
00119 Boarding Party

Gladiolus steps back and the music starts again, but no one enjoys the party. Players were busy gathering around each other, making serious faces, or taking out their cell phones and posting about Gladiolus on SNS and the homepage. It was a verification shot and many people took photos. Of course, Ajin was completely separate from that.

The story that Gladiolus told did not require representatives, including Azin, to think about their future actions. The existence of Hidden Piece has been communicated to the best player invited here and all players who will begin the first at the upcoming Full Service Open. No balls, no superpowers, no magic. Three factions and the countries in which they belong. Players who start in the right faction will meet Hidden Piece and use it to learn skills from them.

The island of beginnings disappears.

Azin frowns. If the island of beginnings disappears, the information on the island, for the purpose of beta testing, becomes useless. maps of the wild forests, cliffs of fame, etc. There are many disadvantages to being unable to use it. It is the same for all beta testers. Is it to make the starting line the same as new players that will arrive at the service opening? It doesn't matter if you sold what you could sell on the island of beginnings anyway. Progress, who bought the information from Ajin, would not consider it a loss. We have gained the trust of Progress by paying and disclosing quality information ahead of anyone else, and we have already proven that Progress is ahead of any other site in a game called First.

No harm done to each other. Even though the battle has been reset, the field will expand anyway, so you can start over there. Moreover, even though the information on the island of beginnings was not available, the beta test allowed several steps ahead of new users to enter beta testing, including azin. Familiarized with skills and familiar with First's system. It is a lingering experience in the body.

But what about Persian and Basrodel? ’

That's what you can think of as a loss. Ajin has established friendship with Vampire Lord Persik Duna on the Island of Beginnings. The dragon Vasrodel of the Blue Volcano and her apprentice, Drake Jeremiah, face to face. I don't know if I can use it now, but I thought I could use it afterwards... What would happen to them if the island of beginnings disappeared?

“You seem troubled. ”

Acacia approaches. She squeezes Azin, her back against the wall, and gives him a glass of wine.

“There's been a lot of talk like that, so it must be chaos. ”

It was the same with Acacia. Since the beginning of First's open beta, Gladiolus has never shown himself. Even when transcendents, including Acacia, intervened in the game and committed irregularities they should not have committed, they remained silent.

Because Gladiolus didn't notice? No, it can't be. A transcendent is a high being who can become a god if he only gains absolute power, but that does not mean he is very little lacking in God. There is a difference between God and the transcendent that can never be caught up. The transcendent is referred to as the transcendent because it is transcendent in all species, including humans. But God is transcendent. God's absolute nature is literally absolute. Gladiolus, the god of transcendence, could not have noticed.

Nevertheless, he didn't say anything about him. Even though it appeared suddenly, it did not explain the silence until now. Frankly, Acacia had no idea that Gladiolus would show up at this party. Only the moment Gladiolus appeared on the party floor did the transcendents, including Acacia, notice the existence of Gladiolus. Gladiolus' disclosure of Hiddenpiece was not originally planned, but none of the transcendents pointed out what he had said.

He was a god.

“Nothing's changed. ”

But ultimately, the goal is the same. The delegate is still ahead of the starting line, and the delegate's victory means the birth of a new god. From the beginning, other players, except the surrogate, were Gladius' hands. The purpose and manner of the game remains unchanged even if the remaining Hiddenpiece is added to it.

“.. if the island of beginnings disappears. ”

Ajin stares at Acacia.

“What about NPCs and monsters there? Dragon Vasrodel or Vampire Lord Persik Duna.”

“Major NPCs and monsters will be transported to the continent. where it's going to go. The same goes for Persian Duna and Basrodel. And of course, a little bit of memory manipulation. ”

Acacia smiled and said. Persian Duna, a Thorn Forest Vampire Road, was one of the most powerful monsters on the island, except for Dragon Basrodel. And it's the same outside the island of beginnings, on the continent. Persian Duna is one of the most powerful vampires on the continent. So is Basrodel.

“Memory manipulation."

Azin mutters in a hollow voice. If that's the case, the friendship you had with Persian might disappear, or the shadowy space you received from her. Acacia shrugs as she looks at the pain in chewing her lips.

“Well, I can't be sure about that. ”

Acacia brings out a glass of wine. Ajin frowns and smashes his cup against Acacia. I tried to cool down by drinking the wine, but the boiling stomach did not dissipate. The loss of friendship with Persian and her grammar space is too great a loss.

“.. then. ”

The wine-infested acacia steals her lower lip with her fingertips and opens her mouth. As the waiter approaches, Acacia places an empty glass of wine on the tray.

“Let's get going. ”

“.. where? ”

Azin pauses and asks. Acacia reaches out and snatches the wine cup from Azin's hand and puts it on a tray. She smiles widely.

“Shouldn't we start with the right story? ”

Acacia left the party with Azin. They weren't the only ones. The other transvestites took their surrogates and moved the party with me. We didn't talk or talk to each other on the move. It was just keeping her lips shut, gawking at whether she was overwhelmed by the atmosphere that was always smiling.

As they move like that, they stop at the big door. It was a plain door without any decoration. Opening the door was Acacia, the leader of the group. The door opens with a thumping sound. Inside the door was a white space. Infinite space with no walls, no ceilings. Ajin opens his surprised eyes wide.

Raw snow and no gin soup, Hassen, Orsay. Four Hiddenpieces stood a reasonable distance. Raw snow was biting a cigarette with a nervously face, and a dull tingling lip. In the center, Hassen stands weary, with Orsay curled up in his arms. Seeing that, Azin was able to see very well what had happened between them. There was a quarrel between the smell of black snow and dandruff, and it looked like Hassen was struggling to calm it down.

“You're here early. ”

The scent of Raw Snow grumbles as she watches the pain. She flips the pipe, drops the flame, and sticks it next to the girl holding her head steady. As he wiped out the blue pods he was wearing with his hands, he died.

“You're lucky. If you were late, you'd be dead again. ”

Raw Snow ignored it. Instead, she raises her head and comes to Azin's side, standing next to him. Acacia turned her head and walked forward, looking as if she was ridiculed by the appearance of such raw snow.

“I brought you here separately because...”

“For punishment. ”

You hear a hissing voice. Acacia looks back in horror. The room was buzzing. Through space, no. It's not pierced. Gladiolus was born on the spot. ’He smiled softly and lightly landed on the ground.

“Before that... there's a lot of happy faces. We've all been...”

“Son of a bitch!”

The smell of Raw Snow cried out. As soon as Azin whimpered at the deafening shout, the smell of Raw Snow was already rushing towards Gladiolus. How many people in this room have seen her move? Endless air rose and the body that had not been out of control for decades went into perfect attack. It was so fast that it was invisible to the transcendents, including Acacia, and so fast that I missed it for a moment.

“.. I don't think you're doing so well. ”

But Gladiolus was at peace. Bam! A fist with a black snow scent stops right in front of Gladiolus. She distorts her face and empowers a fist that cannot move forward. A strong enough to destroy everything was hanging over her arm, but her fist could not advance a bit.

“After 20 years, I thought I'd be a little more quiet, but you're still me. She's still a nasty little minx. Was one eye not punishment enough? ”

Gladiolus asked with a slight smile. Raw snow twists its waist, grinding its teeth. Phew! The swinging leg stops, too. I felt the aroma of raw snow boiling in my stomach. I am not restraining my manpower. She was a force, and her attacks were not working on Gladiolus.

“But it's faster than it used to be. ”

Gladiolus admires the black snow scent with a great voice. That made the smell of Raw Snow boil even more. She screams and moves her arms. You shake the space of your fist shot like a rapid-fire. His fist became the capital and the capital became the capital. Stab with your elbows, push with your shoulders, hit with your knees, and hit with the top of your feet. In the blink of an eye, the Raw Snow body unleashed all kinds of violence possible with the human body. The barrier between Gladiolus and Raw Snow is broken. Gladiolus was impressed again.

“This is so...”

The fist of Raw Snow passes right through Gladiolus' body. He smiled at the rising black snow scent and said,

“Fantastic. I've been handing humans over since I first saw them, but now I really... can't help myself. ”

But not God. Gladiolus reaches out and grabs the Raw Snow shoulder. It was a moment when the shocking smell of black snow was about to leave my body. Her body stops trembling as if struck by lightning.

“I appreciate the effort to get there, but if you keep flying, the story won't go on. So just hold still for a second. ”

Gladiolus patted her on the shoulder. Raw Snow's scent remains motionless. It's because Gladiolus deprived the body of its black snow scent of freedom. When he saw it, he laughed low. In the use of the body, the smell of Raw Snow is more than nonintrusive. Mujin Seop had no choice but to admit him. At least he was unable to reproduce a movement that seemed to have just seen the black snow scent. But I don't think he can do anything. Raw snow scent and seamless stew are only in different directions. But can you really hurt Gladiolus in the way you choose? Unsettled was skeptical.

“Punishment, what do you mean?”

Crissandsham asks. He takes off his hat and looks carefully at Gladiolus. He's always mocking the target with a relaxed smile, but he can't do that to God.

“That's what everyone knows. ”

Gladiolus sits speaking softly. Sitting comfortably in the air with nothing, he waves his hands lightly. Then a chair appeared in front of each other to fit the number of people.

“Have a seat. I can't just stand here and talk. ”

No one refused Gladiolus' recommendation. Everyone looks cautiously at Gladiolus, and he glances at Raw Snow with a mouthful of laughter.

“Would you like to sit down? If you don't want to keep interrupting the conversation, you can sit down and I'll let you. ”

I did not answer the smell of Raw Snow. She is now deprived of her body's freedom. It is impossible to open your lips and make noises. Gladiolus grins and claps his fingers at the black snow scent. I move because my body is shaking with the smell of Raw Snow.

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