Blue Sword

Chapter 192 Containment and Counter Containment

"Peggy", whose leg had been broken before, quickly healed her injury with her abnormal flesh and blood ability. At this time, she was fighting with Mia. When she heard "Sheila"'s scream, she rushed over at full speed. , carried "Sheila" on his back, and then rolled and crawled past the bombardment of flames.

Mia lost her fighting opponent, and quickly scanned the entire scene. She saw "Nora" sneaking around behind, placing her hand on the fallen "Sidrifa", and activating the healing touch.

She rushed forward in a flash and stabbed "Nora" in the back with the dagger in her hand. The latter hurriedly rushed forward to dodge, but an ax was soon placed in front of Mia - "Hidliba" had re-emerged. stood up.

"Mia, you go after her and let me deal with this guy!" Eleanor shook her spear, quickly intercepted "Hidliba" who was trying to attack Mia, and turned back to her and said quickly.

As soon as he finished speaking, an air bullet was fired quickly, almost hitting Eleanor's head.

Mia launched a quick step and rushed towards "Nora". Suddenly her body tilted to the side. The gravity under her feet changed. She quickly adjusted her body to stabilize her balance, and saw "Nora" running away in front of her. She had already slipped away. Behind "Hidleyfa".

Asker continued to suppress fire, targeting "Peggy" and "Sheila". However, after "Sheila" underwent lightening surgery, "Peggy" ran extremely fast, mixed with irregular left and right changes of direction, and actually dodged all the series of bullets.

Without the threat of bullets, "Sheila" on "Peggy"'s back was able to cast spells calmly. Several air bullets were fired at Eleanor, who was fighting with "Sidlifa", forcing her to stop attacking and dodge. Suddenly Suppressed by the wild offensive of "Sidlifa".

Another gravity control pulled Mia, who was chasing "Nora", to the ground and fell into disgrace.

Medea's flames came, and "Peggy" stopped and changed direction in front of the flames, easily dodging the bombardment of the spell. "Sheila" on her back snapped her fingers, and Medea was immediately pulled to the ground by the sudden change of gravity, and got up in embarrassment.

"No!" She could only rush to Aske's side and said urgently, "Sheila's spellcasting interferes too much with our containment, we must try to restrain her first!"

"Yes." Asik said this, pulling the trigger and shooting continuously, forcing the "Mier" in the distance who was trying to leave the bunker back again.

"My psychic abilities don't work. They don't even look at me." Medea said quickly.

"Think of another way?" Ask asked.

Bastard! Medea burst into tears, are you really not going to command this battle?

Seeing that Asik was unmoved and focused on playing the role of a gunner, Medea could only stop her futile attack attempts, bite her nails and stare at the battle on the field, thinking quickly.

Judging from the current situation on the field, Eleanor and "Sidley Fa" are evenly matched. Mia should have an absolute advantage against "Nora". Needless to say, Asker's skills as a gunner keep suppressing "Honey" throughout the process. At the same time, he still had enough energy to continue shooting at "Peggy".

The problem is that "Peggy" is moving at high speed while carrying "Sheila" on her back. This combination is so powerful that it almost dodges most of the attacks from herself and Ask, so "Sheila" can cast spells calmly without being interrupted. Using air pressure bombs and gravity to interfere with the battle between Eleanor and Mia, the two were restrained in great pain, and they were still unable to solve their opponents.

That is to say, how to stop "Sheila" from controlling the whole scene, that is to say, how to limit "Peggy"'s high-speed movement is the key... high-speed movement?

"Mia!" Medea quickly ordered Mia through the psychic communication channel, "Nora is just a bait! You must withdraw quickly and intercept Peggy here!"

At this time, Mia had launched Shunpo several times in an attempt to kill "Nora", but was frequently interfered with by "Sheila"'s gravity control. She was already furious. After hearing Medea's instructions, she immediately dropped the weapon. "Nora", who was running away in a hurry, quickly rushed towards "Peggy" and "Sheila".

"Asker." Medea stared at "Peggy" and said, "Sheila will definitely try to interfere with Mia. In order to cooperate with her spell casting, there may be a brief pause in Paige's movement. At this time, you start Can I suppress it with a gun?"

"Of course." Ask said with a smile, "I will obey your command."

Ah, I can't do it anymore! Medea quickly covered her nose, feeling as if there were two streams of heat in her nostrils, which she could hardly help but flow down.

The leader, who had always been strong and domineering, suddenly became so docile and obedient. This stark contrast in personality made me...

...cannot refuse.

Fortunately, she still remembered that it was an intense battle, and she quickly covered her face and instructed Mia:

"Mia, your goal is not to kill Paige, but to use close combat to limit her movement and at the same time lure Sheila to cast a spell!"

"Don't be hit by her spell! The first priority is to protect yourself, and try to contain them as much as possible!"

"Okay!" Mia agreed first, then became a little confused. Hey, shouldn't it be the group leader who gives orders? Why did she suddenly become Medea?

She quickly activated her instant step, speeding up again to dodge "Sheila's" gravity interference, and lowered her body to rush closer. "Peggy" quickly accelerated and ran, trying to close the distance between the two again.

Asker continued to shoot, forcing "Peggy" to change directions one after another while running. And "Sheila" on "Peggy"'s back is also frequently casting spells, trying to interfere with Mia's pursuit.

However, every time "Sheila" planned to cast a spell, Asker's shooting suddenly increased the rhythm, forcing "Peggy" to make more drastic speed changes, causing "Sheila"'s spell projections to be inaccurate one after another.

The degree of interference was instantly reduced. Mia took a step to increase her speed to the extreme, and stabbed "Sheila" who was close at hand with the dagger in her hand.

"Peggy" quickly stopped and changed direction. At this moment, Asker's Imperial Eagle roared just in time. Seizing the opportunity of the opponent's sudden stop, the bullet instantly blasted her head.

Then several more bullets were fired, shattering her chest and abdomen.

Caught off guard, "Sheila" followed the inertia and rolled off the headless corpse to the ground. Mia quickly charged over and killed the fake in a few strokes.

"I'm calling you gravity interference! I'm calling you air bombs!" She still had a look of anger on her face, stabbing the dagger at "Sheila's" blood-stained body, "I'm telling you to make me fall!"

Seeing this, Aske was also sweating. What kind of hatred or grudge! This little girl really loves to hold a grudge.

Mia stood up angrily and saw that the bodies of "Sheila" and "Paige" gradually swelled and melted, and soon evaporated, leaving only two piles of rubble on the spot.

They are all fragments of the Wizard's Stone.

So the little girl turned her anger into joy and put the stones away with a smile.

Without the interference of Sheila's spellcasting, everyone quickly assisted Eleanor and eliminated the two fakes pretending to be "Sidley Fa" and "Nora".

Although she knew that the other party was a fake, when Mia stabbed "Nora" with the dagger, Eleanor still looked away awkwardly.

In the end, everyone caught "Mi'er" in the alley and chopped him to death with knives, finally ending the battle.

"Medea, use your psychic abilities to find traces of Team A." Ask said calmly.

You were unwilling to give orders just now, and now as soon as the battle is over, you are giving me orders smoothly? Medea cursed in her heart and said:

"The range of my psychic abilities is limited, so I guess I can't radiate that far... Huh?"

She immediately realized something was wrong, because her spirituality had been extended to its usual limit, and she could still continue to spread further.

"Have you noticed it, too?" Ask said, "The changes in this town are probably inseparable from the psychic, dream and other sequential abilities."

The girls couldn't help but feel horrified when they thought of the fakes just now.

This change is a bit tricky.

"Put away the loot and let's go." Ask said.

Soon, Medea found five girls about 600 meters northeast - judging from the color of their mental bodies, they seemed to be in some kind of intense emotion.

Obviously fighting.

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