
00121 Boarding Party

Players who come into contact with Hiddenpiece cannot expect to be equal to their surrogates. Because the starting line is different. But they are likely to grow to be equal to, or greater than, their delegates, given time. Although the delegate who has avoided the reset and gained the Hidden Piece now stands dominant over the normal player, variables are always present. If the game goes on for a long time, the chances of this upside down are overwhelming.

If so, we should prioritize reducing the likelihood. It's impossible to control them all anyway. Instead, put it in as much control as possible. Threatening competitors will be forced into the herd and forcefully controlled. Strongly, with room to grow and not be able to overstep your position.

What does it take to do that? Priority should be charismatic or leadership. No rebellion will occur if you are clearly qualified as a leader. But getting it isn't easy. It is something that is born or has to be tried, and there is no guarantee that it will lead to complete control.

Then which is the best way? What's the easiest and most reliable way to control azine? Ajin turns his eyes away. There was a bitter smell of black snow on his face.



Making power. Capturing with motive, Bridge. From the beginning, there is a strong zone. Strong teeth to the apex, weak teeth to the bottom. If you hold on to it firmly, the control is simplified. The weak follow the will of the strong, and when it becomes the strong, it opens up upside down relationships. If you give your breath like that, the weak will try to become stronger. The strong will also try not to be overturned by the weak. If it flows ideally, a group based on the strong zone will grow strong endlessly.

Of course, those who are at their peak must bear the great burden of being stronger than anyone else, and must resist the bottom. It's not easy. But it is the simplest and most powerful. Ajin chose Kangjazone. He will make a bridge.

And that peak is him. He always stands at the peak, everyone obeys him, and becomes overwhelming so that no one can think of rebellion or reversal.

I have drawn but lacked tools. All he has is a white canvas and an unpainted brush. Not yet... not yet. Ajin put the painting deep in his head. This is not the time. First, you have to have the power that no one can follow. That way we can do something about it.

“Three factions in total. ”

While Ajin conceived the painting, Gladiolus continued to speak. Azin opens his ears and listens to him.

“Superpowers, no balls, magic. This distinguishes the world of First and the group of countries. If you join this world, you can see race or culture. Or maybe it's a continent. Let's just say it's a continent. ”

First's world is implemented similarly to reality, he said. The other is the state in which it is constructed. Asia, America, Africa. Are the continents the same, and the factions split there?

“The Advancement of the Unsullied. Magic Gratia. Psychic Cyolus. Race is each and every one of them... and you're free to choose between them. I am free to grow in any way. ”

Gladiolus raises his hand.

“The world of First was created by NPCs that neither I nor the Transcendent interfered with. I grabbed the skeleton, of course, but NPC's the one that put the flesh on it. What culture exists, what laws exist. It is up to your representatives and players to identify and adapt it. ”

Gladiolus pauses. He looks around and smiles brightly.

“Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to interfere with transcendents in the future. It's a beta service. We've limited the backdrop to one island, and there's no special law there. But not from now on. It's a self-fulfilling world... no, it's a self-fulfilling world. No matter how transcendent a person may be, it is irregular in that world. Me, too. So we forbid any interference. loading players, interfering with them. ”

I will definitely draw a line. As an azin who has received a lot of interference and control, it is welcome to hold a pair of numbers.

“With this declaration, no one will be foolish enough to interfere without knowing the subject. If so..." Kwung! The room was slightly shaken. Four transcendents, except Hyacinth, take a deep breath. Each of them frowned and endured the pressure. Perhaps the reason why Hyacinth was excluded was because Gladiolus himself knew of her propensity. If that's the case, then Gladiolus thinks that four transcendents, other than Hyacinth, will intervene in any way.

“You have no choice but to inflict a proper punishment. How about disqualification until extinction? Watching another transcendent win while declared defeat without hope of victory will be a great stimulus to your immortality. ”

No one argued against what he said. Gladiolus reaches for strength as he sees the silence of those who chew their lips. The appearance of disabling the four transcendents without any action was divine.

“I'll leave you to your heavy talk. This is a party now. I'm not interested in taking your time. So...”

Hiccup. The door that was closed was opened. Gladiolus smiles brightly, pointing at the door.

“Go and enjoy it. There's still a week left until the full service, so think of it as the last time you'll be able to enjoy it without a fuss. ”

His attitude has changed. In front of the player, he looked exactly the same as when he was representing Gladiolos. Azin looked at him surprised for a moment as if he had changed his personality and tone as if he were wearing a mask, and slowly woke up. He no longer seemed to have any intention of passing the information on to his delegates, including Azin. There is no need to stay.

“... Master. ”

Azin turns on the light in his eyes and calls out the black snow scent that stares at Gladiolus. She raises her head as she chews her lips. Gladiolus laughs nonchalantly at the smell of Raw Snow. The smile he makes seems like a great insult to the smell of black snow. She takes a deep breath and clenches her fist.

‘Not enough. ’

I had to admit, she was desperate to reach him for 20 years, but she was unable to reach Gladiolus. She is a great unmanned woman. The existing bureaucracy's framework was completely broken within her understanding, and within her understanding she had a new system. It was nothing beyond nothing. At the same time, it was the collapse and re-creation of the world she knew. So I thought it was possible. Within her perception, her arrival was not lacking to be a god, nor would the unmanned people in her world see it.

But I couldn't reach it. It was the only thing that surprised the real God a little bit, and that was all she had spent 20 years of it. Is it not enough to destroy the absolute castle? I was angry, but I acknowledged the smell of Raw Snow. She wasn't always a loser. I have suffered defeat in my previous world.

And after that, she always won. You killed the man who defeated you and celebrated your victory. Raw snow flashes and turns away from Gladiolus.

“The transcendent will be here momentarily. ”

As everyone was about to leave the room, Gladiolus said. He rewrote the mask. The transcendents stop at the pressure as if they were tightening the whole body. Gladiolus smiled faintly.

And the door closed.

“It's been a while since I've been with you. ”

Gladiolus did not remove his smile. He gestures lightly, and the door disappears clean. The space is isolated. Magic that manipulates space is also possible for high level wizards. Vampires are born from the ability to distort space through shadows. But what Gladiolus is doing right now is not like that. This is the space he created. His space is impenetrable and indestructible.

‘.. incarceration? ’

Acacia thought, swallowing a frenzied aura. If Gladiolus were to bind the five transcendents to this space, they would not be able to resist. Even if all the transcendents run, they cannot help God, and no matter what they do, they cannot open this space.

“Hundreds.. tens of thousands.. tens of millions, I wonder. It's been so long, I can't even remember. ”

Gladiolus mutters in a dazed voice. The absurd time he spoke of does not refer to the time he spent with the transcendent. The time he 'existed.’ In the very first place, Gladiolus was alone. He was God, and that was all. He had no background, no ideas, just existed.

And there was a transcendent. As human beings, they were the ones who escaped the human race and reached something. They naturally stood beside the gods and became the highest teeth with only the gods above their heads. I have immortal life and even some absolutes.

And they did nothing.

“Why do this troublesome thing? ”

Gladiolus spoke. He laughs as if his words were a joke.

“If I have gone crazy for free, I can give this absolute boredom to someone. You don't have to do this. If I choose it, it is absolutely right. Who would fall for me? ”

Gladiolus smiles and asks. No one answered. It was the first reason why it was a battle for fairness. Because they couldn't choose which of the five transcendents would be better, they created a surrogate as a substitute for the transcenderer, and created a new world to see certain results.

But it was unnecessary from the beginning. If Gladiolus chooses a successor, there is no one to oppose him. Dismiss and accept the rising complaint. That's all any transcendent can do.

“The answer is simple. Because it's not fun. ”

Gladiolus smiled like a child.

“Deciding which of the five you are. Choosing and pressing down on your complaint and making someone a god. After that... I can vanish or go back to being bored forever. Or he's lost absolute status, and he could be wiped out by someone. It doesn't matter. I've lived too long, and I'd be happy to accept extinction. But... it's not funny. That's all.”

That's a terrible thing to say. Competition for a new god, above all, merely for fun. But convince him to bow his head. If God says so, it is absolutely right.

“I told you not to interfere. ”

A declaration in front of the proxy. There was also no one who opposed it. But Gladiolus...

“You may interfere. ”

You deny it. The eyes of the transcendents are wide open. Gladiolus spoke while enjoying their surprise.

“The interference of the right line is acceptable. If there is a line that does not break the balance of the game, it is welcome. Of course, I will not tolerate any act of standing in front of someone who kills the proxy and gets in the way. But we do allow a certain amount of help. Representatives and Hiddenpiece are competing, but it's ridiculous how much silence you have to be to see the power of victory. So you have to compete. Read each other's numbers, come forward, compete, be vigilant, and argue. ”

Gladiolus encouraged. He shrugs his shoulders, smiling low, and looks at the transcendent's face one by one.

“Of course, direct quarrels are not tolerated. Again and again, the one who will give you victory is your elected representative, not you. There is no denial of victory by killing another transcendent yourself. ”

“... in what line of interfering? ”

Christopher smiles and asks. Gladiolus shakes his head at the question.

“Do no harm to other representatives. Your interference is limited to your delegates and it is also impossible to directly empower them. It is acceptable to give advice. Your view is limited to each delegate and cannot be viewed by another delegate. ”

It was a tight restraint. You're just advising me on growth. But no one complained about it. It does not provide direct power. But advice is available. It is impossible to directly restrain or harm another person's representative. It is impossible to steal another surrogate… All the transcenders frowned and tried to figure out what to do within the limits.

“.. you're crazy. ”

Hyacinth opens his mouth. It's an insult to God. Everyone looks at Hyacinth in horror, but Gladiolus only smiles joyfully.

“You're right. ”

In response, Hyacinth kept his lips shut. She looks at Gladiolus with shaken eyes for a moment. Gladiolus waves again, smiling at his gaze. The missing door reappears.

“This is the end of what I have to tell you. I... will be silent again. Not many times will my silence be broken. Either you cheat, or the game is over. Or...”

Gladiolus smiles slightly darker.

“When it's as boring as I thought. ”

The door is open.

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