
00127 Rubella

“Found it.”

Not long after, Persian mutters in a small voice. The outstretched shadow quickly returns to her, and she pounds her fingers on the itchy head. I've been looking at mixed views for a long time, so I can't help but get a little headache.

“.. I think we should hurry. ”

Persian immediately said, moving his body. Azin follows Persian through the bushes and asks.

“What's going on? ”

“Not yet, but there are people moving towards him. ”

He said that and his body stopped. He frowns and asks.

“.. are you a player? ”

“I don't know. ”

Persian grunts, and Azin shrugs. He asked, but admitted it was a funny word. Even the player can't tell NPC apart from the player, but the monster Persian can. For her, humans are not distinguished between players and NPCs. It's either edible or inedible.

“What were you wearing? ”

So he changed the question. He slows down and grabs his shoulder by the hand. At that moment, the soaring shadow envelops Persian's body. As the shadow falls back to the ground, Persian outfits change completely.

“Dresses like this. ”

Persian said as he turned around. What she wore was a white robe, with a red fig flower on her chest. It may be so in this world, but as far as Azin was concerned, there was only one clan that symbolized the Plum.


There was a clue. Talking about the rocks, the floodwater said he was being chased by a volcano. It looks like Mundo from the Volcanoes has been chasing a shipwreck here. If the quest has been shared with the player, the volcano's pursuit remains. Of course, normal NPCs, other than system NPCs, are not controlled by the system. When they think and act, sharing quests does not give them a reason to stop pursuing them. Moreover, this area is near rubella, and the front gate for rubella is marked by a speedster from the volcanoes. There will be no restrictions on Mundo's movements.

“There's no rush. ”

It wouldn't be bad to go to the paparazzo and train. If you do, you'll be able to connect with volcanoes, and it's not a bad choice to connect with large waves like volcanoes. But Azin slowed down. Persian glances back at Azin curiously, but the pace of his steps is just right for him.

“What's going on? ”

“It's nothing. It's just, I'm not sure. ”

Ajin said with a blurry smile. His body was still confined to the internal air by the smell of Raw Snow. It remained in chains to Azin in many ways. I was unable to use a powerful astronaut, and his attack became dull naturally. But Azin's body was sharply tuned on his behalf. The battle between Jeremiah and Raw Snow which bore him to death in the blue volcano helped.

“And we don't know what's going on. ”

The quest to bring back the neck of the Fragmented Stone will be at a level suitable for Azin's level. If it were excessive, the system NPC, Floodlin, wouldn't have given Azin a quest. Even though I said I wasn't confident, it's a lie. Even though the air is confined, the body of azine is tuned enough to fill the absence of air. But we had to be careful. What about Mundo on the volcano, even if he can catch the rocks? Normally, you wouldn't see them as enemies. Rather, you must be a supporter to help with the quest. However, the artisan who is trained in azin is the astronaut.

We don't know yet if there is a bridge in this world. However, the floodwater called the paparazzo "the Safa Master," which means that there is a distinction of speech. The existence of the martyrdom, however, is that of the safa. If you expose the martyrdom in front of the waves, you may get in trouble for nothing.

Then let's look at the situation. It would be good to target fishing grounds, and giving up quests is the best way to do it. Even though it's hard to come here, there's no need to scrape and scrape.


Azin opens his teeth and smiles.

I didn't learn how to hide. However, a hint about him was once cast by the smell of Raw Snow. when Azin understood the nature of the world a little bit. When you realize that internal air doesn't just accumulate in your avatar, it actually exists. When you are fully aware of the internal air in your body.

Azine extended the sensation. A partial stream of air flows through the atmosphere. Azin walks forward. The smell of Raw Snow told me that the vessel of Azin in the air is a small world. And his world is once again contained in this great world. Do not cut him off, but assimilate him. Ajin moves the internal air. You accept the flow of energy around you at the same time.

Sobriety is an excellent cardinal method. Blood flow in hemolysis, Bina in blood flow, and Soma in vina. His internal cardiac method, which has undergone three stages of growth, is below the drinking method and stage 2, but not lacking to call it a feast. As the depth of the law became higher, the internal air of azin became more sophisticated. Azin thought of melting. It is not opposed to the flow around it, but becomes one. So Ajin was able to mimic the hiding place of the black snowy scent, even though it was shallow. If I had a better master, I'd get caught up in it right away.

It seemed like none of them were better than Azin.

The sound of the sword striking echoes bluntly. I see people moving fast among the dense trees. Three. Azin lowers himself, taking his breath away. The man in the middle cuts his clothes and scrapes them off, but he doesn't seem to have any major injuries. Rather, he was screaming loudly like a wounded beast, waving his hands ferociously to repel the attack.


A handful of shredded young men groan and step back. Another young man filled the vacancy quickly. He reaches for the chest of the crack with a sharp standing sword. Ka 'ang! The hook's bent fingernails move it aside. The attack is blocked, but the young man steps back, shouting in surprise.


The dust rocks shouted. Said he was a master of Safa, and the price of his name was. The level difference was clear from what I saw here. He was only holding his head high, and none of the three disciples of the Volcano were competent enough to threaten the shipwrecks.

“What are you going to do?”

Persian hides in the shadow of Azin. Her voice is small enough to be buried in a rowdy knife, but not too small to hear.

[I was just wondering, if I could help you, would you help me?]

The question raises a smile.

“I told you. You want my help, I guarantee you that. There's nothing I can do to help you if you let me bite your neck. ”

At that, he smiled bitterly. It is fascinating that providing enough blood can help a powerful vampire.

[My master asked me to help you, didn't he?]

“To be precise, I asked him to watch where he was beaten to death. Don't worry, if anything happens to Ajin, I'll help him out for free. ”

I don't want to go without pay unless it's dangerous. Azin nods. I don't want to ask Persian for help right now. As I observed, the pulverized rock is strong, but it was not hard enough for Azin to handle it if he used a Thousand Masons. Not to mention the disciples of the volcanoes, who are weaker than the rocks. You don't need to use an unskilled hand to defeat it.

[.. I hope not.]

Persian is insured. I am relieved that a vampire of her size has given me the answer to guarantee my life. So, what do we do? Ajin is momentarily lost in thought. Do you think we should just barge in here and catch a few rocks? If you're training with the volcanoes, I don't think you need to expose yourself. No, it's better... to go after fishermen if you're going to go after them.

[Is there anyone else around you?]

“I can answer that for free. There's no one around. It's just me and Ajin. ”

He nodded his head small. It doesn't matter if there's no one. Azin's hands sweep across his waist. Three masters were caught in his hands. Azin narrows his eyes and watches the situation. The three volcanic disciples were speeding and pushing the dust away, but none of them were fatally wounded. However, the longer the battle continues, the more exhausted we become. It was definitely true that the pulverized rocks were stronger than them, but that didn't mean that the pulverized rocks were strong enough to end the situation quickly. Keeping the situation that way will eventually tire the other side out. And it will undoubtedly be pulverized. He's alone, and there's three of them.

Then who should I go after? Nothing to think about. First of all, there is a lot of numbers. Azin awakened his mind. The Marathon technique changed his body to be best suited for lifting the internal air. His body, opened and wiped, is free to move the inner air. Salsa gave us the senses, the spirit, and the body that transcended man. Awakened spirit sprints quickly. The world around you creaks and pains slow down.

Three pairs of moving legs. I don't want to kill you. Let's just not let him get away. As soon as I thought that, Azin's arm cracked open the air. The Secret to Zero Flow, Non-Flow Light. The three outstretched scales reach the goal.

“Khh?! ”

Three volcanic Mundos roared the earth. It was natural for me to not be able to stand up because a sharp scepter was stuck in the mist. The face of the pulverized rock that was resisting the attack was flawed. Instead of killing oppressed volcanic Mundo, he hurriedly leans back and shouts.

“Nu, who are you?! ”

Instead of answering, he wakes up. When I cut off the fairy tale with my surroundings, Azin's movements were told. The dust stone opened its eyes and looked at the azin standing out of the forest. You don't notice. He takes a step back and puts his bloody fingernails up.

“You...! ”

Enemies or allies? The dust stone gazes at Azin with confused eyes. Azin walks out of the bush, shivering his body. This is the first time I've ever thrown at a human... Azin smiles slightly as he looks at the volcanic Mundo groaning, wrapped around his legs. It seems that what you practiced on the Blue Volcano worked.

“A bamboo spirit, a paparazzo? ”

It's obvious, but let's ask. I looked at him as he twisted his eyes. He looks a little surprised to see Persian standing beside Azin, but is not very wary. His eyes fail to gauge the size of Persian monsters. It's because he hid himself from the Persians. In the end, the only thing that stands guard was Azin a few steps ahead of Persian.


I couldn't notice the hiding. But he really is a master. I couldn't feel the power to do this to Azin. Then maybe he's just a master of stealth. No, first we need to know if he's an enemy or an ally.

“.. I asked who. ”

“I'm going to die anyway. What do you want me to do? ”

Azin took a step forward. It was a deliberate spit, and it quickly understood the fractals. The enemy. He rushes into the ground immediately. The crooked fingers are slashed down like the claws of an eagle. You said, "Congenital hematopoiesis." He tries to avoid, but stops. His hands reach for the cracks.

"You crazy bastard! ’

You're gonna stand up to an accomplished master with your bare hands? Is he learning something about the outside world? However, Azin's body, which was not thick, was not an outsider. Or is it a master craftsman or a tribute? It's too late to think about him. The attack is already near.


However, the fingernails of the broken stone did not tear the back of Azin's hands. At the moment of touching, Azin's forearm twisted and twisted the direction of his hand. Asin's hand extends, aiming for the severed wrist. The eyes of the cracks opened wide. Beast sprouts? But the crack stones were also very skilled in the Beast spreading method. The Master of Tributes, who used his nails as a weapon in the first place, couldn't possibly not have mastered the methods of the Beast Master.

Papa Paak! Rapidly moving hands clash against each other. Azin tries to grab his wrist while avoiding the fingernails of the dust, and the dust tries to scratch his hand without being caught in Azin's hands. From the wrist, the elbow and shoulder joints twist slightly and move in all directions where they can move. Catch it without getting caught. That's what's going through the Golden Gate.

“.. this won't do. ”

I tried to test it because the secret to abstinence was better than I thought, but it was not enough. It is because the number of cracks is better than the number of cracks because they are so low that they cannot be used in practice.


He raises his lips to die whether he has heard that Azin has seen corruption. It was at that moment that Azin's hands were consumed by the scarlet forces. At that moment, the pulverized rock did not know what it was. Strength is something that Safa's Master has never seen before.

“I need to practice this a little bit more. ”

Azin twists his wrist, muttering in a loud voice. Dashing stones raise their fingernails to hold Azin's hand. He did not avoid Azin. And as soon as I reached the strength, my fingernails, which were full of dust, were shattered. Soon.

Azin's hand blows away the broken stone's hand.

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