
Meanwhile, the share price of Daeyang Heavy Industries surpassed 700,000 won. At this time, it definitely goes upward, but there is never a surge.

In this way, it seems that the atmosphere is gradually changing.

It was intended to eat away at the slush funds of the Daeyang Group owner’s family, but not to give up hope.

But at the same time, it is also necessary to reassure the ants not to throw their stock.

Therefore, more sophisticated control was required than ever before, and of course, Joanna once again proved her worth.

– ah! There is definitely a short squeeze, but another boom is not.

– That’s it. It’s time to blow up once.

– There is still enough short selling, so there is no need to be afraid.

– Everyone, don’t be afraid, just hold on a little longer. zero car!

– Young tea!

And without any need for agitation, the ants were constantly posting posts to encourage each other to avoid mass selling.

* * *

“How the hell are you going to do this? What is the secretariat doing?”

Chairman Ryu’s eldest son Ryu Geun-ho, president of Daeyang Motors, yelled at his father’s chief of staff in anger.

“There is nothing we can do right now. We haven’t gathered enough stock to induce a crash yet, so we’ll have to wait and see for the time being.”

“Do you know how much damage has been done so far? 7 trillion won! 7 trillion won! What are you going to do!”

Ryu Geun-ho kept shouting and fighting without a break. Normally, he wouldn’t be so harsh on his father’s henchmen. However, the loss suffered so far was so astronomical that there was no reason left.

For the past week, losses of as little as hundreds of billions of won to as many as 1 trillion won have been occurring, which is rather strange if you are sane.

Moreover, it was not something that the company could handle as expenses or losses, but the family’s slush funds were flowing out.

The slush fund of the owners of large corporations is the last resort to turn the situation around in a crisis situation, or an important asset that can be used as seed money to secure future succession without any worries even if the group collapses. In a sense, this slush fund is more important than the group itself.

But that important asset is crumbling like a sandcastle.

As the chief of staff said, there is nothing to be done. There is no way to give up halfway because a huge amount of money is tied up as a margin because of the stocks borrowed to cry and mustard to solve the non-borrowed short selling.

The two brothers from the Daeyang Group watched the situation impatiently during market opening hours, and when the market was over, they reported the amount of damage they had suffered that day and spent each day drinking in anger.

Like anyone in the world, it was almost impossible to stay sane after seeing a trillion-dollar bill.

All you can do is leave your mind to the energy of alcohol and forget about reality for a moment.

In the meantime, the chief of staff in charge of handling the situation and some aides were struggling to come up with a countermeasure, but there was no way for them to be sharp.

If there is a way to get out of being bitten by derivatives in the first place, there is no reason for Wall Street funds to go out all at once.

While the eldest son was taunting the chief of staff with his still-drunken eyes, the second son, Geun-il Ryu, was staring at the monitor with half-dead eyes.

The stock price never seems to go down.

There is no reason for the share price to fall at this point.

The market was obviously their enemy.

* * *

“Daeyang Group Chairman Oh Kyung-deok, the chief of staff, has been a close assistant to the chairman for 20 years. Daeyang Group Chairman Oh Kyeong-deok and a few close aides control the entire Daeyang Group. In particular, since all other affiliates are controlled through the chairman’s secretary’s office and the audit office, the presidents of affiliates seem to have much less authority compared to Oh Kyung-deok, the chief of staff.”

John gave a briefing on the current status of the Daeyang Group and its key figures.

“Kyung-duk Oh has been recognized as the most important person in the Daeyang group since 20 years ago, as he was promoted the fastest since joining the Daeyang Group and was recognized as the successor of Yoo Seok-jun, the former head of the Daeyang Group’s secretary. At that time, I think he had more authority than the second or third son of the president who had just taken office as vice president.”

John Owen Brennan, who joined the CIA in 1980 and spent 25 years as Homeland Security Adviser in the Obama administration and 4 years as CIA Director, is now at Eugene’s request to collect economic information with the common name of America Business Center, aka ABC. established an institution.

The first task that Eugene entrusted to ABC, which has a budget of $500 million a year, was to obtain more detailed information about the Daeyang Group and the amount of slush funds that the family of the owner of the Daeyang Group kept overseas.

John Brennan is primarily a Middle Eastern savvy person, but he has a very rich talent pool as he has worked for the CIA for many years.

The first thing John did was create a branch to collect information from in Korea.

First of all, he was concentrating on hiring East Asian experts from the CIA and obtaining the information Eugene requested through them.

It felt a bit like using a slaughtering knife to slaughter chickens, but I decided to think of it as a preparatory work to create the foundation for a proper information agency in the future.

As time goes by, the accuracy of Eugene’s information about the future will gradually decrease.

Above all, it is very clear that this will eventually happen because of Eugene’s own intervention.

No need to give an example of the butterfly effect. This is because Eugene’s wealth will go beyond the simple local economy and will have global ripple effects.

At some point, the only meaningful information he has will probably be only the speed of scientific and technological development.

At that time, it is clear that investing based on the knowledge only Eugene alone knew would be risky.

Therefore, more information is needed to complement Eugene’s knowledge.

To that end, I plan to have John Brennan establish an institution specializing in data collection and analysis, and have economists and experts in various fields gather in a separate think tank to present academic analysis.

If the different information gathered from these two directions are gathered together and the information about Eugene’s future is combined, it is possible that a considerable synergy can be created.

“Internally, the Daeyang Group is divided into a faction of three sons. However, it can be seen that there is also a faction of the chief of staff, who has been the dominant force in the group so far. Therefore, it seems that the chief of staff will play a certain role in the succession structure that determines the next group president. In addition, since it seems that he has been working for a long time as the chairman’s henchman and has been involved in a number of illegal activities, it seems difficult to recruit him. We are currently figuring out all the details of the staff working in the secretariat.”

John Brennan was doing more than Eugene wanted. He found out and reported what he had done to even the ill situation of the chairman of the Daeyang Group, which was completely hidden from the outside.

When I heard the news that the Chairman of the Daeyang Group was unable to get up due to old age, I felt a little sad.

The person who wants to inflict the greatest blow from this incident is the president, and I am less excited to have already become a tiger with such a toothless tooth.

However, in his past life, it was a couple of years later that the chairman of the Daeyang Group passed on the seat to his children, and I was able to understand that it was probably because of the aftermath of this incident.

“How about the other family members?”

“Daeyang Motors CEO Ryu Geun-ho says he has been almost drunk lately. President Ryu Geun-il of Daeyang Electronics is also not in a good condition.”

“Is it dangerous enough?”

“I don’t know for sure, but there seems to be an ongoing argument between the brothers and quite a bit of quarrel with the chief of staff. Especially in the case of the eldest son, there seems to be a typical evasion of responsibility.”

I don’t know where the hell John Brennan got such detailed information. However, Eugene did not bother to ask the source.

What Eugene requested of Brennan was information gathering and analysis activities within a legitimate line. I just want him to know what’s good and follow his instructions.

Of course, while John was head of intelligence, he was deeply involved in the torture of American adversaries, and likewise while serving at the White House, he devised drones to eliminate targets that could harm the United States. I also know that I have come, but I decided to just pretend I didn’t know.

“Is it mentally precarious?”

Eugene didn’t want them to fall on their own until he himself punished them. The scenario he has prepared is not yet finished.

“I know it’s not like that. But I know it’s true that it’s pretty embarrassing.”


Eugene thought to herself that she was lucky.

“It is not known that the Saju family was involved in the short sale of Daeyang Heavy Industries except for those close to them, but the executives and employees of the Daeyang Group seem to believe that the Saju family was involved. Perhaps because of this, not only automobiles, electronics, and heavy industry, but also the company’s morale is severely degraded.”

“I will.”

“Especially the fact that the bosses are targeting the Daeyang Group seems to be the main reason for that demoralization. It is said that new employees as well as experienced employees often look for opportunities to change jobs. In their eyes, it is as if a great ship called the ocean is sinking.”

“Thanks for your efforts. Please continue to ask.”

“All right. We will focus on securing Humint to secure more accurate information.”

“Now, we have processed all the existing loan volumes. Now, only the amount lent after the short sale is left.”

After John returned, I received a welcome report from Joanna.

Now, following the slush funds of the Daeyang Group’s owner family, the next step is to attack the Daeyang Group’s headquarters.

The reason for lending additional shares even after the short selling incident became public was to obtain a guarantee from Daeyang Securities.

If the situation had not grown so much, the Daeyang Group would not have granted Daeyang Securities’ guarantee.

However, as the situation escalated, the media began to discuss the short selling forces and the responsibility of Daeyang Securities, and Daeyang Securities, which could not withstand the pressure from the political circles, had to grant guarantees even to cover the short selling without borrowings.

Of course, it must have been because there was an expectation that the situation would calm down at some point. I couldn’t have imagined that I would be demanding repayment in advance, step by step, like this every day.

It will be Daeyang Securities, not Daeyang Heavy Industries, that will suffer the most from the short sale of Daeyang Heavy Industries. And Daeyang Securities will bite their leash.

“Donald Trump is returning to New York for a break in the middle of the campaign. If I have time in the evening, I would like to meet you.”

I heard Trump’s message from Monica.

“What should I do?”

“Let’s meet today.”

Last time, I avoided meeting with the excuse that I was going to Florida. But now seems to be the right time.

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