persian mutters, avoiding his gaze. You should be ashamed. Azin licks Persian ears with his tongue, without asking. “Hiic!” Persian grunts in surprise, shrugging. Azin reaches out, smiling silently at the reaction. I can feel Persian's chest trembling beyond his thin underwear. Azin rubs a convex spur with his palm and chews off Persian ears.

“Ugh... Ugh...”

Persian's face rises red as if bursting. She clenches her lower lip and is eager not to groan. Azin's hand loosens the buckle on the brassiere. “Now, wait...” Persian tries to say Moore, but Azin ignores it. In the middle of the big white chest was a pale pink nipple.


Persian covers his face with his hands. “What did you say about Sexy Jawyne, and why are you ashamed?” Azin is ridiculous, so he asked again. When asked, Persian lowers his hand, covering his face, and shoots him.

“It was always a joke! A virgin can't run like that on her first night. ”

“.. I don't care. It was cute to be shy, but it was also cute to be active. ”

In response, Persian wrinkles his open lips and shuts his mouth. Persian hesitates, halfway up. “.. I wanted to pretend to be pure.” Persian squeezes his forehead and mutters.

“Take it off."

Persian points to azin with his chin. “If Persian takes it off.” Azin shrugs. At that question, Persian frowns and scowls.

“Aren't we all naked? ”

“You left your panties. ”

“You can take this off of me! ”

Persian shouts out in frustration, and Azin does not back down. “Then why don't you take off my pants, Persian?” Persian's shoulders tremble with a rattling question.

“How can a virgin be so innocent as to wear a man's pants...”

“It's even weirder to peck off a subject like that. ”

“Oh, really! I don't know! Just do what you want! ”

Persian lies on his back screaming. She pulls the pillow and covers her face. Azin laughs as he looks at the seething Persian. “Are you angry?” You prick Persian chest with your fingers. Persian twists his body slightly to the side without answering. Seeing that, Azin presses his finger against Persian chest a few more times. Whenever I pressed it, my soft chest twitched and changed its shape.

“.. don't play with me. ”

The voice presses against your pillow, muttering. “So do we take it seriously?” Azin asked. Persian doesn't answer. Instead, a little shortness of breath is heard from inside the pillow. Azin smiles in relief. He switches sides and climbs over Persian's body. Suddenly, her weight shivers.

A big open mouth bites my chest. “Ugh...!” Persian's body trembles lightly. The nipple was a little stiff. You lick your tongue gently, and Persian's body convulses. Tsk. I sucked it with my strength. “Ugh...” The groaning is low. The hand that was touching my chest came down. The chatter sweeps the white belly gently.

“I'm not droopy. ”

“I didn't say anything. ”

In response to Persian murmurs, Azin's hands come down below her waist. I can feel Persian's stiffness stiffening. Azin looks down. She wears black underwear that shimmers slightly. Before taking it off, Azin presses his hand against her underneath. I felt the hot warmth. The tense, stiff Persian body trembles thinly. Ajin licks his lips with his tongue and empowers his pressing hand. And then he moved his hand while he was still pushing. The scrub twists Persian's waist.


A distressed groan comes out. Azin reaches out and removes the pillow that Persian covered his face. “Now, wait...!” Before the embarrassed Persian grabbed the pillow, Azin's hand took it away. You can see Persian's red face. The wet eyes were shaking thinly.

“Are you afraid? ”

“Well, she's... she's... she's new.”

Persian murmurs. Azin grins. “You're welcome to stop if you don't like it.” In that question, Persian turns his head to the side.

“.. don't be mean. I never told you to stop. ”

“Then can I do whatever I want? ”

“You've been doing what you wanted ever since! ”

Persian fires at you. Azin smiles silently and puts a lace on his index finger. Persian is silent. She turns her head to the side when she can't help it. Looking down at him, Azin lowers his hand. My underwear was dragged down.


Persian groans in embarrassment, covering his face with his hands. “Bo, don't look.” Persian murmurs, but he doesn't pretend to hear it. He grabs Persian sheep's thighs. Persian is desperate and relaxed. You see white flesh beyond the open bridge.

“... have you shaved? ”

“.. it's hard to manage fur in the forest. ”

Persian mutters with his head turned to the side. Azin blinks at the hairless white flesh. I've never seen anything like this before. I didn't spit with my mouth because I thought it would be a good hit. Azin reaches out and touches Persian flesh. “Ouch!” Persian twists. Wet flesh was sticky. Azin swallows his saliva. I scratched it gently on top without putting my fingers in. Persian's body twitches and trembles. Persian chewing his lips, he was passionate about swallowing the groaning.

“S-stop it... and do it quickly. ”

Persian mutters in a clamor. Azin pauses at the sound and raises Persian. A sweaty red head adheres to your forehead. Persian stares at him eagerly with wet eyes. Azin raises his hand. He squeezes a wet hand in the sticky water, then nods his head.

I lowered my pants and underwear all at once. The pressed item bounces back and forth. The Persian who saw it swallowed a gulp. “I-I-I mean, do I have to?” Persian hesitates. Azin tilts his head.


“I mean, Racunda does it sometimes... with her... mouth.”

“.. you can do it if you want. It's more than that now.”

Azin opens Persian legs. Persian nods, swallowing a gulp. She takes a deep breath and places her hands on her chest. Every time she exhales, her breasts flutter up and down. Azin does not rush, but waits for Persian to calm down.

“Phew. That's enough.”

Persian opens his mouth. She bites her lower lip tightly so as not to make a sound. Her eyebrows tremble as she moves forward in her waist. The lip that I asked for eventually happened when his back was stretched all the way to the end.

“Phew..! ”

The tight-knit flesh was painful. It felt like I was being rooted out, and something wet was flowing cheerfully. Azin raises his torso and looks down. Red blood was flowing. I felt a strange sense of conquest. Persian breathes his last and covers his face with his hands.

“... does it hurt? ”

That's what Ajin asked. When asked, Persian takes his hand off the mask and looks at Azin.

“.. I've been in a lot more pain than this. ”

That's what Persian said when he cried. Azin reaches out and pats her tear-stained cheek. Persian grins and grabs Azin's wrist and presses it against his face.

“... I'm not crying because I'm sick, I'm just happy. I've never seen anything like it. ”

“.. he's not a very good opponent. ”

“I told you not to say that. ”

Persian frowns and scowls at you. She reaches out and wraps her arms around her neck. The bodies came down against each other. I felt a palpitation. Persian struggles to touch Azin's back.

“.. I've lived a long time, but I've never been happier. ”

“.. I'm sorry. ”

“Don't be sorry. I wish I was the only one who likes me, but what can I do? He's the one who got to like her. ”

“I don't think you're a cheater. ”

“You've got a lot of nerve wearing both legs. It doesn't matter. I like Racunda, and technically, I started liking her. I mean...”

Persian growls in Azin's ear.

“Move me.”

The bed creaks.


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