Age of Heroes

Chapter 375: The lady of the lake (1)


That evening Helia was given the title Duchess Regent and she was installed into her office in a public and solemn manner, at a great assembly of the estates of the realm. 

Most of the noble houses of Arrandy was present. The Ormonts, The Lethe, The Perigords, The Blacktons, Loness, The Marble and many other great houses from Althea and Arrandy.

At the close of the ceremonies, after Arial had given Helia his charge and his trust for guarding the realm for him, he closed his address by adding, 

"And do not let us fail to enjoy the benefit of your noble prayers, and those of all the lovely ladies of your court, that the blessing of God of Light may attend us, and secure the glory of our great expedition."

Arial thus professing to the public on how he relies on the protection of Heaven in the personal and political dangers which he was about to incur which made the occasion approved by both the churchmen and the common folk and drew admiration from the lordly house.

Arial nodded seeing the approval of his men. Then he spoke in a solemn manner and a regretful tone addressing to all that is present of his intention and his opinion

'The Vanguan throne is my right, and to enforce such right is a solemn duty as the lord of Arrandy. This is a principle of duty, for the vast power which I was granted was granted by Divine Providence.' 

And saying this word some lord gasp for Divine Providence can only be invoked by Kings and such saying coming out from the mouth of Arial show his ambition bare open to the rest of the assembly.

He meant to be King, an independent realm from the Aetherland crown. 

The news of the falling out between King Adrian and Lord Arial is widespread, for the news elicited many responses from all rulers of the Human continent. 

Still the Duke mother, Lady Julia has work tirelessly behind the scene to try to douse the fire in both of these great rulers heart, fearing that they would resolve their conflict in the battlefield. 

All of the lords know this to be true, and appreciate the work that the Lady has done for the stability of the region.

It is the only reason why there is not interference from Aetherland. Lady Julia smooth diplomacy.

King Adrian is kind and generous, and Lord Arial is fierce and possess strong will. 

Such contrast attitude between these rulers is hard to reconcile but Lady Julia manage to at least keep these two men from clashing head thus showing the power that one woman holds over two great men, one that Helia emulate perfectly in her reign.

Helia role model has always been Arial mother, only that Helia lack the compassion and peaceful disposition of the Lady. 

It could be said Helia is more cunning but it also makes her by other estimation as ruthless and vicious compared to Lady Julia who is view favorably even by her enemies.

Helia on the other hand drew respect from her rivals, fear from her enemies, and adoration from the common folk.

In a way Helia reminds Arial of his mother. Strong will and smart. 

Arial once decided to break the betrothal between her sister and King Adrian son blinded by anger for the refusal and humiliation Adrian has shown him, but Helia try to persuade her husband to not do it but it was Lady Julia that manage to calm the dragon fury.

Which is why the betrothal between Adrianna and William Alan is still not broken. It could be said that these betrothal might one day reconcile these two great men. 

For few weeks now since the falling out lady Julia has arranged for her daughter to meet William in private setting so these two matches could find it in their heart for love to blossom. 

And from the meeting it seems Adrianna find it to her liking for William itself is comely and of dashing appearance as most prince always do.

But even though there is no aggressive action from these two rulers, they still maintain their own cold war refusing to speak to each other and instead communicating with messengers.

Then the lords once again pay attention to the lord address.

'It is my imperious and solemn duty, a divine providence, which could not innocently be laid aside; for my duty is the protection of the communities over which I ruled from external hostility, and the preservation of peace and order within from internal discord, and the promotion of the general trade and welfare that I so endearingly promote. I have devoted my lives to the performance of this duty, with the usual mixture, it is true, of my own ambition and selfishness, for I am no saint, and I bare this truth to all that is present, but still, after all, with as much conscientiousness and honesty as the mass of men in the humbler walks of life evince in performing theirs.' 

The crowd nodded. Who in this assembly had no great ambition? Who in this assembly dare say they have never been selfish? 

No one dare claims such things. But it is true that the Lord of Arrandy was a generous lord, and a dutiful lord.

And Arial of Arrandy appears to have been one lord that takes the charge of duty seriously and dutifully; and in obeying the dictates of his ambition in seeking to gain possession of the Vanguan crown, he no doubt considered himself as fulfilling the obligations of duty too. 

This is the general lord opinion of Arial the Celestial Dragon. 

'I hereby declare, that in a week time I, the dragon will personally lead my army to the Vanguan borders and march straight to Arleans and take what is rightfully mine.' 

Then Arial create a poem as he imagined what will happen, visualize it in his mind on how majestic his army would look when they reach the border and march to his enemy castle and do battle with him.

'Ride forth and bring out your arms

With the heaven on our side, fear nothing

Bear out your shields and saddles, 

Lead out the warhorses and palfreys

THE ARCHERS, set fly to your bow, 

KNIGHTS, trample your enemy

Let us set our foot


The lords, the traders, the guilds of merchants, mercenaries, knights, common folk all cheered swept by this feeling of invincibility.

And when the ceremony is ended with these addresses, they all returned to their houses and castle, waiting for the order to march out but not before something of extraordinary phenomenon happened that night in view of all the Human continent one that is marked as a prophecy of what is to come.

And there is many to be joyous about in this state of Arrandy after all the opposition has dwindled down.



The preparation for the march is vigorous and prosperous. 

The whole of Arrandy is enthusiastic in the cause; and their belief that the enterprise about to be undertaken had unquestionably secured the favor of Heaven, was confirmed by an extraordinary phenomenon which occurred just after the Duke had decided to march in a week time to Vangua. 

A comet appeared in the dark night sky, which, as close observers declared, had a double tail. 

It was agreed by churchmen, by lords and by hearsay and the conspicuous time of the comet that this portended that Vangua and Arrandy is about to be combined, and to form a kingdom, which should exhibit to all mankind a wonderful spectacle of splendor.

To a God-fearing people who were ever watchful for heavenly portents, this is a sign of unprecedented significance. 

Great change—good or bad—must be afoot. 

And considering the recent news, most of the common folk, of churches and cathedral they become convinced this portended the transfer of a kingdom.


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