Blue Sword

Chapter 190 Remarks on the launch

I don’t want to say anything like “the first subscription is very important to me”, or “how bad my financial situation is, I need everyone to subscribe”.

If you are a book friend who has followed me from the beginning, you should know that I basically don’t ask for “recommendation votes” or “rewards”.

As the first book for a newbie, I just hope everyone can like this story:

This is the story of a running group. Asik, who traveled to this world, forcibly brought together several girls who had never met each other in their lives to form a group. They adventured and fought everywhere on the continent to improve their level and strength... …The original story outline was conceived like this.

However, a good story must have a good ending. The running team cannot run forever, and everyone cannot be mercenaries for life.

Just like youth and passion will always cool down, boys and girls will always grow up.

Eleanor wants to inherit the title, Hilda wants revenge, Mia wants to find her family, and Theodora wants to restore her country (Jingluo is ecstatic). These four stay in the team to become stronger and accumulate their own strength. , thereby achieving their respective life goals.

Nora's original intention of coming out was for adventure. To put it bluntly, it was just travel. Young people always have unrealistic dreams of traveling around the world. Medea also has an ambitious character, but she hasn't found what she wants yet (there is someone who wants it).

Looking carefully, it seems that only two girls, Peggy and Mi'er, are really willing to stay in the mercenary group "Cang Qing Sword" forever - they are already homeless, and Cang Qing Sword The mercenary group became their new home.

So in the long run, the "Cang Qing Sword" mercenary group will one day be disbanded, and the girls will return to their original life paths.

Just like the dark fairy tale and comic of the same name in the book.

Without Asker, a sinful man, it would definitely be a happy reunion, just like Luffy saved Alabasta in One Piece, and Vivi left the protagonist team. Even if she sheds tears, even if she is reluctant to leave, after all, she She is also a princess, so she cannot follow Luffy and become a pirate for the rest of her life.

Of course, that would be a bad-ending. Everyone probably doesn’t like to see a “real” but “unsatisfactory” ending, and to be honest, I don’t like it either.

Just like the animation ending of the second season of "Spring Things" that was just added recently, watching the big teacher forcefully choose one of the two made Tuanzi cry. The reality is quite real, but I just don't understand the idea, and I have the urge to send the blade.

I still prefer happy-ending.

Then write a happy-ending, but you have to wait until the end of the book to see it.


Thanks to the editor-in-chief Snail for signing and recommending.

Thank you to all the friends who are stuck at 0:00 every night to vote for recommendations.

Thank you to all my friends who contributed real money.

Thank you to everyone who voted for the monthly ticket, although I still don’t understand what the monthly ticket is used for.

Thank you all friends who have read this. Your continued reading is my biggest source of motivation for writing this book.

Will you add an update tomorrow?

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