American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 267 Blood River and Iron Sky (4) God Anderson

Chapter 267 Blood River and Iron Sky (4) Father Anderson arrives, the Betrayer Section 13

Madness, turmoil, flames, fighting! !

Just as the moonlit night falls, the devil returns to the world!

Amidst the sea of ​​fire and massacre, New York City finally turned into a purgatory.

And in this painful hell, even if the living people are killed in a cruel way, they will never be able to get relief.

Those who died were resurrected under the sucking and licking of vampires, because they were monsters created by the vampire monster army, and their final outcome was to turn into ghouls with only the thought of eating in their subconscious.

One after another, slowly to quickly...

Groups of people climbed up from the pool of blood, squirming with their mutilated bodies fighting for the delicious flesh and blood, and gathered into a mighty team like a group of zombies.

A meaningless roar comes from his throat, and then he keeps wandering around New York. Once he finds a survivor, he will turn into an evil ghost and choose people to eat.


Ah, damn it!!

Go to hell and go to hell together!

On a street, looking at the hell-like mess of flesh and blood in front of him, the only surviving member of the police force was now on the verge of collapse! !

He was holding a grenade, and his eyes at this moment were full of the will to die. He wanted to die together with these bloodthirsty monsters!

All his companions are dead, but he is the only one who survives...

And all this was because of these vampire soldiers wearing imperial uniforms who brutally killed their colleagues and innocent citizens next to them.

But even like this, the dead still turned into ghouls, and finally surrounded him, the only living person, almost driving him crazy alive! !

And at the moment when the policeman was about to pull the grenade tab, he wanted to die with these monsters.

Countless golden pages fell from the sky, and boundless holy light shone on these vampire warriors.

These softly ringing pages appeared from the sky, floating like golden snowflakes, with complex and ancient scriptures inscribed on them.

What followed was the sound of whistling sharp blades, which gathered together to make an explosion that even the air could not withstand.

The shadow disappeared, and dozens of sharp swords cut through the darkness, penetrating the burning night sky with clear and cold sharp light.

The blunderbuss swords in front of him penetrated the vampire's body, and the blessed blunderbuss swords burned the vampire's flesh.

The vampire warrior screamed in terror, twisting his body in pain, and turned into minced flesh and ashes in the silence.

Ha ha ha ha!!!

A burst of crazy laughter sounded in front of the surviving policeman. This sharp-edged and distinct voice suddenly emanated from the tall and upright body in front of him.

Her short blond hair stood up like a hedgehog, and she wore a pair of round-framed glasses on her straight nose.

Father Anderson, a Vatican priest with endless killing intent, stood in front of the surviving policemen and raised his head, laughing with joy.

You are from the Vatican's Betrayer Section 13...

Assassin, Beheading Judge, Regenerator, Angel Dust, Gunsword Priest...

The remaining vampire warriors quickly recognized the burly priest in front of them, and a low, slightly trembling voice came from the vampire's mouth.

Alexander Anderson!

The eyes of this group of monsters who had been acting recklessly were full of rare fear. They looked at the man in front of them with fear on their faces, and they shouted loudly in disbelief! !

The priest, who became the spokesperson of Death in the vampire's heart, let out a pleasant and hoarse laugh.

Did you hear that? Heincru! Yumie!

If we don't show up now, the best moment to hunt monsters will disappear!!

Looking at the army of countless monsters in front of him with cold and crazy eyes, Father Anderson smiled ferociously and did not forget to call out to his companions.

In the end, the members of Section 13 who were hiding on the roof and watching the battle emerged from the shadows one by one under Andreessen's call.

··············································· ······

Let us stay there and wait for everything to end...

You want us to leave the monster alone! What kind of traitor is Judas! What kind of Thirteen Sections of the Vatican!

Father Anderson tilted his head crazily, twisted his head, moved his hand joints, and smiled ferociously at the vampire soldiers.

The only one who can defeat these monsters is us! The only one who has this right is our Thirteenth Section of the Holy See!

No one can take away this right! Likewise, I will not let anyone ruin our fight!

No one can! No one is allowed!

I saw Father Anderson waving the gun sword in his hand, suppressing his almost uncontrollable will to kill, and roaring selflessly.

Since you, the Thirteenth Section of the Vatican, want to interfere with our mission, then let's eliminate you...

The soldiers who turned into monsters also regained their sense at this time, and began to gradually approach Father Anderson and other members of Section 13.

You must know that their numbers are superior now, with tens of thousands of troops against the Thirteenth Division, which has less than a few hundred people.

This wave! The advantage is mine, I can go! !

Hey, it's so noisy. Stop talking to a bunch of dead people.

Father Anderson exuded a biting and cold murderous intent, with a ferocious smile on his face. Two blunderbuss swords slipped silently from his sleeves, and were then gently held in his hands.

How dare you guys appear in front of me, how dare the dead walk in the world!!

The bloodthirsty monsters gathered into legions and formed an army to march forward to slaughter the world, then...

Then you monsters who have deviated from the Christian scriptures, the Vatican, the Thirteen Sections, and I will never forgive you monsters who have deviated from the scriptures!

ceng! ceng! ceng!

Suddenly, two gun swords crossed and rubbed in Anderson's hands, crossing like a cross, and sparks flew out for a while.

Celebrate, this will be the last gospel you hear, because you will not die speechless when you die, your last words will be your shrill wails!!

The words spoken by Father Anderson are like the holy word of God, which has issued an irrevocable judgment to these monsters, a final sentence like death.


As the word Amen from Father Anderson's mouth appeared, the blunderbuss sword in his hands chopped up the monster in front of him with great force.

Father Anderson quickly engraved holy characters in black handwriting while his hands were stained red by the blood of vampire soldiers amid the flying blood of vampires.

【Jesus Christis On Earth! ! 】

Ask yourselves, what are you?

We are traitors, we are the Judas of the Thirteenth Division!

As Father Anderson shouted the decree of the Thirteenth Section, the members of the Thirteenth Section behind him shouted in response! !

The traitor Judas appears, and the thirteen subjects show their sharpness!

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