American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 255 The Battle of New York (6) Steel from the Moon

Chapter 255 The Battle of New York (6) The Steel Sky from the Moon, the Beginning of Global Fall

Gentlemen, I like war the most!

“I like the Annihilation War!

I like Blitzkrieg!

I like strike battles!!

I like defensive battles!

I like breakthrough battles!

I like retreat battles!

“I like mopping up battles!

I like the retreat battle!!


These NC madmen continue to speak bloody speeches of terror and cruelty. The leader of Millennium Millennium, Major Montana Max, has inherited the will of the mustachioed leader and the soul of the Three German Reichs.

The major on the stage gave a passionate speech. In the assembly hall of the Twilight of the Gods, there were thousands of artificial vampire warrior elites transformed by the Brother Corpse virus, as well as nine other elites who were uniformly transformed into artificial vampire warriors in the battleship. More than nineteen thousand soldiers from the Three German Empires cheered passionately and shouted the name of the major.

Major!! Major, Acting Prime Minister, Acting Prime Minister!! Brigade Commander!!

Sieg Heil!!!

Sieg Heil!!!

Must win!!

Must win!!

The elites of the Three German Empires retained and bred in these 100,000 lunar bases will soon become unforgettable nightmares and demons for mankind all over the world.

Paul Joseph Goebbels opened his cloudy eyes and looked at the wonderful but slightly crazy scene in front of him. He seemed to have once again seen the undefeated German Empire seventy years ago. He gave his last passionate speech standing on the podium.

Now Goebbels is sitting on the bridge of the Ragnarok, feeling the fierce voices of swearing around him. His heart seems to have returned to the war-torn era 70 years ago.

Now, everything is headed for destruction. Leave them nothing useful, burn the fields, raze the factories to the ground, blow up the bridges, and let all transportation go to hell!

If we want to withdraw from the stage of history, then we can only fight with our backs against the wall. Let the earth tremble!

Sieg Heil!!!

Sieg Heil!!!

Must win!!

Must win!!

This time, I won't lose again!

Führer, this victory will definitely belong to us!!

Sieg Heil!!!

Goebbels stopped mumbling to himself and sealed the past images in his mind again.

Now he will once again lead the three German empires to return to the earth and win the war that did not end 70 years ago! !

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The German Empire's base on the moon is a large and advanced technological base located on the lunar crater on the far side of the moon.

Its construction began in the 1940s, and after decades of development and improvement, it has become a powerful base with countless advanced space technologies and powerful warships.

Valkyrie combat saucer, Rheingolds reconnaissance saucer, Haunebu IV multi-purpose transport saucer, Albelisi heavy combat saucer, Wotan medium saucer, Brünnhilde meteorite tow craft, Hunding star cruiser, Zeppelin-class combat saucer aircraft carrier…………

The various flying saucers and ships of different models have the same names as the ships in Steel Sky and The Man in the High Castle, but they have been optimized several times to far exceed the original products.

Ob's stürmt oder schneit,

Ob die Sonne uns lacht,

Der Tag glühend hei,

Oder eiskalt die

Bestaubt sind die Gesichter,

Doch froh ist unser Sinn,

Ja unser Sinn;

Es braust unser Panzer,

Im Sturmwind dahin,

[Whether it’s a strong wind or a blizzard,

Or the scorching sun is in the sky,

No matter the hot day,

Still a cold night.

| Even if the dust blows towards your face,

Our mood is still happy,

Still enjoyable.

Our tanks roar,

in the strong wind]


The huge space fleet on the lunar base formed a neat queue, and accompanied by the mighty German military music Panzer March, the terrifying and murderous atmosphere was heart-stopping.

Countless advanced battleships, huge motherships, and sophisticated mobile fighter aircraft formed this neat and majestic fleet.

Because of the rich helium-3 resources and other metal resources on the moon, for seventy years, the remnants and remnants of the German Empire built countless space battleships here to prepare for a counterattack on the earth.

The battleships of the Space Fleet have a powerful and majestic appearance, built of black steel and covered with solid armor.

Their shapes are like sharp swords, revealing a high-tech and futuristic feel.

Every detail on the battleship reflects the craftsmanship of excellence, reflecting the Moon Base’s outstanding achievements in technological research and development.

The fleet command ship stands at the forefront of the fleet. Its appearance is decorated with deep black and red metal decorations, majestic and solemn.

The swan logo and eagle flag flying high on the command ship symbolize the strength and mission of these NC remnants.

The entire space fleet is divided into different formations, each with specific missions and tactical instructions.

On the space battleship, the astronauts wore black combat uniforms, gas mask-style breathing masks on their heads, and military uniforms with the NC remnants wan logo. Their chilling aura was undoubtedly revealed on their bodies.

Every astronaut in the fleet is well-trained, they strictly abide by discipline, and their eyes reveal sharp murderous intent, showing their terrifying determination and fighting will.

The entire fleet is filled with a strong fighting atmosphere, as if they were born to conquer the interstellar universe.

As long as an order is given, under their unified command, this fleet will fire at the moon base and the remaining enemies of NC, posing huge threats and challenges to humans on the earth.

The neatly organized space fleet has assembled on the moon base, waiting for the commander to issue an attack order.

The crew members on each battleship gripped their weapons tightly and tensed their muscles in preparation for the coming battle.

The muzzles of the battleship's cannons have been precharged, making a faint buzzing sound.

Mobile fighter jets flew over the fleet, flashing the fleet's logo like a ferocious falcon.

The commander stood on the towering command podium, his figure shrouded in bright light.

At this moment, Goebbels was wearing a black military uniform and a black military cap. In just a short time, his appearance became younger. A determined expression.

The whole person looked like a high-ranking person. He was holding his cane high, waiting for the final signal of war.

As soon as the final commissioning of the fleet is completed, he will give an order to lead this fleet, driving sophisticated ships from the moon base, to all countries on Marvel Earth.

The final debugging of all ships has been completed and confirmed to be correct. Commander, please give the order!!

The final war signal came from the communication channel! !

Let's go and get back the victory and glory that belongs to us now!!

Sieg Heil!!!

At this moment, the complete fall of the Marvel Earth is about to begin! !

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