Age of Heroes

Chapter 376: The lady of the lake (2)



Arial like usual lay his head on the bed after finishing his reading of the report. Helia has already dozed off after the tiresome hectic schedule of hers. 

Arial has urge her to take care of her health and so she has decided to sleep early tonight.

Arial then sleep and then he dreams. 

But this time the dream is not about his dead parent, for that nightmare has long ended, nor the vision of the countless grave that he once saw in his unconscious state but this time the dream that he dreams almost feel too…real.

Arial could swear that he could smell the environment in the dream, his sense alive and working perfectly well. 

'This is-' he is about to say and then in front of him it was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.

Arial daresay that the woman in front of him right now is even more beautiful than the famed beauty of Ariana or even the rumored beauty of the Empress of the Great Empire of the Sun.

She is a woman so bewitching that if this was not a dream Arial would have attacked her right there. 

Innocent face with mischief in her eyes and the image of shyness. A fleeting moment of eternal beauty shone itself upon Arial.

A wonder of beauty. 

A woman that only appears in the dream of men, the grace of the clouds and seas for she is nature itself, Arial could not help but think of such when faced with such beauty surpassing of everything he has ever seen.

Arial heart tremble. It whispered, "Fall in love".

And Arial calm his heart but still his heart beats fast. Such power of charms. THIS is magic Arial decided. 

Old magic, ancient magic he repeated in his mind and slowly his heart returns to normal. Once he knew that this is magic Arial began calming himself down faster.

Her arm is clad in the purest shimmering samite, with hair white as light, shining, glowing like the sun and her dress is a dress clad in glowing blue hue. 

Her eyes are true blue, blue eyes that seem to even pierce Arial soul, her skin was to Arial eyes, like silk. 

Yet that her blue eyes show coldness like the winter that comes to burn. 

Her hair which flowing long until it reached her hips is white, just like Arial hair, an appearance like a pure white snow melded itself into the woman hair.

Arial look at this magnificent woman who is standing majestically like a Queen of immense power, and it is like peering too long into the sun's brilliant dazzle, and once again Arial feel his heart lurch in his breast for yearning, to have the words spoken of her beauty stolen from his tongue before the lips could even speak them.

She is barefoot but her feet look like she just gets out of the water. 

Arial realizes the woman is standing before a beautiful lake, with lush forest around the lakes, and deer's and birds fly around the lake but the Lake is still. 

There is a feeling of otherworldly about the Lake, a beauty not ravaged by time.

Then suddenly Arial feels like his head is attacked, like something split apart and a word growls at him 

'GET OUT OF MY HEAD' the word seems to yelled and Arial consciousness crinkled back as he last saw the visage of a smiling woman, a warm smile that dispel the coldness in her eyes and Arial dream ended.

And the memory slowly fades as Arial went into deep sleep.



The man shakes his head, like attacked by a headache. The lady just smiles with a mischievous smile.

The man has a tall stature with short hair and muscly body, his eyes is red and his hair is black. 

However, such disguise is clearly seen by the Lady as she has seen this kind of transformation countless of time since she has live very long.

'What is the matter Gaveror? It seems you have transformed into the illusion of man. It seems your magic have recovered if you can even transform like this.'

Gaveror look at the Lady of the Lake with annoyed expression. He doesn't look at all pleased. The pain is still seared in Gaveror mind.

'Someone try to enter my mind and rob me of my consciousness. What do I suppose to feel?'

'Who could possibly do that? To a dragon warrior? Must be a formidable opponent!' The Lady of the Lake said chuckling looking at Gaveror.

'You know who! You who sees the future! You who have orchestrated all this. Even now your eyes do not leave the boy, watching him from the distance. The Ages is dawning. And you have started it, my Lady. Once again, your Blood will wreak havoc into the world. The Church should have destroyed that damn lineage a long time ago. But even that you manage to turn to your advantage. I have never seen a goddess more manipulative than you my Lady' 

Gaveror said in what is could be considered a very heated monologue and accusation towards the Lady

'Oh, such anger, little Dragon. I could squash you with one palm and you still dare spout off your mouth. When you were one, I have been millions, trillions of years older than you. Watch your language and tone, little dragon.' 

The Lady said keeping a calm composure. Gaveror gulped and then he began changing his tone.

'I'm sorry my lady. I failed to keep my anger in check. But I could not help but think of the injustice dealt to me by the Blood of Light.'

'Blood of Light huh?' The Lady asked feigning ignorance. 

'The boy may not have known but I know you have protected him. I feel your magic, though I did realize it too late. Since this kind of magic that you have put on him is not only a way for him to improve but also a seal in his heart. A curse. And then I realized finally who I am dealing with. I should not have given him my heart. Two lives. The boy has lived two lives. Or it could also mean he is given two lives. Two hearts. This is what I hate about prophecy.' he sighed and complained. 

Then he continued.

'I can feel it, I can see it, as I see in the dream of the boy, the good and the bad, the happy dreams, and the nightmare scare. A different outcome from what happen in this plane of existence. He is the Blood of Light for the Age of Heroes. This is the only reason you would guard him so carefully while secretly guiding him. He is one of the Chosen Blood.'

The Lady did not reveal any expression.

'And is that the reason why you have come Gaveror? I have thought you have come to greet me after all this time. Sadly, that is not your intention.'

'I want to know why you keep protecting them' 


'Humans' Gaveror spoke with hatred

'And mostly that lineage? You even betray your brethren to side with humans. I could never understand your thoughts my lady. If you did not help them, if you did not give that to them then the Prophecy should have been averted. All the Gods made agreement during that time but you…. you are the reason why things become like this.' Gaveror said, his tone slightly higher than before

'Betray? HAHAHAHAHA' she laughs. 

'I merely back the winning side, Gaveror. Who would have thought that the Prophecy would really be real? Even the Gods do not really believe that man to be a True prophet, right? And is it my fault? Did the Water Maiden ask my agreement? She asks everyone? No, she did not! She did not ask me! Primordial Gods and their pride. Just because I used to chase her husband. Did she think her husband is that handsome? Hmphh' Lady of the Lake feel miffed remembering old stories of millions of years past.

'That boy, he has my heart' Gaveror then said after waiting the Lady finished venting her feelings.

And the Lady looks at Gaveror with an amused expression. And then looking like she couldn't handle her laughter she burst out laughing 

'What are the odds?' The Lady exclaimed joyous.

'This is no laughing matter my Lady. How could I…. share with the Blood of Light? What would even happen to me? He is of Light properties, mine are of Dark. Such elements must not mixture. You know of this, my Lady.' 

Gaveror play along with lady. Surely the lady has known that the boy has regained his heart yet she still feigns ignorance.

The Lady of the Lake just listens. 

'I have come to ask you of this question my Lady, since you are the last of your kind and surely you know of certain things only you will know.' 

'Hmm. I will accede to your request Gaveror but for now, I will return to my lake. Come tomorrow and I will answer your question.' 

Gaveror seeing no other choices nodded and then shed of his human illusion when he is far away from the lush forest and fly to the great expanse of the clouds. 

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