273 – The end is only the beginning

As Kyle said, the John Nassen estate was quiet compared to the previous vacation.

Most of them go swimming in the harsh sea as if on a picnic.

Otherwise, go hiking on an ice mountain that you would never dare to climb.

Originally, when it gets cold, it’s natural for humans to shrink to maintain their body temperature.

It is said that it makes you feel like you don’t want to move more than usual.

The Jon Nassen people are rather out in the winter.

This is why the empire suffered so much. It’s strange that he endured in the first place.

Elgado, Tisha, and the princess too. They all shook their heads thinking about it.

Only the saintess was clapping for how great it was.

“Ah, little boy.”

Old man Neil, who was guiding Kyle and his party, opens his mouth as if he remembered something.

“I heard the news from the baron the other day. Strange guys came with strange things.”

“You heard it, too. Yes, it was something I really didn’t like.”

“That’s exactly what I heard. So, what is a person? I don’t know why you’re seeking to become stronger in such an expedient way. Originally, the human body is so blessed that it can continue to become stronger if it is trained.”

The women who heard old man Neil’s words spat inwardly.

It’s hard to call it an expedient, but it seems like they were desperate.

Isn’t it because there’s no way to do it, so I went from physical training to auxiliary?

Also, there must be limits to the human body.

But she didn’t say it out loud.

I’m sure it’s because I don’t want to be hated.

Rather than that, when I saw the people of Jon Nassen, I thought, ‘Maybe it’s possible.’

“Oh, there you are.”

Where Neil pointed out, Baron John Nassen was seated.

Originally, I could have just greeted the guests at the gym.

It was a big deal for John Nassen to come out and greet him like that.


The princess squinted her eyes and looked at Baron John Nassen in front of her.

On one of my previous visits, Baron John Nassen was holding a giant dumbbell in his hand.

Two of those in each hand, so he was holding four in each hand.

That overbearing figure is still clearly etched in my mind.

Then, what will you show today?

First of all, it’s a very positive reaction since it’s not a training ground.


When she finally stood right in front of the baron, the princess exclaimed inwardly.

There was nothing in the hands of Baron John Nassen who came out to meet him.

“I’m back, Father.”

“Yes. I suffered a lot for a year. I am the youngest.”

“There was no such thing as hardship.”

“No. No matter how much you supervised and made it yourself, there must have been a lot of equipment that was lacking in that small gym. How much trouble must you have had to exercise in a place like that.”

So, it’s not about the hardships of leaving your hometown and living in a foreign country.

It was said that he had a hard time leaving the gym in his hometown and exercising elsewhere.

It was a very John Nassen-esque speech, reminiscent of hometown.

Thanks to that, Kyle was able to think again, ‘I’m back home.’

“Yes. So I struggled a bit.”

After a light hug with her baroness, Kyle walked over to her baroness.

“I’m back, mother.”

“Are you here? Let’s see. Well… You seem to have lost some muscle mass.”

Other mothers will tell you that you seem to have lost weight, or that you have gained weight.

Here, it could be said that muscle mass is more important than fat.

“I exercised consistently. However, it seems that the meat intake was a little lacking.”

“You can’t do that. You should pay attention to what you eat as much as how you train.”

After saying that you’ll be careful, it’s Lear and Leah’s turn….

“Oh. Father, mother. What about your brother and sister? Where did you go?”

The two men and women who should have been there are nowhere to be seen.

It’s very strange when you think of two men and women who usually have a lot of brotherly love.

So when Kyle asked where the two were, a great answer came back.

“They are currently rehearsing in the ice sea.”


“Exercise to pass. ASAP.”

It took Kyle a little less than a minute to understand Baron John Nassen’s words.

Exercise to skip. Practice to pass. As she repeats that, she exclaims, ‘Huh?’

“Could that be why you are out at sea right now?”

“Yes. Maybe… I think it will come back in a day or two.”

“And you’ll be swimming in the ice sea for three or three days.”

Rehearsal. Practice to pass. It meant nothing other than another continent across the sea.

I mentioned body strengthening by making a suit or something strange.

Those who were literally struck by fire by Kyle himself.

By kind words from Baron John Nassen and threats by John Nassen as she returns to her hometown.

As soon as you set foot on your hometown, you have to set aside greetings from your family and create a special organization.

“By the way, Father. Didn’t your father originally want to go?”

“I was going to do that, but this time the plan has changed a bit.”

“Your plans have changed. Oh, do you have any routine problems?”

When I say change of plan, I can’t even think of anything other than that part.

It’s not going to take long, but it’s taking up my workout time anyway.

But Baron John Nassen shook his head and said no.


“I am the youngest. Talk to your dad in a minute. How long are the babies over there trying to stand like that? Then no.”

At the baroness’s words, Kyle hurriedly approached the women.

I don’t know now, but if I ask why later, I might not have anything to say.

“I don’t have to introduce myself. Are you all old?”

Anyway, everyone knows each other. Have seen it at least once.

So the introduction was skipped and it became a form of just saying hello.

“See you again, Baron. And the baroness.”

First, Elga greeted her with a light manner.

The baron and the baroness appropriately accepted the greeting.

Next, Tisha and the saintess stepped forward and asked if they were doing well.

Finally, when it’s the princess’s turn, she smiles.

“I told you last time, right? I’m going to marry the youngest son here.”

“The Princess.”

“It’s no joke. I really said that the last time I came.”

Isn’t it? A princess looking at her baron.

Baron John Nassen nodded his head slightly as if he was right.

“Just the princess. It’s not over yet, so please don’t relax.”

“Of course, Baron. It’s not too late to put your mind at ease after the battle is over!”

It’s not John Nassen, but it’s the princess’s speech style that’s more John Nassen than anyone else.

In the end, when the baron smiles faintly, the women except the princess turn to look surprised.

‘The Baron smiles like that!’

‘No one other than my family did something like that.’

‘Princess… You’re amazing!!’

Meanwhile, the baron, who has been greeted by the women, looks behind him.

I could see the priests of the church waiting in the back, nervous.

“It’s strange, saintess. It was like this last time What else?”

“Ah. Baron. Actually, the reason they came here is….”

These are the people who will embark on a long journey, a long ascetic journey.

As the first course, we head to John Nassen, who led the wind of change.

The saintess answered that this was a new pilgrimage this time.

“Hmm. You should take a closer look….”

“Later, later.”

The baroness, who stopped Baron John Nassen, clapped her hands lightly.

“Come on, everyone. I had a hard time coming. I’m the youngest. Quickly guide the babies to their rooms. Old Neil? Can you tell the people from the church about a suitable place to sleep?”

“I will.”

“And Kyle. It’s meal time soon, so please come to the dining room when I show you to your room. You should never skip a meal.”

Oh my gosh. The Jon Nassen diet as soon as you arrive.

Kyle looked at Tisha, Elgar, the saint and the princess with pity.

Do they also remember what happened last vacation?

I was thankful, but I could see a little bit of concern.

It’s only natural that John Nassen’s meals are not for taste, but for the best body care.

A variety of spices used in the empire? It is rarely used here.

Even salty food is not very good for the body, so I eat it bland.

However, there was no such thing as a stimulating taste or recipe.

‘Well, I’m glad it’s not over a month like last time.’

If you take that part as comfort, I think that it will be about a week.

It was Kyle who started giving room directions to the women.

In the meantime, he said, “Where is Kyle’s room?”

She had to be asked for either a subtle favor or an overt favor.

Of course, not all of them were like that, and the saintess didn’t say anything.

‘Saint. As expected, the saintess hasn’t fallen yet… !’

My room is on a different floor anyway, so don’t expect too much.

Kyle, who cut it off, took the women again and headed to the restaurant.

“Kyle. When are you going to tell our story?”

“Okay. Maybe I’ll sneak it out of her dining table, Miss Elgar.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to talk about it during exercise?”

“Hmm. Tisha, you have a point, but our work is no light matter. I don’t want it to interfere with my father’s routine, so I think it’s better to talk at a less important time.”

Saying that, Kyle and four women just entered the restaurant.

But after sitting down at the table, I realized something was wrong.



“This… What is it all about?”

“Oh, you mean this?”

The baroness points to the various dishes on the table.

Most of it still consists of the healthy food eaten at John Nassen.

But it wasn’t even a 100 percent John Nassen diet without salt.

“I knew everyone had a hard time with the meal last time. So this mom convinced your dad. You, the youngest, are a person here, but our children are not. So, it would be better to prepare and serve a meal that lies between us and the empire.”

I felt like I was forcing only John Nassen’s stuff too much, so it bothered me.

I don’t feel it’s too late, but I wanted to take care of you like this even now.

When the baroness said that, Kyle and the women were greatly moved.



“Ah, the youngest. You can’t What you always eat.”

“Ah, Mother!!”

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