189 – Vacation is over

The vacation is over. A new semester has begun.

The academy, which has been quiet for a while, becomes lively and noisy again.

At the start of the second semester, there were a few things that were different from the first semester.

First of all, there are a lot of students stepping into the training room, which they normally wouldn’t even bother to look at.

Actually, it increased from the middle of the first semester, so it cannot be said that it is only a change in the second semester.

The real change can be seen after finding the training ground.


“Uh, why!”

“The balance is not right at all. What is it? To say that only the upper body is growing and the lower body is weak.”

“So you came here to exercise your lower body?!”

“A foolish senior who grew up from the upper body without even knowing the importance of the lower body. Then go and do the lower body too, then come back after finding the overall balance of the body. Alright, next!”

It was Kyle who coldly cut off one of his seniors.

He is the son of a family with a bit of a quirk. It’s obvious that you can’t admit it.

However, I was able to break the man in front of me with one hand.

“If you have any complaints, please wait. Let’s have a conversation.”

Kyle quietly sticks out his fist and says, ‘It’s a conversation.’

The male student immediately lowered his tail and returned quietly.

“Hello? I….”


“Eh? Why?!”

“What is your physical condition? Are those chopsticks?”

“I heard that there is also a class for beginners! That’s why you came!”

Did you really think that beginners were accepted just because there was a beginner class?

Kyle clicked her tongue and slowly parted her lips as she looked at her schoolgirl.

“The beginner class is also for those who have the will to train to the end and have made at least some attempts. Like his seniors, he had no thought, will, or effort, but followed the trend. Those who follow people will give up because they won’t accept it even if you give it to them.”

“Too much!”

“The body of the senior is too much. What is it? I will climb ten stairs and collapse from exhaustion.”

You know everything when you see it. Did this person really come here to train?

Or did he come with another ulterior motive, or following the trend?

I saw that trend from the end of the first semester, but it became clear in the second semester.

Entering the gym has become a new trend in the academy social scene.

Starting with Elgar, who was pointed out as the successor and who became the future Grand Duke of Littorio.

Although she is a commoner, Tisha has already excelled in all subjects.

I don’t know what kind of person she is, but Ian is said to be the best at swordsmanship.

‘And, crucially, there is me who has become the eye of the storm.’

Tsk, Kyle clicked her tongue and called the next applicant forward.

The boy is about to say something, but Kyle immediately shakes her hand.


“Huh? Me really? I still….”

“Introducing yourself is something you do with your body, not words.”

A cursory glance shows the signs of hard work.

However, it was not done systematically, but it seems to have been done in the middle-gu heating method.

The balance is precarious. If you leave it any longer, it will cause serious trouble.

“Come to the training ground tomorrow. As you may have already heard, quitting once is permanent expulsion. I can’t even come near the training ground until I graduate.”

At that, the male student nodded her head as if understanding.

After that, people who wanted to join the training center kept coming.

It would be great if everyone came with a desire for training.

Kyle knows it and they know it’s not all there is.

Nowadays, all of the people who are in the public’s attention are in training grounds.

And the academy is a place where the sons and daughters of all noble families gather.

Of course, they want to have their influence and personal connections in it.

‘I’m going to die out of my mind. If I keep doing this, I won’t even be able to run my routine.’

I thought about whether to pick someone to look after me instead. But there are no credible talents.

Ian has the least chance, but he was eliminated because he lacks verbal skills.



… He told me to take it lightly, so he really doesn’t listen.

Kyle, passing by the outdoor gym, clicks his tongue and turns his steps there.

In the place where the dust cleared, a senior student who was said to have excellent swordsmanship was lying face down.

The beatings were so bad that her face went pale blue.


Ian, who was retrieving the wooden sword at Kyle’s call, turns her head.

It seems that he knows that he has done something wrong.

“Take some adjustments. Are you going to keep doing that?”

“I’m sorry. However, this does not fit well.”

It deserves it. You’ll never be able to do it in moderation all vacation.

In front of the baron? Then, it can be moderately sluggish.

From the start, you should have put in all your strength, no, more than that.

I spent two months like that, so even after coming to the academy, I was doing that momentarily.

A situation where the actions for survival became imprinted without my knowledge.


But then was then, and now is now.

People who can’t control themselves don’t deserve training.

It is impossible for Kyle not to know that Baron John Nassen taught him that way.

“Let me adapt? Are my words very easy since I only speak?”

Maybe I’m a bit stronger now? Said Ian.

Kyle couldn’t stand it, and the day before her first day of school, she literally stepped on her.

It’s hard to get stronger. It’s still a long way, so when you have time to say things like that, train yourself more.

Because of this, when Kyle is so serious, she naturally cringes.

‘I knew it before, but I knew it more accurately after I went to the Baron’s Territory.’

That Kyle is a really nice person. But once that good person gets angry, he can’t handle it.

So let’s do our best before that. Ian made a firm promise to himself.

“Be careful. Got it?”

If you can’t control your strength and have an accident, Leah alone is enough.

If Ian gets into an accident, will only Ian be in trouble? Of course, my position is also difficult.

As a bonus, it also affects our family that taught that human.

‘Busy, busy.’

The beginning of the semester is usually busy, but this time it’s much worse.

The influx of applicants for training camps is nothing more than child’s play.

In addition to Ian, there are many other characters to pay more attention to.

“Keew! Car, Kyle! No more, no more!”

One of them is Leto, who fell in love with the North under the pretext of his job.

Of course, from his point of view, it was not an excuse, but a situation that could not be helped.

However, Kyle did not show mercy and continued to push him.

“Leto. Ian, who was with you, has already reached a level where he can compete with quite a few knights on an equal footing. And Elgar-sama has risen to the position of Grand Duke of the future that no one can say anything about.”

But in that situation, you, Ian’s friend and Elgar’s faithful person.

He sternly tells me if I will neglect my efforts and keep falling behind.

“Keugh!! Really! I mean, that’s against the rules!!”

If you say you’re going to fall behind there, you’re crazy.

Due to Leto’s personality, he would never be able to do that.

Perhaps he will grit his teeth and push himself to the limit.

‘Leto must be completely crazy about training so that the grand duke’s family can know the importance of training!’

There is Elgar, but she alone is not enough. It’s not a good choice.

She must become the owner of the grand duke’s family. She does, and she’s a bit vague about spreading.

It’s much easier to get in touch with Leto being the subject.

There is no burden on the superior or master, and the coerciveness is weakened.

The path that one chooses with one’s own will and strives for will be opened.

I will make sure that no one related to me loses my health.

Kyle’s grand plan was moving slowly but steadily from the start.


“… What did you say now?”

Princess Julica took the stamp to go to the academy today as well.

She asked back at Kyle’s words, as if she had heard it wrong.

“Imperial visit?”

“Yes. Princess.”

“Are you serious?”

A visit to the imperial family is a very honorable thing, but at the same time it is also the most annoying.

There are not just one or two things to keep in mind. Extreme caution is required.

And the princess knows very well that Kyle hates troublesome things.

“Even if I ask you to go, it’s annoying. They said they didn’t go because they had to exercise.”

“Honestly, even now it bothers me. It’s annoying, but there’s a reason why it has to be.”

I would like to express my gratitude for sending her princess for two months.

Although in reality, the princess was stubborn and came almost on her own.

No matter what, it does not change that she had the emperor’s permission nominally.

Kyle wanted to express his gratitude for that part.

‘There is no gift more satisfying than to say that I care about you guys.’

It’s not just the imperial family. As soon as I could afford it, the Grand Duchy of Littorio and even the church. She

As she visited in turn, she intended to convey her thoughts.

It is said that there is nothing impossible with force, but there may be times when you are in trouble.

Things like a kind of insurance that you put in place in case of such a situation.

‘And. I have to hint at what I heard from Elgar in the east.’

If something really happened, and you’re thinking of calling yourself.

I want to finish it at the beginning of the semester when the schedule is not even set, let alone the exam.

That’s how you’ll be at the academy at a really important time!

I failed the last exam, but it’s a big deal if I fail this exam as well.

Score disgrace lasts longer than you think. Even if he doesn’t care at home, Kyle himself does.

“This is not a difficult request. I’ll find out right away. No Do you want to go right now?”

“… Going to the imperial palace isn’t as easy as the princess coming to the academy.”

There is such a thing as a minimal form.

If you protect it, you can have a wonderful influence on the other person by saving face.

Because he knows that, isn’t Baron John Nassen also cooperating with the imperial family?

“Okay. Then just wait for today. I’ll let you go to the palace tomorrow.”


It’s a thought that comes to my mind sometimes, but I want the princess to do something other than go straight.

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