274 – The end is only the beginning

The dinner was much more pleasant than Kyle expected.

Originally, there is only one topic that comes up at a family meal.

Only about training. Other than that, we don’t talk to each other.

What to eat and how much exercise to do.

What is your current routine and how do you plan to do it in the future?

Which instruments are the weakest and how much new ones are needed, and so on.

But this time, neither Baron John Nassen nor the Baroness.

I didn’t talk about training, I just brought up the academy.

Precisely, every time the baron reflexively tries to talk about sports, the baroness stops him.

Although he quickly changed the subject and asked about Kyle’s relationship with the four women.

“So, everyone has circumstances and can’t stay for a long time.”

“Yes, mother. Elgar-sama has a lot to prepare for receiving the title of grand duke. Tisha is also very busy with witchcraft this time. Of course, the saintess and the princess….”

“You don’t have to explain everything. Didn’t I tell you once before?”

Baroness Maria smiles as if she understands everything.

Originally, a woman who exudes a graceful atmosphere even smiles, creating a softer atmosphere.

It was to the extent that the saintess even shed her exclamations, saying, “Ah.”

Of course, Kyle wasn’t fooled by his mother’s appearance.

‘Never let your guard down. My mother, she is by no means easygoing.’

If she was simply a gentle person, how could she become a baroness?

He is Baron John Nassen, who even has the nickname Iron Blood even here.

The woman who could snatch and control the baron was her ex-baroness.

It is easier to understand if you immediately consider that Lear resembles her baron, and Leah resembles her baroness.

Who ordered the Academy Half Wave? Lear? No. It was Leah.

“Everybody has nothing to worry about. I just need to tell my daughters what to say.”

“Then when are you going to talk, madam? Now….”

“Not now. I’m going to pretend that I’m talking about such an important thing here.”

“Mmm. Okay.”

Look at that. My father can’t even move.

I heard that most couples in the world have had a marital fight at least once.

No matter how much you think about it, Kyle has never seen his parents fight.

Even a very simple, trivial quarrel.

“Oh, Father. Please tell me what you were trying to say earlier. That plans have changed.”

That was the most curious part about Kyle.

I know that Baron John Nassen wants to cross the sea to a new continent more than anyone else.

What the hell happened, what kind of plan change did you give up?

I was even worried that there might be something bad that I didn’t know about.

“You mean that? No big deal. Actually, the emperor of the empire sent an invitation.”

“An invitation?”

“This is the New Year’s Celebration held in Jedo. He asked if he could attend.”

A New Year’s celebration? At that, Kyle as well as the other women tilted their heads.

Of course, everyone knows that such an event exists in the Empire.

An event to mark the end of the past year and welcome the new year to come.

Among them, the New Year’s ceremony held in Jedo is not an ordinary event.

A place that even aristocrats of a certain level can barely come to.

It was also a place where you could stick your head out only if you had power in the central political world.

Originally, invitations are not sent separately.

If you judge yourself, you can attend the events of the system.

If you are sure that you can go there and not be ignored.

It was a place where you could attend without being invited.

However, the emperor sent an invitation to the New Year’s ceremony.

Even with John Nassen, who had never participated in the event before.

Baron John Nassen seemed inclined to accept the invitation.

“You really want to go? Are you the father?”

“Yes. Originally, I didn’t intend to do that, but your mother was so angry with me.”

“Your mother?”

As he said that, Kyle reflexively looked at the baroness.

How did you convince your father? I’m curious about that too.

Rather than that, I was more curious about how he came up with that opinion.

“Isn’t it obvious? If your dad goes there, it will be a bigger help to our youngest and our babies. Wouldn’t it be better if everyone’s blessings were added at the auspicious event later?”

In a word, at the wedding of Kyle and each of her ladies that will be someday.

I wished for a more splendid ceremony and a little more people to gather.

That’s why they pushed Baron John Nassen out for the New Year’s celebration.

Hearing those words, Kyle almost said in an instant, ‘Wouldn’t that be enough already?’

Starting with Elgar, she is not just a princess of the grand duchy, but a sure successor.

A future grand duke is getting married, and I wonder what kind of aristocrat would ignore it.

I’m guessing he’ll do his best to somehow get invited to the wedding.

That part is the same for the princess. This one is no more nor less than Elgar.

The current emperor’s daughter, and the top 10 of the empire. These two titles alone are enough.

‘The saint’s side has a church behind it, so I’ll pass on this side as well.’

In the past, Tisha might have been a bit worried.

Still, unlike the three women who are on a certain level with John Nassen.

It can be said that an ordinary commoner who is nothing is lucky enough to meet a good man.

But that is all a thing of the past now.

The princess said that before and after this New Year’s ceremony, the emperor is going to give her a noble title.

It’s not just a chirashi, it’s an official from a member of the imperial family.

“It’s our maknae’s sergeant, not anyone else. It should shine a little more.”

When the baroness said that with a smile, Kyle just nodded her head.

Rather than that, it seems that the wedding is not intended to be held at John Nassen.

If I had intended to do it here, I wouldn’t have considered the Empire’s point of view.

“Oh, mother.”

I wonder if Elga also wanted to hear a definite answer about that?

She cautiously calls out to her baroness and poses her question on the part.

“Our marriage with Kyle….”

“Of course, I have to be considerate of my children. Not a normal person anywhere. To the Grand Duke, to the Saint, to the Princess. We know a little bit about the customs of the Empire. Still, I want one to do it in my youngest hometown….”

“I will do it!”

It was Tisha who took it away as if she had been waiting for it.

“It doesn’t matter where I go, Mother! I will marry Kyle at John Nassen!”

Hey everyone. Does anyone listen to my opinion?

Suddenly, the flow of the marriage story is caught like this.

We gathered here for a different topic than marriage, right?

I wonder if the baroness knew Kyle’s intentions as well.

After the meal was over, I made her a cup of tea and made her sit down.

If it was Jon Nassen’s original method, the order would be to move to the training ground immediately.

“Come on. Now, I have to explain what brought them here. Everyone, do you know roughly?”

Nodding nod-.

The four women nodded in unison.

The baroness continued her words with a smile.

“Originally everyone here. Oh, it’s not the princess. Anyway, the four of you graduated from the academy just like the princess. After that, I was trying to decide who would be first. However, when I thought about it, I realized that this was an unfair battle.”

“That, mother. What do you mean by battle? .”

Silently, Kyle protests, but her seated baron gestures to be quiet.

“So I had some discussions with me and my husband here. And the conclusion that came out is, starting from this vacation until right before the summer vacation of the second year. I’m going to set a period like that and decide the order of engagement first.”

Anyway, the four are students. So instead of getting married, it started with an engagement.

Even though it’s not a marriage, it can be said that an engagement is enough.

Because they got engaged first, they got married first. Because there is nothing strange about it.

On the contrary, it’s even weirder if you can’t get married even though you got engaged first.

“First of all, this is what we think, but we should also listen to the opinions of our children. That’s why I want to call you like this and hear your opinions. Can you tell me if there is any disagreement? It’s okay to speak comfortably.”

At Baroness Maria’s words, Elgar and Tisha whisper something for a while.

Perhaps there is something moderately agreed upon between the two.


Elgar quietly raised her hand and continued her words.

“First of all, I am simply admiring and grateful to my mother and father for their wisdom. He also pointed out things that we hadn’t paid attention to before.”

“Thank you.”

“Starting right now from this vacation to the summer vacation of the next school year. That way, there is no disagreement about the order of engagement. Tisha, are you too?”

“Yes. Mr Elga. There is not.”

“However, if you have any questions, how will you compete? That’s what I’m curious about.”

This is a very important part.

If the competition is only a John Nassen-style competition, in the end, the winner is unconditionally the princess.

Competition is supposed to be fair, but isn’t this way too advantageous for the princess?

“You told me the important part. As expected, you are the daughter of a grand duke of the empire.”

“Ah, thank you. Mother.”

“Your thoughts are vague. If we do it the way John Nassen does, we think it will be too disadvantageous. Even if it wasn’t so, this situation happened right now because of the princess. You must be thinking like this, right?”

At the baroness’s words, Tisha and Elgar secretly notice the baroness.

Since they already know everything, they must have answers to their questions.

“In conclusion, I will not force you to follow the Jon Nassen method. Of course!”

Raising her index finger and shaking it lightly, the baroness continued her words.

“I’m not saying we’re going to completely exclude Jon Nassen’s competition. The battle is fair and fierce. In order to do that, you have to have a lot of items, right? After all, you are students. So, in addition to physical training, it would be good to see your academic achievements as well.”

“Uh, then I….”

“Because the princess has graduation grades. Oh, did she not work hard?”

At those words, the princess had no choice but to let out her drool.

Since she is a princess, she didn’t just live there, but she didn’t work hard either.

“Instead, the princess has a higher level of achievement in her training, right? It should be fair to do this.”

There was nothing wrong with it. So, the princess eventually agreed.

“And another one. In fact, this is the most important.”

The baroness suddenly pointed at her Kyle, smiling with a smile.

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