
00149 Hematotropism

“... a snake, what? ”

The White Vowel, which was spreading her lips, suddenly woke up and asked. Ajin, who was drinking tea with a dull face, lifted his eyes and looked at the white sign.

“You said you were a vampire. ”

“I mean, who? ”

“Blood is for blood dragons from the choir. ”

His mouth widened a bit. Vampires. They even knew what it was. There are a few vampires in the line of progress, and there are vampires among the teenage masters in the jungle. The bloodthirsty Lugus. He has no enemies, no factions, no factions. You wander alone and drink its blood, defeating the evil beneath your standards. Those standards were consistent with common cause, and the evil that the bloodthirsty hunted was evil for everyone to see. That's why he was not killed, even though he did terrible things like drinking human blood.

However, even though there are vampires among teenage masters, to the people of Jinjin, vampires are still strange and frightened. A monster that seeps into the shadows and pops out and bites the neck. They say they have reason, but in people, vampires are monsters after all.

“.. why did you do that? ”

“It's not as good as it used to be. ”

Ajin replied casually. The white mark's eyes narrowed.

“So you turned him into a monster? ”

“Control is fine. Rather, they listen better than they used to. ”

“Even so...”

“What are you afraid of? ”

Ajin smiled and asked. His cheek twitches a little. She glances at Azin with yellow eyes flashing.

“... what does that mean? Blood Dragon Master.”

“I am a man of blood. ”

Ajin puts down his cup of tea. He fixes the pose and raises one knee. It's relaxing. Ajin touches his chin, resting his arm on his knee.

“The great master of the Blood Dragon Clan, the Blood Dragon. The position of the bloodmoon and the star from Lady White Voucher. The bloodshed held me, and I turned them into vampires for the bloodshed. But what are you afraid of? ”

Scared? The White Void chewed through his lips. I don't like that relaxed smile. I don't like the comforts of being in my own home. The Great Blood Dragon, the Great Blood Dragon. The star that the White Star gave me. Yi, the Blood Vee White Vote. She is the granddaughter of the Bloodline Hallucination. According to Ajin, her side is the owner. So, why?

“Though he's on a rather trivial mission of protecting the people, even if he's a member of the Parak, shooting in the streets. The Blood Dragon Clan exists by the power vested in it. When they get stronger, they get stronger. And when the blood dragon colony gets stronger, it gets stronger. Why would you be afraid of that? ”

“... watch your mouth, Blood Dragon Master. ”

“Excuse me. I think you're a little too sad to doubt and hate me. ”

You take it in a slow motion. Azin holds up his cup of tea without clearing his smile.

“But I'm still sad that I don't understand. I thought you'd be pleased. I knew you'd pay for my hard work turning garbage into something useful. So... why is she angry? ”

I don't trust you. The white pennant pressed down and swallowed the words I was about to spit out with a heavy heart. Unbelief. It was natural. He has no roots, no background. We met at Mt. Jang, and at that time, Azin tried to kill the White Mark. He begged for his life and made a deal, and Azin became a member of the blood. Is there trust in the process? Nothing.

“You have nothing to worry about. I'm a crook with no roots or background. All I have is this body and this armpit. ”

I felt like I could see through my thoughts. The white-glass was embarrassed and gave strength to the stubborn lips. Ajin's smile darkened.

“It is the blood that has accepted me. even though the process wasn't clean. But blood became my doorway. And I said, In five years, Safa will be the best of them all. ”

Ajin pulls the scroll out of his sleeve. He handed it over to the white pennant and said,

“Now I'm in charge of the Blood Dragon Clan, and Lady White Star said I'm free to use it. So I turned them into vampires, and I gave them 20 more recruits. Here's their list. These are recent names from the Wall and nearby, so some of them might know the Lady of the White Vote. ”

The White Paper closed its lips and opened the scroll. Indeed, as Ajin said, I saw some names that even White Papers knew. Poisonous. An unmanned man who has emerged from the Wall recently and uses the Viper and Tributes. In addition, some of the names I knew were visible. We should investigate them. The White Paper folded the scroll.

“.. control is certain, right? ”

“Of course.”

Azin nods. The white sign was a horse, looking at the pain with narrow eyes.

“Is it the great blood dragon that made them vampires? ”

“Persian Duna. He's with me. He's a vampire. ”

The woman who smiled at the star, the Blood Bleeding Girl, immediately. I was sensing something unusual, but I didn't know you were a vampire. The White Paper opened its lips to say Moore.

“Indeed, the Sage was a vampire. ”

His voice creaks in. He looks up, flawed. How long have you been there? The exhilaration stands in front of the wall, relaxed and backed. Azin rises up and bows his head.

“To the doorway.”

“No, thank you. I heard the stories. I can't believe the Blood Dragon Master cares so much about our blood. ”

He smiled and said. He slid over and stood in front of Azin. Azin squeezes his lips shut, looking into the eyes of the mute who stares at him. I have a slightly darker smile.

“Vampires. That's very interesting. I know a little something about vampires. I've seen them on the line a few times. If you want to empower a member of your bloodstream who has not mastered skilllessness, it's probably the quickest way to become a vampire. ”

Sit down. The happy spirit sits down and says, Azin sits cautiously in front of him. He touched his long beard, eyes filled with deep interest, and gazed at pain.

“I thought you were just a skillful artisan, but the Blood Dragon Master was more talented than I thought. I didn't know you were gonna be a vampire. ”

“.. I didn't ask for this. Just do me a favor."

“A member of the Vampire Corps will listen to the Vampirist. ”

The haunting hangs from the words of Azin. Ajin nods, smiling bitterly. His eyes narrowed.

“If you want control...”

“I'll give you that.”

I did not think and replied. Her smiling lips twitched. Azin bows his head.

“As I said, as a member of the blood family, I will do my best to make it the best it can be. I can give you whatever you want about vampires. ”

“Oh, I see. ”

The bride laughs low. I stopped laughing.

“I want to make more vampires. How?"

“.. that's impossible for me. It was you, Persian, who turned the blood-dragon into a vampire, and I...”

“Then I shall speak directly with him. ”

"Him" from "The Sausage." The name has changed. The haunting doesn't say a word for a while, but looks at the pain and wakes up. He touched his beard and said in a joyful voice.

“It is the blessing of the bloodline to reap the great blood dragon. Haha, this old man is going through all this in the last year. ”

The haunting laughs. Azin looks up and looks up. He smiled with a happy smile.

“Let's stop doubting the same family members. I put surveillance on the Great Blood Dragon. Did you know that? ”

“.. Yes. ”

“I see. I'll stop watching. Let's do this once a month... And don't even bother to mention recruiting new recruits. ”

“Thank you."

That's a reasonable reason.You 're going to stop watching while you tell me you're watching. Be careful of your own body. The grumpy inspiration. Ajin gives his fluffy cheeks strength to make a smile.

“Soon I will visit the noble guests of Gracia myself. Tell him about him. Yeah... When would be a good time? Three days later, three days later. Is there a problem? ”

“No, I'm not.”

Azin lowers his head deeply. The spirit nods and turns.

“Well, I'll be going now. Ah.”

As if I'd remembered later, I saw the mood swings.

“I've heard the assessment of the Blood Dragon Clan is very good for the residents of the Wall lately. You've fulfilled your mission. Please continue to do so. ”

Don't do anything nonsense. He swallows his hind horse and laughs out loud instead. With a strong smile, Ajin chewed his lower lip as he felt the boiling of the internal air. You said you'd clean up your mistrust, and now you're even more blatant. Azin exhales as he calms the shaken internal air. Hahaha, the smile of the soul fades into hazy smoke.

“... I'm not going to say anything, since my grandfather says so. ”

The White Voucher opened its mouth. She folds the scroll again and stares at Ajin.

“But let me give you some advice. I don't believe in the Great Blood Dragon. ”

“... that's a shame. ”

Azin staggers and laughs. The blood tastes like bitterness in my mouth. I only heard you laugh once, but that's it. It's bigger than I thought. Ajin raises his hand and steals the mouth lightly.

“I like you very much. ”


The White Paper smiled sharply. Azin bows his head with a smile facing that smile.

“.. and I'll be going now. ”

“Suit yourself. The Blood Dragon Master looks very busy, so someone like me can't hold him. ”

He laughs as he looks at the raging white token. How long are we going to be able to do that? You don't look so good yourself. Ajin recalled the first day he came to the blood gate with a white token. The flesh of her sworn enemy, her only brother. A puppet that holds the corners of the bridegroom's clothing with nowhere to turn. That was the White Mark. Azin turns away.

‘One day, your bitch is gonna catch my crotch. ’

I pressed and swallowed what I wanted to swallow. Not yet, not yet. Azin opens a closed door. He walks slowly down the hallway, where the smell of drugs vibrates. It was thick earlier. Azin frowns. It smells the same as when the adrenaline rush approaches you. The smell of sickness, the smell of dying old men. The hallucination is getting weaker. His prime has already passed, and he is falling.

‘The boy, the old man, will vomit blood before him. ’

Azin is getting stronger. Continued, Continued, Continued, Continued, Continuing, Continuing, Continuing, Continuing, Continuing, Continuing, Continuing And it will accelerate rapidly. If the tuning of this body is complete, if the refining is complete by being hammered by a black-and-white hammer,

‘Let's see if we can publish at that time. ’

When old and sick, happy, fallen to sick. When that deadbeat, bloodbath grabbed his crotch and wept. When the son of the Hallucinogen, Blood Sura, the grandson of hematology, knelt on his knees to Azin.

Bloodlines will be renamed as martyrs.

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