hero and pope

“You look pretty tired.”

Trump’s face at Trump Tower’s penthouse looked more tired than the last time he had seen it.

“It’s because of some annoying guys. I’m a little tired, but that’s okay.”

Eugene is well aware that Trump is on a pardon right now.

It’s hard not to get support from external enemies as well as from the Republican Party, who can be said to be on the same side.

While he has strong support from far-right Republican voters, he is still being criticized by orthodox conservatives and influential figures in the party.

Moreover, as time passed, he was being pushed to the brink more and more because of the many tales he had provoked.

Then, in August, a huge incident occurred.

At the Democratic National Convention at the end of July, a Muslim couple, Kizr and Ghazala Khan, pulled out a booklet of the U.S. Constitution and discussed Trump’s promise to ban Muslims from entering the U.S., citing the phrase “equal protection before the law.” There was criticism.

In response, Trump responded by sarcastically accusing her husband of not saying anything to his wife, who was quietly standing next to Khan while he was speaking because he didn’t get her husband’s permission.

But it was the parents of Captain Humayun Khan, a Muslim who was killed in a suicide bombing in Iraq.

During the Iraq War in 2004, when Humayun Khan saw a suspicious vehicle approaching the base, he evacuated his colleagues and blocked the vehicle.

The vehicle that could not enter the base due to Humayun Khan’s deterrence exploded, and Humayun Khan exploded along with the terrorists.

Thanks to this, the hundreds of Americans in the restaurant next to the entrance were able to escape from the disaster by avoiding their seats.

The United States is a country that respects the courtesy of the dead above all else.

There is a culture of trying to find the remains of the dead no matter how long it takes, and trying to give the best treatment to veterans.

Humayun Khan, a war hero who lost his life while saving and saving hundreds of his fellow soldiers, was enough to provoke American outrage.

What’s more, when it turns out that Ghazala Khan didn’t say anything because of the loss of her son and an aphasia, criticism of Trump arose from within Republicans as well as Democrats.

If Trump had admitted his mistake here, the situation would not have gotten this far.

But Trump has set fire to the fire again.

“The entry ban on Muslims was only directed against radical Islamic terrorists. Wasn’t I also attacked by Kizr Khan?”

Trump, who sparked a story again with these remarks, has continued to complicate matters by saying that he has no regrets about his remarks.

Eugene knows that Trump’s tales and many actions are, in fact, a show designed to provoke some people who lack the knowledge and are angry with the world, as pre-planned.

But on the other hand, it’s also true that Trump himself enjoys doing such tales.

Moreover, Trump is not a person who, under any circumstances, apologizes for his actions or admits to his mistakes.

Admitting a mistake is Trump’s self-denial.

If you point out your mistakes or mistakes, you will get angry, you will be satisfied with all kinds of accusations against the person who pointed it out, and if you have an opinion that is different from yours in any way, it is considered a great insult.

Moreover, the back end is long, so when he thinks he has been insulted, he repeats sarcasm at the other person over and over again.

Eugene knows quite a few of these types of people. There are countless troublesome bosses in Korean workplaces.

There are people who cause problems, pass it on to others, and do not accept even the slightest criticism of themselves.

Trump’s response eventually provoked even greater criticism, and not a few people now turn their backs on him.

The news is already reporting that Hillary’s chances of winning the presidential election are far greater than that of Trump’s.

No matter how much fighting Trump is, he can’t help but get tired of being tormented like this.

“I don’t have to worry about Humayun that much. After all, it’s just rallying those who criticize Donald.”

But Eugene is well aware that the world still doesn’t understand the feelings of outraged low-income white people.

They value the fact that they have repeatedly emphasized that they will keep people of color from entering the United States much more than the insult to the veterans.

“If you care about that, you’d be much better off hitting the Rust Belt harder. For those who love Donald.”

Eugene supported and encouraged Trump’s strategy. Not specifically to comfort Trump, but because that strategy is the best way to make Trump president.

“Apologizing at this point, canceling your speech, and showing weakness will not do you any good.”

“Is that so? I mean that. I make a fuss with people who won’t support me anyway, and my friends who like me don’t care.”

Trump was very pleased with Eugene’s words. Even his aides are arguing that he should take a step back for slandering Humayun Khan’s parents, even though he doesn’t know anything else.

It was true that the situation was not so good. In fact, I’m not sure of Trump’s victory in Trump’s camp.

I’m just trying to figure out the most likely path and focus on it. Naturally, the atmosphere at the camp had to subside as long as it was judged that Trump’s act was a huge mistake.

“Anyway, we need a chance to turn things around.”

Eugene’s encouragement helped a little, but Trump also knew the seriousness of the situation.

Even veterans who have supported Trump so far have issued a statement saying they will withdraw their support.

“A commotion should be put to sleep with a commotion.”

“Hmm… … .”

He looked at Eugene with a look that asked what Trump meant.

“What if there was evidence that Hillary sold weapons to the Islamic State?”

Eugene said like a joke.

“That is fun. I’m going to be very upset. If it’s that girl, it’s still there. huh.”

Donald laughs with interest.

“Or wouldn’t it be helpful for even the Pope to declare his support?”

“Is that old man? her! It’s the funniest joke I’ve ever heard.”

This time, he clicked his tongue as if it was not even possible.

“I heard that among Republicans, Catholics are the most supportive of Donald.”

Catholics in America are among the most conservative in America. Of course, support for Trump is very high.

Moreover, the confidence of Catholics in the Pope is considerable.

If, as Eugene said, the Pope even supports Trump, there is no need to ask Catholics to vote for Trump.

But the Pope is unlikely to support any particular candidate in the US presidential election.

Moreover, the Pope once criticized Trump for being unchristian.

It is an expression of discomfort about Trump’s usual criticism and aggressive attitude toward immigrants.

Trump did not lose and immediately countered that it would be troublesome for religious supporters to question an individual’s beliefs.

Also, in an interview with Fox News, the pope once again made a fuss, saying that he was a very political person, and the pope said, ‘Aristotle defined man as an animal politicus. He said I was political, so I must at least be human.”

So it’s no wonder Trump reacts that way to Eugene’s words.

“It would be better for the old man not to open his mouth.”

“If that’s the case. haha. Of course, Francis can’t say that, but there’s no guarantee he won’t.”

“Hmm… … .”

Trump stared at Eugene.

“As far as I know, you’re not the one to gossip about. Is there any reason?”

“ah. Just think of it as a joke.”

Saying that, Eugene stared intently at Trump.

“okay. It’s a joke, a joke.”

But Trump rather pondered Eugene’s words over and over again.

“Don’t worry too much. I’m more certain of Donald’s victory than anyone else. I only believe My prediction has never been wrong.”

“I feel a little reassured to hear that. ah! Of course, that doesn’t mean you’re always right.”

“haha. I can’t help you politically, but I have to give you some good news. Recently, Mr. Trump’s confidence has increased by about $300 million again.”

“300 million dollars? In just three months? I don’t think there were any special events during that time?”

“I paid a lot of attention to Donald’s funds. It seems like it’s hard to go to a campaign these days, in the sense of giving up your strength. Donald has one of the best returns of any fund we manage.”

“That sounds nice.”

Trump smiled broadly.

“And Ivanka Trump Fashion Group Asia has finally launched smoothly. Ivanka will soon be able to make significant profits in China.”

“Thank you for taking care of me in many ways. It’s also refreshing to see you. haha.”

Whether it really cheered him up, Trump talked about an anecdote that happened during the campaign for a while with excitement.

Most of the time, it was bragging about himself and ridiculing his enemies.

Eugene spent time adjusting the rhythm appropriately.

Trump was a brag and childish personality who only knew himself, but he is also a person who does not hide his inner feelings to those who listen to him and praise him.

No, there are very few people in the world who reveal their inner feelings like that.

In the first place, he was a perfect snob, and he never tried to hide it.

Perhaps Trump’s appearance, in contrast to the established politicians who always seem to have a plan, has made many Americans go crazy about him.

It is true that he has less support than Hillary, but it is also true that he has far more enthusiastic supporters than Hillary.

Eugene is well aware that Americans at this point want Donald Trump. And he himself doesn’t know if that choice was just a wrong choice.

In some ways, America may need Trump at this point. Not because he’s done a great job, but because he hasn’t done anything.

A few days after meeting Trump, I got a call from him.

“Have you ever done it?”

Trump first asked.

“What do you mean?”

“The article posted on the Political Insider.”

“Is there a medium called Political Insider?”

Eugene pretends not to know.

“I am. I’m taking it apart like that, so I don’t know if it’s real or not.”

Trump grumbled.

“Anyway, you were right. It was better to give Hillary a shot than to apologize. Heh heh.”

Trump laughs excitedly.

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