American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 265 Blood River and Iron Sky (2) Millennium Descent

Chapter 265 Blood River and Iron Sky (2) Millennium Login Battle, the Fire that Burns Everything

In the Twilight of the Gods in space, there is an army of one thousand vampire warriors transformed by the Brother Corpse virus.

These soldiers have stood in a queue that has been maintained for half a century. They are as strict as a fortress made of steel, but their eyes are as hot as if they want to set the whole world on fire.

Facing the major in a white windbreaker, there was no panic. The fervor and determination in his eyes seemed to set the entire Ragnarok on fire.

Gentlemen, night is coming.

The major opened his hands vigorously, as if hugging something, and seemed not to notice the twisted and ferocious smile on his face.

Welcome to this wonderful night of war!

As the major's trumpet-like speech appeared on the scene, everything was as intense as a spark igniting a powder keg that was about to reach the critical point.

Waves of cheers spread like surging rivers from the vampire army. The joyful laughter and crazy faces of each of them made people feel frightened.

Now, we announce the landing operation against the United States, the second Operation Sea Lion!

And after this battle is over, we will return to Europe!!

Behind the major, a Frankenstein wearing four-lens glasses was holding a manual in his hand.

Behind Frankenstein, a huge map of New York City appeared on the big screen, as well as black and red arrows representing attack.

Finally, after a round of instructions on the combat plan, the major sat in his seat with satisfaction, and issued his combat goals with a fiery and exciting breath.

The first combat target is everything in New York City!

The Hudson River, New York City Hall, Broadway, the Empire State Building, Times Square...

Burn all these things.

After the major paused, he laughed softly, as if he didn't care at all about the cruelty of what he said.

New York City Police Department Headquarters, St. Patrick's Cathedral...

Major, now that SHIELD people are here, what should we do first?

The doctor behind him looked at the enemy list in the manual and crossed out each place name with a pen while not forgetting to ask the major a question.

Of course, blow it up and destroy it. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Trident Building and their space carrier, leaving no one behind.

The major ordered in a very matter-of-fact tone, of course he would not spare any of his enemies! !

SHIELD is a name full of unpleasant memories. By the way, don't leave me even a fragment.

Back then, the Supreme Head of State and the Red Skull seemed to have been defeated by the so-called Captain America and S.H.I.E.L.D. Now of course we have to eradicate them all!!

Suddenly, someone stood up from the queue and saluted, then raised his voice and asked the major loudly.

Where's Wall Street? Your Majesty, that's the economic center of New York City and the entire world.

Faced with this unnecessary question, the major didn't even need to think about it and immediately gave the order.

Burn it, knock down the bronze bull statue on Wall Street, and kill those slutty capitalists by the way. Remember to remove these dirty stains...

I hate unfinished projects the most...

Also, destroy the Statue of Liberty, the Museum of the City of New York, and the Library of the New York City all for me!!!

The major waved forward and clenched his fist hard, with a violent and ferocious smile on his face that could not be concealed.

“Where’s the Golden Gate Bridge?”

Blow it up at the waist!!

The same goes for the World Trade Center. Remember to do it as neatly as cutting the throat, and it is best to be as spectacular as the 119 incident.

The major swung his palm down like a beheading, with a vicious smile on his face. It was obvious that he also knew about the Twin Towers incident on the moon.

What about the Brooklyn Bridge and the Museum of Modern Art in New York...

No need to say more, blow them all up!

The major suddenly raised his palm, and then stretched out a finger toward the brightly lit New York City below.

Everything that comes into view will be swallowed up by me!

Eat to your heart's content, drink to your heart's content! Plunder New York City with a population of more than 10 million, because they will become everyone's dinner.

The major slowly stood up from the chair, and then gently spread his white-gloved hands.

Come, gentlemen! Let us begin to kill and be killed, to enjoy death and to give death.

Let's toast to victory.

The major picked up a glass of champagne from the tray beside him, and then raised his glass to the countless monsters in front of him.

··············································· ······

Under the night sky of New York City, the people who survived the Chitauri invasion in the streets were shocked when they saw the fleet group in the sky, pointing at the sky above their heads.

And deep in this complicated and bustling crowd, a man in a red coat showed a strange smile.

come yet!

Accardo looked at the fleets appearing in the sky, but seemed to be able to directly observe the scene inside the Twilight of the Gods.

The monster major who transformed into a war cheered, and happily toasted with his monster soldiers, and they shouted cheers together.


The major smiled. He smiled amidst the chorus of responses from the vampires, but he did not drink the champagne in his hand, letting the glass fall from his hand and shatter to the ground.

At the moment when the wine glass fell into pieces, Accardo and the people in New York City saw countless streams of light flashing in the sky.

In the night sky, countless streams of light rushed out from the spaceship, drawing lines on the black sky that looked like karmic fire in the depths of hell.

Run! That's a missile.

Among the panicked and confused crowd, countless pairs of pupils were illuminated by the flash of light, and people began to shout in panic.

The first missile glided in a graceful curve and penetrated the Statue of Liberty holding the torch and the Code, once again destroying this huge statue that was finally repaired.

So, with the sudden rise of fire and loud noise, the most proud symbol of the American freedom defenders. The Statue of Liberty collapsed in the flames of war, shattering and making a final groaning noise.

Countless missiles ignited everything, the war was finally ignited, and the war began!

Various combat flying saucers that covered the sky slowly drove out from the inside of the Zeppelin-class combat aircraft carrier, and then aimlessly shed the anger that had been accumulated for more than seventy years.

There is no need to aim or any target at all, they just need to start the first roar of war.

You don't even need to aim at all, just firing at will is to vent the hunger and thirst in the monsters' hearts, and it is also to announce their arrival!

As the endless red lotus fire fell from the sky, the most advanced and developed city in the world instantly fell into a hell of destruction.

At this point, the ignorant crowd finally reacted, screaming and running away, looking for a safe place.

The dark and gloomy sky was burned red by the fire on the earth, and lava-like flames burned in the buildings. The dead bodies that were unfortunately involved in the explosion were scattered on the ground.

And all this seemed to last only a moment, and it seemed to have gone through a long burning! !

The calm night scene, amidst the vicious laughter of the bloodthirsty monsters, eventually turned ruthlessly into a slaughterhouse and dining table where the monsters hunted.

And New York City, which was red with black clouds, was burning with bloody flames everywhere, like a living purgatory.

Now there is no order and law in New York City. The screaming and crazy crowds are running around, looking for every safe place.

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