
00129 Rubella

“I mean, a hundred years ago, a martyr was in the jungle, but a group of martyrs was founded and buried in the middle of the night, and they drove the bridge out, and they ended up destroying it... that's all I know. ”

It's a story from a long time ago. The words of the pulverized rock were not detailed. But it didn't matter. What mattered to Azin was whether there was a martyrdom in the world or not. Ajin smiles, his expression softening.

“I see. Then which gate is the wrinkling of the Safa Moore?" ”

“I-I don't know the details, but it's generally known that Safa Moore is the blood of the elderly, representing the slaughterhouse, the gateway, and the blood.”

“What about the sperm forest? ”

“I may be blind, but I'm already famous.”

“Who is the strongest cilantro in Moorish today? ”

“Th-that's... the best I can come up with... swordsmanship and salt.”

“One shot, one shot. Where is the salt?”

“Salt is the doorway to the slaughterhouse. The crest of the Blade and the crest of the Blade should be a step below the salt.”

“Slaughterhouse, examination gate, blood gate. Where is it?"

The pulverized rock seemed to be going crazy. Even before I finished saying what a temper is so urgent, I immediately asked something else, and the answer made my tongue twist. However, the dust slashed his neck and replied straightly.

“The slaughterhouse is on the Old Gate, the Great Gate is on the Darla, and the Bloodmoon is on the Wall. ”

Azin tucks the description of the cracked stone into his head and touches his chin. Bridge was extinct 100 years ago. Currently, the Moorish are divided, and the Moorish have lost their power. Safa is represented by three factions as a clan, and Safa's salt... Azin who was thinking about it for a while asked again.

“Are you strong on either side of the checklist or the blood letter? There must be a rumor. ”

“The fanatics say that the doom's blood is one step taller than the courtesan's. The courtship is of age.”

The blood of the sword gate is at its peak in the middle of the year, and the age of the bridegroom has already passed. Even if you have a strong masonry, if you can't break the wall, you will be forced to get caught up in your body's aging. Therefore, the sequence naturally leads to reversible salt, monogamy, and maternity. Azin shrugged his head as he listened to the story of the crack stone.

We need to create power. The level of players is too low right now, so if you put them together, you will have no choice but to try later. But you have to create a platform to accept them, and naturally the target goes to NPC. But Ajin was not arrogant. He is the successor to the transcendent, he taught himself free radicals from the Black Snow, and even the Celestial Necromancer and the Salmon, but there are limits to his strength. Stronger than a pulverized rock, but it cannot be beaten by a few higher masters. It would be the same even if there were no internal restrictions.

If a Mudskipper enters your front yard and the water is clouded, retaliation will surely come. I'm not confident enough to venture, so I'll avoid the Gwangdong with the Butcher Gate. I'll avoid it if I tell you it's strong.

‘We need to get to the wall. ’

It is clear that the marriage is weakened no matter how old it is, but it will be discussed as one of the three representing Safa Master. But I don't give up on the idea of going to the Wall. The hallucination has weakened. His doorway is now being discussed as one of the three Sappa Moorish tribes, but if the hallucination does not defeat old age, it will continue to decline. So we aim for the hole.

He wasn't arrogant, but he was confident. He is one of the top five players who plays this game, and he is as good as he can be compared to his peer NPC. NPCs rely on them for a lifetime to master the art of skilllessness, but players can acquire skills just by reading an emergency, and can use them immediately. And it will be recognized as a genius for NPCs in the world. Head to the Wall. Head to the Bloodshed, meet the old man.

“Thank you.”

Thanks to the story of the paparazzo, the painting was clearly captured. Azin grins and reaches for the crack in the head. The crack stone, which was looking at the pain while shaking his eyes, hardened his face as his head came into his hands.

“Now, wait a minute.

But the words don't go all the way. I felt less shaky as the mouths of the cracks opened. The internal air and oscillator are uprooted from the crown, and he immediately twists and wrinkles like a neck. Azin rises up.

“Let's go.”

He smiles and says to Persian, looking at him. In response, Persian approaches Azin in a sneaky walk.

“Neck, you're not cutting? ”

She knew about the long conversation between the flood and the azine. Cut the broken stone's throat and bring it to me. That's the quest Azin received in the first place. Ajin shakes his head.

“I don't need it.”

If you cut off the Fragmented Stone's head and bring it to the front gate, you will be rewarded accordingly. You'll get the honor of killing bad guys. You'll get to stamp your face on the front gate. If you have more familiarity with the front gate there, you can make a connection with the volcanoes as well. There is no need. He is not welcome in the sect unless there is a martyrdom in this world, and azin trained artisans are astronomers. It doesn't matter because his disposition in the first place was more like a safa than a sect. Moreover, there is no need to go to the front gate and announce your face as long as even the volcanic experts are dead.

“Let's just leave the body. ”

Azin turns around and says, Persian nods his head and follows behind Ajin. She struggles to get close to him.

“Where are you going? ”

“We're going to the wall. ”

The answer reminds him of Status's spear.

Nickname: Azin

Title: Wolf Slayer

Level: 35

Health: 71000/71000

Magic Power: None

MP: 74000/74000

Internal: 93000/93000 (2000/2000)


Soma: 1-Star (2%)

Energy Drain: Lv 35 (8%)

Seamless Secret: 1-Star (56%)

CheonMa Welcome Information: 6 Star (5%)

Thousand bombs: 5 stars (21%)

Thousand Maestro Ceiling: 5 Star (19%)

Thousand Hematopoietic Garden: 4 Star (1%)

Level up 1. Even if killing is NPC, not a monster, you get experience. Rather, the experience gained by that is higher than hunting monsters. Good for you. Rather than repeating the boring hunt, killing NPCs can increase notoriety and speed up growth. However, the growth of sobriety was very slow compared to the rate at which the level rose. I continue to operate SoMa law even at this moment, but my EXP level is too small. It definitely went to the elevated cardinal law. You have to grow up to the drink method to be able to fully power the Celestial Shrine Master. Besides, the Celestial Master himself is sealed, so he can't use it properly...

“.. what is Master doing? ”

As he came down the mountain, Azin asked. Persian, who followed him with a light gait, giggles and approaches the side of Azin. She looks up at him, raising her eyes. Her lips made a wicked smile.

“Why? Are you lonely without a master at your side? ”

“.. not like that. I'm just curious. ”

“Well, I don't really know what she's doing, but I found out she's quite eager. I sit and meditate all day long, sometimes I get up and move my body.”

Overpowered by Gladiolus, and unable to read the relentless attack, it seems to have greatly stimulated the proud unarmed. Thanks to this, Persian was forced to act as an errand boy. To feed the Raw Snow scent located at the deepest part of the castle, he even promised to bring food he did not eat and periodically report the pain. Persian smiles bitterly, recalling the black snowflake that forced him to make a promise with a fat face.

‘You seem to like it a lot. ’

Persian mutters, glancing at Azin. Humans who are not human. That was the overall impression Persian had of Ajin. It does not mean that it is a monster with several more arms and one more eye on the forehead. The way of thinking is different from that of ordinary humans. Knowing that the NPCs of this world are alive has no remorse for harming them, they are cruel and misunderstood. I wish I could get away from being completely human and become a vampire. Persian licks his lips with his tongue as if it were a waste of time.

“Let's go back to the rubella and see if we can find a way to the wall. ”

Azin, who came down the mountain, told Persian. It would be best to leave for the Wall right now, but we don't know the way to the Wall. Since you don't intend to stand out in a ruby full of beginners, your clothes are still plain clothes. After a while, the players who dug up the game quickly discarded their basic outfits. Since there are so many players, there are no restrictions on their actions if they melt naturally between them.

“You're going to follow me around, aren't you, Persian? ”

“That's the deal with her. Am I gross?”

Persian smiles and asks. Her beauty was uncomfortable, but her hair, eyes and skin color could change in any way. What's really gross is the nature of the vampire she has. Ajin cautiously asked.

“.. how about a meal? ”

“I'll take care of that. In a line that doesn't harm you, moderately. ”

Persian smiles with his fangs out. It was a smile that made the viewer creepy. Azi nods, smiling bitterly.

“.. please. ”

They return to the rubies across the meadow. I thought about returning to the flood, but it's been put on hold for a while. I wonder how much interaction there is between the system NPC and the normal NPC, but if you go to the flood and get stepped on by your tail. First, I decided to find a way to the wall against the other NPCs. After passing between the busy player and the NPC, Azin approaches the merchant who unpacked the box in the corner.


The merchant who was biting the bear stand bowed his head dry as Ajin approached. What he sells is a bunch of trinkets, but Jill doesn't look so good. Azin crouches in front of him and opens his mouth, rummaging through some jewelry.

“You're doing well. Do you always do business here? ”

Raise a secret girl and ask. The merchant smiles as if he feels good about what Ajin said. Then he puts the cigarette stand down next to him.

“From the city of entertainment, from the barrels. It looks good on the sausage next to it.”

He glanced at Persik and said, In response, Persian smiles softly and crouches next to Azin. She looks at the jewellery lying on the mattress, her eyes glittering.

“I heard.”

The prodder shrugs. It's good to pick a few, but first it's later. Ajin asked like a passing horse.

“Curry... Isn't it hard to walk around on your own? ”

“I can't help it if I'm a merchant like myself. Would you like to see something else? There's also the famous Dark Ore of the Apocalypse.”

“Zero! Are you wandering around? ”

“Because it's money. Interested?”

The merchant glanced at the bag behind his back and asked. In saying this, he shakes his head and picks out a few bridesmaids and bracelets.

“No, it worked. Do you have anything on the wall? ”

“There's nothing on the wall... but you're a little dangerous. ”

The merchant shrugged his shoulders. Ajin shines an eye.

“Hoho, is the wall that dangerous? You've never been there.”

“The narrow narrow is indigenous to rubella, right? ”

The merchant asks, Azin nods his head without stopping. The merchant smiled, revealing his teeth as if he knew it would be so.

“Then there's no going back and forth with the Wall. The bandits of Mt. Longiam are so ferocious...”

The merchant grumbled. Longevity Mountain, Bandits. Ajin asked.

“Bandits of Mt. Longiam? What is it?”

That said, the merchant opens his eyes wide. He shakes his head, looking at the pain as if it were strange.

“You don't know them? Haha, is the rumor slow or are you deaf? Why, isn't there a mountain you can see when you walk out the front door of the ruby? ”

I'm out. Azin's eyes sparkle. He nodded his head and listened to the merchant.

“Yes, there is a mountain. ”

“A couple of months ago... I was a bandit from the beginning, but they got ugly. They started messing with the bulk of the mark, they started paying tolls, and the quickest way across the mountain to get to the wall, and their temper was so polluted that they had a hard time getting around the walls and things. ”

Rubella preface, Mt. Jang. Once you cross the Longevity Mountain... Azin nods his head as he listens. He sighs low and mutters.

“Ah, I see. I didn't hear it because I was neglectful of the rumors going back and forth. ”

That said, Azin calculated the price of the girl and bracelet that he had chosen. Given that I didn't know the market price well, I had to pay what the merchant called me, but I didn't think it was a waste. I don't have anywhere else to spend it. Ajin raises his head and says,

“Good work.”

Azin lowers his bracelet and looks down at Persian. Persian stood up along Azin, smiling at his wife and bracelet.

“Isn't it too glamorous for a man? ”

“Hair, didn't you say you didn't want to tie it? ”

Azin smiles bitterly and hands over the Vigilante and the bracelet to Persian. Persian laughs and puts a bracelet on his wrist, grabs the back of his head, and sticks a passerby in.

“If it's a gift from Azin, I don't care if you turn your head up. ”

Persian grips his white neck and smiles brightly. At that, he smiled bitterly. It was undeniable that the beautiful appearance of Persian hair held up as a monk. But I can't be drunk with her beauty forever.

“Let's go.”

Go to Seo Mun.

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