American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 254 The Battle of New York (5) Major’s War Speech

Chapter 254 The Battle of New York (5) Major’s war speech, declaring war on the whole world

So, before your body is completely silent, let me now teach you, this transformed guy, what a real battle between monsters is.

In just a short moment, Accardo's body was shrouded in black blood mist, his red eyes opened instantly on Accardo's body, and the demon hound also appeared with a terrifying aura.

What the hell is this?

Seeing Accardo's crazy look in front of him, even though Maximus had been transformed by the Brother Corpse virus, he was still frightened by this scene and quickly pressed the button in his hand to contact the major.

This is the button that the major left for him specifically to deal with special situations like Accardo...

The current situation does not allow me to hesitate any longer to consider the pros and cons of cooperating with the major! !


What on earth is going on? Why do some inexplicable things keep popping up one after another in New York City!!

Nick Fury looked at the scarlet blood mist descending on the sky, and his dark and shiny braised egg head couldn't help but start to hurt.

Sir, what's wrong, the channels all over the world have been switched to an unknown channel!!


Nick Fury turned to look at the swastika and the eagle flag that appeared on the screen, and a bad thought once again emerged in his already uneasy mind.

That's right, Nick Fury was not wrong about what he thought! !

Because this will be the major's war speech to the world, the clarion call to attack the world! !

··············································· ······

Montana Marks! !

Major! !

The last brigade, the leader of the Millennium Millennium! !

[Gentlemen, I like war! ! 】

These words have almost become the synonyms of the Song of Hell. He is obviously a fat man who is not too tall, but he has managed to truly defeat the gods with his own human beings.

And in the Marvel world at this moment, the Major will stand in front of people all over the world and once again shout his slogan, once again blowing the clarion call for attack to the world! !

Have you seen it? Beautiful, so beautiful, cruel, so cruel.

Ha ha ha ha.

Gentlemen, I love war!!

Gentlemen, I long for war!!

In the lunar base, in the assembly hall of the Ragnarok, looking at the straight NC army standing in front of him, the major said extremely excitedly.

At this moment, the major's war mobilization speech was also synchronized to the electronic screens connected to the Internet everywhere on the earth, displaying the major's crazy remarks of declaring war on the world in front of everyone.

Gentlemen, I like war the most!

“I like the Annihilation War!

I like Blitzkrieg!

I like strike battles!!

I like defensive battles!

I like breakthrough battles!

I like retreat battles!

“I like mopping up battles!

I like the retreat battle!!

At this time, those who are in the plains, on the streets, in the trenches, on the grasslands, in the frozen soil, in the desert, at sea, in the air, in the soil, in the wetlands!!!

I like all the wars that happen on this planet!

I like the neatly arranged volleys of artillery, which will flatten the enemy's formation with the roar. When the enemy troops are blown into the air and then strafed into a hornet's nest, my heart is dancing for it.

I like tank soldiers driving tanks and destroying enemy tanks with 88-mm artillery. When they rush out of the burning tanks wailing and are shot to death by MGs, my heart will feel redemption!

I also like to see the brave infantrymen ravaging the enemy with their bayonets. Especially when I see the panicked recruits stabbing corpses with bayonets again and again, I am most moved.

The sight of deserters with defeatist ideas hanging from street lamps is simply irresistible.

Watching the prisoners in those trenches fall down one by one with the roar of my gesture and the torrent of metal. It is simply the ultimate enjoyment.

Of course, it is even more satisfying to blow up the city together with 8-ton grenades from an 800mm train gun to those who are holding on to small firearms in an attempt to resist desperately.

I also like the way they were beaten to pieces by Maozi's mecha divisions. It's really sad to see the villages they desperately defended being ravaged, women and children being violated, and the people being killed.

I like the way they are defeated and annihilated by Britain and the United States. The feeling of being chased by fighter planes and lying on the ground like a pest is really humiliating to me.

Gentlemen, I look forward to war!

A hellish war!

Comrades who have always followed my brigade, what are you looking forward to?! Are you looking forward to a bigger war?!

Are you looking forward to a merciless war like dirt?!

Is it a storm-like war in which iron, wind, thunder, and fire are exhausted, and the crows of three thousand worlds are wiped out?!

For the major, who has been dead for more than seventy years, ordinary war alone cannot satisfy him at all.

Big war! !

Concentrate on the big war! !

And now this major, who has been dead for more than seventy years, only has a brigade with less than 100,000 people, not even an army with the population of a small town.

The major looked at the heads one by one in front of him excitedly, because they all had enthusiastic smiles on their faces.

Yes, they are all remnants, they are just a group of people who have been killed long ago. The empire they once wanted to protect has long been destroyed.

Their original relatives have long since forgotten them, and now they can only survive in the moon base.

Until today, I finally gathered enough power for revenge! !

Now they, the current Millennium Organization are lonely souls staying in this world. They are existences abandoned by human history.

Gentlemen, I believe that you are a soldier who has been on the battlefield for a thousand years!

Then you and I will become a legion with a total strength of 100 million, and we will drive us to the other side of forgetfulness, and wake up those guys who are sleeping soundly now.

Grab them by their hair, pull them out, open their eyes, and remind them of what real fear is!

Remind them of the terrible sound of our military boots.

It reminds them that in the gap between heaven and earth, there are some things that their philosophy cannot explain. The vampire army with an army of 100,000 people is burning the world to the ground!

Yes, this is the light of the earth we look forward to seeing in the city!

Now, as promised, I will bring you all to that memorable battlefield, that memorable war!

The major's words came to this point, and the following words were already coherent. The group of remnants should have been scattered, but now all of them had smiles on their faces.

Major!! Major, Acting Prime Minister, Acting Prime Minister!! Brigade Commander!!

Then the last sea lion has finally crossed the ocean and is about to land. He will convey the captain's order to the members of the Last Brigade. Mr. Sa Zhu, let us create hell!!!

This is a team that the major has been planning for more than 70 years to pull together. They are also the remaining imperial soldiers led by the three German empires and the Führer.

The first battlefield will be the burning New York City, because Accardo exists in this city invaded by aliens! !

Even though the current major can declare war on the whole world, his ultimate goal is still to eliminate Accardo! !

In the latest chapter, Accardo and the Major have officially appeared in the eyes of people in the Marvel world. How will the Major play against Accardo? Will Uncle A be defeated? How to defeat? Can you discuss it more?

You can also give your opinions on the following plot. The main elements in the author's outline are Kamen Rider, Yu-Gi-Oh, Transformers, and the Holy Grail War.

If you have any other ideas or story elements you want to incorporate, you can leave comments in the book review area.

At the same time, the author would also like to thank everyone for your support for so long. I also hope that everyone will continue to support this book and vote for me more recommendations and monthly votes. Thank you everyone! ^ω^

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