Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 466: Date Cursed by the Devil

At this moment, the radio in the car began to broadcast a piece of news: At 7:13 tonight, an explosion occurred at the Akijo Bridge in Mihua Town. The explosion has reached three deaths, and the identity of the victims is still being confirmed...

Jiang Gu Ling reached out and turned the FM **** and switched to a music channel. Accompanied by the soothing music, his voice was cold to the freezing point: "As expected of Mezcal, the explosion plan that I failed to use last time, I will make up for it anyway."

Kazami Yu was also shocked, but he didn't dare to show it. He could only ask sideways: "Ah? Did Mezcal do this bombing?"

Jiang Guling snorted coldly, and said sarcastically: "Yes, that's the guy who is crazy enough to achieve his goal by all means."


Feng Jianyu also choked silently.

He is so difficult, really.

Mr. Noriya, when will you discover Mezcal's identity? In this case, he wouldn't have to struggle to survive in the cracks.


The bombing planned by the black organization obviously caused a lot of trouble to the Metropolitan Police Department.

After all, they had just received a notice from the suspected criminal before, and then Qiuzhangqiao exploded and several foreigners died. Once this kind of thing is not handled properly, it will easily rise to the diplomatic level, and then the loss will be the face of the country.

After receiving the order from the superior, Manager Matsumoto looked solemn as he had never before. He solemnly told Officer Megumi and others that this time they must catch this criminal who is hiding behind the scenes!

That night, it was late at night when Conan returned to the Maori detective office.

However, the office is still brightly lit, except for Uncle Maori who is still drinking, Xinfan and Maorilan are waiting for him.

"Sister Xiaolan, I'm so sorry to worry you." Conan apologized to Mao Lilan as soon as he entered the door, "I will definitely call you next time."

Mao Lilan complained helplessly: "Next time, definitely next time, you say that every time."

Conan had no choice but to laugh.

"Forget it, it's already late. Xiao Ai was picked up by Dr. Aka, then Mr. Asano will live with you and dad, is it okay?"

"Of course it's okay."

Conan just wanted to discuss with Mr. Asano about today's affairs, and Mao Lilan's suggestion was just what he wanted. As for Kogoro Mouri--

Conan glanced at the uncle who was lying on the table and sighed silently.

Seeing how Uncle looks like this, I'm afraid he won't wake up even if he and Mr. Asano play in the middle of the night.

After washing, making the bed and setting up the sleeping Kogoro Mori, Conan didn't mean to sleep at all. He pulled Asano Nobuhan to the corner of the room with a look of expectation.

Xin Fan ignored Conan's expectant eyes and asked calmly, "Did the police solve the riddle of the notice letter?"

"Probably guessed some." Conan explained, "At present we think the criminals set the time of the explosion at noon tomorrow, and the location, because many baseball terms are used in the notice, so..."

"So the police think the explosion site should be a baseball stadium, but you have other ideas, right?"

Conan was stunned, and then he laughed helplessly: "Sure enough, I can't hide it from you. I suspect that the bomb was installed at Nanbeihu Station. Police Officer Mumu has already dispatched police to check, but I always feel that things should not be that simple. "

"That's right." Conan said again, "The police basically investigated the bombing you encountered today."

"Is that one of the criminal's plans?"

"It can't be completely ruled out, but the police have already investigated the identity of the deceased. He is the largest drug lord in Southeast Asia, Matagong. That explosion should have been directed at him." Conan said puzzledly, "It is strange, the traffic policeman tonight It just so happened that drunk driving was raided throughout the city of Tokyo, and many vehicles were stopped outside the Qiuzhang Bridge. Therefore, even if the explosion caused nearly 2 billion direct losses, but fortunately, it did not harm the innocent. This is probably considered to be the case. Fortunately in the misfortune."

The number two billion is familiar...

Xinfan was a little bit unhappy.

Before using corrupt officials, he intercepted the two billion gin wine that he was about to get, but turned around and the two of them planned an explosion together and spent another two billion.

So, tossing such a lap turned out to be an empty basket? ?

Perhaps because the light was too dazzling, Kogoro Mouri frowned and rolled over, frightening Conan to shut up quickly.

However, Kogoro Mori still slept soundly and showed no signs of being awake.

Conan waited quietly for a while, then continued: "Before I came back, I had been with Officer Miwako Sato. She told me a lot about four years ago."

Xinfan immediately cast an interested look at him. Conan only described a general outline on the phone before, and didn't say any specific details.

Although he had asked Kazami Yu to investigate, but Conan wore the protagonist's halo, and sometimes it was easier to get information than others.

"The conflict between the criminal and the police started seven years ago, when he and his companion used two bombs installed in residential buildings to threaten the police with one billion yen. One of them was demolished by a police officer named Matsuda Jinpei. The other encountered a lot of trouble in the process, and eventually the police had to agree to the bomber’s request..."

Conan's whispering voice pulled Xinfan's thoughts into deep memories.

He knew about the death of Kenji Hagiwara. At that time, they had just graduated, and they were working hard to fulfill their graduation promises in their respective fields.

Even Jing Guang did not expect that Hagiwara Kenji's nightmare would come so quickly!

After the bomber saw the replay picture that happened to be broadcast by the TV station, he thought the bomb was still counting down. He contacted the police out of fear, but was arrested by the police instead, and happened to be hit and killed by a truck while escaping.

The remaining criminal thought it was a police so he restarted the countdown to the time bomb, and Hagihara Kenji was too late to escape and died heroically.

It was January 6th seven years ago.

"Since then, every January 6th, the police will receive notices from criminals. That person seems to be loyal to provoking the Metropolitan Police Department in this way. He has installed bombs in squares, parks, supermarkets and other places. But in the end they were all caught Officer Matsuda Jinpei was successfully ruled out." At this point, Conan's tone suddenly sank, "Until January 6th four years ago...This is really a date cursed by the devil."

Like every time before, Jinpei Matsuda successfully solved the riddle of the criminal. Under the threat of criminals, he went to the Beihu shopping mall alone for the appointment, but he never came back.

Not long after becoming a police officer at that time, Mikako Sato met Jinpei Matsuda who was assigned to the investigation section by the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team of the Mobility Group of the Security Department.

The text message sent to her by Jinpei Matsuda one second before the explosion of the Ferris wheel is still stored in her mobile phone.

[Mihua Central Hospital

Note: I have always been very fond of you]

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