
00120 Boarding Party

“If both eyes are pulled out, you won't be able to see them. So, if you interrupt me again, I'll cut off your leg. If your leg is cut off, you won't be able to show off your bragging body. ”

The smell of Raw Snow glances at Gladiolus, sharpening its teeth. As she cursed his face for a while, she turned around chewing on his lips. She leans over her head in a loud, crouching step and sits next to Ajin. I can't do this right now. That's how I judged Raw Snow. Twenty years of practice wasn't in vain, so I managed to break his defenses. Her fist still cannot reach Gladiolus.

“Good. Well, then, keep talking. ”

Gladiolus smiles. However, the smile was only momentary, and his face sank cold. He looks at the transcendents with his narrow eyes.

“You're in denial. ”

At that, Christopher's body trembled. No, it was the same with Carlos and Primrose.

“The minimum amount of intervention in the game can be implied. Yeah, well, for example, Acacia gave her agent a little bit of power. Out of the 300 players assigned, you need to add a little power to your favorites so there's no problem. That kind of intervention could be forgiven. After all, the people with the greatest power become surrogates, so it's up to you to mark the players you want as surrogates in advance to forgive them. Likewise, I forgive Primrose's first offense. I can forgive that kind of restraint. Nothing changes. ”

Gladiolus mentioned that Primrose dropped Azin into the Silent Forest. As it is mentioned, Primrose looks frightened and bows his head.

“Like that, I won't have a problem with Christopher inciting chaos. I forgive Primrose for encouraging it. But...

Everyone shut up. Chrysanthemum cools with a pale face and Primrose shivers less. Karleya chews her nails with a nervous face.

“Chrysanthemum, Primrose, Carleya. The dishonor you three have committed... is enormous. Interacting directly with the game to connect the player and the hiddenpiece. It's a huge irredeed that can never be handed over. ”

Gladiolus smiled again. He raises his hand and asks.

“Is there anyone who can defend this? ”

No one opens their mouth. If Gladiolus doesn't notice, then the defence he finds out about is pointless. It was true to cheat, and defending him is just an excuse.

“Nobody. That means admitting your sins. Don't worry. I won't punish you directly for it. They don't forfeit the game, they don't get a penalty. Instead.”

Gladiolus lowers his hand. He didn't wipe his smile.

“We gave them all equal terms. I had no intention of informing the player about Hidden Piece. It was a chance to let them find out for themselves. However, even a transcendent who has to compete fairly has committed injustice, and we cannot tolerate that. So I revealed to the player the existence of Hidden Piece and made the player find Hidden Piece. To make the game unfair again. ”

“.. like that..”

Primrose mutters in a trembling voice. Eventually, they managed to get as much power as they wanted by cheating. The delegate and Hiddenpiece were united and empowered. However, this will change the story if the player becomes aware of the existence of Hiddenpiece. The remaining Hiddenpiece is 46. Forty-six more players can gain Hiddenpiece power, like the power of a surrogate.

“If this is unsatisfactory, there may be other penalties. Like resetting your proxy. You think that's more fair? ”

“No, it's not. ”

Chrysanthemum was shocked and said. Even if a newly started player gets a Hidden Piece, there is a big difference between the surrogate and them. Since the starting level is different, the growth rate is different.

“.. but I have a bit of a complaint. ”

Acacia opens her mouth. When Gladiolus first told me about the dishonesty she had committed, she felt heart-breaking, but it was forgiven. There is no reason not to speak up in this situation.

“My representative met Hiddenpiece by his own power. You know it's the only one of the five delegates. ”

Acacia said in a cautious voice. With the exception of Rivera, who has never met Hiddenpiece, there is an intervention of the transcendent. Azin was the only one who met Raw Snow with his strength.

“But the other representative had a transcendent intervention. Your punishment is fair, but I can't help but feel a bit lacking. After all, my representative, who took Hiddenpiece himself, suffered irrelevant work damage. ”

I sympathized with him. He did not suffer any injustice. Rather, he was a victim of denial. With Primrose's magic, Ajin began in the Forest of Silence and was killed by Luke. Devello was rebuffed by the incitement of Christopher Summon. I have no choice but to be unfair. Is that it? Their injustice has made the game fair, and Hiddenpiece is open to all players, and only the competition of Azin has increased.

“You're right. So, what do you want? ”

Gladiolus smiles and asks. The words stiffen Acacia's face.

“... what does that mean? ”

“I'll listen to what you want from a line that doesn't have a big impact. ”

Gladiolus confirmed it. The words brightened Acacia's face. Not everything, of course. Gladiolus drew the line 'a line that does not have a big impact’. Impossible to level up or acquire new skills. Acacia had only a few moments to consider.

“.. may I tell you? ”

It was pains to open my mouth. He glanced at Acacia and asked. Acacia gives a moment's thought and nods. In the end, he decided it was better to get what he wanted because he was azin.

“First of all, I have a question for you. ”

“What is it?”

Gladiolus smiles and asks. Azin looks at his face for a moment and says,

“You said the island of beginnings is gone. In that case, what happens to Hiddenpiece? ”

First, ask about it. Raw Snow scent lives on the island of its beginnings and has restrictions on not being able to leave the sea surrounding the island.

“Hiddenpiece here will be by the delegate's side in the chosen faction. Hiddenpiece is not just a skill transfer, but also an advisor. As long as they want, you'll continue to be there for the surrogate. ”

Then there is no problem. Wherever Ajin goes, he can continue to grow as long as he has the black snow scent and can hear her advice.

“What about NPC and monsters? ”

“Except for a few. Those who are eligible to survive will migrate to the continent. After a little memory manipulation, of course. ”

It was the same answer as Acacia. The answer allowed him to determine exactly what he was asking for.

“I don't want you to tamper with Persian Duna's memory. ”

The words opened Acacia's eyes wide. It was the same with the other transcendents. Gladiolus laughs as if it's funny.

“Persik Duna, Persik Duna. Roads that control vampires on the island. Yes... she's the only monster who knows the truth. And I'm convinced of that. ”

Gladiolus nods his head loudly as he touches his chin with a smile.

“Fine. Let's preserve the memory of Persian Duna." ”

There you go. Azin swallows a smile. She never forgets herself if Persian memories are preserved. The intimacy she formed with her remains, and the shadowy space received from Persian remains intact.

“What about me? ”

You hear a voice, Rivera. She shrugs beside the silent hyacinth, carefully raising her hands and asking. Gladiolus' gaze was upon her. Gladiolus glances at the silent Hyacinth for a moment and turns his gaze to Libera.

“... yes. In fact, it was Hyacinth and her surrogate who fought the fairest battle in the beta test. They didn't do anything wrong. ”

Basrodel's help has always been his own. Hyacinth had nothing to do with it. Acacia is forgiven, but not entirely free from denial.

“I'll give you one thing you want. What do you want? ”

Rivera blinks and looks at Hyacinth. Hyacinth turns his head and looks at Libera, staring into a daze.

“.. do what you want. ”

Hyacinth's answer was all. She didn't have a big appetite for this game in the first place. Other transcendents rush upside down and groan that they are going to be gods, but Hyacinth is not interested in them. I'm just doing it because I have to.

“... I didn't have anything in mind.”

Rivera mutters, pouting. She raised her hand to claim her rights to Gladiolus because she felt it was right all along. It's not as innocent and innocent as it sounds. It is not foolish enough to just give up what you deserve.

“... I want to be with you and Jeremiah, is that okay? ”

Rivera asked with a cautious voice. It was almost the same as what Azin wanted. Gladiolus wags his head as if he had nothing to think about.

“That's impossible. Basrodel's power is too dangerous. If Basrodel is with you from the beginning, balance falls. ”

Hidden Piece is always advisory and tends to step up less because it knows all the truths. Ultimately, what is important in this game is to grow a qualified representative of Hiddenpiece. But Basrodel doesn't have that kind of awareness. The power to wiggle without awareness is dangerous.

“I'll tell you where Basrodel will be on your behalf. And her memory will be sealed, not a crystal. The moment I came into contact with you, I realized everything. I think that's enough, don't you? ”

Libera hesitates for a moment, then nods. I felt bad about breaking up with Basrodel, but that was satisfactory enough.

“Then there's no problem. Punishment was enough, so let's get to the point. ”

Gladiolus rises up.

“I think everyone already understands what this game is for. Representatives take pictures of each other at any point in the process and stand at the apex. But that alone is ambiguous. What exactly is the end of this game? ”

That's what everyone was thinking. Simply peak, and the transcendent of the best representative becomes God. But when to make the best decision. Gladiolus smiles brightly.

“The Demon King.”

As I declare, only Gladiolus smiles in silence that he does not understand.

“When a player, including a surrogate, exceeds a certain level, the Demon King comes to the world of First. And the player who defeated the Demon King will be the final winner. Isn't it simple?”

The Demon King appears, and the warrior who defeats the Demon King appears. It's a common cliche and easy to read. But there is still a question.

“.. if the Demon King does not fall? ”

“Your defeat. It's not a complete defeat, of course. Even if the Demon King wins and the world falls into the hands of the Demon King, all you have to do is reclaim the world and defeat the Demon King. It's just gonna be a little harder than before. ”

“.. if the Demon King falls to someone other than the surrogate... what happens?" ”

“My victory. ”

Gladiolus answered without hesitation.

“In other words, this is a competition over who defeats the enemies of the Demon King first. But it's also true that it would be too bad for you. You're all alone, and all I can write is five users. So I'll give you some concessions. ”

Gladiolus glances at the surrogate. Gladiolus smiled at their faces with a thin smile.

“As long as the final challenge is the King of the Human VS, we cannot end the war on our own strength. Naturally, you will have power. If the leader of the force is the proxy, and someone of that force defeats the Demon King, the winner is you. Even though the Demon King was defeated as a regular player, not as a surrogate. If the leader of that player's group is you, you win. ”

Every player picks their own faction and starts the game. There will be an endless number of forces in it. Some will build a guild, and some will become nobles and have private soldiers. Perhaps, someone could be king and march a great many armies. If the king becomes king and the king's army defeats the Demon King, the winner becomes king. If the guild raises and defeats the Demon King, the winner becomes the guild master.

As soon as I heard Gladiolus' story, Azin could figure out what was important. We need to create power. We must unite many players to create and reign supreme. The more cards you can use, the better. And it's important how powerful that force is armed.

Hidden Piece has been disclosed to regular players. Among the regular players, the one who has won the Hidden Piece will appear.

"To create power."

We need to recruit them.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

In parallel with the designers, I started writing a contemporary product called "Paranox." There will be no change in softening speed, so don't worry heh;

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