
00242 Bloodstream

The silent screams do not stop. The girl with a split chest was a round commotion, twisting her arms and legs, shaking her waist, and breaking her head to the left and to the right. She acted like a patient adult. I didn't open my mouth to yell at the girl or slap her on the cheek. He clenches his lips and opens the girl's ribs wide. Red blood spills out from between the open ribs with a thumping sound. Haveth's mouth twitches heavily in the hot blood splattered on his face.

“You're healthy.”

She mutters in a low voice. My fingernails grew long on five long fingers. Harvest skillfully cut out the girl's heart with his expressionless face. I could see the tongue twitching from the girl's mouth. Harvest looks at the upside down pupil and puts the heart of the Ghoul in his left hand into an empty spot.

“This belonged to your twin sister. ”

It's not just bad luck that we're here as subjects. There were clear criteria for Harvest 'selection of subjects. Is it suitable for the experiment? Because it was Yes, the girl was here. Young age, twins.

“It's not that difficult. Which means you're out of luck. ”

She said in a deep voice. A dark light flashes from her hand. Magic unfolded without casting. The heart that I inserted became part of the girl. The bleeding stopped and my heart started beating.

“You were a follower of Graos. Alas.”

Graos is a creator who believes in God in Gracia. She glances at the rosary on the girl's wrist. The little leaf symbol was the symbol of Graos. She clenches her tongue.

“The god you believe in has no intention of saving you. I didn't save your brother. ”

Her sister became a ghoul. It was because I needed the heart of a ghoul. It is the first time an organ of a ghoul is transplanted in humans. There was no preceding case, so I had to think of everything on my own. The twins were chosen with the possibility of inappropriateness in mind. Luckily, the heart was the right size.

“Pray. I ask you to send me to heaven even if I become an undead. ”

She looks at the girl calmly. A pale, dry hand brushes the girl's wound. The swollen wound was stitched and healed. There's a grunting sound coming from the girl's mouth. She looks at the blooming bubble with careful eyes. The girl's eyes were darkening. It is a grinding process. Jabesh begins to gloat with a smile on his lips. The staff on the slope is caught in the hands of Harvest and vomits an ominous glow. The staff scatters its light as the hand shakes like a ghost.

Harvest set up his index finger and brought it to the staff. The black light around the staff settles on the tip of his hand. In a murmuring ditch, she presses her finger down on the girl's forehead. A circle was carved in the middle of the girl's forehead.

“What do you think? ”

Orsel grabs her collar and asks. She narrows her eyes and examines the subject's response.

“It's unprecedented. I have to try. ”

She taps the girl's cheek gently. The overturned eyes are darkened with a white pebble. “What do you think?” She swings the staff. The black smoke gathered and became a chair. She sits on it and stares at Orsel. Orsay bows his head, holding a rather large robe in his hand.

“.. I don't know much about experiments. ”

“... yes. I didn't expect much from you. ”

She sighs and pulls out a pipe and fills it with tobacco leaves. Orsay was an unusual being. She had the strength not to be lacking compared to other hiddenpieces, but she had not lived as long a life as they did.

Orsay was a homunculus. The world she lived in was an endless era of religious warfare and witch trials, and Orsay was created by the magical power that engulfed the hearts of hundreds of thousands of witches and black sorcerers slaughtered by the religious wars. She was able to perform powerful dark magic with close to infinity, but regrettably had little knowledge or experience of the dark magic itself. That was her complaint. Orsay was not a great teacher. All she could get from Orsay was her powerful dark magic.

It was fatal for the wizard.

I lit a fire on the pipe, sucked the smoke, and filled it with clouds. “Your brain will rot.” Orsay warned me. Pemph was a powerful drug that was banned from distribution even within Gracia. Haveth's eyes widen in horror.

“The Avatar's brain is rotten anyway. It doesn't matter if you don't do it in reality. ”

Jabesh said with a gust of smoke. The dazed right eye glances at Orsay. Orsay's cheeks flare as if to complain. It looked just like a child. In fact, she was young. Even though she spent 20 years in this world, there was hardly any depth in her mental age. She was as simple as a child.

“I'm starting to get nervous. They've improved their performance. You can't push it. ”

She touches her cheek and says, Rank # 1. Harvest bites the pipe. My eyes are wide open, but my mind is sharp. At the boat party, I first noticed the report. If there's one of the most deadly competitors in this game, it's him. And I got it right. The man who consistently stood out was now a fuller fortress than anyone else in First World.

‘The doorway... There must be more than a cloth underneath. And that's gonna be a lot more. ’

She clenches her tongue. He was also building a large force. The Black Wizard's Guild and the Dark Star, who made him the leader, were an evil organization that terrorized all of Gracia.

‘.. the chief. ’

Jabesh smiles spontaneously. Though he seemed to shine that way for the players, he was not able to fully control the dark star, even though he was the head of the dark star. The Dark Stars are a group of Black Wizards, and Jabesh stands for them. That's all. There are monsters within the Dark Star that cannot rule even Harvest.

The Black Wizard. The Necromancer is an army of one. The Necromancer's power is gripped by an undead army that leads more than its magical talent. She was a brilliant black wizard. But not a great Necromancer. It's a little over a year since the game started. It was unmatched to other Necromancers who have spent decades producing the Undead with the Necromancer.

And the Dark Star is not an officially recognized guild. In order to make a guild recognized in the system in Gracia, it had to be done. Not a Dark Star. Dark Stars are more a group of black wizards than a guild. If the Dark Star was recognized as a guild, and Harvest was officially a guild master, he would have been able to receive systematic assistance. However, there is nothing like it because it is not recognized as a guild.

Accepting a player will not create a barrel. You cannot make a Dark Star a full guild. In the end, all she could do was try to be Necromancer-like.

“It's moving. ”

She lowers the pipe. The light came back from my dazzled eyes. Harvest slowly approaches the prowling girl with his teeth clenched.


“Bloody Mare, what an unparalleled horror! ”

The man lets out a trembling beard. The man sitting across from him touched his smooth chin. “You're not the star you claimed to be. If you have to curse, you will have to curse the eyes of the three who built such a star for a child who has no blood on his head.” That said, the stubble of the beard folded its arms, snorting.

“It is a problem for those who always talk. You can't even see properly. Just come on. Oh, you can only open your mouth. I'm getting nauseous thinking they're masters! ”

“I agree. But it can't be trivial. Some of these idiots must be thinking straight, and some of them must be brilliant. Maybe one of them is really something.”

“Stop, stop! Defensive law, you talk too much. So what do you want me to do? There may be a great one, and he may be the little one called Hematoma. Is that what you want to say? ”

“You're too loud, Imperator. ”

The man called the law of self-defense raised his cup of tea and said, In saying this, the law of appeal snorted again.

“Hear what? There is no one. ”

“Rats listen to it during the day and rats listen to it at night. ”

“No, you idiot. Why are you listening to me all night? ”

Chongho said with his tongue, and Chongho shrugged his shoulders. The woman who was listening quietly said with her eyes closed.

“There's no one around. No rats, no birds. You can stop worrying about leaking the conversation. ”

He stared at the woman, expressing that the law of defence is good. The woman was a face without character. If you cross the street, there must be one face, and if you pass it, you will forget it after a few steps. The code grumbled.

“Young-ho is sitting here with us. Why are you talking about him? ”

“Your ears are brighter than most. ”

“Hmph, do you really only have bright ears? ”

“Then what else can be brighter than your ears? Don't catch the horse's tail. ”

“Whose side is the Court of Appeal on? Do you honestly believe a woman who knows neither her identity nor her past? ”

“Don't be such a baby. I brought you here after I beat the whining slogans of wanting to go. What makes you different from the slogans? ”

“Are you comparing me to that cheeky girl? No matter how defensive..."

“You bastard, is it so hard to tell me to shut up? ”

After Chongho spit out his swearing words, Chongho kept his mouth shut. Chongho took a big sigh and bowed his head toward Yeongho sitting next to him.

“I'm sorry. I lost my stepfather when I was a child.”

“What does it matter if my parents are dead? ”

“I don't care. ”

Youngho replied with a expressionless face. In response to her grave reaction, she sighs again. He presses his hand against the flimsy temples.

“.. Anyway, I don't like Hematoma, but... we need to be careful." He's the one who smashed the Gateway of the Passage that we were trying to use as a platform, leaving what he said to be true and false. There is a chance that it will grow in the future, so it would be better to step on it if it was stepped on. ”

“You're gonna step on it? You mean the hematoma shoots? ”

“That's what I'm saying. ”

“But you told me not to harm him. ”

Youngho said, Chongho was silent for a moment and waved his head. “I take full responsibility.” Chongho held a cup of tea with thick hands. He shoves his hot tea right into his mouth.

“If there may be danger afterwards, it is best not to raise it as a danger. If the Heavenly Mother is angry and punishes me, I will punish her alone. ”

“You would disobey the Empress? Imperative law, no matter how ignorant the defensive law is, it's...”

“Son of a bitch. From now on, every time you open your mouth, I'll smash your teeth in. ”

The method of self-defense tightened his lips.

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