275 – The end is only the beginning

The baroness’s sudden action makes the women tilt their heads.

It was the same as Kyle who couldn’t grasp the situation, so it was like that.

“Mother? Why are you pointing at me all of a sudden….”

“Why are you pretending not to know? When I said I wasn’t sticking to John Nassen’s way. Youngest, if it were you, you should have noticed. What will this mother say?”

So I don’t know anything, Kyle was about to reply.

But soon the baroness realized what my mother was trying to say.

“… No, mother. For a moment. Isn’t this a competition?”


“Then shouldn’t there be only objective evaluations? When the subjective part is added….”

She was Kyle who quickly understood why she was pointing at herself.

Her now her own mother is women’s physical discipline, and academic achievement.

In addition to that, she said that Kyle would consider the direction of her own heart.

In other words, it meant who appealed more feminine charm.

But it was very burdensome for Kyle.

Since she didn’t choose herself, she could be comfortable with her now.

If this happens, shouldn’t she look at the eyes of the women again?

“There is an objective part, so there must be a subjective part. It’s a competition and a battle, but at the same time it’s not just about winning or losing, maknae.”


“It’s a man and a woman’s job. She’s going to be a couple someday. Then you have to make up your mind too. That’s why this mother suggested the objective part, and now she tells me to add my subjective part to it. So that you don’t feel too burdened. However, in the end, it will be decided by your choice.”

That wasn’t entirely wrong. Rather, that might be right.

Suppose that the engagement order is determined by adding up all the objective parts.

Wouldn’t that be even more strange if Kyle’s choice wasn’t there?

“My and your dad’s conclusion is this. We are like this, but what do you, Kyle, and the babies here think? Let me know if you have any disagreements this time.”

Then the princess, who had been silent until now, raised her hand secretly.

“I fully agree with Mother’s opinion. To be honest, competition is good, but more than anything, how does Kyle feel? I was more curious about that.”

“The princess says so.”

Shortly after, she stated her opinion that Elgar and Tisha would also be accepted.

After hearing it, they thought that there could be no better condition than this.

It’s not just physical training, there are also academic achievements.

In addition to that, even the part where you have to hold on to Kyle’s heart the most.

This was enough to secure her place as her first fiancée.

“How is the saintess?”

The saintess smiled lightly at the baroness’ question.

“I think that is a very obvious statement. Brother Kyle’s heart. Yes, me too And other sisters too. That’s the most important law. Thank you so much for leaving such a nice word.”

Women’s opinions were all unified. Maybe it was foreseeable.

Infinite competition is good, but I also want the other person’s, Kyle’s heart to be clear.

That’s how you’ll be satisfied, and you’ll be able to keep working hard in the future.

And after all, Kyle wasn’t the only burden.

Isn’t there an objective criterion for judgment, not just one’s own subjective criterion?

When you decide the order, it will be a comprehensive evaluation, so don’t focus on yourself.

The baroness acted as if she already knew everything about the situation here.

As if the same woman knew the feelings of women, it was literally a matter of one second.

‘At this point, it seems like mother decided everything alone.’

Although she seemingly pondered with her baron and came to a conclusion.

Looking at it this way, it seems that all the worries and conclusions were made by the baroness alone.

What did the baron do in the meantime? She must have just exercised while watching from the sidelines.

“Well then, Mother. Are you starting today?”

Knowing the princess’ eyes, Elgar asks a question.

This is Kyle’s hometown. This is where Kyle’s father and mother live.

To be honest, I want to show a modest appearance, at least here.

I think I want to cry if I do something stupid and get a bad look.

But the princess who only knows about going straight won’t care about that.

If you start from here, there is a very high probability that you will seduce Kyle tonight.

‘Kyle’s feelings that his mother said.’

What does it mean that his heart is important?

It means that even if the other results are slightly lacking, let Kyle bite and hold on to them.

That was the same as saying to make full use of her charm as a woman.

With this in mind, it was a very natural procedure for Elgar to look after her princess.


Have you noticed Elgar’s intentions?

The baroness doesn’t answer right away and pauses a bit.

“… I’d say do it, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Because it is too sudden.”

“Ah! Is that so?!”

“As long as the children stay here, let’s just stay. The real competition, the real battle, after all of you leave this place and go back to where you were. It’s from the point where Kyle goes back to the Islands.”

“Yeah, of course! That seems right!”


Tisha and Elgar quickly agree with the baroness.

On the other hand, the princess licked her lips as if regretting it.

It’s not just Tisha and Elgar who have to go back after a week.

The princess herself has to go back to attend her New Year’s ceremony.

So she tried to penetrate deep into Kyle’s heart before that.

When this happened, she had to go back the way she came without any harvest.

I’m sorry, but I can’t help it. The Baroness’s, not anyone else’s.

No, it’s her mother-in-law’s word, so even if she’s the princess, she can’t disobey it.


At this time, Baron John Nassen, who had been silent until now, called the baroness.

That look seemed to tell me that I was missing something important.

Anyway, the baroness sighed, “Ah!” As if it were real.

“The most important thing! Look at my mind I almost forgot about it.”

“Is it important?”

“Listen up, Kyle. Because that applies to you too.”

So what is the most important part?

Kyle and the four women focus on the baroness’ next words.

“There is only one love between a man and a woman a day.”

“… To?”

“I have to use contraception properly. You know it’s basic to avoid childbearing, right?”

“Uh, Mother?”

“The time to make love is just one hour, no more, no less. No more than that. And I have to do it only at night after the whole day is over so that it doesn’t interfere with my workout. If you happen to catch fire and do it midway, you must do the exercises you couldn’t do later.”

The baroness’s sudden, somewhat embarrassing words.

Thanks to that, Kyle had to look at the women’s eyes while hesitating.

Wouldn’t it be too sudden? Or, would it make you feel bad?

She looked back at the women sitting next to her with such concern….


“Yes, Tisha. Tell.”

“One hour starting at night after a day’s work, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your workout routine. Is that right?”

“Exactly. I would really appreciate it if you could protect that part.”

“What if I don’t keep it?”

“Because we don’t know that far. I just want you to protect me. Of course, I trust my girls to keep their promise.”

Tisha asks a lot of questions with great enthusiasm.

Even after that, Elgar stepped forward and continued to ask questions.

“Mother. Then how do you decide the order?”

“Hmm. The girls decide that. That’s what I’ll do for you.”

“Could this have a significant impact on Kyle’s heart?”

“Of course. The inner compatibility between men and women is a very important part.”


Baron John Nassen, sitting next to him, suddenly clears his throat.

Is it to restrain yourself, or is it because you’re ashamed?

What is certain is that a little bit of red energy lingers on his always calm face.

“Not an hour, maybe two.”

“Ahahahaha! Princess. Sorry, but no more.”


“You have to get enough sleep to keep your body in peak condition, so you can do aerobic exercise with a happy heart the next day, and do routines that energize your upper and lower body.”

“… Am I innocent if I try to seduce Kyle and get him to attack more?”

At the words of the princess, the baroness moaned.

I looked at Kyle for a moment, as if I hadn’t thought of that part.

“Okay. That’s… Hmmm, that’s something our youngest will have to deal with on his own.”

No, mother. Why are you entrusting it to me there?

Your mother has to step in and say no.

I don’t know what the princess is going to do because she specializes in straight strokes!

“What about the saint? Do you have any questions to ask?”

She was a baroness who quickly moved on to the order of saints.

“Oh, that. I-I don’t think I’m there!”

Unlike her other three ladies, her saintess’ face was dyed red.

She was already ashamed of the love part between a man and a woman and didn’t know what to do.

Even if a question came in that situation, I wouldn’t be able to answer it properly.

“Come on. I’ve told you all about the most important part. Keep in mind, folks. Doing my best in what I was originally doing, and in the meantime, not being lazy and training steadily. Even holding on to the heart of the youngest. It won’t be easy. If you’re thinking of giving up, even now….”

She was about to tell her to give up now, but the baroness just laughed it off.

All four women sitting next to Kyle seem to have no intention of giving up.

I could feel that determination in his expression and in his eyes.

“It would be nice to do it, but I don’t think there is anyone like that, so let’s get rid of it.”

The baroness clapped her hands lightly as if everything was over.

As soon as it all ended, Baron John Nassen, who had been silent until now, got up.

“Then, I must have eaten. I will also digest it. I have to go back to work.”

Things to do. There is only one thing to do at Jon Nassen.

“I think the important talk is over, but now I want to go to the gym to check your routines and give you some advice.”

Somehow, rather than the story of Kyle’s engagement and deciding the order.

It was Baron John Nassen who seemed to have waited longer for the routine checks of his prospective daughters-in-law.

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