The northern part of the labyrinth city is dominated by wealthy people. It may be said that it is opposite to the south, both as a position and as a place to live. The Northwest has a particularly large knowledge base such as mages and researchers. There are also many schools, with young people in new robes crossing the road. Tiana watched the mess through the carriage window. While I miss the separation outside and inside the window, on the other hand, I am confident that I am not too bad right now.

"Lady, this is Thunderbolt Company. Come on."


Tiana gave the Tsuji carriage owner the fare and went down to a spacious street, though unpopular. It's a brick-and-white building with the season. The garden, which can be seen from the outside, is also well maintained. Tiana was nostalgic for its majestic atmosphere.

"Sounds like school."

Pounding and whining, Tiana asked the gatekeeper at the entrance.

"May I?"

"Yes, why not?"

The young man's gatekeeper is also polite. Well educated.

"I have an appointment with the magician, Master Bellocchio, to see if you can confirm it."

"Oh, Master Tiana, I accept. Go inside."

The conversation seemed to have gone through, and it was passed through without anyone having to do anything in detail.

Tiana was escorted straight to the guest room. Soft seated chair in cotton. Glossy wooden table with carvings. The lamp in the room is a magic prop, a luxury product that produces no heat and only light. They all have good tastes. Tiana even felt that her taste was good by the time she was rather nervous and that her husband's personality seemed harsh.

(I wonder why the teacher lives here too...... old cone?

Tiana's inner doubts were to be immediately revealed.

More and more knocks in the room.

"Go ahead."

"Sorry to keep you waiting! Oh, good, stay on the phone. Verrocchio's been helping me with a little work! Damn, I laugh because there's so much I want to ask for, but I'm not worthy of being old and it's something that's doing adventurers and other crazy things. Must be something in trouble!?

A woman in luxurious clothes, who doesn't know if it's a robe or a dress right now, has been talking to Tiana with the impetus of rage. I was stuck in not much of a word of surprise because I just thought I would hear a quiet master. but the kind of remorse that was taken unconscious brought calm to Tiana on the contrary. I cough one up and smile at my mouth.

"My name is Tiana, and I am a disciple of Thunderbird Stream, Bellocchio-Shrews. We make adventurers our business. Thank you very much for your undue hospitality."

Well, the exclamation breath leaked from the woman in front of me.

And he does not speak in such a way that he can stand, but speaks to Tiana in a voice that he suppresses himself.

"Excuse me, you didn't name me either. I'm Minerva, the director of the Thunderbolt Company's institute. Minerva-Arde. Bellocchio tells me more. No, but I'll do it then. I remember when I was younger...... Verrocchio's guy's calm now, but he wouldn't even give you a bite about being an adventurer, would he?

Tiana looked honestly surprised by the words of the woman who named her Minerva.

"Ex, adventurer......?

"Oh, I knew you didn't"

"We don't talk about people's past without them."

A sinister voice familiar to hear arrived in Tiana's ear, taken in disquiet.

"You're late."

Verrocchio, who came into the room, sighed at him when he saw a slight minerva.

Tiana, on the other hand, exhales in relief inside.

I just thought I was tired of continuing to talk to this woman.

"Young children atrophy when you're around."

"Oh, my God, that would be a long time ago. I wasn't scared, was I?

Whether scared or not, I was overwhelmed, and I couldn't even say Tiana to the boulder, and smiled vaguely.

"It's a reunion of master and disciple. Will the disturbers disperse?"

Having said that, Minerva really left, and the room was left with two people, Tiana and Verrocchio. The silent loneliness that was peculiar to noisy humans when they left surrounded them.

"That's old fashioned."

"Is that when you were an adventurer in the past?

"Were you listening that far"

"Excuse me."

To Tiana's words, Verrocchio shook his neck to the side with a thin laugh.

"No, I don't mind. I didn't say much about it because it's an embarrassing past, but you should explain it."

"I'd also like to hear that...... First of all, because your master works at this laboratory?

"I don't work enough to say I work. It's a pain in the ass."

"Is that because adventurers are busy running?

"Because you quit once. They also had a record if they had risen to the advanced ranks and achieved merit, but they didn't. It was really hard to start over from F"

"I thought you became an adventurer with total hand-to-hand fisting."

"I didn't mean to fool you...... it's not like that either. I called it in based on the explanations around it. Maybe I should come to you instead of inviting you, given the story, but I can't move inside. And since Mr. Swissen was arriving, it was going to be more and more difficult to talk..."

"Then the teacher will play the role of brake at that party."

Tiana somehow got the air of a party called [Wanderer] led by Velochio. It's funny how they keep the adventurers together, and the laughter creeps up.

"Looks like you're struggling."


Verrocchio snorts in the face too. Tiana somehow felt the obsession she'd been holding clear. The more we differ from what we used to be, the more we can finally talk about it as normal.

And Tiana got her residence right and started talking about herself.

"Master, I must say something"

"What is it, Mr. Tiana?

"My alarm has caused my predicament and involved my masters. If I were firm, I wouldn't have quit my job either. I am truly sorry."

"That's not true."

Verrocchio immediately denied Tiana's words.


"Instead, you can say that the gaps in the teachers caused your predicament. It's up to me to apologize. It dawned on the study and I didn't see what was around me. It was getting high that political disturbances had nothing to do with school."

"That's not..."

"Besides, I haven't had time to guide you through the way you've been shaking yourself since you were chased through school. All this is my downfall. The words of your leader are correct. But......"

Verrocchio cut the words once and sighed.

"You were more than I imagined. I'm not careless to say this, because being an adventurer, stepping through the labyrinth, and being interested in gambling was about a hundred times better than I imagined."

Tiana laughed unexpectedly at the speculation.

"Yes, I seem to have been overwhelmed."

Think objectively, I can't help but say now whose fault it is or what went wrong. Verrocchio joked out the suggestion "let's not talk about it" and Tiana then accepted it. That was the distance between the master and the disciple.

"But, Master. There are two things I'd like to ask you."


"We were able to make sure that we were safe with each other. The profession is an adventurer, but I didn't mean to quit being a magician. Does it still make sense to scout me?

"That's the first question. And the second?

"The teacher was an adventurer, wasn't he? Then why are you trying to make me quit being an adventurer?"

Hmm, and Verrocchio hammers.

"Both of those answers are the same...... but, Mr. Tiana, shall I ask you something you couldn't ask on that occasion? It was a difficult story to ask where my people are, so it's just fine."

"Hard story to ask......?

"Mr. Tiana. Are you really going to aspire as an adventurer? Are you going to continue to be an adventurer as long as you can in the future, not as a courtesy to the leaders and fellow citizens who helped you, etc., but as a sincere wish of yours?

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