
00150 Outgoing

What time did you sleep last night? I thought in a dazed ritual. After meeting the phantom and returning, inspect the Vampire Hematologist, tell Persian that the phantom will return in three days... Find out the location of the player accepted as a member, and watch out for action.

‘I got beaten up by the master. ’

I tried, but I logged out at dawn after such a long time. Wash up, get hungry, eat some food. I fell asleep looking at Progress and the official site a little bit. It was probably around 3: 00 a.m. The pattern is a mess. Azin looks at the watch by the bed. 9: 00 a.m. But you slept for six hours. He raises himself up, pressing down on his flimsy temples. The moment he stood up, he felt a strong tingling sensation. I put my hand on the wall instead of falling down. He sighs, wrapped around his forehead.

'We need to stabilize the pattern. ’

If you sleep for more than 4 hours, you can maintain your body, but irregular patterns accumulate fatigue and eventually collapse. By the way, I've only been eating one meal a day lately. He sighs and wakes up. Wash up first... And now that you mention it, Persian wants to go out with you today. To be honest, I didn't think about what to do. Just go out and eat, go to the movies...

I turned the door hook with the right idea. Queek, the door opens. Azin is firmly in place.

The TV noise was loud. The volume was so big that I thought it was crazy not to hear it in the room. Persian twists his legs and watches the TV, just to fill an empty seat on a couch that few have ever used. Azin stares blankly and pulls back the door hook. Heave-ho. The door is closed. The sound outside doesn't come in. Is it really that soundproof? No. That can't be right. Azin opens the door.

“Silent magic. ”

You hear Persian's voice as the door opens. She glances back at Azin, leaning against the back of the couch, and gives a big smile.

“I was sleeping so hard, I didn't want to wake you. ”

“.. how long have you been here? ”

Azin scratches his head and asks. At that point, Persian places his finger on his lips and tilts his head once.

“Well, when was it... 6: 00? Maybe that much. Was I supposed to wake you? ”

“No, it doesn't matter. ”

Neither is Raw Snow nor Persian. Useless consideration is good. No, in the case of Raw Snow, I simply wanted to take a secret bath. Ajin is out in the living room. Just when the TV was on, the living room looked no different from before going to sleep.

“.. what did you do? ”

Ajin asked, holding the remote and skillfully turning the channel. The black snow scent was admired by the shower and washing machine, but Persian was as peaceful as a room in my house. She grins.

“I've seen him write a few times. ”

I used to read the news sometimes. Ajin asked because he was ridiculous.

“Did you see it? ”

“The world without pain is pretty boring. Are you offended? ”

“.. doesn't really matter. ”

Cancel "caring." Azin scratches his head on the drum and looks back at the clock, a little after 9: 00.

“... but first, I'd like to make some preparations before I go out. ”

“Oh, I don't care. It's fun to watch. ”

Persian smiles and says. In saying this, Ajin realized a certain kind of camouflage. Watching TV I listen to videos on TV and stories about going and going. How? He looks at Persic, surprised. There's nothing to see on any channel. A commute back and forth, Persian gazes at him and laughs. ‘I understand.’ Azin swallowed a gulp.

“... do you understand? ”

“Huh? What? ”

“Their conversation. ”

“I drank your blood. ”

Persian eyes move. Azin takes a step back, stunned by the red eye that sees him. The grouchiness I felt when I woke up. It was similar to anemia. Azin raises his hand to touch his neck. There were wounds left in his body. Traces of two sharp fangs.

“Don't worry about it. ”

Persian is exhausted. She's still moving her eyes, looking at the pain, and she can't move a muscle. Will the frog in front of the snake feel this way? The feeling of prey in front of the top predators. My whole body was paralyzed and my vision was clouded.

“I don't make vampires out of vampire blood. I only drank the blood of Azin and learned the language from Azin's memory. I didn't turn him into a vampire. So... you don't have to worry. ”

Percik smiles and denies a gruesome doubt and conviction rising from his chest. She hands the red head that touches her cheek and speaks.

“I'll turn him into a vampire whenever he wants, but he doesn't want him. I don't. No matter how greedy I am for Ajin. ”

Can I trust that? Ajin smiles awkwardly. He lowers his hand to his neck and clenches his fist. He nods.

“Yes, I understand. ”

“Just in case, do you want to be a vampire? ”

“Not yet.”

“Not yet, Ra. Does that mean you're gonna want to be a vampire someday? ”


‘He can bite me anytime. ’

It's too heavy. The shadows are connected. It means that Persian can come into this world and bite the pain at any moment. She wants him to be a vampire, and he doesn't want him right now. So for now, we don't have any answers. If you show strong objections, there is a risk that they will react. So the attitude is always ambiguous, showing a gap to dig in. Not strong, not soft. If you tease him well, he'll get over it. If you show them the gap, they won't be forced to do the same. Forced to give birth to a new repulsion. And that's not what Percy would want either.

“I've lived a long life. ”

Persian scrunches his legs. She turns her eyes to watch the TV again. The pressure dissipated cleanly.

“So I'm used to waiting. ”

Tic 'Tic, the channel has changed. Music channels, quiet classics. That neat, beautiful tune sounded eerie to Ajin now, like the background music of a horror movie. Ajin shuts up.

“Don't make me wait too long. I'm used to waiting, but not enjoying. ”

Persian chuckles. The volume of the music slowly lowered.

“If you wait too long, you may be in a bad mood. ”

“.. and I'll be ready in no time. ”

My back was wet with cold sweat. I'm gonna have to wash this. Azin sighs and turns away. You hear Persian snoring in tune with the low violin. I can't believe it. Azin swallows a gulp. A vampire that bites humans. A monster that has no aversion to bloodshed and cannibalism. Why is she so restrained? Friendship with Raw Snow or fear of her? Perhaps the transcendent fears God. No, do you think they'll go against Persian behavior? Arcadia, who chose Azin as her successor, may protest as Azin's death soon leads to defeat, but Gladiolus or another transcendent... may think his opponent is gone. And their bystanders and silence will be disadvantageous to Acacia.

If Gladiolus admits Persian behavior, Acacia can't move. Then, is it the Black Snow scent that hesitates Persian? I don't know if that restraint is friendship with Raw Snow or fear of her. If Persian hides himself, will the scent of Black Snow catch Persian? Persian is out in the real world right now through azine, and the smell of raw snow is performing pulmonary tubes inside her castle. If Persian black snow banishes her from that space and drives her into the world of First, then she stays in reality. You cannot catch Persians with Raw Snow.

I turn the water on. The cold water spills out. As the tensioned body cools with cold water, Azin sets his hand on the wall.

“.. dangerous. ”

Swallowed, swallowed. Maybe this is too much. But... the worst case scenario is best left alone. But can we prepare for the worst? Go into the shadows right now and contact the Black Snow... No, the Persians will notice. And she won't tolerate it. Unbelief, vigilance. Persian knew he had it in him, but it always kept him thinking to himself. ’If you want to inform the Black Snow, Persian might use violent methods.

‘That's terrible.'

Ajin rubs shampoo on his hair. As I rubbed my fingers on the swollen foam, pain kicked my tongue.

‘I never thought I'd bet my existence on a date. ’

In this reality, if Persian wants to turn Azin into a vampire, Azin cannot resist him. There's no escaping. I hope not. Azin swallows a gulp.

“You're out early. ”

There was still music playing in the living room. Azin wipes his head with a towel and comes out, leaning against the couch, looking at Persian with his eyes closed. The vampire smiles calmly and thinly. Azin nods.

“.. because I can't keep her waiting. ”

“Lady Ra. It's been a long time since I've heard from a man... and how good an escort he can be. ”

“.. I'll do my best. ”

I cancel my appropriately planned outing in my mind. How long have you had a bank account? It's overflowing. Even if you enjoy Bourgeois for a day or two, it won't crumble. Then this side must be prepared as well. Azin went into his room. He dried and shaped his hair as best he could. Wax, was there wax? Fortunately, I haven't used it in years, but in the past I've used it several times to get along with other people as an act. Saved the experience, as much as possible. Failure is unacceptable. I heard that waiting isn't fun, so I can't go back to washing my head.

Luckily, the wax worked. At least it was invisible to him. Okay, next up is clothes. Azin approaches the wardrobe and opens the door. What are you wearing? Nothing to think about. Tuxedos received at the boarding party were hung from hangers. No, it's ugly. You can't go to a party in a tight-knit tuxedo. For now, a shirt, yes... a shirt. At least this is the best shirt I have. Ajin walks through his pants wearing a shirt. I wore pants that fit my shirt well and wore the best belt I had. I'm glad I didn't throw away my father's clothes. Azin thought, tightening his belt.

I looked in the mirror.It's not bad. As he looked at himself in the mirror, he felt miserable. What the hell am I doing? Doing what? Doing my best not to get bitten by vampires. Ajin sighs and goes out to the living room.

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