American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 266 Blood River and Iron Sky (3) Destruction of New York

Chapter 266 Blood River and Iron Sky (3) The Day of Destruction of New York, Song of the War Madman

Accardo looked up at the space battleships spreading terror and death in the sky, and seemed to be able to see the major who was happy with the war.

Finally, Accardo smiled, silently showing a tit-for-tat smile, with a dark light hidden under the yellow lenses.

Interesting, is this your confidence? !


In the Twilight of the Gods above space, the major looked at the fires burning throughout New York City on the big screen, with a crazy smile on his plump face.

What a joyful scene this is! !

This is the ultimate insanity of destroying something made by others at once without even leaving any residue.

Even for those evil super villains, this kind of behavior that has completely lost all conscience and annihilated humanity will only make people's hair stand on end.

But this kind of crazy all-out war and massacre is the most perfect gift and painting for the major.

Because this kind of thing will only make the major more happy, turning the beautiful birdsong in the early morning into the miserable screams of people, and letting the flames of war and gunpowder smoke engulf the entire world!

This is the most wonderful painting in the world! !

The major is sitting in the seat on the high platform, sitting in this huge space battleship, as if everything is under his control.

At this moment, the major only saw this scene of destruction and plunder, and the only thing he wanted in his heart was war.

The more enemies there are, the better! !

The grander the war, the more wonderful it is! !

All this is not enough, not enough at all...

Results! Victory!! Give me more results and victories!

The major held his white-gloved fists and looked at the marks on the map, his eyes once again showing an evil light.

The Waffen-SS are preparing to land!

Let everyone bring all energy weapons and everything that can attack, and tell all soldiers... Even if it means tearing the enemy's throat with claws and fangs, everyone must kill to their heart's content.

Gentlemen, this is the great war we have been looking forward to for more than 70 years. Let us indulge as much as we can tonight...

I saw the major sitting on the high platform seat of the Twilight of the Gods suddenly waved his hands, and then raised his voice and ordered.

So, following the major's order, the bloodthirsty demon appeared in the world.

The vampire warriors who were already ready to go came out from the bottom of the fighting flying saucer. Countless vampires carrying special space jet packs descended from the sky to the ground.

I saw these vampire warriors as armed guards, wearing special military uniforms with the logo of the Third Reich on their bodies.

These specialized military uniforms are similar to exoskeleton combat suits, with energy cannonballs mounted in specially designed areas of the suit.

The members of the Armed Guards held cold laser guns in their hands and paired them with terrifying costumes. They looked like evil ghosts who had just returned from the battlefield of World War II.

One thousand Waffen SS followed the other 99,000 vampires once again into a new battlefield, carrying the last ambitions and madness of the Third Reich.

Countless vampire transformation warriors traced a trajectory in the night sky, accompanied by the gliding sounds of space jet packs, and they fell from the sky with unbearable hunger!

Because these vampire transformed warriors have physical fitness that exceeds the limits of humans, this allows them to flexibly operate space jet packs in the sky without any sign of being caused by wind speed.

With a sound like landing and braking, a group of monsters with scarlet eyes jumped out from between the buildings that had not collapsed.

The reason why these thousand armed guards came to the ground is specifically to deal with those superheroes who get in the way.

The remaining 99,000 soldiers drove combat flying saucer space battleships, sweeping across New York City and other areas of the United States.

Today is the day of destruction for New York City, and it is also the day for the destruction of the entire beautiful country.

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The once prosperous New York City was burning crazily, and the ruthless beacon fire ignited this modern metropolis.

Under the ruthless attack of Millennium's vampire army, New York City is now groaning in pain, and it is on the verge of death.

In the atmosphere! In space!

Endless vampires descended from flying saucers and battleships, and then began to spread the sound of death.

Legions of vampires kill old people, middle-aged people, young people, children, men and women.

There is only one purpose, and that is to kill all living creatures and completely destroy everything in sight.

Energy laser guns, energy missiles...

Even for thermal weapons that have fallen behind, transport flying saucers will continue to transport them to the battlefield.

The vampire legion doesn't care about the advanced level of weapons. Even with claws and fangs, they will tear apart everything in front of them.

The flames swept through everything, and the famous places and historic sites piled up by money and art eventually returned to dust and dust. They turned into a pool of dark ashes and turned into a pile of ruins and scrap metal.

From the Statue of Liberty to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Trident Building, any place that has the slightest hint of war or art will be completely destroyed by the Millennium Vampire Legion.

He tore off the minced meat from the corpse and drank the delicious blood...

The vampires picked up the fresh flesh with daggers and bayonets, then raised it above their heads and began to listen to the cheers of death.

This merciless cheer is cruel and violent destruction, which will only appear in the atrocities of the vampire army...

The vampire army forced the frightened crowd into a narrow alley, and the sound of energy laser gun firing was accompanied by ferocious laughter.

The sharp blade pierced the body of the person and then chopped off the head of the deceased with one blow.

Only the sounds of broken bones and flesh, blood flowing, bullets exploding from the barrel, wails and screams were heard. They came together to play a symphony called war, bringing supreme madness and unrest to the world.

What is it that makes these immersed monsters intoxicated? !

It's such a beautiful battle song! It's such a beautiful song of massacre!!

The bullets made everything go away, and the flames burned all the glory of the past...

What a moment, what a scene!!

Aboard a space airship, the major was filled with emotion!

Behind the major was Warrant Officer Schrödinger with a pair of cat ears. The reason why the major left the Ragnarok in space was because Warrant Officer Schrödinger teleported away with the major and the others.

I saw the Major standing on the outermost layer of the space airship, and now the Major's feet were New York City engulfed by endless flames. The strong wind blew on his face but could not shake his crazy expression.

The major was like the conductor of a band, waving his hands in commanding movements! !

This is a symphony that only belongs to the major, a war madman. It is also a crazy movement with the lives and screams of tens of millions of people as its melody, and a bloody and bloody piece of music! !

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