The fall of the giant

Eugene is well aware of the article published in a magazine called Political Inside.

[It has been confirmed that Hillary Clinton sold weapons to IS. WikiLeaks revealed on Monday that it was revealed via emails from Democrats that Hillary Clinton sold weapons for an armed uprising by the Islamic State group in Syria during her tenure as secretary of state in the Obama administration.

The source of the news has not been very clear. There is no evidence that the e-mail was obtained from WikiLeaks, nor is the actual content of the e-mail known. But the article spread like a fire across the United States.

“I’m glad it helped Donald.”

Eugene answered lightly and vaguely denied any connection with him.

Actually, it has nothing to do with Eugene. It just popped out.

“If you’re not involved, you’d think so. ha ha ha.”

Trump hung up the phone with a very cheerful smile. Perhaps he thought that this article had something to do with Eugene.

But in fact, it was Eugene who was a little puzzled. Eugene, who knew that there would be malicious articles directed at Hillary, thought that these articles were probably sent out by Trump’s camp.

So I thought I’d give Trump a sneak peek at the time the article came out and give him a hint, or even a nod to Eugene’s foresight, even if he was already planning such a plan.

However, after hearing a voice a while ago, it seems that the Trump camp completely regards it as Eugene’s operation.

Well, it’s unavoidable. There’s nothing wrong with thinking that way.

In fact, if you think about it, it is not surprising that the article was not intentionally produced by the Trump campaign.

It is perhaps more probable that the article was decided by the place called Political Insider.

Trump will do everything he can to win, but he won’t be foolish enough to think of the aftermath when Trump’s camp officials instigated fake news.

The news that did not seem like news was reported by the far-right media, which can’t even be called a media outlet, mainly reporting black propaganda against the Democratic Party.

Most of the posts are made up of unreasonable claims that are not based on facts, and that’s why they’re always engulfed in controversies.

In fact, there are countless fake news producers in the United States, not just Political Insiders. Nevertheless, the US government does not take any action against these fake news distributors.

No, you should be right if you can’t.

According to the First Amendment to the Constitution, which is the foundation of the United States, the United States Congress cannot make any laws that impede freedom of speech or restrict freedom of the press.

The United States is a country that strictly adheres to the freedom of speech, even in Western society.

It is ironic that a constitution designed to ensure that citizens are not subjected to undue oppression by state powers has led to a rampage of fake news producers, but it also means that the freedom to speak to Americans is just as important.

Because of this, there are no sanctions against Nazi praise or insulting people who have died unjustly, which is unimaginable in Europe.

It is also during elections that these fake news producers are most rampant.

With the heat getting hotter than usual, people find and read fake news like this on their own.

There are political reasons as well as the political reasons that media such as Political Insider spur these fake news, but the economic reasons are far greater.

Articles that can help Trump and slander Clinton are in great demand. It is quite natural that advertising income increases when many people read articles.

What’s more, it is known that Trump supporters are far more likely to dismiss articles that match their inclinations.

Therefore, in this election, articles criticizing Trump’s opponent, Clinton, were created to burst forth.

If there is no credible evidence like this article, but if it helps Trump, Trump’s supporters begin to spread the article out of ignorance.

Reports that Hillary Clinton supplied weapons to ISIS are, of course, a lie. At least it is true that there is no evidence whatsoever.

However, this provocative article continues to spread, and will inflict considerable damage on Hillary.

And after a while, I got a call from Jared Kushner again.

Kushner greeted each other for a while, and then brought up the business.

“Are there any progress on the renovation of 666?”

Known as a real estate tycoon, Kushner, like his father-in-law, Trump, owns a series of properties with debt nearly equal to the value of the buildings.

After paying off all his debts, he will probably have very little money in his hands.

Perhaps Kushner’s greatest asset is the building at 666 Fifth Avenue, directly opposite Trump Tower, which is also owned by his father-in-law Trump.

It wouldn’t be too wrong to say that all Kushner’s dreams depend on the renovation of this debt-heavy building, which he bought for nearly double its market value during the real estate bubble.

After the father-in-law became president, Kushner struggled to raise funds for the renovation of the building from so many people.

He even advises his father-in-law to accuse Qatar of sponsoring terrorism in order to get an investment from Qatar.

It was a completely absurd act that was in opposition to the opinion of the Secretary of State of Qatar, who was insisting on relieving tensions in the Middle East at the time.

Thanks to this, he almost received a large amount of investment from Qatar, but the special prosecutor in Russia’s interference in the US presidential election also launched an investigation into this case, and Qatar’s investment was wiped out.

Ironically, Trump’s abrupt action has the ironic result of causing Qatar to make a decision to import large sums of US arms, which in turn will serve the immediate national interest a little.

However, it would not be a good choice, as it eventually fueled conflicts between countries in the Middle East and made Arabs more hostile to the United States.

Like Trump or Kushner, they are not at all shy about using their positions for personal gain.

“Our REITs team is working hard, so I think we will be able to deliver good news soon.”

“I only trust Eugene Kang. These days, I’m too busy taking care of my father-in-law, you know?”

“Sure. We are waiting for the day when we win the election and we both win the White House.”

“Oh yeah! I enjoyed reading this article about the Pope.”

“Oh, is that so? It’s great that the Pope supports Donald.”

Of course, the Pope has no reason to support Trump. The Pope sees Trump as a religious disgrace.

But recently, a media outlet called Ending the Fed (EDF) published an article that the pope publicly supported Trump. The article soon spread across the United States, causing quite a stir.

Of course, the Vatican condemned the article as false, but, ironically, people believed the article from an unknown source more than the Pope’s words.

Articles that the pope supports Trump were ranked as the most shared news on social media, so it must have affected quite a few people.

Even this article originated in a non-USA, Macedonian, rural village that was voluntarily posted to monetize advertising.

The teenagers in Eastern Europe, who realized that if they created and posted an article that cursed Hillary, people would flock and click on it.

This fake news recorded a whopping 1 million shares and comments on social media, and it is believed that it probably contributed to Trump’s election, whether small or large.

In addition to the pope’s support for Trump, a lot of bullshit news was created through these young people and spread with enthusiastic support from Trump supporters.

The fact that the United States, the world’s most powerful country, will play with the money of rural children in Eastern Europe and elect Trump as president is a very cruel joke.

“Very good. Even the Pope supports Donald, it can’t get any better than this. haha.”

Fake news that Hillary supports ISIS and the Pope supports Trump overshadowed the news last month that Trump mocked war hero parents.

Of course, for the Trump camp, there was nothing better than this.

“Donald asked Eugene to say thank you.”

It seems that Kushner also thinks Eugene has something to do with this fake news.

“What is good for Donald is good for all of us.”

And Eugene had no intention of clearing up those misunderstandings.

“Eugene said he saw it in an article for the first time, but he must have done it. Isn’t that too cunning? After all, after talking to the craftsman, the whole world was covered with the news.”

After hanging up with Eugene, Kushner spoke to Trump, who was sitting next to him.

“He’s a smart guy. I know what it takes to win.”

Ivanka agreed with her husband.

With much to offer from Eugene, Kushner and Ivanka were ready to side with Eugene who had become.

“He’s a very good young man. There are many expectations in the future.”

Trump, who has received and has so much to receive, was only grateful for Eugene’s gift.

The other aides who were listening to the Trump family did not dare to raise any objections.

Just by giving Trump a sneak peek of what was to come, Eugene was making a clear presence not only in the Trump family, but in his campaign as well.

* * *

“So, you’re saying we’ve lost 9 billion dollars so far?”

Chairman Ryu of the Daeyang Group asked in a plain voice, as if he was not even angry.

He managed to recover his energy after a week of lying down and not coming to his senses, and he was not yet able to get out of bed, so he only called his two sons to the bedroom and inquired about the situation.

“yes. In the current situation, there is nothing we can do about it.”

“Is there $5 billion in money as margin?”

“yes. Right now, the US is withdrawing as much money as possible, but in reality there is very little that can be saved.”

“Then you mean that there is actually very little money left?”

“Probably three billion dollars can be saved.”

“It means you have blown away all the funds you have accumulated over the past 30 years.”

Daeyang Group had far more overseas businesses than domestic ones. And each time the Daeyang family has been raising slush funds in a variety of ways.

It will probably be ranked among the top slush funds owned by domestic chaebol groups abroad.

But I lost a lot of money in this one mistake. The Daeyang Heavy Industries incident has already been reported overseas, and it has been mentioned as an unprecedented case of short selling failure.

It is such a huge loss that there are even rumors circulating that hedge funds that focus on short selling are saving themselves.

“Yes, Father. Most of it has been that way, except for what we have as equity or real estate.”

The second son, Ryu Geun-il, answered.

Of course, that is by no means a small amount. The chairman’s family owns a small stake in the Daeyang Group through asset management companies in the United States and other countries, and it can be seen that NetBaeggi almost holds a stake here among companies that do business with overseas branches of group affiliates.

However, that does not mean that the company can suffer losses exceeding 10 trillion won.

“her… … haha… … Heh heh heh.”

Chairman Ryu let out a disappointing laugh for a while.

“okay. Do you have any workarounds?”

Chairman Ryu, who had been laughing for a while, asked.

“Among the funds involved in this case, we are trying to do as much as we can. But I don’t think we’ll be able to save that much.”

“okay. I get it.”

The president did not ask any further questions. The sons saw their father like that for the first time in their lives. And now he knew that his energy had really run out.

Chairman Ryu did not open his mouth again after that and lay down. The brother could now sense that his father’s days had come to an end.

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