188 – Vacation is over

“I am back, Your Excellency.”


Arduke Littorio smiles and hugs Elgar lightly.

It was a look that hadn’t been seen before. Not only to Elgar, but also to the other children.

But now I don’t have to. The successor has been decided, and now all that remains is to treat the heir and make sure that the vassals do not waver.

That’s why there’s nothing wrong with openly showing love and interest like now.

I feel sorry for the second child who is locked in his room again, but this is the normal course of action.

“Yes. Nothing happened for two months.”

The way he speaks is that he wants something special to happen.

Once they are connected, wouldn’t there be a reason to hold on to Kyle?

More than anything else, Kyle also noticed that she wanted to stay in the Empire.

“Yes. Nothing happened.”

But the answer that came out of Elgar’s mouth was that nothing had happened.

At that, the Grand Duke put on a subtle smile and turned around to say let’s go in and talk.


Returning to her room, Elgar ran into Leto in her hallway.

Originally, we should have gone north together, but for various reasons, we couldn’t follow. She

Instead, she remained at the grand duke’s house, collecting all the necessary information for Elgar and sending it to her.

“Leto. How have you been?”

“Yes. And I’m sorry. I should have followed.”

“It’s okay. Rather, it was convenient to receive information thanks to you being here.”

I don’t know anything else, but I’m certain that Leto took care of the job.

Because I figured out what my lord wanted and needed and helped me.

It was Leto who delivered the news from the tea leaves of the East.

“You look better than before you left two months ago.”

“Really? How about me Do you have muscles like Kyle?”

While she said that, Elgar gave a yap and put strength on her arm.

It definitely feels a bit more sturdy. But that’s about it.

It is true that I put in a lot of effort during the two months I was at Jon Nassen.

That said, I can never become like Kyle within those two months.

No, even John Nassen’s decent woman, let alone Kyle, is impossible.

People there said that it was harder for women to build muscle than for men.

The bodies of men and women are different, and of course that difference widens the gap.

It was also said that two months is not very helpful in narrowing the gap.

“You look good.”

Leto also expressed it around the words, ‘I’m definitely not as good as Kyle.’

In response, Elgar pouted her lips and complained that it was a joke.

“Has there been any other news on my way back?”

“Um… I don’t know the details, but movements were detected in the family of the Grand Duke of Shrelitz.”

Of the three Grand Dukes, the Grand Duchess Shrelitz is outstanding in terms of military force.

To the extent that she is called the trumpet of opening, armed conflict will inevitably arise when that family comes forward.

It is not common news that movement was seen in that Schrelitz.

“However, I don’t know if the move is really for the sake of starting a war or simply for the sake of a happy family member. Of course, it overlaps with the slope of the house.”

“I guess I should go and ask my father about that.”

“It seems to me that His Excellency the Grand Duke called the princess for that matter.”

A more accurate grasp of the situation is essential. Only then will this position be announced.

If the imperial family really decided to go to war, they should be cautious.

Where? Where would it be Of course, the union of the kingdoms in the west and the independent lords in the south.

By stabbing their sides like that, the two forces can cooperate with the Empire in no time.

For example, a certain amount of food. Or would you rather take care of the transportation? Like this.

It is of course beneficial to strengthen the relationship with the imperial family in this way.

Being close to the Grand Duke of Littorio, who gave notice in advance.

“I’ll talk more about it later.”

“I see. Ah, how was your trip to the north?”

“It was a good time. In many ways.”

It wasn’t just Kyle who went after him.

Of course, the biggest reason is correct, but there were also other important things.

At the very least, getting a clear eye mark from Kyle’s family.

And to a large extent, instilling good awareness among the people of Jon Nassen.

So I gritted my teeth and endured it for two months.

Unless you were trained by Kyle in advance at the academy.

If you hadn’t deliberately built up your stamina to support the Knights before that.

I can assure you, it must have been shipped out after less than a month.

“Ah! Seeing that.”

Elgar, who was about to head to her room, turned her head as if he remembered something about her.

“Kyle asked me to tell you this.”

“Are you Kyle? What did you mean?”


Elgar smiles. It’s a very pretty smile. It’s pretty….


Why did his body suddenly tremble when he saw that, Leto didn’t know.

“You dare not come to John Nassen on the pretext of work.”

“… Yes?”

“I’ll be prepared to meet you at the academy after school starts.”

“Wait a minute! Princess! There was something I couldn’t help it!”

“Yes. I said that, but Kyle said this again.”

Self-dried saliva goes over. A nervous Leto looks at Elgar.

“There is no grave without an excuse.”


“So, when school starts, I want you to prepare for two months of overdue exercise.”

“… Cool.”

She was Leto, who was suddenly seriously thinking about her leave of absence.

“Cheer up, Leto. Oh By the way, don’t think about running away. I will follow you to the end and exercise you.”

“… It takes away even the slightest bit of worry.”

I went into her room with the drooping Leto behind her.

And after briefly tidying up her body and taking a short break.

To hear a little more detailed explanation, head to the office of Archduke Littorio.


“Come in.”

As I entered the office, I glanced over the desk.

Certainly, the volume of reports is greater than before.

As if Archduke Littorio had read Elgar’s thoughts, he smiled.

“Even though you are in the north, I think you have heard the general news.”

“Yes. They say that the east side seems to be trying to do something.”

“Nothing is certain yet. Fighting between the tribes has always been the case, and at first there were only one or two tribes who shouted for the overthrow of the empire but calmed down to the carrots and sticks from this side.”

There was nothing wrong with it. Indeed, tribes that had previously been pro-imperial tended to be hostile at first.

Then he turned around because there were far more benefits to staying close to the empire.

It takes only one generation to take the loss. After that, the profit is pursued.

That is what people are, and the laws of society that they form.

Elgar clearly remembered what he had heard the other day.

“Of course, we can’t rule out the possibility that it isn’t.”


Duke Littorio, who was knocking on the desk, looked at Elgar.

“Until now, when a situation like this happened, the imperial family thought of various cases. How can I take less damage? And what is the most efficient method? I’ve been bogged down with all sorts of problems. Now, there is no need for that.”

Duke Littorio looked at Elgar with a meaningful voice.

It wasn’t Elgar who didn’t know what he meant by that.


Now the Empire was able to move an unprecedented, extremely powerful weapon.


“I’m back. His Holiness the Pope.”

“Your face is full of smiles. Is it that good?”

At the pope’s words, the saintess smiles bashfully as if embarrassed.

In the meantime, I never shake my head saying no.

It seems that he made up his mind more firmly.

‘That’s great. You have to be honest with yourself to get closer.’

I heard the story several times. And she even saw it herself.

I am confident that I have a good opinion about people’s eyes.

So the Pope was relieved. John Nassen’s young man named Kyle never approached her saintess with any ulterior motive.

Really, the church wanted to use a young man named Kyle.

The Pope himself stepped forward and dismissed those opinions at once.

He also criticized why he didn’t know that if he went out like that, it would only harm the church.

‘It’s enough for the priests of our church to visit the northern tip.’

I don’t need more. That alone would raise the status of the church sufficiently.

If you become more greedy there, you will only live in useless doubts and vigilance.

“I heard the general story from the commander of the Knights of St. Elfleda. He said he did missionary work to the northerners.”

“Yes. I was able to do that because Baron John Nassen gave me permission.”

“This is unexpected. The Baron John Nassen, the Empire, all told the Church not to do that. It’s very surprising that you suddenly gave permission.”

It’s surprising, but I have a rough idea why.

Even if the Empire is so feared as Baron Jon Nassen, he is the father of one son after all.

The woman must have noticed her son when he coldly dumped the woman who said he liked her son.

From the point of view of the saintess, one great achievement suddenly increased.

“Yes. Now, what should I do?”

“His Holiness?”

“Is it just a matter of waiting for the revelation to find the next saint?”

She was a saint herself When she made up her mind to step back.

In a truly miraculous way, revelations were given to find the next saint.

And most of that was because she was chasing her own heart.

“… For now, I don’t think you need to.”


The saintess’ answer that came back was quite surprising. She

She just thought she’d say don’t do that and she doesn’t have to.

“Brother Kyle said that now I am the brightest and coolest. She says she has a strong admiration for that figure. I think this seat suits me best.”

As if recalling that moment, the saintess’s eyes become slightly hazy.

“So I made up my mind. Not as I wish, but when the moment comes when I think I don’t need me anymore. I think that is the moment when I finally finish my duty.”

“… If that’s what you mean, so be it. It’s a good thing for the Church.”

Why does Kyle seem to care about the church?

Those thoughts made the Pope feel better as well.

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