190 – The vacation is over

“Since we won the name of the Empire, it will be the first time something like today has happened in the history of the Imperial Family.”

The person who shook his head in amazement was not the emperor, but the crown prince.

The reason was that the emperor had a slight headache and was taking a break.

“What is the first time? Your Highness the Crown Prince?”

“Are you asking because you don’t know? Or is this a test to see if this brother explodes and dies or not?”

“I’m asking because I don’t know.”

The princess. That’s not a question you really want an answer to.

Kyle pokes the side of the princess with an effortless smile.

Even if the emperor of the empire, his father had a mild cold.

Anyway, I was lying in a hospital bed, but my daughter half forced me to bring a man.

If that’s the case, how would you look at that man from other people’s point of view?

It was a bonus that only Kyle was embarrassed when he came to the imperial palace thanks to that.

‘If circumstances like this happened, I wouldn’t have to tell you!!’

I told you not to stick to the straight line like that. It was all futile.

If the prince were to blame himself for this incident, he would be quite tired.

Kyle looked at the prince with a worried heart and sighed again.

He seemed to think that my sister was more of a problem than he was.

“What kind of pressure did you put on the palace? Last night, the minister came to me crying.”

“There was no pressure whatsoever. All I said was that I would bring a guest tomorrow, so let me in. I didn’t raise my fist, and I didn’t push.”


The crown prince sighed once again as he touched his forehead.

Kyle also sighed inwardly. It’s pressure that the princess, the top 10 empire, said that out of the blue.

Since the princess didn’t use her power, she seemed to think there was no problem.

In reality, even hinting at such words is pressure.

No, it would mean going beyond the level of pressure and just obediently obeying.

Should someone say “Oh, please wait a bit” That he is crazy?


Suddenly, the prince turns his head to look at Kyle.

I can feel the pity in his eyes.

“You will have a lot of trouble in the future.”

Perhaps if the prince had spoken, he would not have said that.

And Kyle replied with the same look in his eyes to such a crown prince.

“I am already doing that hard work.”

The two men shook their heads as they faced each other.

“Anyway, His Majesty has entrusted the work for a while to His Highness, so you can take it instead.”

“What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

The prince tilts her head as if he doesn’t understand.

Kyle stepped in front of him and bowed her head as politely as possible.

“I’m here to say thanks.”

“Thank you? Why all of a sudden. Wherefore?”

It’s not because of doubt, but because I’m really curious.

It is an empire that did nothing to Kyle or John Nassen.

In such a situation, that John Nassen’s direct descendant bowed his head.

‘I have a mind to fight the Empire once more! Why don’t you say something like this?’

It’s ominous. I know the odds of that are slim, but it’s still ominous.

I was very young, but the prince remembers it faintly.

How conflicted my father and emperor were during the days when the empire and the north were fighting.

There is no chance of winning. There is none, but if you retreat, all the areas you have occupied will rise up.

I can’t afford to keep fighting. If they use all their might, they will melt away.

Amid the dilemma, the young emperor pondered over and over again day and night.

He eventually reached out to the north first. Let’s do this and step back from each other. I did enough.

Fortunately, they followed the Emperor’s advice and became the current John Nassen.

“It means thank you for allowing me to go north.”

“… For sending you… Thanks?”

It is an absurd voice. After all, it was just a formality that allowed the princess to go to the north.

Half. No, it was almost all the result of the princess’s arbitrary decision and execution.

The limit was that I had to wait two days for the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Special Affairs.

I didn’t just go north with the emperor’s permission.


The prince looked at Kyle for a moment and then nodded as if he understood.

That young man is neither naive nor foolish enough to not know the truth.

If he was that kind of person, he would destroy the union of the western kingdoms and threaten the independent lords in the south.

In the meantime, he wouldn’t have created a new trend called physical training at the academy.

‘A kind of convention. Or is it that he wants to build the imperial family side?’

Not bad. Good thing. Rather, I should say thank you for this.

‘It would be fortunate if Yulica went and didn’t cause any trouble.’

Perhaps he would make a good brother-in-law, thought the prince.

“And I am very concerned that His Majesty the Emperor is feeling unwell.”

“You said it was a light horn. You don’t have to worry.”

That’s it. No matter how mild the disease is, shouldn’t you be worried?

They say that a person whose eyes are turned to a member of the opposite sex, whether male or female, cannot see anything.

It was just as the prince was about to scold him for not doing that.

“The Princess. You shouldn’t.”

Kyle scolds the princess with a very serious tone and serious expression.

In front of him, the princess blinked her eyes and quietly listened to the words.

Originally, a woman who would reveal her true feelings that she was not particularly interested in.

Since then, Kyle’s nagging continued. That she

Has no manners, that His Majesty the Emperor is also his father, so how can that be?

“Honestly, I should have told you in this situation. You almost came out to greet guests when His Majesty the Emperor is ill! Are you thinking of turning me into a son of a bitch?!”

“You never thought of that?”

“Even if you didn’t think so, it’s a problem that you acted like that!”

Even if there is no emperor, he makes a loud noise in front of the crown prince who has been entrusted with the task.

Originally, there would be no problem even if the crown prince stopped him because it was rude.

But the prince just watched without saying anything.

‘What is it? Strangely refreshing?’

Her youngest sister, Yulika, didn’t respond as if she had become immune to any nagging.

Since it was the top 10 of the empire again, no one else could raise their voice.

The logic of power is bigger than you think. Even the imperial family couldn’t ignore it.

But when I thought about it, Kyle was a young man who was free from the logic of that power.

She’s stronger than Yulika, but she’s definitely not weak.

‘… I think I know why the emperor covets it.’

At first, I thought it was simply for the empire and the imperial family.

It is said that he is only one of Jon Nassen’s direct descendants, but there was something done by that one.

If done well, it was believed that the empire would be able to take another giant leap forward.

But now that I see it, that’s not all.

Not being swayed by the youngest daughter. You can go beyond that and wield it in reverse.

He thought he had found such a son-in-law and was working hard.

My father, the maknae was under a lot of stress.


The prince moved to the drawing room.

He was the princess’s guest, and he was also a guest allowed by the emperor, so he couldn’t be careless.

More than anything else, considering Kyle’s family, it was advantageous to protect his honor.

“From hearing the news, it is said that a new trend has been brought to the academy.”

“His Highness, the Crown Prince, heard it too.”

“I heard. I was so curious that I instantly wanted to re-enter the academy.”

If the Minister of Education and the Dean of the Academy listened to it, it would cause a match.

The princess would be in agony clutching her head as she goes to work every day, but the prince discusses her re-admission?

‘It would be good for my mental health to resign.’

Fortunately, that was just a joke. A joke that makes people fall apart.

“That’s a good thing. It’s much better than drinking together because it’s a drink.”

“There’s no substitute for those social gatherings. Your Highness the Crown Prince. I only hire people with the minimum amount of courtesy.”

“At least courtesy? Are there people who offend you?”

Did you freak out because you wanted to die? A single blow to the blade of the hand will explode your head?

“That’s not it. The courtesy I said, so… Should I say it’s polite to your body?”


The prince nodded as if he had roughly understood.

He has met Lear and also met Leah. I know a lot about John Nassen.

There is no way to welcome those who simply follow the trend without mediocre effort or firm will.

“Hey, Your Highness the Crown Prince. It’s a presumptuous statement, but I want it to get to the point.”

Let’s get to the point. The prince’s eyes change at Kyle’s words.

If a little while ago he was an older brother with a mischievous younger sister, now he is the heir to the empire.

“To the point. What is the main point you are talking about?”

“I heard the story in general.”

“… Yes. Come to think of it, Kyle, there was also a princess of the Grand Duchess of Littorio by your side.”

I heard that the relationship is quite close. Maybe it was the same as the princess.

But I had no intention of commenting or intervening in the matter.

It’s not impossible as long as both parties agree, and if you get involved, you’re the only one who gets tired.

“The situation in the east. How is it?”

“Ha ha ha. Kyle, hello. Whoever sees it will think he is a high-ranking official in the Ministry of War.”

I think it’s safe to say that he’s a civil servant. Isn’t it?

To be honest, if I had a conscience, I wouldn’t say such a thing, Your Highness the Crown Prince.

I worked so hard, but now I get angry when people say I’m a normal person.

“I would be grateful if you let me know. I think that’s how I’ll make my decision.”

If it’s not a big deal, I’ll just go to the gym and run a routine.

If you want to have fun, put down the bar for a while and run.

This was the Jon Nassen alternative.

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