
00148 Hematode Zone

“Must be a bone disease.”

Ajin grumbles and drinks water. How long was I hit? I tried to think about it a little, but my head aches. Logout, real flesh, not avatars. There is no pain left in this body. But Azin's head was remembering. How sick he was, how right he was. Ajin sweeps his body. How many times have you broken your arm and leg? How many times have I broken it... and I resent my uselessly resilient avatar. I shouldn't have taken the title off. Wolveslayer title had 30% more healing power, damn it.

‘I still need it. ’

I thought as I put the empty bucket in the trash. Pain can be cut. It can be reduced by manipulating the system. But I don't. Pain can sometimes be a good Awakening Agent. Azin is not the Majohist. I hate being sick, and I don't want to be hit to not be sick. Or as much pain as possible.

She's fine. She's mentally ill.

Logging out will not cause any pain. But the mind remembers the pain. Will it hold? I couldn't be sure of him myself. I've never considered myself to lack mental strength, but if I suffer repeatedly every day... it might collapse. Ajin chewed his lips well. If you can't control it, you can control it. Put down the pain sensor, or turn it off at all. I can't slow down because I'm worried about something I'm not sure about.

‘I have to go to the blood gate once. ’

I have accepted the new recruit and need to make a report on it. The day after tomorrow, I become the master of the Blood Dragon Clan. We should briefly report what has happened. I should also report that I turned a member of the Blood Dragon into a vampire. They'll find out eventually. You don't have to hide it.

‘No problem. ’

How can I be happy that I'm a vampire? This is rather a proof of value. One of them can make a vampire stronger than man. Knowing that it is possible, the phantom cannot easily give up pain. His hallucinations are weakened, and his blood is hovering. Demonstrates the possibility of using a Vampire Blader as a substitute for that space.

‘If you want control, I can give it to you. The vampire's final control is Persian after all. ’

This will be a relief. Ajin grins. You can't throw it away, and you can't hold it. Think of it as a goose laying a golden egg, or as a goose laying a golden egg. I need it right now, but I can't just trust it... and I can't throw it away because I need it. I keep slowing things down, when I'm ready.

Eat the blood.


Finally, there were 20 players who applied to the Blood Dragon Clan. Maybe you caught the height of the support level too late. No, it's more likely that there were not many levels of 25 or more among the players active on the Wall or nearby. The line is wide and players of level 25 and above will be considerable if they even think of the players of Gracia and Siolence, with the exception of the Wall and its surroundings.

Ajin first made 20 of them into 4 and 5 trillion. There was no resistance from the original Blood Dragon crew. Azin may have been part of the terror carved into them, but the real reason is because they've become vampires and their control is in him. I can't complain.

You let them choose what they wanted, and you didn't let them patrol the walls for a while. First of all, you will either do it without any work or you will do the quest within the wall. That was all Ajin ordered.

During the opening of the full service, there were many changes to the beta, one of which was the chat between players. Large numbers of players, large areas, and divided factions. If communication between players is not possible, such as the beta service, there are too many inconveniences.

‘Some kind of guild system. ’


Blood Dragon Band.

Quaternary Promotional Toxic Acid (Lv.26)

Trillion Won Shining (Lv.25)

4 Trillion Won Oscar (Lv.25)



Azin nods while checking the system window. I did not check it separately, but there was a separate place in the system window called 'Doorframe’. In Blood Dragon University, blood dragon master Ajin. The nickname, level, and location of the subscribed player are listed below the one listed at the top. As a kind of guild, the doomsday wave seems to apply.

‘There's no need to bother checking out the authentication video. I can check levels, check locations, send whispers, send messages. It was a compromise.’

Whatever the truth of the world is, this world is a game for ordinary players. It means you've added a system to fit the game to some degree. Whose idea was it? I don't think the new Gladiolus would compromise on this. Azin smiles in relief. This eased my heart of worrying. The thing I was most worried about when I decided to recruit players was control. If you know the level and location, and you can whisper it in your ear, you can control it.

‘Gain fame by performing quests within the Wall. They belong to the Blood Dragon clan. If you do the quest NPC asks you to do, you can upload the name and image of the Blood Dragon Bandit. ’

And I'm the Blood Dragon master. Azin smiles and raises his cup of tea. The maid who became a vampire was more polite than ever, kneeling in the corner of the workroom. If I see the White Vouchers this time, I'll have to talk about them too. The maid turned him into a vampire. So how does she react? The eyes you sent to keep an eye on him turned into vampires. This was a kind of warning. I know he's being watched. Don't do anything nonsense. If you answer them effectively for their disbelief, their useless surveillance will cease. Azin rises up.

‘The hallucination knows that I am weak. You don't have to stand up for yourself. You just need to send a few of your great-grandchildren to kill me. ’

You will also know that the difference cannot be easily narrowed down. As an NPC, he does not know the explosive growth power of the player. So you'll be safe. Whatever vampires are, they'll think they can handle the pain and the bloodline with ease if they want to. So you don't want to throw it away right now. The Blood Dragon Clan raises the name of the Blood Clan while performing the quest on the Wall, and the blood dragon clan becomes stronger. That's where the vampire farm is. It's annoying, but it's also a goose that lays golden eggs.

“Are you going out? ”

The servant bowed her head and asked. Azin nods.

“I'm going to the Bloodshed. ”

“Do you need a wagon? ”

The maid asks again. Blood has no horses, no wagons. If necessary, Azin smiles and asks. At that, the servant bowed her head.

“I can save you if you want. ”

Too much loyalty. He shakes his head and says,

“No, I don't need it. It's not that far. ”


The servant tightened her head deeply. At the training ground, Persian eyes were on the Vampire Blood Dragon crew. She speaks in a solemn tone as Ajin comes out.

“Ajin is always busy. ”

She twists her head. You grimace. She raises her head, placing her hands on her waist, and says,

“I turned them into vampires just like he wanted them to be. But he didn't do anything for me. ”

“You didn't tell me what Persian wanted. ”

“I'm still thinking about it. What Azin can give me, and what I want. Come to think of it, isn't it too much? I do this for him, and he does nothing for me. ”

Persian grumbles and touches the monk in the back of his head.

“All I got was this cheap girl. Every time he asks me to do something...”

“You always demanded a price. If it weren't for the Avatar, I'd have died from blood shortage a long time ago. ”

“Oh, really! ”

Persian yells as he hears the words, his stomach growling. When the hemorrhoids who were training for the scream look at you in surprise, Persian glares at you with red eyes and turns his head.

“Don't look! ”


All the members of the Blood Dragon crew turn in a sharp shout. Persian clenches his fist while holding his breath. Her pale complexion was slightly red. Ajin flinches and takes a step back, and into it, Persian glares.

“Why are you taking a step back? Are you afraid of me?”

“No, that's not it.”

“If you're so scared, why don't you do something about it? Oh, I got an idea. How about this?”

You smile brightly on Persian's grumbling face. She steps up to Azin and puts her hands on his shoulders. As she stands on her toes, Persian's face draws closer to him.

“For turning them into vampires. One night with me."

“Master will kill you. ”

Ajin said, pulling his head back. The words narrow Persian eyes. She squeezes her lips and lets go of the hand that was holding her shoulder.

“What will make you my slave? ”

You said you could say no, right? ”

“What the hell am I asking you for? ”

“If it's not my body, I'll do anything. ”

Azin scratches his cheek and says. At that, Persian crosses his arms in front of his chest and stares at him with a fat face. And her eyes sparkled.

“I have an idea. ”

“.. what is it? ”

“Let me take a look outside. ”

Persian whispers, clinging to Azin's arm. He blinked and tilted his head.

“... outside? ”

“The world of Ajin. I've looked at it a few times, but I've never seen it. Show me this time."

Persian said with a big smile. Azin silences her for a moment, lowering her arm. Ajin cautiously asked.

“.. is this the price? ”

“If he doesn't say no. ”

“I understand.”

At Persian's ranting, Ajin immediately replies. I was worried that she wouldn't be able to handle it, but she didn't have to refuse if she was going to end up paying for this alone. You can take her outside, grab a bite to eat, watch a movie. Azin swallows a smile.

“So, what do we do -- what do we do tomorrow? ”

“Great. When? ”

“I'll find him when he wakes up. I'm not going to let you into this world tomorrow, you know. ”

Azin nods. It was a pity to throw away the day, but it was fortunate to be able to easily remove the cost to Persian who was left with the burden of his heart. I was a little worried about what might happen to the Blood Dragon Clan, but no one would harm the Blood Dragon Clan on the cliff right now. I'll be fine in a day or so.

“Well, I'll be at the blood gate. ”

“Do you mind if we don't go together? ”

Persian asks. Azin thinks for a moment and shakes his head. I was going to talk about vampires, but I don't need to take Persian with me. If she tells you that she wants to meet Persian, you'd better let her meet him there.

“Persian doesn't have to go with you. I'll go alone today. ”

"If that's what Ajin says. Be careful. Watch out for that old man."

He smiled bitterly and nodded his head.

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