Are you really going to aspire as an adventurer?

Verrocchio's inquiry reminded Tiana of the tumultuous months so far.

At first I just knocked on the door of the Adventurer Guild because I was in trouble with gold.

So I met my people.

That was precisely destiny for Tiana.

"... To be honest, I can't deny that I consider it a sitting back. 'Cause that's what I meant at first."


"But now...... I like my adventurer self. Class A or S...... I'm not quitting until I see through my fellow goals of wanting to be like a hero in this city. This is my will. I'd like to see that sight."

Tiana says so, looking straight into Verrocchio's eyes.

Verrocchio is a man who always respects the decisions of his disciples. Teach, teach, and guide even if there is a mistake there. Tiana remembered that. That's why I never embarrassed myself now. I have a bad habit of gambling. Adventurers, but also misery and prejudice. Verrocchios, whatever the backwardness is that the teachers made the cut to lose their legs, they don't get dragged by it and live backwards. It was the answer with such willingness.


but vellocchio's response was unexpectedly harsh.

"... Huh?

"Shall I be honest? You don't look like you're sitting on your back."

Tiana was annoyed by the provocative words.

"Become...! I'm serious about adventurers! I'm not saying I don't have the feeling of being brother-in-law, but I..."

Then why are you passive like that?

"Ugh, I can't believe I'm passive, I don't mean to...!

"So you were actively working as an adventurer?

Tiana snorts at Verrocchio's heavy words.

"... I thought it would be disrespectful, but you guys, [Survivor] 's activities have been examined in a variety of ways"

"I hear that."

"At first, it was to make sure the Eater Adventurers didn't see you being tortured or threatened, but apparently, I was relieved that didn't happen."


"But now you're still sweet as an adventurer. It's not a matter of strength. You can say you're not ready."

"What the hell do you say you're not ready to see!

"Rather than…, [Survivor] seems to be achieving a dizzying track record as an adventurer party. But you're just using magic that you can use. That's lamentable."

Magician (Magic User).

That is tantamount to being scolded as a fool to a mage.

"That's not true!

"So why don't you look into the labyrinth and the demons?"


"You will be aggressive about using witchcraft to defeat demons and eliminate dangers in the earth. It's impeccable to say that at that age you can use that much magic with your arms. But you never seem diligent in situations where you are otherwise asked for knowledge or wisdom. Your behavior as seen in" Fishermen "was supportive of that. Where the labyrinth is and what should be done. Everything the leader thought and all you had to do was follow it. Different?

"Well, that's... because the leader knew more..."

"Did I say Nick? I guess he knows as a rule of thumb. So can you say it's a magician-like attitude to rely only on others' stories about their experiences?

Tiana remembered the words with the kind of shock that hit her in the head.

Sure, you're right.

Nick is knowledgeable. I am sure of my judgment during the adventure.

But that's due to the experience I gained exploring the labyrinth.

Very useful and worthwhile to rely on.

But I probably can't theorize the rule of thumb or give an answer to the question, "Why does that happen?" Because from there on out is the realm of academia. I wasn't just supposed to pack my knowledge, I was supposed to be learning magic as a way to unravel what exists in the real world.

"Neither the labyrinth nor the demons are directly related to witchcraft. But Tiana, it's also rare here to have nothing at all to do with magic. A labyrinth that stores magic in an aromatic way, a demon that deals with magic in a different way than humans. You'll get your own unique insights by looking into it. Why are you counting on your people there?"


It was the words of the Dragon Star.

Tiana felt afraid of the gaze of the accusing master.

Bellocchio is calm. A sober attitude is a sober proof that you are completely wrong. That was more than any curse.

"... Master"

"What is it"

"Sure, I was lazy. Do your immediate work and earn money. The moment I got my money, I thought that was good. I didn't look ahead."

Tiana has a say. Rebuilding my life first was my primary goal. [Survivor] was also the party we put together for that, and it was Nick who brought the story to life. Tiana has no intention of giving opinions and sparing them in the discussions. But it was true that Nick never disagreed with the very idea of setting a policy and guiding the tactics.

But if you calm down and think about it, Nick is only talking about his experience as a C-level adventurer. Phases in which his knowledge does not work are bound to emerge in the future. Because he doesn't know the realm above class C.

Tiana noticed two mistakes.

One is that, as Bellocchio put it, he was lazy.

And the other thing is, I was wrong about my promise.

I forgot the word "suspicious" that came out of my buddy's mouth.

Oh, my God. Tiana embarrassed herself.

"It's not up to me."

"Do you understand?"

"... but master. Forgive me for asking."

"Go ahead, don't hesitate"

"Weren't you so sure that an adventurer is a temporary and decadent job, not one that lasts a long time? Why are you so focused on being an adventurer?"

But while I'm deeply embarrassed, is that weird? and Tiana noticed.

It should be more convenient for Verrocchio if Tiana quits the adventurer.

Yet how can you be reprimanded for being lazy as an adventurer?

The question reminded Tiana of her calmness in the midst of reflection and regret.

"Yeah. Adventurers and I are instant and decadent. I'm not withdrawing it. Earn a dime by risking yourself. I'm not saying there's no long-term outlook either, but it would be a faint one. This makes it extremely inefficient to stand up for yourself."

Ironic words.

But Verrocchio's tone was never sarcastic.

Everywhere sincerely, I stared at Tiana.

"Then it is only in order to live in such an environment that I am prepared. I have something to do. Is that good, Tiana? You're a party magician. You have deposited your life with your companions, and your companions have deposited their lives too. You must not be content with mere witchcraft. There must be something only you can do."

"I'm the only one who can"

"You are free to see how you perceive magic. Quit early, adventurers, if you don't intend to use your freedom, your free power, your free wisdom and ideas to the best of your peers' survival."

If you noticed, Verrocchio was standing up and waving a hot valve.

And I realized how I behaved myself, coughed up and sat back in my chair again.

"... then, master. If you admit that I am a magician as an adventurer, do you think I can be an adventurer?"

"That's right. If you're not ready, I'll beat you back. Without aptitude, I urge you to explore a more deserving path. If you're saying it's neither, prove it. With that magical arm."

Tiana was stunned.

This is what I wanted to say, and I was wondering if you went out into the obscure way of fighting, etc.

I thought you were such an overprotective person.

No, indeed, he was a strangely admired by his brothers and sisters disciples when he said he hated people and was a paper bigot. He probably also showed himself to the other disciples who graduated at this rate. With that in mind, I get more and more guilty. I'm sure some people will resent me. However, I also think that any one of them is a personality bounced out of the power structure. And what should a disciple like me or me who received that incense pottery do?

"... ok. I want you to see my drill in the field of battle."

We just have to live up to expectations.

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