
00238 Bloodstream

“Weren't you confident? ”

Azin was a little absurd, so he asked. Raw snow scent that was turning its stiff head back avoided the gaze of Ajin. Before I left the office, I thought of the attitude of raw snow. The Persian was frowning and worrying. In front of him, the smell of Raw Snow was full of self and relaxation. Sports are concave. It's a simple game. Five rocks of the same color in a row are the end.

Persian was not aware of the concavity. I knew the smell of Raw Snow would be concave. It started with a great advantage. However, it smelled like black snow. Azin couldn't understand it at all.

“I... I was tense. I won twice with a three-round. ”

“Racunda didn't even give you a practice game, right? ”

Persian leaning against Azin's arm smiles in relief. She hugs him deeper without letting go of his arm. Azin turns his head to the side. I felt the soft chest pressing against the arm that entered between the ribs.

“Well, I just needed some time to practice. We had to see how Racunda did it. The first one looked at Racunda's offensive. The second one looked at Racunda's defense. And then it was easy, because it moved as well as I thought it would, and it was easy to bluff. ”

“Ugh...! ”

Raw Snow's scent trembles. I had no choice. Persian is a wizard.Not just a wizard, but a wizard who has lived many times longer than the smell of Raw Snow. It's said to be a vampire, but a wizard can't be too good at fighting head to head.

“So, it was me who won. ”

Persian smiles at Azin with his hands on his chest. “You don't hate it, do you?” Persian asked quietly, watching Azin avoid his gaze. He smiles, but his eyes do not smile. Gene immediately shakes his head.

“Well, that can't be...”

The moment I was about to answer, my whole body creeped me out. I can see the smell of raw snow looking this way with my eyes wide open. What the hell am I supposed to do? If you do, don't make a bet. Ajin chews his lower lip and swallows his saliva. Percik looks at the black snow as he laughs.

“Oh? Racunda, what is it? This is a bet, right? It was a situation where I could lose enough, and if I did, I would humbly accept the consequences. But that look on Racunda's face... it's like she doesn't accept the outcome of the bet... Are you going to break your promise? ”

“Th-that's not it! ”

“Then smile, Racunda. This was a fair fight. No, it's not fair. Rather, it was Racunda who had the advantage, right? Racunda was the game. Racunda knew the rules. What's that look on your face about losing a game like that? Well, there's nothing I can do to comfort you. Racunda, you can suck a finger, or pinch a thigh tonight. Or masturbate. ”

“Now, masturbation? ”

“Why? Did I say something strange? They knew exactly what I was looking at, but they got tangled up. Well, that doesn't mean I've been masturbating. ”

Persian chuckles. The shoulders of Raw Snow trembled with aggravating insults. But I couldn't argue. Because Persian was right. Concave has always been a game in favor of Raw Snow. Still, losing was simply her inadequacy. The Black Snow's fist trembles with strength. She is an unmanned woman. If she has a clear victory or defeat, she will surrender to him. Even if you lose this time, you will win next time. She has lived like that.

So step back. Raw Snow had sharpened its teeth. Her eyes flutter toward the pain. Azin trembles at the sight of the bitter snowy eyes filled with grudge.

“... don't pee inside. ”

The smell of Raw Snow echoes with a trembling voice. “.. Yes?” Raw snow didn't answer the question. With her teeth clenched, she turns around. Seeing that, Percy pulls out his tongue and pulls on Azin's arm.

“Where do you want me to do it? ”

“.. Yes? ”

“Don't pretend you heard that. I'll be angry.”

Persian eyes have been empowered. The sharp gaze shivers and shrugs. “Well, I have more to say.” I tried to buy myself some time. In the end, he was a man, so he couldn't resist a beautiful Persian woman sleeping with him. Nevertheless, Ajin hesitated because of the back office.

“Th-that became the crest of the bloodline. ”

“What do you want me to do? ”

I tried to get as long a story as I could to convey my position to the Black Snow, but Fersik ended up complaining about Azin's accomplishments in one word. There is deep despair in Ajin's face. “It's become a crest of blood. It was me!” Azin shouted in a hurry. Persian frowns and elbows pierce the flank of Azin.

“So what do I do? Now that you're a doorbell, you're calling all your students to the ballroom and having doorbell sex where everyone can see it? ”

“.. Yes? ”

“What am I supposed to do when it becomes a doorbell? What's important to us right now, Ajin. It's not that he's become a doodle, it's that he and I can finally sleep together. Aren't you happy for him? ”

Persian squints and asks. Azin swallows a gulp. Persian was the first person to come to Azin in a different sense than Raw Snow. Ajin receives pure favors and concerns from her. So Azin accepted Persian's heart. Nevertheless, there was only constant contact between the two.

“.. I don't hate it. ”

Ajin sighs for a long time. Adhering to the ambiguous stance means nothing. Rather, it will be poisonous. Not to Raw Snow, not to Persian. If so, it is better to have a clear position.

‘You had my permission. ’

About a year and a half ago. In the castle of shadow, Azin recalls what he had been beaten to death by the smell of black snow. After being beaten like that, 'Raw snow scent is fine even for Persian.' I said it myself. And didn't you just say so yourself? "Don't pee inside. ’In fact, it means that I allowed myself to lie with Persian.

“Okay, Ajin. So let's decide. Where do you want to do it? ”

“Oh, it's still nightfall.”

“It's almost night. And the night is short, Ajin. I don't want to blow that short night away. So, right now. Where do you want to do it? Reality? Or a game? I personally prefer to do it in real life. I don't care, but his body isn't real, is it? ”

“Th-then it's real. ”

“Okay, sign out. ”

Persian was helpless. “Ah, there's still work to be done,” said Azin in a hurry. It wasn't a lie. It became a doorway, and now that I've invested points to change the doorway, I have to see it with my own eyes. But Persian squints and asks.

“Is it urgent? ”

“... that's...”

“I can do tomorrow, right? ”


“Please log out. ”

Azin sent his eyes to the Black Snow for salvation. The black snow scent that was turning its back was hesitant and looking back. I met the eyes of Ajin and Raw Snow. It was a moment when I was going to say what the smell of Raw Snow was. Persian steps aside, blocking the presence of black snow. She twists her fingers at her red head and gives a big smile.

“Right now. ”

Logged out.

Slightly empty, thirsty, urine. Azin breathes. I have been connected to the game for a long time, and I have a slight headache due to several hours of combat in the game. No, that's not what matters right now. Azin looks around, swallowing a gulp. Persian doesn't seem to have made it.

“Lie... lie. ”

Azin mutters in a small voice. I don't hate it. If the smell of Raw Snow had been a little more merciful, he would have slept with Persian on the spot. Ajin sighs and takes off his shirt. My body was a little wet with sweat. Should I take a shower? Emphysema, thirst, urine. I don't know if I have time to eat. Ajin opens the door of the refrigerator and picks up the bucket.

As it turns out, there was still a wish left. I haven't used my wish of winning the Blind Dance yet. Yeah, let's leave this on the lifeline. After tonight, when Master tried to kill me. Let's make a wish to save lives.

“You don't have to take a shower. ”

I was going to the bathroom to pee. I heard voices in the living room. Azin trembles. Persian voice. “Wouldn't it be better... to do it?" ”Azin raised his voice and asked. The grinning laughter returns.

“It doesn't matter. I like the smell of azin. ”

Oh, my God. Azin is trembling. I showered before I entered the capsule, but I sweated quite a bit. But I couldn't resist because they said so. Azin flushes his toilet and comes out. Persian smiles widely, looking at Azin in the living room.

“... but I'm hungry. ”

Ajin asked me a few times. In response, Persian tilts his head with a smile. “Can't I eat it a little later?” A horse with undeniable magic. Azin eventually nodded his head. He hesitates, pointing to his room. “In... in bed?” Azin groans and asks. Persian nods at Azin. Stopped in front of Azin's feet, she spread her arms wide.

“Give me a hug."

Azin hugs Persian with open arms. Her body was small. He was not that tall, so he could fit into his body if I held him in my arms. The Persian in Azin's arms smiles warmly. Azin sweeps Persian's back gently.

“Give me a hug. ”

Persian demands. The hesitant hand goes down. You hug Persian in a pose commonly referred to as holding the princess. “.. can I go to bed?” Ajin smiles bitterly and asks. Persian nods, avoiding his gaze. Her cheeks were reminded of what she reasonably asked for. Azin crosses through the living room. Persian was not so heavy. He pushes the half-opened door open with his feet, and Azin approaches the bed.

Azin carefully lays the Persian on the bed. Persian felt the beating of his heart, placing his hands on his chest. A virgin who knows no man. Purity was not especially important to me. Pure-minded vampires won't be a joke. The only reason she was able to keep her virginity was simply because she was strong. It was also because there was no man who kicked her in the eye.

“Thank God for that. ”

Persian looks at Azin with his eyes closed. I saw a slightly sweaty body. Persian smiles thinly.

“I'm glad I've never seen Ajin before. ”

My face was burning from listening to it. Azin hesitates and smiles, half-opened.

“.. I'm not that smart. ”

After a brief silence, Ajin mutters. At that, Persian wags his head.

“It doesn't matter.”

Persian chuckles.

“He's smart enough for me. ”

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