Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 468: Kazami: This is pain that only I can understand

"Could it be that Officer Mumu discovered the truth before us?" Conan guessed incredulously.

He subconsciously didn't believe that Officer Mumu would be earlier than him and Mr. Asano. After all, the police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department are usually not as keen as detectives, and sometimes they look like a few tool men.

But the current situation seems to have only this explanation.

"Where is the police now?" Xinfan asked.

The tourist pointed to the East Metropolitan Tower: "It was there, they drove everyone out, including the staff. I also find it strange, it's not like a simple closure, maybe something horrible is happening inside. Thing!"

Xin Fan was stunned.

He now knows who the people in the East Tower are.

"You just wait here for Officer Sato, I'll go in and see." Xin Fan quickly unfastened his seat belt while admonishing Conan.

Conan was not happy of course, he immediately said: "I want to go with you!"

"Don't be fooling around." Xinfan said with a sullen expression. "Your task is to find out to the police as soon as possible. Maybe it is not a real policeman inside. You know it's possible, right?"

Conan subconsciously wanted to refute, but Xinfan's words triggered his thinking. Conan pursed his lips and said nothing, and was struggling with himself.

Xinfan smiled upon seeing this.

He only said half a sentence: "Trust me."

Conan stared at the man in a daze. He was facing the morning sun, his entire face hidden in the shadows, but the smile on the corner of his mouth was as bright as a thousand sun. In contrast, Xinfan's vigorous aura had undergone a slight change at this time.

Conan couldn't tell what this change was. It seemed to be filled with unhesitating tragic, but it seemed to be lightly wrapped by something soft.

But in any case, Conan can be sure that Mr. Asano is in a happy mood. He doesn't think that the Touto Tower where the bomb is installed is a **** or a ghost gate, but it looks like...

On the contrary, it seemed that I was about to go to an appointment that had been late for many years.

So Conan stayed.

Since Mr. Asano made him believe it, he believed it.

In addition, there is no need to talk between friends.


Xinfan didn't want to delay any time, he immediately rushed to the only entrance of the East Tower Iron Tower.

It's just that this place has already been controlled by the police in plain clothes, and they naturally stopped Xinfan:

"Sorry sir, the East Metropolitan Tower has been temporarily closed." The police also emphasized with a serious face, "Please do not affect the work of the police."

Obviously, the vigilant look in the suspicion has proved that they regard Xin Fan as a suspicious criminal.

Xinfan thought for a moment, then gave up his plan to enter from the front. In contrast, the employee passage to the rear of the East Capital Tower will be smoother and more convenient.

He was about to leave, but was noticed by the sharp-eyed Kazami Yu.

"Mr. Asano!" Kazemiyu also ran over quickly in shock, "Why are you here?"

Didn’t you say to leave this to the police? Why did Mr. Asano also come to the scene himself?

"Of course it's for the bomb on the elevator." Xin Fan said as he swiftly passed the police and Feng Jian and ran towards the stairs.

Seeing that Shinfan was familiar with Yuya Kazumi, the police who blocked him didn't do anything. So he went upstairs smoothly without encountering any obstacles.

However, Kazumi Yu, who had not had time to speak, was also a little tired. He could only watch Asano Nobuhiro leave him and move quickly toward a certain "forbidden area".


Mr. Yutani is on it, they are about to meet! !

What a horrible scene this is!

It's just that this kind of horror is not directed at other people, this kind of horror is just the horror of Kazami Yuya alone.

Kazami Yu also shed tears silently, and he once again felt the hardships of life.

It is all the fault of Mr. Yugu, who clearly said that he would not come forward, but he still couldn't help running to the scene to direct the action!

If this weren't the case, he wouldn't be so worried anymore!

The police officer next to you asked with a little worry: "The wind sees the police officer, what's the matter with you? If you say it, we might be able to advise you."

"No, you don't understand." Feng Jianyu bit his lower lip aggrievedly, "This is a pain that only I understand, and I can only bear it."

Police officers: "..."

Could it be that the pressure is too great and has driven one crazy?


The observation deck of the East Tower Iron Tower is very high, and Rao Yi Xinfan's physical fitness, in order to keep moving at a high speed, he can't help but pant a little.

While he was working hard to climb the stairs, the Dongdu Iron Tower suddenly exploded.

The explosion was so violent that the stairs underneath were shaking.

Xinfan relied on listening to identify the position, and easily inferred the location of the explosion-it really was the elevator control system!

This is why he chose to climb the stairs instead of the more relaxed elevator.

As long as you don’t know when the bomb will explode and how powerful it is, it’s better to be safe.

As he continued to rush towards the top, he could hear the voices of the surrounding public security police from time to time. They had already learned what happened above through the intercom system.

"The special observatory exploded, the elevator control system was destroyed, an elevator stopped to the center of the large observatory, and there was a little girl inside!"

"Quick! Go report!"

Xinfan finally stepped onto the large observatory. The tourists here had already dispersed, and only a few plainclothes policemen gathered near the elevator. And not long after the little girl’s mother arrived, she stood on the box with the help of the police, and with a worried face, she constantly persuaded her frightened The elevator got stuck in the center of the elevator shaft, only showing up. The narrowest gap at the bottom. It is conceivable that it is difficult for adults to get in in this environment. The little girl was too frightened. She shrank in the corner holding the doll, trembling all over her body, and looked very scared, unwilling to cooperate with the police and her mother at all.

This caused great difficulties for rescue operations.

What's more, the public security police at the scene are very clear that the real challenge is still to come. If even a child can't be saved at this time, let alone what's going on.

However, Xinfan's gaze only stayed on this for a moment, because he saw a more eye-catching person-Jiang Guling.

Jiang Gu Ling was standing near the higher elevator maintenance entrance, and seemed to be about to enter from above the elevator. Like Xinfan, he quickly noticed this person who shouldn't be here.

"Mr. Asano, why are you here?" Jiang Gu Ling asked in surprise.

The situation in front of him has not yet reached the most difficult stage, so Xinfan's expression is a little relaxed. He smiled and asked, "I want to ask you, I heard that the Eastern Capital Tower has been controlled by the police?"

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