
00128 Rubella


The dust rocks scream frantically. Whatever it is, it hurts. Azin takes a step back and robs his hands. I pulled the strength up for a short while, but the air dropped out. However, since it has definitely disabled the Fragmented Stone, it is still a remaining business. Azin squeezes his wrist and opens his mouth toward the cracks that distort his face.

“Try some more...”

It wasn't until the end. Fragmented rock rushes towards Azin, sharpening its teeth. There is no right hand. Push with your left hand. Although the groin was impressed as the master of the safa, Ajin clenched his fist with an indiscreet face. Puck! The short, severed fist flips the face of the fractured stone back. It's good to be energetic, but racing towards anger is straightforward and simple. But the pulverized rock did not stop. He wiggles his fingernails, even though his head is turned upside down, and his hands are in the hands of Azin.

“Wait, calm down. ”

I see it! As I walk through the bridge, the dust rolls over the ground. Azin flips over and breaks his grappling arm behind him. The dust settles on his knees, groaning stuffily.

“Calm down.”

Ta-tak! Azin's fingers have drawn blood from the cracks. Only after his body became stiff as a piece of wood, did he wake up sighing. He slowly walked, gazing at the three volcanoes who were looking at him with frightening eyes.

“W-who are you? ”

The youngest-looking of the three asked as he swallowed. It seems so sudden that the paparazzo didn't notice, but they were able to see the strength that appeared in Azin's hands as they watched the battle here. What is strength? It's hard to catch clues unless you have a deep understanding of the inner workings as well as the workmanship. A young man who looks like he has less years of age than himself seems to have developed moments of strength... Younger men and women tremble with awe and anxiety. It was because Azin defeated the Fragmented Stone, but before he defeated the Fragmented Stone, he threw a scepter and attacked the Volcanic disciples, including the Void Wave.

"I don't think he's a colleague of the Fragmented Stone."

The basil swallowed a gulp while looking at the azine looking this way with a grumpy face. He must not be a colleague, given the cruel hand that blows his wrist off. Then who is it? A villain like the Fragmented Stone must have had many enemies in this vast frontier, and many who insist on killing him. But why did he attack even the weaklings and volcanic disciples?

“Volcanoes, right? ”

Azin approaches the Hermit and asks. Azin's parable pierced the basics as well as the filth of his priests, Eugene and Eugene. There were no other major injuries, but there was no way for them to escape from Ajin, as long as the leg was injured. Ajin sits in front of the void with a relaxing smile.

“That's right... but who are you? ”

You look younger than yourself, but you can't speak carelessly because you can see that the shaman is strong. The valley carefully asked while enduring the pain of the aching leg. Of course, he had no intention of answering him.

“I'll ask the questions. Volcanoes, right? ”

“Yes, yes..”

The valley swallows and replies. He glances at the two priests with worrying eyes. They were all looking at him with a nervous look on their faces. Ajin noticed the gaze of such vacationies and twisted Eugene and the wheat. Looks like this guy's got the highest stamina. Azin smiles thinly, looking at the validity.

“I had no choice but to attack you. ”

I don't intend to explain why. I've offended you. I can't be honest with you about this. The void flinches at Azin's words, but he nods.

“I can't help you, so I have to ask someone for help... Is there someone around here who can?" Are you all from the volcano? ”

The question waved his head while hesitating. Only three came to kill the paparazzo: the Ruby, the Eugene and the Eugene. I thought the three would be enough to kill the demons, and if I put my heart into it, I would get support at the front gate. In response, he nodded, smiling. If these three are all there's no need to hesitate.

“I see.”

Azin raises his head, muttering as if he were sorry for his guilt. First, he approached the nearest wheat. Eugene, who was holding his leg, flinches and pulls his butt back as Azin approaches him.

“Let's take a look at that wound. ”

When Ajin smiles and speaks, Eugene hesitates and lowers his hand around his leg. Azin, who bent at his waist in front of the wheat, pretends to look at his legs and quickly moves his hands. The body of the whey stiffens as it flinches. The moment Eugene is about to shout something, Azin draws close to him and grabs his bloodline.

Kuang! When the stiff eunuchs and Eugene fell to the ground, the eunuchs opened their eyes. As he plucks his hands, he stutters toward Azin, who approaches him.

“Greater or greater? ”

“There is no compromise. ”

Azin, who came to the Vatican, also captured his blood. The volcanic disciples, including the pulverized rocks, all fell and solidified. So, who should we try first? Azin crouches in front of the void. The rigid emptiness only rolls its eyes, raising its pain. Azin squeezes his hand and mutters in blood.

“.. one mouth will suffice. ”

Azin, who had made up his mind, placed his hands on the head of the emptiness. And the energy drain opened. The cave opened its eyes in a eerie feeling of being plucked from the crown. Azin continues the energy drain as he watches his tremor. At a 45-level level, the energy drain does not stop at sucking all the internal air contained in the monolith of the void, but at his oscillator. The clown is blown away as the body of the empire dries up. The trembling oil did not take long to dry up like the throat.

It's... it's not bad.

Azin was thin and trembling at the joyful sound of the full charge. It's been a long time since I've sucked this much, fresh energy. First NPC is a living person. What does that mean? If this world is upside down, they are neither more nor less NPC. Even though they are real NPCs, not people, they are the inhabitants of this world, and even though they are created, they are living people in this world. Yeah, nothing's changed. For azine they are neither more nor less than NPC.

The bodies of the parched avalanche are lying around. The internal air that has been reduced using the force is full, increasing the total amount of mental strength and internal air. Azin moves slowly. He made Eugene and Eugene look at themselves with frightened eyes just like the oil. It didn't take long. Ajin scowls at Persic, kicking his feet with his thin whey body.

“.. should I have left it? ”

“I haven't had a good meal in a while, but I don't need to get my mouth dirty. By the way, you have a strange knack. You don't suck blood, you suck energy. You're not full, are you? ”

Persian laughs, giggling. It was the first time I had properly unfolded the energy drain in front of her, but it seemed a bit interesting.

“.. because I'm not eating. ”

What should we do with the body? Let's just leave it at that. Azin smiles faintly. They may send people from the volcano because they are worried that their disciples will not return, but there is no guarantee that the remains will remain intact until they arrive here. No, it doesn't matter if I stay. As long as you decide to use it with notoriety, it is better to leave some trace than to hide yourself completely. Just enough not to get caught right now. The only thing that was used to defeat them was the boiler and the energy drain. It's a common memorial skill, so there's no need for a chase here.

“So, what do you do? ”

Azin purposely mutters. He smiles faintly as he approaches the crack stone, and the crack stone hardens but shakes his eyes less. You can get some information from the pupils of the Volcanoes, but what Azin needs right now is not information from the volcanoes. All I can get from them is the name of the craftsman and the internal politics of the volcano. It's unnecessary information for Ajin.

It is more the fractal side of the volcano that he is able to provide the information he desires. There is no need for the flow of a world where a shaman who trains freelancers is stuck in a doorway. Sometimes information from drunkards who drink in taverns is considered more precious, and information from the wicked who leave the world branded with Madura is more reliable. Azin crouches in front of the cracks and loosens his veins.

“Huff! ”

When the breath is blocked, the dust dust lifts its gaze, breathing heavily. I pierced only the blood, so it shouldn't be hard to speak, but my body still can't move.

“Hm... Who the hell are you? ”

The pulverized rock said with a stammering voice. When the wrist flew away, my eyes flipped over and I couldn't think straight. I turned the situation calmly because it was hard here, and then I blew off his hand. It was a red strength. It is also frightening to use such strength at such a young age, but it is no wonder that the potters of that volcano were strangled. The pulverized rock swallowed a gulp. Are you a comeback master? I thought about the stars a lot, but they seem to be pretty good.

“I'll ask the questions. ”

As with the Hermit, Azin gives the same soreness to the dust. He sits in front of the pulverized rock, staring at his face, and looking at his wrist, which flew into the river. No blood flowed from his wrists, whether the flesh itself was stained.

“I don't know much about the world, so I'd like to ask you a few questions. ”

You're there. The pulp rocks swallow and think. Naturally, in the mind of the crack stone, Azin became an absolute master with a hidden former master, up to the reciprocal gyre. For a general NPC who does not know the player's concept, he cannot explain how long it has been since Azin arrived, nor can he understand the dash himself. The dust lowers its head.

“Yes, yes! If there's anything I can answer for you, anything at all...”

As an azin, I couldn't understand that the pulverized rock suddenly changed attitudes and lowered its posture. But for him to crawl on his own, his troubles have diminished. I thought I'd have to break one of my inner legs to hear the right answer... but Azin sat comfortably in front of the cracks and stared at him. The dust stone looks frightened and does not dare to face the pain.

“What are your skilled artisans? ”

First, let's talk lightly. The question trembled. However, he hesitated for a moment and immediately replied.

“It's a trivial recipe called... hemorrhagic coagulation.”

The rocks stuttered and replied. I don't know if he's known or not, but a skilled artisan usually doesn't talk about what he's learned. Of course, Azin's knowledge of the Moorish was gained by the wind of the Moorish, a single game, but if First had inherited the Moorish wind to some extent, that would also be commonly used.

“Do you know what religion is? ”

For now, the judgment of whether the pulverized rock is lying or telling the truth is withheld. But I don't intend to stop asking questions. Azin looked up at the crack in the face and asked about the bridge. The question stops and nods.

“Bridge... I know it was torn down by a sectarian moat about a hundred years ago.”

Does it exist? It is natural that martyrdom exists. But it collapsed? Azin grimaces his eyebrows and asks again.

“Tell me about him. ”

It seems that this Eunuch is a master of the days of the martyrdom. Seeing that his attitude is coarse, his hands are cruel, and his appetite is even better, is he a master of Safa? Fractal stones were more polite in attitude. The reason why I didn't want to die after I was planted against the old master was all I had to say.

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