Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 467: The worst in the world

"In short, Officer Sato explained that genius is the top priority, so she asked me to take the opportunity of the police to search the Central Loop to take a good rest tonight." Conan complained helplessly, "But if the criminal can't catch it, how can I fall asleep? ?"

Conan has copied a copy of the notice received by the Metropolitan Police Department and placed it on the tatami.

Xinfan raised the notice letter and looked at it seriously.

Conan didn't plan to go to rest at all, so they studied late into the night with the notice letter.

Seeing that the horizon was about to turn white, the 6-year-old Conan finally couldn't hold it anymore: "I have an appointment with Officer Sato. We will meet at the entrance of the Metropolitan Police Department at seven o'clock this morning. There are still a few hours before seven o'clock. , Why don't we rest first."

"Alright, let's go together tomorrow." Xinfan agreed happily.

Conan solemnly folded the notice and set the morning alarm: "I hope the police will have good news, but if I go with Mr. Asano, I think we can definitely expose the gangster's conspiracy!"

"Forget Asano, what are you kid doing with the past?!"

"What? What do I do with this kind of thing..." Conan suddenly froze. He looked back awkwardly, and saw that Kogoro Moori didn't know when he was awake, and he was staring at him with his head.

Oops, how much did Uncle Maori hear? He was not very careful with his words just now because he and Mr. Asano were the only people there. Couldn't my uncle have discovered his identity as Shinichi Kudo?

However, Kogoro Moori's performance is still very normal. He seems to be dissatisfied that a kid in Conan always loves to mess with the police: "You and Asano go to bed quickly, for such an important thing, of course I still need my famous detective Kogoro Moori to appear! "

Conan was ashamed, but he was a little relieved.

It seems that the uncle hasn't found it yet, fortunately!

Xinfan turned off the light and lay down in the bed, but under the cover of the night, his gaze drifted to the next to him who seemed to have fallen asleep, Kogoro Mouri.

Did Kogoro Mouri really only hear the latter? You know, even he didn't even notice Mouri Kogoro's awakening.

Mouri Kogoro may indeed not have the excellent reasoning ability of Kudo Shinichi, but he is definitely not stupid. Morilan can suspect that Conan is Shinichi Kudo over and over again. Isn't the uncle ever suspicious?

If he had doubts long ago, he happened to hear Conan's mature speech before...

Shinichi Kudo, you should ask for your blessings.


The next day.

Uncle Maori who clamored that only he could help the police find the criminal in the middle of the night was caught by one of the simplest questions-

He failed to get up early.

By the time Moori Kogoro woke up, Conan and Shinshige had already left the office. And it happened to be showing Okino Yoko's new drama on TV.

Ahem, he is definitely not because of the beauty of an idol, he just trusts his agent!

Xinfan drove Conan towards the Metropolitan Police Department. Even at this time on the road, they still rushed to discuss the content of the notice every second.

Conan had already dialed Sato Miwako's phone. From her, he learned that the police had thoroughly investigated the Central Loop that would pass through Nanbeito Station last night, but they only found a few fake bombs. And the major baseball stadiums in the city are nothing unusual.

"Where did the prisoner install the bomb?" Conan irritably rubbed his head into a chicken nest.

While driving, Xinfan passed the pre-familiar notice in his mind.

And his memory is also gradually recovered with the content of the notice at this time...

Xinfan thinks that he has probably thought of something.

In his impression, the place where the gangster finally exploded was neither the baseball stadium nor the Nanbeihu station. It should be the poor East Capital Tower.

Before this landmark building in Tokyo was harmed by gin, it had already suffered various bullies and blows. However, with the help of Conan, who has the protagonist's aura, the East Tower should still be able to survive until the day when it is harmed by gin wine.

It's just that Xinfan has become less and less believing in his memories now. If you can remember the year Matsuda Jinhei died, what else can you believe?

After all, those memories are too far away, and his existence is bound to have a certain degree of influence on the plot. Maybe a lot of things have changed unconsciously, but he didn't know it yet.

Xinfan doesn't want to affect the rational thinking of Conan and the police because of his own sake. But on the other hand, when he recalled the contents of the notice, he felt more and more that the East Capital Tower was the real answer.

In that case...

"What? Do you mean the Eastern Capital Tower?" Conan was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes lit up quickly, "Yes, why didn't I expect it? The Eastern Capital Tower is red!"

Xinfan still told Conan of his "guess".

Regardless of whether the plot has changed, he can't give up what he has. No matter the memory of the past or his own abilities, these are the treasures currently held by Asano Nobuhira.

Conan quickly said: "I will tell Officer Sato our inference now. There is still some time before noon. It should be too late."

Yes, it should be too late, if there is really only one bomb.

Xinfan's expression did not relax because of this breakthrough, but became more serious.

Because he vaguely remembered that in this incident, the gangster used the same strategy as three years ago, no, four years ago. Therefore, there should be a second bomb.

Where is the second bomb installed?

Do you really have to wait for the gangsters to tell them?

Because of this uncertainty Xinfan became more nervous, and he took the lead in driving towards Tokyo Tower.

The poor East Capital Iron Tower was still standing in the cold wind, completely unaware that a catastrophe was brewing.

Monday morning was very lively and there were many cars on the road. Xinfan took longer than usual to arrive.

However, when they arrived, they found that the East Capital Tower was surrounded by tourists.

"Hello, what happened here just now?" Xinfan rolled down the car window and asked a tourist next to him.

"I don't know what's going on. The police suddenly evacuated tourists just now, maybe it will be closed today."

Upon hearing this, Xinfan and Conan looked at each other.

"Strange." Conan said puzzled. "When I called Officer Sato just now, she said that she would report to Officer Megumi. Even if they send someone over immediately, theoretically, it won't be faster than us."

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