Age of Heroes

Chapter 374: Regency (3)

'It's the name of the world before we know it. Now it is called Earth but that is because of the First Generation that coined the word Earth. But before the world we live in is called Merdgard.' Paul explained

Arial listened intently but still he doesn't understand. Where is this woman that founded the church?

'You are not saying that the prophet is a wom-'

'HAHAHA' Paul laughed out loud and almost stumble back. 

'No, no. The Prophet is a man.' There is a tear on his eyes, because of his laughing and the Duke could be seen a little embarrassed to be laughed at so hard.

'Anyway my lord let me finish the story. So, the prophet is known by many people and people all over came to hear his teaching, people from the Thirteen Tribes. Those who listen to him, some opposed him, some supported him, as the story about him grew and he did his best to spread the truth. However, many do not know this that actually even though the name of the Prophet isn't known, his sister name is otherwise known. And very famous at that.'

'What? That is…. I never even heard of it.' Paul smiles

'You have heard of her name. Thousands of time. You just don't know it.' 

'Oho. So what it is? Her name?' 

'Lucille' Paul replies. 

Lucille…and then something crossed Arial mind. 

'Lucellian!' Arial exclaimed joyfully. Paul smile as it seems that the Duke has connected the dots.

He nodded and then relayed the story

'The story goes that the Prophet loves his sister very much after his parent was killed by Dark Things and he protected his sister fiercely. But his sister was killed by evil men. Some say it is bandits. Some say it is people of other villages who took a fancy on his sister and try to rape her and she die protecting her chastity. There are many stories as there is stars up there in the sky. Anyways that is not the point. The prophet agonized over the tragedy that has befallen him. He grieves. He mourns. He cried out to the sky with tears of blood asking the Gods why him? Is it not enough that his parent is taken away from him? Is that still not enough? He cried and he screamed. He cursed and he pleads. Some say this lament of him lasted a week, some say it is three days, while some say it is forty-nine days.'

'And then?' Arial asked his eyes bright curious and interested in Paul story.

'And then he tries to find answer. Are the Gods so cruel? Are these gods that lord over humans any better than a robbing human? Are these Gods the true God of the world and the stars above? Surely not! The Prophet would yell. What God find it pleasurable for them to watch human suffer? Why would they torture those that He created? What is the difference between Gods and demon then? And so he thinks over this difficult matter of life and death, of good and evil, in a secluded lake in a middle of nowhere until as recorded by his disciple his word in Awakening '

"I have been awoken by a calling. Light show itself to me, telling me to become the guide to enlightenment of the soul, and the knowledge to lead humanity out of darkness. Salvation is here. Salvation is here! ' 

Arial nodded. Then Paul continues.

'He prophesied that there is Seven Ages after him until God will begin the End of Days. And to commemorate the truth he had found, and the truth he had spread, his disciples after the death of the Prophet called themselves Lucellian. Notice that they take the name of the sister as the symbol of their faith.' 

Arial listen to the story with great attention and fascinated by the stories.

'This is…..I….'

'Tragic, isn't it' Paul said.

'Imagine. Women were venerated in the past even the name of this religion come from the name of a woman. But now only one woman worthy of mention in the history of the church and that is Apostle Di-'

'Wait' suddenly Arial held up his hand as he senses something important has passed him by.

'Yes, my lord. '

'Seven Ages? What is that?' 

'You don't know? The Doomsday Book.' Paul said. Arial shakes his head.

'It is mention in it, the Seven Ages after him that would lead to the End of Days.'

'Tell me' Arial said, almost ordering. Paul is amazed that the duke does not know this. It is not that obscure of a book. 

Doomsayers always refer to this book even church head refer to this book when great calamity happens.

'First as the book says after the Age of Beginning, would begin the Age of Gods where gods will have warred against each other until only a few would survives, their collateral victims are humans. Then Age of Man marking the beginning of the rise of a chosen race. (Humans). Then Age of Heroes. Then the Age of Emperors. Age of Discords, Age of Wisdom and then Age of Extinction. This are the seven ages. This is all known from the translation by of a certain Priest in the Asterosi continent'

Arial listen to this with great fear. Seven Ages. Then Arial remembered that Gaveror once spoke of the Age of Man and Age of Gods. 

'Did the Age of Heroes pass already?' 

Or is he living in that Age right now? 

'What age we are right now?' Arial asked. 

'Even the Church doesn't know that question my lord. But it is safe to say we are living in the age of Man or probably Age of Heroes. 

'Why do you say that?' 

'The Age of Gods has ended. This is known.' Arial nodded. 

'However ..'

'However what?' Arial asked again

'There is one thing that has always fascinated me about the Ages dawning.' He said looking at the distance, smiling a mysterious smile.

'The Ages Prophecy' he said.

'Oh, there is such thing?' 

'There is, my lord. The book says that when every Age begins, there must be one that is blessed by Light, The Blood of Light to start the event that is prophesied.'

'What do you mean?' 

'In the Age of Gods, the Prophet has prophesied that there will descend a race so powerful that they will end the Age of Gods and these people were by many consensus of the Church is the First Generation. In the Age of Man, the prophet has prophesied that the Birth of the great hero will be marked by seven stars in the sky shining brightly announcing the arrival of the man who would start the beginning of man supremacy. And this is widely known by the church community that the man in the prophecy is Levitia.'

'And what of Age of Heroes?' Arial asked impatient. It is clear now that he is living in the Age of Heroes and even though Arial dislike prophecy what is the harm in knowing? 

Or maybe it is because of his curiosity. His prophecy he is not interested in hearing about it. But others prophecy? He has no problem hearing it.

'The Prophet said something about two lives and choices. Of great war, of great sorrows. The chosen ones always have to face such ordeals. God always test his subjects in various ways.' 

'You don't remember?' Arial said.

'It has been so long since I last read it my lord. Though if you are interested I will go to the Holy Land with your permission and read it again for y-'

'It is fine' Arial said as he leaned back to the chair. 

Then the church door opens. Arial look at some of the man coming to pray and Arial stand up from his seat. 

'Paul, you have treated me to a great knowledge. Maybe it is not so bad conversing with you.' 

'And me, you, my lord. It has been a pleasure and honor for you to hear me rant. You are a good listener, my lord. A great quality and virtue in itself.'

Arial laughed a little before realizing he is in a church and that his laugh might disturb the praying.

'Maybe I will even grant you a diocese when I conquer Vangua.' Arial offer. 

'I dare not ask such honor.' 

Arial began walking to the door entrance but before he did he turn around and with a smirk he said 

'Ask and ye shall receive'


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