Blue Sword

Chapter 191 Team Civil War

"However, if it were the real Paige, she would believe what I said without hesitation." Aske said.

"You!" Paige was a little embarrassed, pursed her lips, and was speechless for a moment.

"Are you still pretending?" Ask looked at the five girls and commented, "Your disguise is generally fine, but there are still some flaws in the details."

"Peggy and Sheila are not that close. It is unlikely that she will take the initiative to speak for her, let alone question my judgment."

"Speaking of this, you have been inducing us to explore in that direction from the beginning. Even after being rejected by me, you are still stubbornly insisting... I don't remember that my prestige in the team will be so low that half of the team will be defeated at the same time. The members are opposed to it.”

"That's not the case." Nora explained bravely, "Asker, we really think that figure is very suspicious..."

"In that case, why don't you go explore?" Ask asked in a slightly mocking tone, "Don't you dare go without the leader?"

The five girls did not speak, but their eyes were filled with the grievance of being wronged.

"Of course, the most obvious flaw is the North Wind Ax on Sidrifa's waist." Asker chuckled, "All the runes on the handle of the North Wind Ax are wrongly engraved... I can’t blame you, because the real runes themselves contain extraordinary power, and to completely copy them is equivalent to making another North Wind Axe, which is too costly for you, isn’t it?”

The expressions of the five girls finally became dull, and then the light in their eyes disappeared, as if they had turned into soulless puppets.

"Have you remembered everything?" asked Asker and the four girls from Team B behind him. "On the battlefield, details determine success or failure. Sometimes just the smallest and most inconspicuous details may contain the most important information. information."

Eleanor and others were also completely speechless... Who would be so bored as to remember the patterns on the opponent's weapons!

"It's a blessing that you can detect it." Medea said incredulously, "When I first met them, I used a mind-reading tool and found nothing unusual."

"Mind-reading is not omnipotent." Asik said calmly, "Your mind-reading ability can only read shallow consciousness in a short time. But when it comes to high-level mind or dream sequence abilities, what you see Shallow consciousness, it is very likely that the other party is pretending to show it to you on purpose."

"These puppets are probably creatures with similar abilities."

"It's not just a creation." "Sheila" suddenly raised her head, with a strange smile on her empty face, "Except for the tricky axe, all other qualities and abilities are exactly the same."

"Would you like to give it a try? Interesting human being?"

"This actually makes me a little tempted." Asik said with a smile, "Let's just treat it as a real sparring exercise. There's no need for you to let it go."

The girls of Team B looked at the strange "teammate" in front of them. They were a little scared and nervous at first. But when they heard Aske say this, they suddenly couldn't hold back and wanted to laugh.

You must know that in normal sparring, even if the real guys come together, they will be beaten violently by Aske alone. What confidence do you fakers have to say "exactly the same"?

Wouldn't that mean he would still be beaten in various ways by the leader?

"Then, I'll leave it to you three." Asik nodded and stepped back.

"Eh? Asike, aren't you going to take action this time?" Mia said in shock.

"As I said before, I am only responsible for remote output this time." Asker was a little surprised, "For you, this is a valuable practice opportunity!"

"After all, we usually have to keep our hands when sparring with each other, but this time we can use our attacks as much as we want, right?"

The three girls suddenly burst into tears. Obviously you can crush the opponent with just one move, why do you still let us fight?

We really won’t miss any opportunity to train us!

The five puppet girls on the opposite side took the lead in launching an attack.

The one who rushed at the front was "Hidliba". She waved her double axes expressionlessly, and fired a whirlwind first, slashing straight at the three girls.

However, Eleanor is so familiar with this move. She has sparred with Hidliefa not only a thousand times but also eight hundred times. She first took half a step back steadily to leave enough time to avoid the whirlwind, and then looked at Predicting the rhythm of the ax blade of "Hidliba", the spear suddenly thrust out like a dragon.

Canglong bursts out!

The spear passed through the gap of the battle axe, and "Hidliba" was immediately hit. Her whole body was lifted up in the air, and then she was knocked to the ground heavily. The face that bounced up in the air was twisted in pain, and she couldn't help but vomit. Blood.

The next second, Eleanor's Cloud Piercer stabbed straight up. With one, two, and three strikes, the adamantine spear tore through the false meteorite armor and penetrated the body of "Sidrifa".

The last step was to cut the iron in the middle, using her body as a cannonball to hit the enemy on the opposite side.

The body of "Hydrifa" flew in the air, smashed into Sheila and Nora, and suddenly slowed down strangely - "Sheila" opened her right hand towards "Hydrifa"'s body, and rotated her five fingers, changing the gravity He immediately intercepted her and then accelerated in reverse direction to attack Aske and the others.

Everyone quickly dodged sideways. Mia had just jumped right to get out of the way, and before her feet even touched the ground, a figure flashed in front of her eyes.

It's "Peggy"! Her dagger rushed forward, stabbing Mia who was unable to dodge in the air. The latter quickly crossed the daggers and blocked the opponent's stabbing, but was pushed further by the force on it.

Before Mia could stabilize her figure in the air, "Paige" took steps to pursue her again. With her powerful explosive ability, her speed seemed to increase to another level, and she stabbed towards Mia's body.

There was a gunshot.

Asker's support came in time. The bullets whizzing out from the muzzle of the Imperial Eagle hit Mia's right knee just as "Peggy" was about to stab her.

"Peggy's" right leg was immediately broken into two pieces, leaving only a small part of the skin and flesh attached. However, the flesh and blood at the wound squirmed and quickly covered and connected the broken bones.

Mi'er on the other side had already raised his rifle, caught the moment Asik moved away from the muzzle, and put the eyepiece on his head.

The gunfire roared, and Asik tilted his head in the flash of lightning, avoiding the sniper bullet that was originally aimed at his eyebrows.

He quickly turned around, holding the Aphrodite rapid-fire pistol in his left hand and the Imperial Eagle in his right hand, and fired at Mier at high speed with both guns.

Mi'er on the opposite side quickly rolled to avoid it, only to see the whistling stream of bullets chasing her as she rolled towards her. She quickly rolled all the way and rolled to the back of the bunker in the corner of the alley.

"Ha." Ask chuckled. The Imperial Eagle was still aiming at the bunker to suppress Mi'er. Aphrodite moved sideways and pointed at Sheila who was casting a spell. After a few consecutive shots, she forced her to stop the gathering. "Stone Cannonball", he rolled quickly to dodge the bullets.

Her spellcasting was interrupted, and Medea had already condensed high-temperature flames and threw them to the opposite side.

Sheila also wanted to activate her ability to use the highly compressed air layer to block the flames. However, as soon as she stopped, Asker's bullets would come like a shadow, forcing her to interrupt her spellcasting and dodge.

So much so that all she could do was scream, "Paige!"

First update

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