American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 256 The Battle of New York (7) Space Meteorite Blitz

Chapter 256 Battle of New York (7) Space meteorite blitz, devastating meteorite attack

Start the space blitz plan, directly destroy the beautiful country and S.H.I.E.L.D., and then go to Europe to take back everything we have.

Now go and inform the vampire leader on the earth so that their vampires are ready to take action!

Since he has obtained the power of the ancestor Cain, he should pay a sufficient price for it.

Now the battle plan has officially begun to destroy all enemies on the earth. Anyone who dares to resist us is an enemy, and anyone who goes against our ideals is an enemy!!

Get ready to start a complete destruction, a cleansing that leaves no one behind!!

In the command ship of the Millennium Space Fleet, Goebbels sat on the chair in the command room and after thinking carefully, he calmly and ruthlessly issued the order to destroy everything.

At the same time, on Earth, with a flash of energy from the Cosmic Cube in New York City, a portal appeared above the Moon Base, directly pulling the Moon Base's space fleet to a short distance directly above the Earth's atmosphere.

After a while, the vanguard space fleet formed by hundreds of Brünnhilde meteorite dragging spacecrafts had assembled, dragging countless huge meteorites behind their hulls, always ready to launch a meteorite blitzkrieg towards the earth.

And as soon as these fleets appeared, the superheroes and special agencies on the earth also noticed the emergence of these situations.

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Sir, Tony Stark is calling!

Hey, it's me, Nick Fury.

Tony, if you have anything to say, please tell me quickly. Now I have to direct the battle. I'm really busy right now...

Nick Fury took the call from his subordinate on the communication channel and explained the current situation to Tony straight to the point.

On the battlefield, the American army is fighting fiercely with Chitauri soldiers in New York City. The complicated and changing situation still requires someone to take charge of the battle.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury has a lot to shoulder in this defense war. In fact, he is no easier than the superheroes fighting on the front line.

Even if Nick Fury has his own trump card, the pager from Captain Marvel is Nick Fury's last guarantee.

Hey Fury, I have some bad news and a...

Good news?!

No, more bad news!

Tony Stark's serious voice came from the other end of the communication channel, because what he was going to say next would be something very bad.

The bad news is that just now the Cube changed again, and a portal opened again in the sky above the earth.

On the opposite side of the portal is a large-scale space fleet. According to the information analyzed by Jarvis from the satellite images, the space army on the opposite side comes from the back of the moon.

The emergence of this situation shows that what the madmen in the millennium just said was not a small-scale terrorist attack, but a world war that is about to sweep the world.

F**K, what the hell!?

After hearing the bad news from Tony Stark, Nick Fury couldn't help but cursed angrily, why bad things always happen one after another.

So what's the worse news?

Nick Fury forced himself to calm down and think carefully, and then asked Tony about the so-called worse news.

The worse news is that the space battleship team we are facing now is very powerful. It is basically impossible to survive with our current strength.

Because the main body of this fleet is composed of various types of powerful space battleships, including battleships with powerful firepower, high-speed maneuvering cruisers, flexible and maneuverable destroyers, etc.

This group of NC remnants of space battleships is huge in scale. Each battleship is equipped with the most advanced weapon systems and defense facilities, as well as powerful energy weapons, super mobility devices and advanced defense systems.

And the number of their space battleships that I have observed now is already in the thousands.

The types of these space battleships are also very rich. They are composed of various types of battleships, including huge motherships, high-speed fighter formations and sophisticated long-range turrets.

It seems that the power they have accumulated on the moon over the years is terrifying. If we lose this time, the outcome of the earth will be very tragic...

When he said this, Tony's voice was already very low. It was obvious that he also knew the importance of this battle.


And at this moment, in the dark universe of outer space, the starlight in the sky illuminated huge meteorites.

They were carefully selected by the enemy and locked with powerful power, becoming deadly weapons that would bring a bloody space meteorite blitz to the earth.

These meteorites gathered into a huge cluster of stars in an instant, extremely bright, as if they were shining symbols of dark power.

Finally, at this moment, SHIELD's satellites monitored all this in space, and the enemy's plan to project meteorites appeared within their surveillance range.

Beep beep beep! beep beep beep!!

The emergency alarm sounded immediately, and there was a tense atmosphere in the command center. SHIELD agents immediately launched into action, not daring to relax at all.

Huge meteorites were pulled by the Brünnhilde meteorite dragging spacecraft, and flew towards the earth in an orderly manner with the residual flames of friction, and the power that could destroy everything gathered on them.

The remnants of the Millennium NC descended into outer space above the Earth, preparing to launch an earth-shattering meteorite blitz, attempting to use meteorites to carry out a devastating attack on the Earth.

Sir, a large number of space battleships have appeared in the outer space of the earth, and there are countless meteorites behind these space battleships. They will soon descend into the earth's atmosphere...

The agent who reported the situation to Nick Fury, when he read the satellite report and said this, his voice began to tremble a little. It was obvious that he was frightened by this terrifying situation.

You must know that the impact of meteorites from outer space is not a trivial matter. Just a huge meteorite can lead to the mass extinction of the dinosaurs.

In Avengers 2: Age of Ultron, Ultron only uprooted Sokovia and then pushed Sokovia into the atmosphere, almost directly restarting mankind on the earth.

It can be seen from this that meteorites hitting the earth can cause huge destructive power.

Although the meteorites carried behind those space battleships are not particularly large in size, the large number of meteorites can completely make up for the lack of destructive power! !

Spanning more than seventy years, the Millennium Organization represented the will of the Three German Reichs and once again brought out the essence of the Blitzkrieg.

Even if this war doesn't take place on the ground, they can still let the world see the horror of meteorite blitzkrieg.

Space meteor blitz, start! !

The millennium is already heading towards a fierce war!

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